Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The No Spin Zone

Johnny Wendell had a conniption fit but it wasn’t over anything important.  Keep in mind he had been talking about that Friss senator- - who was a doctor and libertarian.  I think he was the one who diagnosed Terry Shivo, that brain dead lady from a TV monitor.  But his father was the one who organized some “Hospital” business group in 1968.  It used to be that hospitals were either own by cities or else some community organization, or a church group.  And they were forbidden from making profits in the medical insurance business.  And then there is Rick Scott who was guilty of Medic Air fraud, but still got elected.  Now he has a program to track down “Welfare Fraud” by drug testing each and every recipient.  They saved 78 thousand dollars and the program cost a hundred million to run.  So much for tea party frugality with taxpayer funds.  But Johnny wasn’t upset about this.  He was upset about trans facts.  He went on some raving rant about how people who eat their jelly donuts from Winchells are driving up his health care costs.  Perhaps he should blame Obama Care for that, if you must.  Personally I haven’t gotten past the idea that my behavior will be criminalized if I don’t jump through their P C hoops such as seat belts and motor cycle helmets, or for that matter- - ingesting trans facts.  I’ll if you are going to say that MY actions - - me right here- - have driven up YOUR insurance costs, that’s a case you can’t make.  Even my blood pressure medication was necessary because of alcohol and not diet.  I even quit smoking for two years and that did nothing to lower my blood pressure.  I looked up trans fats because Johnny Wendell said there were an artificial “poison” that is not a normal part of the diet.  Then you have to say that margarine and Bisquick and shortening are not a part of our diets.  Shortening has been around since the early 1900s, over a hundred years.  They were working on a way of processing unsaturated fats for increased shelf life as far back as the 1890s and there was a Patten in 1902.  Everybody agrees these fats make food taste better, and for long time margarine was considered a healthy substitute for butter.  One of Elvis’ chefs at Graceland always prepared his food with margarine, to keep him relatively thin during the sixties when he shot his movies.  You can’t, for example, put trans fats in the same category as artificial sweeteners which ARE bad for you and are definitely NOT a food product.  I’m puzzled by this glairing inconsistency of- - how we can’t even be TOLD whether our food is genetically modified, but they are banning foods that have been around for a hundred and ten years.  Someone spoke of the Didacticism of the tea party right.  You only flatter people by imitating them.  In fact – someone said that if you can just get these tea party addicts away from their FOX news and their britebart web sites- - then they slowly “sober up” and many of them actually become liberals.  There was one survey of the American people that said that seventy percent of us are “operational liberals”.  If I knew what that was I’d comment on it.

Sarah Palin has been putting in her two cents about Christmas.  I heard her say that only the Christmas spirit can make people generous during a certain time of year.  I guess the words “generous” and “tea party” don’t mix, any more than “Love’ and “Christianity appear to mix at all these days.    No sane person could vote for Mitt Romney and yet say they believe in compassion for their fellow man, after Romney drove those businesses into the ground and robed the pension funds and threw workers into the street.  Romney and the tea party are WORSE than Ebonezer Scrooge.  Scrooge did not have an active hatred of poor people.  He just didn’t care to be associated with them.  People like Rush Limbaugh and Mitt Romney and I suspect, Sarah P:alin herself, have an abiding hatred of the poor and the down and out.  Sarah Palin even criticized Pope Francis for “making statements that sound kind of Liberal”.  Believe me if you’re in a car wreck and are hemeraging blood with a half a dozen broken bones, you are going to want the emergency workers to have a “liberal” supply of the blood you need.  But Rush Limbaugh says moderate is a tainted word.  “A moderate is just a liberal that doesn’t have the guts to come out and say it”.  You know how quickly Governor Christie backed away when someone hinted he might be a “Moderate” himself.  The liberals are right.  Jesus was a healer, and he didn’t do it by making drug companies rich.  Jesus also cured the mental ill by driving demons out of them.  And you know that the thing Christian groups today attack vehemently are “Deliverance ministries”.   John Mac Arthur also hates “Seeker friendly churches” when Jesus was all about seeking and finding.  Now theologians are saying that “Jesus really didn’t mean to literally SEEK the truth.   This verse is “out of context” in their eyes.   /The idea of being “Open” to anything- - new people or new ideas, is anathema to these people.  Jesus also said to do your praying in public.  Instead the Supreme Court and Congress open their sessions with public prayers, before they do their dastardly acts.  They make a mockery of Christianity.  Jesus also said when you pray you should pray as if you mean it and not just for show like the hypocrites do.  But Neil of KFI says “Well- - everybody is a hypocrite these days- - so you might as well join the party”.  Neil of KFI says a lot of things.   Pastors say “I don’t do counciling” but would rather send their troubled sheep off to some secular therapist - - where said patient via medication or whatever will suddenly get a revelation that Christianity is a bunch of crap.

