Thursday, April 19, 2012

That Was Your Big Mistake

You know - - I am disturbed about another story involving the Secret Service.  The Secret Service has officially closed the case on Ted Nugent.  This is shocking.  You know an ordinary Joe American citizen who made these threats might be under scrutiny for weeks, and probably put under survailance for an extended period of time.  Maybe Nugent wasn’t lying.  Maybe the Secret Service really ARE his friends.  In that case, the President should fire the whole staff and not just those who philandered around in Columbia.  The more I think about it, any of those Columbia guys should be expelled immediately on “morals charges” or conduct unbecoming a Secret Service agent, or however you want to label it.  Better safe than sorry.

Well the latest climate change report is out.  Apple orchids that blossomed a month ago in Wisconsin have caught a subsequent frost and died.  And farmers fear the same thing happening with crops planted too early.  Meanwhile it’s swarming season for bees, ants, and ticks.  This could be a problem for a lot of people down South, which is the most above normal right now.  The whole of the Southwest, South, and the majority of the Atlantic coast is slated to have a markedly above normal temperature, with only northwestern Montana and Idaho safe, being below average.  Of course a lack of snow increases fire danger everywhere.  It’s a statement that bears frequent repetition.  They say that British Petroleum “cleaned up” the Gulf of Mexico, but there is still evidence of vast damage say researchers.  Now there are new mutant forms of shrimp being born without eyes.  I guess that’s better than the three eyed fish they feature on the Simpson’s as entre fair.  And of course when Judy mentions how “They will never find alternative sources to petroleum products” I ought to have responded, “Then how come Oil Companies and the like seek to kill any research or development of any non petroleum energy source of invention?  Why is it important for them to buy up any fledgling companies that spring up and Kill them off?  It’s simple.  The oil companies DO see these alternative energy sources as a clear threat.  Of course petroleum is the single largest contributor to global warming.

I guess I’m wondering why these tea party Christians appear so gosh darned “devout” that till lately they wouldn’t even countenance a Mormon among them- - how come if they believe in that “old time religion” of a hundred years ago (which is an era they seem psychologically “fixated” in anyhow) that believed in the Rapture of snatching away of the faithful, why do they care WHAT the tax policy is or isn’t.  Jesus Christ told the parable of the farmer who tore down his barns to build bigger barns to store all his vast wealth.  And Jesus said to him “You fool.  This very night your soul will be required of you.  What will happen to your wealth then”.  They are hell bent on changing inheritance policies too, which if their children follow in their footsteps, they’ll go up in the rapture too.  These people are so completely emersed in “the wealth of the world” they seem to have no conception of what God expects of them.  They use the cross of Jesus Christ like a punch card Season Ticket pass to get past the turn-style gate, or at least that’s how they’d like to imagine the after-life.  (Selah)

Apparently under Canadian flight regulations- - - napping in the Pilot cockpit is perfectly acceptable procedure.  But napping isn’t permitted under U S FAA regulations.  Therefore pilots whose “biggest challenge” of often just “staying awake” from adverse work hours - - and sleeping in strange, public places- -  when they awake they are disoriented.  One pilot who had been napping saw the planet Venus and took drastic evasion maneuvers and rustled the feathers of the passengers something fierce.  That he would make such a rookie mistake is pretty bad in itself.  Now there are increasing cases where old people in their seventies get “confused” over which is the gas and which is the brake pedal on their cars, and hit the gas and crash into buildings often killing many people, and a judge lets them off or charges are never files.  They get on teenager’s cases all the time, but nobody ever thinks about the menace of old people.  I heard they were extending the retirement age of pilots from sixty to 65.  Maybe they should consider that one, too.  Flights are unpleasant enough these days without these worries.
As I understand it, Romney never served in the military and none of his five sons served in the military.  And the vast majority, perhaps a disproportionate percentage, of the tea party spokesmen starting with Rush Limbaugh and Dick Chaney, never served in the military.  Yet they will cut veterans benefits and they will put guests on their radio show who say “Body armor in battles is for wimps anyhow - - we don’t need it”.  Clearly the slogans of 1984 such as “War is Peace’ and “Ignorance is Strength” is coming to pass.  The very idea of the United States NOT being in some kind of major war- - seems to fill these people with revulsion.  In fact people like Judy almost regard “Peace” as a four letter word.  They are the military equivalents of what Anne Romney is to the everyday housewife.  They dine off of other people’s blood and sweat.

Now I was officially out of cigarettes and had a lone dollar to my name.  I got a cigarette from Glen.  He owed me at least three but only gave me one.  Gloria said that if I could find Phyllis Green that I could get a dollar owed to Gloria from her- - and then I’d pay Gloria back the dollar next Tuesday.  I’ll be at a Hamburger joint with Popeye and Olive Oil and Brutus and the whole crowd spending my money.  I roamed around the building upstairs and down and didn’t see Phyllis either then or at dinner, or afterward in her room, which I went to.  I went downstairs and sat for a while in a couch in the small living room with Steve and others.  We had turkey Alfredo for dinner with zucchini and wheat bread.  You can do these recipes in your sleep.  The Oriental lady apparently was not hungry at all and gave me virtually her entire plate, so I didn’t have to wait for seconds from Dora starting on the other side of the room.  We had chocolate chip cookies.  Then I went to the patio where Larry saw that I did have a single dollar bill and offered to pay me as it were eighty percent on the dollar, which was fine with me then because I figure it’s the best you can get.  Sometimes life is a judgement call.

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