Thursday, April 19, 2012

Coping with a National Politics Gone Mad

Today is Thursday April 19, 2012 and apparently National Holicaust day or something.  I know in 1943 they had the Warsaw Uprising or something of the Jewish ghetto- - which was around the time of Passover which I think fell around April 20th of that year.  Tomorrow is Adolph Hitler’s birthday.  I wonder how Pope Benedict XIV will be commemorating the day.  He used to be a member of Hitler Youth, you know.  Of course there is enough political madness lately to last a life time, and I scratch my head guessing how this period will be dealt with in future History books.  If we let Texas handle it - - I don’t want to think about it.  Who would have guessed one State would be calling the educational tune for an entire nation?  Who would have guessed that a political candidate would actually welcome, if not seek out, an endorsement from someone who basically is a Mad Man, Ted Nugent.  He was shall we say “highly dishonorable” in the method he chose to get out of the draft.  Is this a story he really wants to tell his children?  Of course they say that Ted only has sex with teenage girls between fifteen and seventeen, and when he’s through with them he just throws them out in the street and makes them hitchhike home or something.  Then there is the whole Mormon problem and just how is the Tea Party going to cope with that?  And apparently there’s some new Catholic Priest going on a rant that Obama is like Hitler and Mao and Stalin and all that.  Of course none of these nuts are ever criticized.  On the contrary they are embraced and honored.  Of course Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh actually run the Republican Party and lackies like John Boehner and Mitt Romney just follow their walking orders.  If today’s times were written in one of these Christian “horror novels” like from Ralph Wilkerson back in the ‘seventies or something- - people would say that he let his imagination go a little Too far…   To call any President of the United States such vile names and continually wish evil on him and how give a pass to someone who overtly threatens his life - - - I don’t know.  Ted Nugent says “Secret Service agents are my friends”.  If I were the President and believed that for one minute I’d of course fire the entire staff immediately.  And then there is Mitt Romney himself- - one of the most pathetic jokes of a candidate any political party has put up.  Not even the voters in his own party can really get behind him.  Basically today’s political climate is the Inmates running the Assylum.  We could just call this paragraph “All the Mad Men”.  Romney continues to flip flop.  First he says that if Detroit is helped by the Obama administration it’s a recipe for sure fire failure.  Then he says “Well business is recovering but it would have recovered faster under Mc Cain”.   But they said the same thing about Roosevelt and the New Deal.  Republicans are now saying “If a Republican had been in office then the Great Depression would have only lasted a year or so”.  Their memory is obviously quite short is they don’t realize that Herbert Hoover had nearly four years to deal with the Great Depression but didn’t- - and the numbers got increasingly grave throughout his term in office.  These Republicans have become complete strangers to the Truth.  I’m afraid to broach any issue with then no matter how obvious it is to me- - because they will rationalize the most right-wing “take” on ANY issue, even Zimmerman.  For instance in Ohio the unemployment rate was ten & a half percent and now it’s down to seven and a half percent.  In Michigan the unemployment was over eleven percent and it too has dropped to around seven & a half percent.  They say for tomorrow new unemployment claims are down.  Romney apparently visited one plant in Ohio that is closed now.  And he sais “Obama is to blame” and yet this plant closed down while George Bush was President.  We know that the Mormon Church “takes care of its own”, who have undergone economic hardship.  How does Mitt Romney square his own beliefs on this matter with that of his church?  You know- - this is an after thought but there is a Primary or two this upcoming Tuesday, but these elections are no longer relevant.

