Tuesday, November 12, 2013

New Staten Drug Flag Alert

Warning.  Staten drugs are DANGEROUS to Everybody!  Nobody should be on them.  They cause liver and other numerous internal organ damage, they also cause nerve and brain damage, and are responsible for a whole lot of medical deaths.  This is the WRONG way to control cholesterol, which we in America are becomming so obsessed with we verge of being 'Anal Retentive" on the subject.  It's bad to have ANY drug sloshing around in your system all the time.  We discussed that dish tank and the necessity of "changing the water" to keep it clean and fresh and habitable for the fish.  That means corn syrup should be minimal, and artificial sweeteners really fuck up your system.  They are completely inefficitive in losing weight.  Even persistent use of decongestants and other cold remedies can take on an addictive quality.  And if you are concerned about blood pressure, many of these drugs raise blood pressure.  Many of these blood pressure drugs are bad for you too, and are vastly over prescribed.  It seems that giving the patient a new drug is the only way today's doctors know how to treat patients these days.  Like the rest of us they are slaves to the ads and mailings they receive and don't have the judgement to use their higher wisdom.  (Selah)

In this case the "Flag" would be the "six o clock" position of one flag straight up and the other straight down meaning D for desist, or disengage, or more bluntly, just DON'T.  And by the way "D" standing for "Disarmlement' isn't a bad idea, either.

We who are fans of Chicago take strong exception to the idea that New York now claims to have the highest building in the country.  If pinicles count then why not just construct a fucking pinicle and be done with it?  OK we are all in love with the number of 1776 but these people in New York aren't fooling anybody.

I have gotten advice from both Mal Evans and Bones about this suggestion from Bill Clinton that the Obama Care needs to be rewritten to satisfy their republican critics.  This is their view and not mine.  But they state that it would be a grevious briech of Obama's own principles that would bode bad for his karma, and also his eventual place in history.  You know the tea party is having a field day on this one and Bill Clinton just handed the prize to them on a silver platter.

People who blame other people for certain things - - often are guilty of Projection.  We see this in a major way with the Tea Party, and also with Christine Di Mira, who is just another sociopath along with the tea party and their fellow travelers.  Their victims in the red states are so routinely lied to and conned by their would be overlords in the Tea Party.  Once you amas more money than you could possibly spend, all that is left is Power and the ability to bully and oppress the poor and the innocent among us.  Their favorite pasttime is to impute their OWN guilt to the most Innocent among us.  People fear that whose who would Judge them are people who they hope and Pray will never have to face on an even playing field, or worse yet, where their Judges, whom they secretly fear, actually have the upper hand.  It is not up to us who we DO or DON'T reunite with in the afterlife.  People may be married to each other for decades, but there is no guarentee they'll ever meet again once one of them dies.  I would repeat the saying I heard in a movie that "Be careful who you step on -on your clime up the rungs of the ladder to the Top, because you'll meet these Same People on your way down, once the Media has had enough of you.  (Selah)

Well, here we are on another wild and wooly Veterans Day.  The regular talk show hosts don’t get the day off.  Stephanie Miller was back and in good form after her three day weekend.   She was making jokes about sex with large animals.   Johnny Wendell was on the air.  And it really is how strange that people really don’t ever mention the elephant in the room.   The media is trying really hard to avoid the subject of global warming in the same story as this hurricane in the Philipines that has now made landfall in Hanoi, Viet Nam.  He said the winds had slowed to 75 mph, but previous information caused me to think it hadn’t slowed down nearly that much.

In terms of the soap opera I’m not even going to dignify today’s episode with commentary.  Each and every scene piled absurdity upon absurdity.  It does bear out my point however that I jokingly thought to himself “Brady already has more than ample evidence that Christine should not be messed with and she’s nothing but trouble”.  And if all that would not convince Brady- - then seeing her deeds splashed across the screen might not even convince him.  And now Brady once again is starting to believe her continual lies- as he has done so many times before.  As to Victor- - I may be the only person alive who ISN”T getting on his case because I believe he did the right thing and I would have done the same thing- - given the evidence he had at the time.   As Marlena said herself, “They were running out of Time”.   It’s like if you have the Atomic Bomb- - - and your side has already sustained heavy casualties- - you will do anything to shorten the war.   These were not times to “mess around” so to speak. 

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