Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Trump's "Compromise" is Still on the Table

.  The academy award nominations are out as of five thirty this morning.  I didn’t watch them live.  “Vice” is up for best picture.  Bill Press says it almost makes Chaney appear TOO evil.  I’d like to see that movie and also Bohemian Rhapsody hoping the casting for Freddy Mercury is all right.  Then there was “Black Panther” and four other movies.  Then it was Stephanie Miller.  There are rumors that the President and congress are on the verge of a deal to open the government.  It’s been 32 days as of today.  The second payroll check will be missed this Friday.  Polls indicate that the people still blame Trump for the shut-down.  I think whoever breaks the log jam and gets government open will be held as a hero, even if it is the democrats.

The Rams beat the NO Saints in the Superdome on Sunday on FOX.  But the Rams looked horrible through most of the first half.  They finally found their stride and began marching down the field a few minutes before the end of the half just about the time Glenda came in this room.  The Rams continued to perform better in the second half but they were still behind.  There was a key pass interference call that failed to be made that the Ram defense got away with, which changed around he whole game.  Then the Rams got the ball and charged down the field in the final 39 seconds and kicked a 48 yard field goal tying the game.  In OT the Rams kicked a 57 yard field goal that won the game with a score of 26 to 23.  The Rams are going to the Super Bowl.  The game ended a little after three.  The next game started just before dinner.  I caught both games within seconds after the start of the respective games.  The Patriots played the Chiefs in Kansas City.  They also played to a tie at the end of the regulation play.  But then in overtime the Chiefs never got to handle the ball and the NE Patriots scored a touchdown to win the second game.  The Patriots had previously scored a quick touchdown at a time when the crowd thought the Chiefs had it in the bag and were singing their war chant.    It’s a case of both games going to overtime and the road teams winning both games, a rare occurrence now.

.  Today is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year according to statistics.  It’s too far away from Newyears and people have already broken all their resolutions.  They are probably upset at who is and isn’t going to the Super Bowl. And according to this thing “We aren’t close to any major holidays”.  Of course people like Stephanie and Thom work on holidays such as Columbus Day and today.  Trump is still in office.  We failed to get rid of him in the first two years and now there are already all of these democrats declairing their candidacy for president in 2020.   Camilla Harris is the latest one today.  Any talk of impeachment had disappeared entirely.  Impeachment isn’t even on the RADAR screen now.  And Koehn won’t be testifying till next month.  The government is still shut down and the LA school teachers are still on strike.  Nothing had changed.  We are all in a continuing state of stagnation.  I’m still having stomach problems I’ve had for more than the past week.  I haven’t heard democrats talk about any other bills they want passed.  According to one KFI host, democrats don’t want to be too up front in attacking trump.  They would rather pitch their own pet political projects for their candidacy.  My blogging rates have slowed down.  There is one medical procedure that is still hanging over me now like an albitros.  Maybe the sun has come out but the psychological clouds remain.  Let’s hope something lifts soon.

I had my baked potato for lunch with not enough sour cream and only two butters.  We had mango-guava sherbet for dissert in a bowl and everybody says they thought it was something else.  I had Scott Wilkinson and Leo Laporte on till one.  We were all waiting for the presidential address, which we were tipped off wasn’t going to be an emergency declaration.

Moe Kelly was MC for Trump’s speech, which I listened to on the radio a little after one.  The bottom line on this is that I think we should give the president everything he’s asking for.  This will shut him up and give us the moral high ground.  It’s like shutting up a whiny five year old.  If it were something that would harm the country like the trans Pacific partnership then I would hold out till hell froze over.  But I’m not going to go to the wall for what basically is symbolism.  The president had a whole package of proposals including adding court judges to hear all of the new immigration cases, and increased medical aid for the refugees.  He also proposed a three year moratorium on arrests of the dreamers who qualify for it.  In terms of the wall itself, he only wants to build a little over two hundred miles of it and not two thousand miles.  It will be steel slats and not concrete.  The speech wasn’t that long.  After this Moe Kelly began giving his coentary and I went out to sit in the warm weather watching the cat sun herself in the grass.  Not to freak you people out or anything but Jim Morrison put in another appearance to inform me that he thinks the speech should be rejected as a non starter just like Nancy says.  The speech has nothing new in terms of substance that hasn’t been offered and rejected before and that the wall is a symbol of racism.  I would repeat that I’m not ready to “die on this hill” for a symbol.  I expressed surprise he was still here and not back on Andromeda D.  He said that he would be around (the Federation) at least for a little while.  He said his oppinions are his own and he doesn’t know the position the Federation has taken, if any, on Trump’s proposals.  I just feel that the tide is going to turn.  People will point this speech and say “Look, Trump is prepared to compromise but bad old Nancy up there is the stick in the mud that is refusing to budge”. 

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