Thursday, January 31, 2019

Stealing a person's "Gods"

As you know it was announced on Monday that the president would be delivering his State of the Union address right in the hallowed halls of congress just like usual.  I still think it might not be a bad idea for house Democrats to start up a chant of "Whose house?" when the president is walking in.  Now there is talk that Muller wants to stall out Roger Stone in not pressing ahead with a speedy trial because he has so much evidence against him he can't process it in time for the ninety day deadline or whatever and Stone may pull an "OJ" on Muller by rushing his preporation.   Not to sound pro White or anything but I'm getting a glimmer of doubt whether that Black comedian really got assaulted in the manner he describes in that hallway with all of those surveilance cameras.  They were all rolling but this incident he describes doesn't show up on any of them.  He was called nigger and faggot and whatever and had bleach poured on him and a nuce tied around his neck.  He still had the nuce around his neck as he was talking to his apartment.  The cops want to interview two guys outside walking in the dark with a grainy image.  The victim claims his assailant's faces were covered.  So how can he prove it to make any kind of a legal case.  Then we have Camille Harris having sex with Willie Brown when she was much younger.  She did it as kind of sleeping her way to the top, it's alleged.  The story hasn't gained any traction.  I never did like Willie Brown anyhow.

I'd like to update our roster of Tarot Card rock groups.  As you know Steely Dan replaced Ted Nugent as the High Priestess.   We had Earth Wind and Fire at number eleven or Temperance.  But they have been replaced by the Ohio Players, who had and still have much more popularity and backing among members of the Federation.  We still have Jefferson Airplane as The Sun.   But as you know we have four more cards to represent all of the letters of the English alphabet.  The four represent the four combinations of two Triagrams in the I Ching.   We have the mother and father represented by Heaven and Earth and this is Black Sabbath.  We have the oldest son and daughter, represented by Thunder and the Tree or wood.  This represents Deep Purple.  We have the Doors as the middle son and daughter represented by the abysmal water and the roaring fire.  Finally we have an old group returning that wasn't included in our last compilation.  Robin Trower, representing the youngest son and daughter representing standing still, mountain, and the joyous lake.   I hope you're clear.

Can one party "steal another person's God"?   Some might say that the Western World as we know it with our culture "stole" Jehovah from the Jews.   There is a verse in scripture that goes "In a land where you were known as Not My People, you should then be known as My People".   While this could refer to the Ashkanazi Jews, it's more likely that this refers to Europe and the United States embracing Jehovah, in a way they never did in pagan times.  Of course Captain Piccard stole a God from this culture led by this woman Adfra.  "What would you say if I told you that I had stolen your powers?"  And he did.  I guess we kind of have to look at prophecy and imigry of the Old Testament to see how this could take place.  We believe God sacrificed his only son Jesus because Abraham was willing to sacrifice his "only" son Isaac in the days of Genisis.   But of course he didn't go through with the sacrifice.  For one thing we don't know that Isaac was completely sinless, which it would have to be for the sacrifice to "work" by their own admission.  But the analogy breaks down because we learn that a Ram was caught in the thicket and used for the sacrifice instead of Isaac.  I think this is an analogy to Judas being "caught" in the legal system and was cricified instead of Jesus.  This is what the Gospel of Barnabus says.  I didn't know but this is what most Moslems believe.  Jesus whom they revere, never had to die on the cross.  We then come to another example of Isaiah 53.  Here again we learn that a person can live a Righteous life- - - but I think you can be Righteous in Jewish culture and not be utterly devoid of sin never in need of a sin offering.  If Jesus and his disciples really lived by The Law, then one might presume they availed themselves of the temple sacrifice system with transgression and sin offerings of animals.  Of course here we have the whole Nazarite angle.  Nazarites didn't believe in the deaths of animals except they allowed you to eat fish.  Of course they wouldn't say Nazarite but change it to Nazarene and claim that it's really a town that Jesus was from.  But they add that Jesus never did any mighty works there.  But it's my belief that even though Jesus Himself hated the whole Temple system- - - Judas was another story.  As a good Jew he embraced the system and "The establishment" saw Judas as a martyr to their cause.

I'm going to do another paragraph but I think I'll save it to tomorrow.  We could talk about the rain today and all of the lightning and thunder.  The all time record low in Chicago is 27 below zero, but it's much lower in other areas.  They are expecting a rise of fifty degrees over the weekend.   I'm not going to predict if it will be the Rams of the Patriots winning the Superbowl.  The Federation backed the Rams over the Saints, but they also backed Kansas City over the Patriots.   The Rams have sure been working out a lot.  I think they're loaded for bear on Sunday.

Nobody wants to be accused of "stealing" something.  If you have something that you didn't have before people want to know that you came by it honestly.   Claire on Days of our Lives is in the business of stealing someone elses' boyfriend.  The trouble is she is finding out that when you make a deal with the Devil, the Devil doesn't like to be messed with, if you know what I mean.  He demands his pound of flesh.   The reality is that Jehovah is Lord of Western Culture.  How He got that way doesn't matter.  The question then with the anti Trump people is how we will ever get Deliverance from this Trump oppression we have all been under the past two years.   Astrology is the only deliverance I can think of.  When the stars change, circumstances change.  When you're playing chess there are things you would like to do as an opponent but the other side isn't configured to your liking and you hope "something will change" and your enemy will make a mistake.  As you know I believe one of the eleven dimensions is feng chue "strings".  When these strings get energized by moving through them, events happen and circumstances change.   You could arrange the eleven dimensions in the form of a Christmas tree with the stem at the bottom representing the eleventh dimension.  We could talk about the top of the tree briefly.  This is the dimension of Mind and Intelligence.  One trait of this dimension is that there is no Time at all.  We don't know how this could be.  How can you exist in a world without Time?  We know there is no time there because they don't have any Higgs bozons.  This is the "God" particle.   Hence this could be called the dimension where you go to escape God.  We know that cats and dogs are color blind.  But it would be a mistake to suppose that they see things in shades of "gray" we we know it, because even Gray is a perceived color to us.  We relate gray to other colors.  These cats and dogs are not even aware of the Absence of colors in their own perception.  Likewise the people in the psychic or Mind dimension are not even aware of Time either going fast or going slow.  I don't know how to explain it.  A lot of questions are unanswered.  But of course this is a dimension without gravity and mass.  This of course even changes how you perceive space.  We only know that travel and communication in this dimension is instantanious. 

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