Saturday, April 21, 2012
Natural Evolution Is No Fool
Ever notice how people use metaphores? People say that Art is Truth, or that Truth is Beauty, or whatever. When we look at Natural Evolution we discuss something I personally Believe in - - - after a sort because even I haven't totally figured out the mechanics of it. Psychologists will tell you it's not important to ask WHY things are the way they are or turned out the way they did. The thing that you the patient need to accept is THAT things turned out the way they did and to deal with that Reality. There is another expression, "The Devil is in the details". There is another expression that kind of goes "Circumstances are irrivent to God" and another one that goes "Don't rely on any Experiances". St. Paul in Thessolnians teaches to "Thank God IN our circumstances" but it does not say to thank God FOR our circumstances". This is a King James translation error. The point of saying all of this - - is that these sentaments voiced by "Learned Pastors" who've been to Seminary - - are all Marcionite in sympathies. The only thing (maybe not the ONLY) I agree with Marcionism on is that the Human Will should not be Dictated to by circumstances. People who expect God to "direct you" through Circumstances are not good Marcionites. Because they teach that the God who controls this World, "The Lord of this World" is Satan. So the expression "The Devil is in the details" takes on new relivence. As such I am - if not a Satan worshipper - - I am a Satan respecter. There are Two Words that are troubling to Christian in our post heading. One of them is Evolution. The other one is Nature. Nature to a Marcionite is almost evil incarnate - - or at least Corruption Incarnate. The whole thing comes from people trying to "tap into the power of God" either by reproducing him, or to try and be like him or whatever. So therefore anything that as it were "Evolves" or eminates from God must necessarily be Corrupted in one form or another and the more "reproduction" that is done through the Generations - - it follows that the more Corrupt the end product will be. Hence the world we see now under Marcionism is very Corrupt. We cannot look to it as any guide post. I myself am not a Marcionite but I admire their sense of Will and the fact that a True Marcionite WILL NOT be dictated to by ANY worldly force or person. (Selah)
Now we come to evolution itself. According to George Burnes in "Oh God" certain "mistakes" occured here and there, like the avocado pits being too big. Man's jaw isn't big enough for his mouth. Man matabolizes potassium the way his Ape ansesters did who ate potassium rich foods like leaves and bananas and consumed little sodium contained in salty things, for instance. But we no longer have the diet of our Chimpanzee relatives and so we have a high sodium and low potassium problem. We evolved to store body fat in times of plenty in preporation for the day when the Hunt will be bad and we won't find food. Also man has that "lizzard brain" and when we get angry that lower brain takes over. Evolution is a layered affair. They say a really new embryo of a toad can't be distinguished from the embryo of a human baby. They say that optimists survived better than pessimists and so this trait was "selected out" as a beneficial one. Optimists are survivors. They say that even our pets dream when they sleep. Dreaming is a necessary part, apparently, of evolution. Women evolved so that they are unable to bear children after a certain point because Nature in her wisdom knew that after a certain point pregnency for an older woman would be dangerous and there would be too many birth defects. Also people note that there a lot of spontanious abortions of fetuses that weren't "viable" in the judgement of Nature. But HATE itself is a coping mechanism. I'm sure for someone in a POW camp, Hate must be the only thing that's keeling him alive. This desire for Revenge against his Enemies is the one thing that gives him the strength to get up in the morning and face another day. No doubt there are prisoners serving time, whose driving hope is the promise of revenge against the guy who ratted them out or whatever. The Jews after the Holicaust had a saying "Never again". There were certainly other emotions besides Hate - - but you take Hate away and the "reality" of the event becomes somehow less Real, and is in danger of being religated to the History books or something. Sometimes a lie or a myth will have "staying power" more than the actual Truth does. Certainly there are a lot of Lies in this political year I am amazed at their "traction power" while the Truth is some quirk oddity and the domain of small wattage Progressive Talk shows. Don't ask me WHY that happens. The reality we liberals have to face is THAT it happens. And I don't have any answer for you. Most pastors when asked why God allows thus and so to occur usually says "I have no answers". The whole idea of somehow "Getting into God's mind and figuring him out" is as our President once aptly put it, "Way above my pay grade". We know THAT certain things are problems. How they got that way is less important than deciding "What to do about it" so to speak. Fight or Flight or Stealth.
I guess this Chicago White Sox pitcher pitched a perfect game against the Seattle Mariners today even if the last checked swing was a questionable call to some. Maybe the Umpire was a White Sox fan. Anyhow it was only the 21st perfect major league in history - and so definitely one for the books.
Charles Colsen died today. His life was more good than bad. He only worked for Nixon a few years and was never even charged for his most significant crimes. But while in Prison he had a conversion and found a new compassion for his fellow man and founded a prison ministry which continues to this day and no doubt a lot of people on the Inside have been Helped by it. Colsen never chimed in with Tea Party rhetoric or endorsed any Republican candidate. His job was to just follow his calling.
I guess they may be on the verge of finding the body of the original "milk carton boy". This was a six year old boy who disappeared in 1979 and spawned the children on milk cartons campaign. And now we have Megan's Law and other child protection measures. They say that several decades ago only 62% of lost or missing children were found and brought back safe. Today that figure is 97% if you can believe that. This is an amazing turn-around.
There is a new posting on "Cosmic Tides". I pushed the wrong button but I decided to leave it there because that Blog needed a more relivant header than our Americana thing. I kind of also wanted a header with a photograph. Two notable rock musiicians died in the past couple days. The flute player in the song "Down Under" by Men at Work died. And the lead singer and drummer of The Band died. It's my understand that The Band was an Andromeda D group, for you Cosmic people who want to know. They say that a person's personality determines what breed of dog they will select. I guess this only makes sense and is something people have long suspected. Ted Nugent is now in trouble with the government for illegally killing a black bear on the Alaska endangered species list. Ronald Reagan said that Mt St Helens was responsible for 80% of the pollution we were suffering from. Tomorrow is Earth Day, of course. This day was kind of resurrected in 1990 after falling into obscurity for nearly twenty years. Since then people have been more Aware. It bothers me that Al Gore has fallen from favor so markedly by the Media. The media is Fickle is nothing else. Clearly Al Gore was a pioneer and prophet in this area and deserves media treatment far better than he has been getting lately.
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