Let’s talk about Days of our Lives to start off today’s report with.  There are “object lessons” to learn somewhere.  Ian gave Madison the divorce she’d been seeking with apparently no strings attached.  He seems on the up and up with no funny stuff or retaliation against Brady Black or her company.   So is it really Love that’s prompting him?  Is he really that taken with Kate after one renewed encounter?  The minute Ian brought up the idea of Revenge against Stephano I would have sure perked up my ears.  I would have been disinclined to take seriously anything prior to that.  And of course Stephao would have taken the dress of her back of he could.  He not only liquidated her - - two corporations, or took them over,  he also took all her fancy clothes away.  To me he is behaving unreasonably, obviously.  A guy is gone for literally months without a word or phone call or e mail.  Only that a certain “box” she opened reveals that he’s been spying on Marlena, his “queen of the night” he’s been obsessed with in the past.  Honestly - - what is a woman to think.  She she regretted the sexual encounter virtually the minute after it occurred- - before she even got her clothes on.  She told him she never wanted to see her again.  A lesser man might have chosen NOT to see her again no matter how much she needed “a friend” at a time of monetary destitution.  But Ian wasn’t like that.  And then we have the Elvis mystery apparently solved.  “Darth Vader is your father”.  Well anyhow, Stephano is apparently NOT the father of Elvis, which to me is not even a plot option because Stephano is so utterly into micro-management of everything, my guess if that he had a DNA confirmation within days after conception occurred.  The idea that he would let thirty years pass and not even check something like that out (assuming he even had any reason to doubt, which itself is unlikely) he most certainly would have done DNA tests on Elvis and himself.  But now we have the “symptoms” of attempted election campaign sabotage, the sabotage of the John Black thing- - and now this thing with ousting Kate without his permission.  Also, if Elvis were seeking to make Samantha “dependant on him” this would severely undermine THAT effort, too.  Since Sammy is not in seventh heaven in some orgiastic ego stroking - - she needn’t give E J another thought.

I had Randy Rhodes on the next hour and was drowsing off a little.  David Cruise was on after three.  The whole issue of illegal aliens is one on which Cruise (or Cruz) is touting a pure liberal line.  He believes we should everything we can to legitimize illegal aliens right now.  We let them have a drivers license and a job and insist that they buy insurance just like any other California citizen.  Since the problem with illegals is that they get into accidents and either junk their car or - - steal another or something - - and the other guy is left holding a bag financially.  Illegals are getting a free ride in these cases and Chief Beck wants to remedy that.  Cruise points out that ten or twelve years is patently unrealistic in terms of waiting for the legal immigration stuff to take its course, and there are MORE important and pressing issues than whether someone cuts in ahead in line.  These illegals indeed are sold automobiles by Americans and American companies sell them insurance.  Assuming their employment is kosher (a dubious assumption) then they are employed legally.  The only thing that is NOT legal is a piece of paper stating that you’re an American citizen.  And I think Hartman and I agree that if an employer violates the law then HE rather than the employee should be penalized.

I guess they say that greed is people’s undoing.  Certainly this was true with Samson in the Bible.  He let his pride get in the way so many times you couldn’t count.  And God was willing to forbear with him for a long time, but not forever.  So it is that bulls make money in the market, bears make money in the market, but hogs never do.  People want to squeeze that last ounce of profit from that turnip.  So the mafia puts the pinch on someone and shakes them down.  But then they keep upping the stakes, and one day the prey decided to be proactive and becomes the hunter.  So now we have this bit with the secret service agents and the hookers and the whole scandal could have been avoided by a little tactical “paying off the problem to make it go away”.  But they thought they were special and didn’t have to play by the rules other johns had to opporate by.  They might feel that way if a pimp were to come knocking their door in the dead of night to work them over with some brass knuckles.  I really had not considered the vast potention for blackmail and foreign espionage in this whole story.  David Cruise thinks the agents should be fired outright, just as he himself would be were he to so blatently violate a morals clause in his own contract.  This whole business about retiring quietly - - really won’t wash.  But how many people “settle a dispute” this way.  So priests who molest little boys are quietly reassigned to another parish- - - and now he’s THEIR problem.   The Dr. Phil doctrine would dictate that “punishing your child is not always convienient - - but it’s what you need to do.  If you let it slide your child will take note of that and count on the fact that this is “something else that he can get away with”.

Now we have this hysterical rant from Mel Gibson at his Costa Rica home last December with a script writer.  Somebody obviously wanted to disgrace him now.  I think all these people on the right are slowly going Nuts anyhow.  It’s not that they just switch sides- - it’s an ongoing process of continually - - falling - - falling into increased political delusional thinking.  I just thank God they haven’t elected a President - - - yet.  Many would like to turn back the clock prior to late August of 2008 like everything that's happened with the Republicans from that point on was just a bad dream.  How many Americans just sit back and sigh in exasperation, "I wish the whole Tea Party thing would just - - - Go Away".

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