Trivia quiz: To what prospective President did Richard Nixon address the remark: "Either shit or get off the pot"?
Rush Answers: Oh that was when Nixon was over at the White House shortly before he died and Bill Clinton was spending a long time in the bathroom and he could smell the marijuana coming through the door. He wasn't fooling anybody?
You see Rush Limbaugh looking
From his lofty, secluded Perch
"Keep Planet Earth for Humans
-not for Corporations or the Church"
Now this whole thing about employers dictating what kind of health care coverage a worker can obtain, may be getting over the line. Of course you know some don't allow you to smoke in your own home. Me and Stewart Sutcliffe have argued over this issue. He says absolutely employers have this right. I maintain that they don't. Now some employers are dictating what "Prescription medication" (to use the Rain Man term) one may receive from their doctor, and which drugs they can't have. What if you suffer from depression or ADD or are bi-polar and need Lithium regularly? What do you do if you're diabetic and have a Christian Scientist employer? Some would say that a single payer government program would solve all this issues, if we all had "Medicare Part E", for Everybody. Well we aren't "there" yet as a nation ready to accept it- - yet. I'm not even sure I am from a purist standpoint. But sometimes God has a way of shaping circumstances so that people are Forced into certain "conclusions" it takes on almost the patience of a mule trainer to bring about. And the whole matter of campaign funding may be a similar situation. However here, I think what we need is not prohibition but regulation. To continue the Thom Hartman football game amalogy a little further, "I believe the government should appear as the referee but the government should not be the quarterback".
LATE PARAGRAPH ENTRY: My apologies pertaining to last Monday's test with one Answer that wasn't an answer. REAL numbers are also Analog numbers. This is a concept that if people could grasp it, it would solve a lot of problems for them. Try as we might - - "digital" numbers are NOT by in large, the Real World. And the Real World has been here a lot longer than today's Scientists have. To say you "digitize" something is to one or another extent make something into what it is inherently NOT. This is the transcendent problem with most Religion. In terms of Rush's chronic cruelty to the weak and defenseless, I don't know if I have even seen the Michael J Fox - - show Rush did where I guess he mimicked him. I'm not sure I even want to. People with this sort of "bent" in life to bully the weak, in the end are found out and people turn away from them. In other news I have been losing weight the past couple of months, not that I have actually weighed myself. I think it's all coming off "belly fat" but I don't know what change in diet I've had. Weather wise the predicted warming trend in the weather is under way. This will be the last posting in this Blog for now. I think we will be moving to Rocca-rolla next.
Obviously Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church would not agree on stuff. I'm waiting for the porno version of "Passion Week" when after that little "Message therapy session" with Mary Magdolane, they go off into the bedroom and make love and he makes jokes about people who believe in physical abstenance. Jesus said to "Call no man on earth Father" as a slap against the Pope, Jesus didn't believe in formal litergical prayers. Jesus believed that you should pray to God in secret. Jesus didn't believe you should seek or accept public acclamation for making a large donation. Jesus didn't even seem to even be that big on pledges, regarding Oaths as a snare of the Devil. Jesus of course did offer free medical prayer. If you really believe Jesus was God, while in the flesh, Jesus NEVER turned down one prayer petetion no matter what the state of the supplicant. Jesus (unlike me) did believe that your moral purity should exceed those whom you judge, and condemn to Death. In my personality I reject the idea of Almighty God even BEING what we call a "Person" - and don't like that any more than I do for Corporations, but for different reasons. If God was "A Person" that would make him "One of Us" with his own set of biases and preferences and proclivities. I do not believe God relates to us in those terms and neither does Stu. Jesus said "ask, seek, knock". Ask and it will be answered, and seek and you shall find, and knock and the door will be opened". While these words "sound nice" they are in fact just WORDS and the human brain has it's OWN ways of translating them. For instance in computer speek GOTO is a single word with a clear mandate. Supplicants will hear these words and believe that "The Church" is where to go for these answers. That's what they will tell you. But often you don't get the Right answers because you don't ask the Right Questions. As Jello Biafra says "How can you say he is The Answer- - when you don't even know the Questions". Or as Lennon put it so succinctly long ago, "You better free your mind, instead".
