Saturday, April 21, 2012
Obama vs Romney Pros and Cons
But first - - Neo Cons verses Neo Libs
New libs differ from traditional liberalism
An almost complete abandonment of gun control as an issue
A complete abandomnent is issues such as population control and mass busing and other "social engeneering"
They go for "tax fairness" rather than just "soaking the rich"
An abandonment almost entirely of any "Communist" leanings
A more critical attitude twords Human Rights violations in communist countries, such as China and North Korea
A much more amenable attitude tword are armed forces
No not favor "Activist" supreme court rulings
A tendancy to support property rights of city residents against all manner of incursion and corporate buy-outs. "A man's home is his castle"
The New Cons differ from traditional conservatrives
They no longer "Rally around the President" in times of trouble
They have a disregard for the welfare of our troops
They alltogether lack a type of modesty and the tendancy to keep their personal morals to themselves.
They favor big government and intrusion, such as Governors dictating to local municipalities how to conduct their affairs
They have an almost total disregard for spending deficets
They tend to let petty issues raised by the media distract them and at times completely take over their interests.
They entirely lack the former "economic nationalism" they had
They no longer have any inclination to defend civil liberties of every American Citizen outlined in the constitution
They are for things like "The New World Order" and NAFTA and such
They no longer place the value on "Higher Education" they once did.
They have little regard for tradional church if they "get in their way" and are willing to take up with Atheists is "it suits them".
They now seem to regard ordenary work as beneathe them and do not appreciate the sacrifice of those in the lower ranks.
They have a new found fondness for "mob rule" a trait they used to condemn as belonging only to the left.
They exhibit a total lack of either moral focus or "vision" for the future - - or saying just what there 'program" is when they get in
Obama in his favor has the following:
Multiple degrees from high status Universities
Head of the Harvard Law Review
Excellent grade point average
Both youth and on the job experiance four years
Highly successful foreign policy & accomplishments
Improved image for America around the world
Real work on improving the foreign trade balance
First real cuts in federal budget since Clinton
Sound monitary policy from Bush Fed Reserve Apt
Robust Stock Market Performance
Maintaining high national security
Health Care reform
Experiance serving people at local level
Equal pay for equal work
Turned around General Motors
Some finantial regulation reform
Well liked by American people
Keeping a "cool head" under most extreme criticism
Impacable personal morals
Children are well adjusted
Obama has the following Liabilities:
A tendancy to "Pie in the sky thinking"
A lack of macho assertion and leadership
Questionable family background
Weak position on Defense of Marriage act
Hillary beats him in any head on debate
A tendency to "compromise" with his principles
Disowns old friends when the going gets tough
Mitt Romney has the following strengths
Fairly good looking
Has a certain ammount of business experiance
Isn't as BAD on economics as Some of his opponets
Governor of Massachusetts
Man in good standing with his Church
Impecable moral Character
Romney has the following liabilities
Out of touch with every day problems of Americans
Close to Zero foreign policy experiance
Questionable family background (Mexico)
Comes off aloof and unpersonable
Not supported by people in his own party
Has made decisions resulting in massive job lay-offs
Tends to lie about economic statistics
Seems to be having others dictate his positions
Advantages to being an Atheist
Learning to seek answers only to Real problems
Knowing which questions to even ask in life
None of the "mind games" associated with Christians
Not ruled by phantoms and "emotional baggage from childhood" in many areas of life.
Tackeling new problems and situations with "a blank slate"
No need to be "co dependant" - with a made up person
A tendancy to be honist with ones self and openly confront ones own mistakes and shortcomings
Lack of bias in approaching scientific issues
Lack of bias when exploring historic issues
Doesn't get offended or indignent at honist questioning
Doesn't get Angry over issues that are irrelivent to anything
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