Thursday, January 17, 2019

Riders on the Storm

Nancy Pelosi is on a power trip or something.  She’s recinding the “invitation for the President to speak at the house” on January 29th for the State of the Union message.  She has the power to do that but sometimes prudence nececitates caution in these matters of political tradition, certainly something with as long-standing political tradition as this.  I would have gone ahead and let the president speak and make a complete ass of himself.  Nancy has cited security concerns, which is bullshit.  Either that or the democrats are somehow afraid of the president’s ratings, which is a wrong assumption.  According to Patty,  Pelosi is throwing her political weight around stripping people in appointed positions of their power.  Then we have Bill Barr, who has been speaking before congress the past few days.  Apparently the “twitter-verse” indicates that the President hasn’t responded to Barr’s testimony,  which means he must be secretly in agreement with it despite all of Barr’s promises that he won’t fire Muller.  You must remember that the president, before he even hires an individual, makes they swear personal loyalty oaths to him.  Of course Stephanie is talking about the “clitter-verse”, which is a web-site for lezbians.  There is an old movie out from the ‘forties called “The Amazing Dr Clitterhouse”, staring Edger G Robinson, I think.  You could make an X rated version of that movie where the doctor doubles both as a psychiatrist and a sex therapist.  You then have Giuliani, who says “Nobody ever said that the CAMPAIGN never colluded with Russia; we only said that the president didn’t personally collude”.  This may be a way to make fall guys out of Donald Trump Jr and also Jered Kushner.  Then we have the embarrassing Syria thing yesterday where four Americans were attacked by ISIS forces.  This is the organization that  was supposed to be kaplut by not.  Obama got in so much trouble in 2012 calling them the Junior Varsity league, or something.  Now the roles are reversed and it’s Trump rather than Obama who is guilty of wanting to pull out all of our troops too soon.   Even Lindsay Graham has expressed concern on this one and these days Lindsay Graham agrees with the president on most everything.  This is just the state of affairs in the country today.  Of course I haven’t been blogging because my health has taken a turn for the worse the past five days or so.  Hopefully I’ll be able to get back on the track now.  I could call the blog “Riders on the Storm” after the weather lately, or an incident that occurred last Friday morning pre-dawn.  Of course Kohen will be testifying before congress in a few weeks.  People want to know why impeachment hearings haven’t gotten started.  Even Elijah Cummings wasn’t in favor of that and he’s a flaming liberal.  It’s silly to say “Well, impeachment hearings might be constrewed as too political.  Everything the President does is to cater to his political base and I’d like to know how you can get more political than that.  It’s the pot calling the kettle black.  We need impeachment as checks and balances.  That’s why it was put in the constitution.  When you have a felon and a conspirator in the White House this becomes particularly important.  The security of our nation demands impeachment hearings. 

"Who's House - ???    (rrrooaarrrr)  Really they should have a "Who's house?" shout-out in congress just before the President speaks there in the house chamber assuming he does that.  It would be a way of getting back.  The Rams won't be playing any more games in the Coloseum thanks to the Eagles loss to the Saints last Sunday due in part to a missed pass and interception.   I'm routing for the Rams to beat the Saints in the Superdome and also the KC Chiefs to beat the Patriots playing at Arrowhead in fifteen degree weather.

Today is January 17th  and the 25th anniversary of the Northridge earthquake.   Today President Trump got back at Nancy Pelosi assirting his authority by denying her military aircraft to go visit the troops to get her poll numbers up.   It's the 27th day of the government shut-down.

Jim Morrison put in an appearence last Friday morning in the pre dawn hours but I don't want to go into the details of what he said to me at this time.  I'm too lazy.  I did want to say that as far as all of our eleven dimensions stuff we should go back to making the first three dimensions of height and breadth and length (or depth) as spacial dimensions.  The next two are of time.  There is the time we all live in and then there is latteral time.  Jim Morrison agrees me and not with the Federation on this one.  Then we both agree that we should bring back the psychic dimension as realm six.  This is the sort of "intelligence transfer" region we discussed in the last blog where Words are Things and everyone's thoughts are public knowledge.  Then we have the four material dimensions.  These are gravity or mass, and then Form, then Function, and then Awareness.  This makes ten.  Then we skip the "dynamic" dimension.  Jim Morrison thought this dimension was superfelus since Every dimension is a "dynamic.  We can argue about that.  Finally we have retained the dimension of feng chue strings at number eleven.  These are "strings" that trigger events when struck.  The distance the object at the other end of the string is- - doesn't matter.  Only the size of the object matters. 

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