I guess I tend to be more "liberal" in listening to callers that may not agree with me.  Stephanie Miller encountered a caller yesterday morning who stated that "Stephanie spins issues on her show". We know where the expression comes from.  It's like "putting English on the ball" in either pool or tennis, or putting a top spin on a pitched fast ball. "Spin" affects the game, without changing the substance of the ball itself.  He went on to say that "What President Obama failed to realize in rolling out his Health Care plan is that insurance companies are free enterprise - and you tinker with that at your peril.  I am a believer that all other things being equal that the Free Market should have its way, short of some dire emergency.  The whole gang on the Stephanie show were insulted at this assertion and talked over the caller for the whole rest of the time he was on.  I know sometimes tea party callers call and "pretend to be something they are not", but I'd at least give them a fighting chance to say something civil.   The best argument against the "five percent theory" is that practically in every case I've heard about, people are losing their insurance right and left, or their rates are being jacked up sky high.  Clearly it's a case of "How much does President Obama believe in his ideas?  As to the topic of "spinning issues" some people like Christine Di Mira "spin" to the point of utter insanity.  Sociopaths are masters at "spinning issues", which only goes to prove the adage "Never argue with a mad man".   We'd all love to see the tea party just "go away" but Time Will Tell.  You and I may believe furvently that the Tea Party is pulling a massive con job on all Americans- - but the media supports what they do.  If the President's theories are sound- - then, there should be no problem.  The facts will vindicate him.  But I have trust issues with this President.  Sometimes I really don't know what he stands for.  It's hard to enthusiastically support someone like that.  If the President could not anticipate the deboccle of the 2010 elections - - then I question his mental fitness to serve, because someone of true leadership calabre would have taken action to have prevented the 2010 election results from happening.

We have used the adage of "He who is incapable of three dimensional thinking is not worthy to have "both sides of the issue" looked at.  So what do we mean.  In any two dimensional surface image, everybody sees pretty much the same image.  They can tell you what is happening in that picture- be it moving or still.  But in Star Trek it was Spock who said "Obviously the man suffers from the weakness of being incapable of three dimensional thinking".  For instance- - there are two bright stars at the end of the tail of the Scorpio constelation.  And yet these two stars are two hundred light years apart.  That's why we spoke of absolute verses relative magnitude.  Vast distances may be the reality of objects we perceive as next to each other. There is "a whole dimension of perception" hence "reality" that you are missing with just a two dimensional shot.  In three dimensions "point of view" matters.  The adage is even true that "any pancake no matter how thin has two sides to it".  We should respect the "point of view" of others.  I have spoken of three dimensions as a dimension of "Substance" or Materiality.  Two dimensions don't have materiality.  Many religions make two dimensional theological sylligisms that just won't hold up under the scruteny of Logic.  They fall apart.  They are deathly afraid of the thing they claim to want most, to "Just give religion a chance and investigate its claims".  Investigation is the last thing they want.  (Selah)  Just as in Math - - where in essence there is no "other side of truth" in certain situations or rhetoric- - statements devoid of Substance- - needn't be viewed from "some other point of view" to know the Truth.   Few people in the media really care to portray the Tea Party for what they really Are.  Now some people such as those religiously minded will indeed themselves speak of "other dimensions' such as some Spiritual dimension.  But they offer no proof.  Nobody has ever "been there" to explore it and see if there be some kind of "point of view" of events we hadn't taken account of.  I would remind such people that the third command is still opperative which states "Do not take the Lord your God in vain".  (Selah)

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