Monday, January 07, 2019

Stephanie Miller is Back

President Trump wants to abolish congress like a Roman emperor or something assuming dictatorial powers.  President Trump says that is congress refuses to approve the 5.6 billion dollar concrete wall that he’ll declare a national emergency and have the Pentagon build it “very quickly” in thirty foot high concrete.   Millie told me how she was reading “The Dead Zone” about a schoolteacher with psychic preminitions about a chance to kill this dangerous dictator personality.  Of course she also told me about the failed plot to kill Hitler in July of 1944 and how if this plot had succeeded that ten million lives would have been saved counting all of the battle deaths and the deaths in the death camps.  It makes you think a little.  Maybe there is a non lethal way of getting Trump, which might involve kidnapping and imprisonment to some remote island kind of in the Stephano Di Mira tradition.  Maybe.

This is twenty till two and the Bears and the Eagles are getting ready to play on NBC.  The concencus is the Federation wants the Bears to win.  That way the Rams will look better next week when they beat the Bears at home.  Baltimore made a game of it toward the end and scored two quick touchdowns making it 17 to 23.  But then they gave up the ball with in a fumble.  For a long time the score was 12 to 3 Chargers.  Baltimore had no offence at all.   Yesterday’s games both went the Federation’s way.   In a late addition, the Bears lost the game to the Eagles played at Soldier field by one point 16 to 15.  The Eagles missed an extra point in their touchdown.  The Bears marched down the field the other way very quickly.  It was all set for a not too hard 43 yard field goal.  He made the first one but the Eagles called time out to “ice the kicker” and then he tried again and this time he hit the left upright.

Sixty Minutes had this scientist guy who has advanced skills in molecular chemistry and invented a new kind of “real” sugar that’s a lot sweeter and it doesn’t cause tooth decay.  He’s also invented a kind of plastic that initially is indistinguishable from regular plastic but it breaks down in eleven weeks thus solving the gigantic waste problem that we have. He has also perfected a new way of getting ethanol that you can either drink or use in your car that is seventy percent less prone to cause global warming.  It’s seventy percent more efficient to produce.  Then they had this Alsisi leader of Egypt who has been around five or six years or so and was put into power by a popular uprising.  The majority of the Egyptian people are with him, very much unlike the Moslem Brotherhood, who set about installing a dictatorship where others had no say.  This guy is not all good.  He’s overbearing as far as his repressive measures.  But one must remember that the Moslem Brotherhood was a sneaky, insidious and treacherous, who won all of those elections in the so called “Arab Spring” that President Obama was suckered by.  But they mass in great numbers with weapons and drastic action had to be taken against them for the stability of society.  The Moslem Brotherhood has been feeding the West their own propaganda about how Alsisi is nothing but despotic.  That isn’t entirely true.  But it does make you think about President Trump.  I wouldn’t want the repressive measures here that have been taken there.  If President Trump began massively throwing protestors in prison here there would be riots.  This Alsisi guy went further and tortured people while in prison and there is absolutely no call for that.  Hopefully the guy would grant court trials after a while.  But then again we’ve had people imprisoned in Guantanamo bay, who haven’t gotten their day in court yet. 

.  I had Leo Laporte on.  He listed this prediction of a guy twenty years ago who predicted that by 2019 that computers would be talking to us and conversations would be increasingly human and that we would be “having personal relations with” our computers.  Images would be beamed right into our brains.  These prediction people always under-shoot the goals.  Fifteen years ago is was January of 2004 and Leo Laporte just came on the air on KFI in his same time-slot.  The biggest difference between then and now is that we had no I Phones and digital TV was still a pipe dream.  We had standard definition DVD’s and even that technology was less than ten years old.  I had had Word 2003 for only a few weeks and that program had vocal dictation that didn’t work very well and they got rid of it.  Judy says “You have to train your computer”.   Howard Dean was running for president and he had an alternative to the Iraq War maybe we would like to hear about except Howard Dean’s campaign self destructed.   We had I-Pods then and this was the first sign that CD’s as we know them may be going out of business.  Each person could now posess a thousand songs at once and every-body knew what an MP3 file was now.   My drivers license from September of 2002 said 215 pounds and I had just switched to the Republican party caught up in Bush mania.  Then as now we lived in the shadow of 9-11.  Back in those days I was still going to Green Harbor.  I had photographs of the current stars which were Lindsay Lohan, Britany Speers and Jennifer Lopez. 

.  I caught the end of Joel Olsteen.  He was talking about that architect guy who was building a house for someone and at the end of it all he hands the key to him and says “It’s your house to live in”.  The question is whether the guy had integrity or not when he build the house.   I received a new “The Week” magazine at lunch today from Sarah.  It had Trump walling himself in with bricks.  The question arises of “What sort of a house is Trump building?” The seven virtues are Integrety, Compassion, Faithfulness, Courage, Pursuit of Justice, Prudance, and Dilligence.    The seven vices are Wrathfulness, Avarice, Lust, Sloth.  Treachery, Cowardess, and Squandering.  One should always keep these lists of seven and seven in mind when it comes to dealing with God.  And you’ll make Joel Olsteen happy.   Of course it’s my list and not his, but he reminds us to keep virtue in mind in our daily activities.

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