The second paragraph gives you the specifics but let's just say that a political manuver just took place today. Randy Rhodes believes, and I am inclined to agree, that Bill Clinton the other day was kind of a stalking horse. This is someone from the President not tied directly with the President who comes out and makes a statement to see whether it will fly. "Run it up the flag pole and see is anyone salutes". All of the Republicans lined up to agree with Bill Clinton's statement the other day. Now these same Republicans are facing the fact that they just "agreed to something" that the President came along and endorsed with his news conference today. Just this afternoon I was clicking a link that explained what the average family will encounter on January first of 2014, but I don't think I included that particular link in the paste. Maybe I could get it.
WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama said Thursday that insurers will be able to continue health-insurance coverage next year for current policyholders that otherwise would be canceled under the new health-care law. The change marks a significant policy retreat by the president, one that he hopes will quell an intensifying protest over his faulty promise that Americans can keep their insurance plans under the new law. Mr. Obama's announcement came on the eve of a House vote on a Republican bill to alter the law, which was gaining traction among Democrats, particularly after the administration's release Wednesday of low enrollment figures for the first month of the federal government's problem-prone online insurance marketplace.
With millions of Americans set to
lose their current health insurance, Mr. Obama said he understands that getting
a cancellation notice is upsetting, "particularly after assurances they
heard from me that if they had a plan that they liked they could keep it."
He added: "To those Americans, I hear you loud and clear. I said that I
would do everything we can to fix this problem. And today I'm offering an idea
that will help do it." He said that while Americans who
received cancellation letters can renew those insurance plans next year, they
should examine other options available on state and federal insurance
marketplaces since they may be cheaper and offer more coverage."This fix won't solve every
problem for every person, but it will help a lot of people," Mr. Obama
night I was looking to see a “light show” so went to Media Player and came
across the "Boomer
Generation Rock” station, which has rarities from the Byrds and Stephen Stills
and the like. They featured a possibly post David Crosby "Byrds" song, and "Dark Star" by Stephen Stills, and "John Barleycorn Must Die" as well as "As You Said" by Cream and "Magical Mystery Tour". The only commercial breaks were of the station plugging itself. Bill had
left the room before seven thirty and I turned it off after Jeopardy and hit
Media Player. Then I had one Blues on
briefly. Then it was “Arrow” and a grew
drowsy and roused at the beginning of “Tomorrow People” and was more attentive
to the plot. I slept much better last
night with the good bed spread from Paul.
I talked a while with Marsha last night.
Stephanie Miller had added yet another sexy liberal tour date and this
one is May 10th of next year, in Albequerky. I went to the store seeking coffee at fading
dusk and the store didn’t have any coffee so I went to Glen and made a deal for
a spoon of that espresso for three cigarettes.
I'd like to address this issue that I can't be a true blue conservative because "You Don't Believe In Absolutes" and you may not believe in God. First of all out of respect for God I realize that God is the only one who can address issues of Our World in Absolute terms, because only He knows All of the facts. We don't. As I said in the last posting- - every one of us mortals has our own "Point of View". This is not some admission of either Sin or bias; it's just the way things are. People love to invoke the name of God to justify their own moral screw ups, or messing over another person's life. (When the other person "trusted them against their better judgement to begin with) They will say things to you like "You never know it's all part of God's plan" or "God must be trying to teach you some moral lesson". They dare not state the Truth. And that is it's incumbant on Christians -at Jesus' own commands to be "in the moment" for the other person and not play these stand-offish games and rationalizations. Nobody said it was easy. Of course- - in my conception of God - - I think I can save you people out there a lot of trouble "barking up the wrong tree" so to speak, by trying to petetion the Lord with Prayer. (One of my favorite lines by the Doors) Jim Morrison also said that we were "actors out alone". God writes the master script and we are the players. It not may be wrong to say that "God loves each and every one of his - - players - - characters, but he doesn't "Love" them the way one human loves another. That would be "feela" or something, in the Greek. Rather it is the love of an artist for his creation, and in some indirect way- - himself. Few authors would interpose themselves in a play they were directing the action of, though Hitchcock used to do it in his movies. Mainly the very presence of the Author in his own story would take the illusion of Realism out of the entire production. Personally, I don't like to be reminded that it's actually "Actors" up there on stage. No stage actor has some exestential crisis thinking 'I wonder if I am only a part of someone else's imagination". It's just that absurd to think we can approach God. I have said that God is four things - - Determinist is one. The Script can't be changed, and has been playing itself out for four billion years since the created Universe. God is anti dystensationalist. That is- - God doesn't change or "get into a certain mood at a certain time" or abruptly change his Mind, like the woman in the song "She's always a woman to me". God doesn't "Evolve". Also you can't "wear God down" or mold him in your own Image. Since one prayer is of zero value, can a hundred or a thousand be anything other than zero? So I am a Deist, and Determanist, and Anti-Dyspensationalist, and one more thing for those who read my stuff- - I am an Objectivist. That is I believe that Things have a certain Reality apart from what I think about them, and that had I never existed, these Things would have the same Reality.