"Who hatched these Lies - - Ramses?"
"Ramses does not know - - Yet"
- - - - - - - - -
"This Blog Has No Title - Just Words and a Tune"
So in the spirit of the Whitmark Tapes - - we'll say, "Fare they well - " , since we all know sometimes time runs backwards. In these Magical Mystery Wanderings you and I can travel together even if you're there and I'm here and this is only a print medium. I'll have you know I'm doing this whole Posting without notes. I don't have the time. Besides I'm not even sure Klaus Voorman knows how to read music. Sometimes you used to hear a song and go "Wow - that's right out of the Future" like "Too Much to Dream" by the Electric Prunes that showed up on the radio a day or two after the turn of the year 1967. We all thought the lyrics were "I had too much to drink last night". But you go back and hear that track today and it practically sounds like a garage band. It's kind of ditto for "See Emily Play" which I first heard on AM radio in late September of 1967. I thought "Wow - that song is too futuristic for me - - I'm just not "There" yet". But today this some sounds like just another dated sixties song. There were a few strange events of that fall of 1967 warrenting note. It was in October that our high school gymnasium was hit with a tear gas bomb during a pep rally. It was about the only time in my life I had actually smelled and experianced tear gas. It got on the news and they interviewed Peter Aguio about it. Yeah you "Chapter 24" Whitmark Tape fans know what I'm talking about (There's another Clue for you all) By the way the football team of OXFORD Mississippi- - they're called the REBELS, right? Just checking. Kathy Imperiali was my girlfriend during this period. I've tended to generally have good luck with girls named Kathy. One night in early October I was sky gazing through my telescope and there was this bright "star" in the tradition of Bart Simpson. And I was tracking it and suddenly the thing just blew up. I thought "Is that strange or what?" Before long it didn't take a telescope to see it because there was this incandecent blog in the western skies. A Vandenburg AFB missile had just blown up and it was on the news. I had some strange dreams in October of 1967. I had this one about some carnival with - - - it was actually a movie but I didn't see the actual movie with Bergess Merideth in it till years later. But I had this dream about carnivals and merry go rounds and ferris wheels and magic acts and secret chambers and occultic spells where people were marianettes and people were pulling their strings. And he would dangle the strings and if he cut one of the strings something horrible would happen to somebody like they would die or something. We traveled to Las Vegas in November to test out our new Dodge Station Wagon. But my "Las Vegas dream" actually preceded this trip by a month or so. The one where I heard "Magical Mystery Tour" a month before it was out. And that car engine was a 307 cu in or something. And John Sherwood drove a car that was a whole lot peppier than our station wagon and I asked him if he had a 387 or something and he said, "No, it's 265". Of course at the time Al drove a customized 1958 Ford he'd fixed up with tinted glass and everything. But one rainy night when a group of us came home, my Dad announced that Sunday night that Al had to sell the car because his first quarter report card grades wern't up to snuff, and I felt like Al had really been screwed over considering all the money he'd spent. It was Friday the day after Thanksgiving when I recorded "I'm A Walrus" off KHJ, and the D J gave this intro of "If your head is screwed around right, the Beatles will turn it around backwards, and if your head is screwed on backwards the Beatles will screw it around right". It was Thursday November 30th 1967 when they Premiered the five "new Beatles songs" off of MMT on the radio. In this days for some reason they tended to premier new Beatles songs in groups of five. John Sherwood was one of those "good church boys" who "turned Bad" at the beginning of his Senior year in high school. I rode with Sherwood in the spring of 1969 when I myself did not yet drive - - to a night Psychology class at Cypress taught by Mr. Lee. It was years and years later, I happened on another lecture of Mr. Lee in a a lecture hall and thought "Wow, this guy is even a better speaker than I remember". It was definitely one of your knowledgable psychology instructors. John Sherwood had great tasstes in music. On his eight track he played "Bayou Country" all the time and he also had the "Flowers" album. I thought "Wow - - I can't imagine so many good Rolling Stones songs on one album". I think he also got "Best of Cream" with the coveted studio version of "Spoonfull" on it. I thought "This is like a Led Zeppelin song before there was Led Zeppelin". You remember that Seventies Show episode where they brought out a combination phonograph and Eight Track tape player and Eric goes "Wow, that's right out of the Future". It was the Fifth of November 1969 when I finally recorded most of that KMET bootleg tape of the Get Back sessions. (That's kind of why I picked that release date - - in that simulated Hey Jude album photo a while back) Of course to be honest- - skipping up to early 1973 or so- - I was at about the same state of Teenage evolution by age 22 that most people were at at age 17 in a lot of days. I didn't get my licence till a few months into 1973. Before 1973 I never drank alcohol, at least not much. Also I got my own checking account in 1973. Me and my parents had a lot of arguments about money in late 1972 and early 1973 because these notices from OC Hospital could come to our house billing me for all the medical treatement I'd had earlier in the year because of my Suicide Attempt. Actually- - it's ironic that I was a little "late" in getting travel independance. Because a big stumbling block between me and Becky Daniels, who lived in Santa Ana, was that it was hard to travel to get to see her and if I just had my own car it would speed up the progress of the relationship immesurably. As it turns out I was "just a little late" because in the mean time she had accepted a marriage proposal from a guy who was then in prison in a relation I had no idea existed, and got married within weeks afterward around April 7th. I didn't have a mustache for that license photo, but a few months later in early August of 1973 I had grown a mustache for the church family photo. And just for trivia believe it or not this was NOT our last family photo together. We actually all five got together for a family church photo in the spring of 1977 one last time.
There's the whole timing of the release of "What's Coming Down" because it was a few weeks after the Saturday night masacre of the firing of all those people in Nixon's cabinet in late October of 1973. And you "knew a lot of shit was going down". I imagine the song had already been recorded then. Another song that was "too loud and rocky" was the final release of "I've Got a Feeling". I like that guitar riff- - but it's too loud for this song and I prefer the KMET bootleg version (use on Anthology) better, with the abrupt ending. (That song goes on too long anyhow) I like Paul's vocal on "The Long Winding Road" better on the Bootleg tape also. It's more etherial or something. Of course you know how I believe "All Things Must Past" was butchered on the final Phil Specterized album version and it's not at all the way I think the Beatles should have done it, and DO think it would have been a good song for the Beatles. I always envisioned it being done along the lines of "Hey Jude" with a more intimate folk feel. Of course in 1973 there was all this stuff about Henry Kissinger being the Antichrist and all because his last name adds up to 6 6 6. And I was telling Pete Richards about all of the "Christian" allusions on the Mind Games album and he told me, "I think it's just wishful thinking, Marcus". Well, maybe. Stuff like "I put yourself in your place, as you did for me" is right out of Paul's letters about "partaking in the sufferings of Christ". That fall I had Logic with Mr. Richi. This is the legondary class where he counted way off on a blue book essay test where I had said "I believe that Marxism IS a religion but that Confucionism is NOT a religion" and I explained why. And he remarked in red ink, "Your analisis seems Completely arbitrary". This semester was the only other time I took a night class, other than the spring 1969 one, because I needed someone to take me before. That was Law Enforcement. You know something. It's getting late. Soon I have to make that journey to "The Wall" where we cross the border into another City, and at that place free market capitalism still Lives, and your Dollar actually buys a dollar's worth of merchantise. I'm sure Tyrone Power can tell you about that. He has a supply. "Come and take my hand - - soon we'll be in another Country". I can did up an old song lyric for everything.
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