Friday, April 20, 2012

A Little Psychological Probing

This is too weird, this new blogger look.  They don't give you a lot of warning, do they?  Well it looks like all the same controls are along the top with their usual icons.  Well we'll see how the post does or does not look different once published.  I still hope it will paste.  When I pasted one thing I thought the whole rest of a paragraph disappeared so I had to paste it again.  The photograph I was thinking of using in this posting I reconsidered on at the last minute.  Now it's publish time

The lead story of the day is of course George Zimmerman being allowed to go free on bail of $150.0000 - - which for a first degree murder is pocket change as I say above and perhaps will splice in those remarks right here in the posting. Oh, they are going to put GPS in Zimmerman.  That’s good.  So Zimmerman won’t be released today.  That’s good.  No possession of firearms.  That’s good.  Also there is no consumption of alcohol and there is apparently some curfew involved..  Further information reveals that Zimmerman will be taken "out of state, for his own safety".  He was wearing a bullet proof vest in court today.  Everything out of his mouth was a lie.  Anyone someone keeps using the words "did not" rather than the more natural "didn't" lie spotters get skeptical.  The whole bloody scalp thing is obviously bogus.  We saw the photos of Zimmerman practically waltzing into the police station.  We know an ambulence was NOT called for him, or if it was the call was quickly cancled.  It must be pointed out that there have been a lot of "suspect cases" throughout the South.  This case is by NO means an isolated one, and that's the real Danger.  

  You know, it's going to be a strange thing when in the fall Presidential debates, Romney tries to sell these same extremist tea party doctrines that played so well in the right wing echo chamber of the Republican Primary debates.  Can the credibility of the Republican party as a whole be so piss poor that they indeed have to embrace every nut that falls from the tree?  Don’t they have any taste?  Don’t they have any Pride?  But also as I said earlier- - people in every day life here this stuff and repeat almost verbatim the tea party talking points like a mindless laundry list they are forced by the teacher to remember.  It’s all lies but still they do it because being a “good follower” is somehow really important to them.  If the republicans thought about it for so much as a nano second they would realize just as Randy says- - that reduction of other people’s salaries will in turn “alter the market” downward on how your Own labor is valued.  People who do the hiring aren’t stupid.  From a sheer greed aspect- - as we mentioned in our last posting - - this vanity mixed with greed that these people exhibit - - isn’t helping them find “happiness” or whatever it is they are expecting.  Their whole drive and motive seems to be Hatred of the Other, the poor, the 99%.  And they’ll make up and propagate any lie to justify their own actions.  And they’ll make sure FOX news, that right-wing echo chamber is there to propagate it.  So they come to Jesus at the Last Judgement and Jesus says to them “Really Mitt, couldn’t you be happy with one hundred million?  Why sell your soul for two hundred million?” or whatever the phrase is.  Is the accumulation of Money worth selling your very soul over?  You can’t possibly spend it yourself, and you’re far to vain to help anybody else with it.  But they repeat these tea party talking points and cling to them as if their very lives depended on it.  So why is it so important that George Zimmerman be declared innocent and walk free - - by these people.  What’s in it for them of some Mental Patient in Florida escapes the law.  Or that other Mental Patient in Detroit?  It doesn’t bother them that Ted Nugent is now their spokesman?

Now the whole question of upholding the nation of Israel is a puzzler.  They didn’t used to do that.  But now you must understand that they don’t love Israel for its own sake or they admire the trials and tribulations of the race, or even particularly admire Jewish culture or beliefs.  So why do they do it?  The way one person put it, he wanted to make Israel a 51st state so that the US could go to War in the Mideast any time Israel was threatened.  But it goes deeper than that because this same guy said ‘Of course we would uphold State’s rights.  I think when they look at the nation of Israel on the map they see Alabama - - a southern state and the heart of the Confederacy.  They admire their determined military spirit even though they understand nothing about what actually motivates it.  So they fill in their own “blanks”.  They see the Jew as the White People, and the Palistinian as Blacks and make an identification that way - - even though the respective racial situations have absolutely in common.  It’s kind of like Gene Scott identifying with General George Patton.  I think if Patton were looking down he’d say “Gene, please do me a Favor - - Get Off of My Team!”  General Paton was a brave, innovative man who served his country well.  What did Gene Scott ever do except to puss on a cigar and sit in his big chair and raise money from TV donors for literally hours.  And of course the whole Evangelical point is well taken too.  The Jewish people are only “useful” to the Christians because they play a part in some Armageddon Scenario in the last day - - and serve as gun fodder for the Antichrist, who some say will be allied with Israel because they are too “spiritually ratrobate” not to recognize who he really is.  But how the hell to you even discuss all, this stuff to inform people in the course of an Election Campaign where you live and die by the 30 second TV spot?

In today’s soap opera installment the news is that Kate was taken on and hired as co CEO to Madison at Mad World.  If this is the worst Madison gets, she is getting off easy.  This Ian guy thinks he’s really ‘somebody” that can somehow go up against Stephano and win.  Nobody has been able in thirty years.  How many friends does Stephano even have now or ever?  He rattled around in that big old mansion.  He’s blown off Kate who worshipped and fawned all over him backing him up and encouraging him.  He’s blown off his son.  I guess the moral there is ‘No good deed goes unpunished”.  What should have been the proudest moment for any father - - having his won prove himself “worthy” in a great act- - - was just kissed off entirely.  So now what has Stephano gained?  Your guess is as good as mine.  Clearly he’s doing things in his own economic dis-interest.  He’s willing to cut off his nose to spite his face.  Maybe Randy Rhodes is right - - to a point.  Certain kinds of Hatred and resentment can be self destructive.  We now move to Mitt Romney.  He has it made and never has to worry about another thing economically in his entire life and it’s ditto for all those other rich fat cats like Grover Norquist and Rush Limbaugh.  So what is driving them - - pushing them - - - eating at them.  Where is all of this “resentment” coming from?  It would take a psychologist with higher credentials than I’ve got to answer these questions.  What we can only say is that Mitt Romney will drive the US economy into the toilet and he apparently doesn’t care- - just as long as the “tea party” is happy.  What DOES the tea party have over Romney?  What sort of HOLD fascinates him to stick with them and perhaps put his own campaign against Obama in jeopardy?  I don’t think there is any “reset” button on Romney.  The mental circuitry is all fried and the controls have melted.

There were only five consecutive postings in Cosmic Tides.  That bit of “Americana” which runs on so very long - -takes up the space of at least two ordinary postings itself, and in terms of scrolling length probably sets a record.  But we must remember that in terms of most people’s lives - -  they do have jobs and can afford cell phones and all these elaborate electronic gismos and I Pads and the like.  And people make predictions about the future where there will be no phone land lines, or movie theaters, or even CD’s (the record kind) and when remote control will be carried out by voice commands.  Just between you and me and the grand piano this is way too much electronic encoursion into our lives.  One could get the feeling that instead of us running the electronic devices, the electronic devices are running us.  They how have “idiot proof” everything - - and even some software programs I find “intrusive’ making decisions I’d prefer to make for myself, or even second guessing my sovereign decisions.  And now you have cars that drive themselves along the road and drivers aren’t even necessary, all because of advanced GPS circuitry- - and I still don’t even understand how- - or if it is even - - possible.  We have all this electronic leap into the future and yet our politics is fixated late in the nineteenth century.  You have tea party people appealing to the poor and ignorant among us - - setting themselves up as sort of a solution to “all our problems”.  The simple truth is that most of the 

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