Lots of people love to speak of "other dimensions' or "Higher dimensions". Perhaps you have thought I was advocating this in my "geometry of space" commentary. Actually I wasn't speaking of "higher dimensions" at all but truely understanding the full properties of three dimensional space. SEE NEXT PARAGRAPH FOR LATEST THOUGHTS ON THIS TOPIC For purposes of argument, we're leaving parrellel universes out of this- - which is an added dimension of TIME and not Space anyhow. You could say "the teaching I received" is just as you have no way of "proving" under Newtonian laws, what a "stationary object" is. Here is a case where you can throw Absolutes out the window anyhow, because when it comes to movement, everything is indeed relative. (Selah) But in the same way we are are ignorant about Speed, we are ignorant about the Space that movement takes place In. I have spoken for example of distance being no factor, and people from far away stars being able to tune in Earth radio stations with as much clarity as those near the transmitter. As you know, not to borrow from Sketch again - - but the program has no concept of "space" untill you define it as one object being positioned relative to another. Other than that it's a total free-for all. You can't color 'space' in the same manner that you "color" an actual creation or Object. (Selah) It is a fair question to ask what a Dimension IS to begin with. Actually the word "Dynamic" is not a bad synanom. Aspect- - as a word, alludes to the presence of another dimension that may not be expressly stated. We have spoken of Dimensions of Space. Anything more than three dimensions would be poly-dimensional Space. I have a non patented formula that states that a ninety degree cube in four dimensions has 18 sides, and for five dimensions it's 40 sides and for six dimensions it's 75 sides. We told you Space was a dimension. We told you Time was a dimension. In the past we have spoken of Objects- - as we think of that word as having four "Aspects" or dimensions. We won't deal with those today, except to say you can have Awareness of - - Objects. We "perceive" them and each one has a whole set of mental associations concerning it in our brains. Here's the Kicker! Religious people allude to a self referencial phallocy in speaking that somehow AWARENESS is a dimension. But think about it. They want it all for themselves. They -as they do with claims of God - - claim God speaks only to them and not to others, and God always is giving you "messages" to "pass on to others". They claim Awareness or Experiance is a good thing- - yet when anyone other than themselves claims to have such "dimension of Awareness" or Experiance, the Christians, more than the secular man, will be the first to get Apaplectic over it and say "You can't do that". What them mean (secret translator) is "You can't do That- - because I Made the Whole Thing Up Myself just to elevate me in the last argument we had and the only way I could do it was to fight dirty". But of course they won't say that. They claim knowledge and yet they disclaim knowledge. They claim to have been imparted an "Unshakable Faith" or conviction- - - but say that their "knowledge' can't be investigated, and in fact - - will say that it's a Sin for you or anybody to "Investigate" such "other dimensions". and may even say "We can't know such things" after they have JUST SAID that THEY "Know It All" (Selah)
SPACE FOLDING WOULD BE A NEAT THEORY TO EXPLAIN TRAVEL OVER GREAT DISTANCES, IF ONLY IT WERE EVEN THEORETICALLY POSSIBLE. HOWEVER - - picture a three dimensional chess game. In my version I'd have four playing boards and two complete sets of chess pieces. I would have the men decked out on levels one and four as usual, with the stipulation that you could not capture a player until the piece had been moved. We have spoken of Space as a metaphor in karmic space. We didn't even mention the three dimensions of Karma. My only point is that in that arena- - just as in Chess we speak of "space you control" or what one might say "space in your Reach". Different chess players on the board have different reaches. In conformance to Mal Evans' "congruancy" doctrine- - we would know the "reach" of a bishop, so to speak. Normally one chooses to capture a player of a "different reach" from his own. Two "congruant' pieces such as two bishops in "each others space" would see paril for whoever's move it was unless one or both pieces were protected- - or a more pragmatic word is "insured". Now picture two pieces of paper- - with the same Universe drawn on them. It needn't be a limited universe in fact both pieces of paper go on out to Infinity. Space folding won't work. But picture each sheet of paper with the ink images facing each other- - the physical paper could be seen as the "ether" or "aether" however you choose to spell it. Question. Is there Ether between the sheets of paper? No. Hypothetically is there "space" between the two sheets of paper? No. Picture three dimensions. Now picture three more. Now let's clarify this a little. It would be AS THOUGH there were the SAME object, but "Occupying" two different sheets of paper, or in this case ONE object on Two different "Universes" of Ether. Keep in mind out model is based on the notion of a stationary point in time. (You Ether theorists will know why I am stipulating that. It's like in Word you have an auxiliary file and you want to paste or "plop" some block of text down in the middle of another block of text. One could liken the ether as "three dimensional". Hypothetically you could have "six dimensional ether" kind of like High Def TV - - where you can experiance all six dimensions at once. The point is that - - like an object "moved" into the space of another Object in sketch - - the default used to be that each object "had its own space' and was unaware of the other. The thing is that since there is no ether you need to "traverse" between any object on the second sheet and the first- - since distance is reckoned in terms of Ether (we aren't talking Speed now but distance - and that distinction is relevent) therefore since there "is no way to define distance" even though one could argue, for instance that ink from one sheet bled onto the other - - that you don't have to sweat all of that gravity and acceleration problems hassle. (Selah) Now when you play three dimensional chess and your Rook is taken by the others Queen, but the Queen was on some other level you can't claim "You rooked me out of my rook!" Those are the rules in three dimensional chess. Someone can swoop down from Another Level and capture your piece is you are In the others Space. One could (I considered this) slide the sheets of paper to get two objects on each facing sheet of paper to "line up" in proximity. However a better theory is the "piece capture" theory. If someone is "in your space" you can capture them and if they are in Your space, you can capture them. Length of move in a chess piece does not "weaken" the chessman's power. A piece's power is not contingent on how far it has to travel to capture an opposing piece. We know that since there is no SPACE as we know it between the sheets- - or / and - - there is no "Aether" then space as we know it is not a factor. All we know here is that pieces on different levels have a "reach". Since there is neither Space nor Distance between the sheets- - - the area a piece traverses - unlike in three dimensional chess - - is not defined in terms of Space, but it is defined in terms of Reach, or Karmic space. As such travel over great distances instantaniously would be possible.
Lots of people love to speak of "other dimensions' or "Higher dimensions". Perhaps you have thought I was advocating this in my "geometry of space" commentary. Actually I wasn't speaking of "higher dimensions" at all but truely understanding the full properties of three dimensional space. SEE NEXT PARAGRAPH FOR LATEST THOUGHTS ON THIS TOPIC For purposes of argument, we're leaving parrellel universes out of this- - which is an added dimension of TIME and not Space anyhow. You could say "the teaching I received" is just as you have no way of "proving" under Newtonian laws, what a "stationary object" is. Here is a case where you can throw Absolutes out the window anyhow, because when it comes to movement, everything is indeed relative. (Selah) But in the same way we are are ignorant about Speed, we are ignorant about the Space that movement takes place In. I have spoken for example of distance being no factor, and people from far away stars being able to tune in Earth radio stations with as much clarity as those near the transmitter. As you know, not to borrow from Sketch again - - but the program has no concept of "space" untill you define it as one object being positioned relative to another. Other than that it's a total free-for all. You can't color 'space' in the same manner that you "color" an actual creation or Object. (Selah) It is a fair question to ask what a Dimension IS to begin with. Actually the word "Dynamic" is not a bad synanom. Aspect- - as a word, alludes to the presence of another dimension that may not be expressly stated. We have spoken of Dimensions of Space. Anything more than three dimensions would be poly-dimensional Space. I have a non patented formula that states that a ninety degree cube in four dimensions has 18 sides, and for five dimensions it's 40 sides and for six dimensions it's 75 sides. We told you Space was a dimension. We told you Time was a dimension. In the past we have spoken of Objects- - as we think of that word as having four "Aspects" or dimensions. We won't deal with those today, except to say you can have Awareness of - - Objects. We "perceive" them and each one has a whole set of mental associations concerning it in our brains. Here's the Kicker! Religious people allude to a self referencial phallocy in speaking that somehow AWARENESS is a dimension. But think about it. They want it all for themselves. They -as they do with claims of God - - claim God speaks only to them and not to others, and God always is giving you "messages" to "pass on to others". They claim Awareness or Experiance is a good thing- - yet when anyone other than themselves claims to have such "dimension of Awareness" or Experiance, the Christians, more than the secular man, will be the first to get Apaplectic over it and say "You can't do that". What them mean (secret translator) is "You can't do That- - because I Made the Whole Thing Up Myself just to elevate me in the last argument we had and the only way I could do it was to fight dirty". But of course they won't say that. They claim knowledge and yet they disclaim knowledge. They claim to have been imparted an "Unshakable Faith" or conviction- - - but say that their "knowledge' can't be investigated, and in fact - - will say that it's a Sin for you or anybody to "Investigate" such "other dimensions". and may even say "We can't know such things" after they have JUST SAID that THEY "Know It All" (Selah)
SPACE FOLDING WOULD BE A NEAT THEORY TO EXPLAIN TRAVEL OVER GREAT DISTANCES, IF ONLY IT WERE EVEN THEORETICALLY POSSIBLE. HOWEVER - - picture a three dimensional chess game. In my version I'd have four playing boards and two complete sets of chess pieces. I would have the men decked out on levels one and four as usual, with the stipulation that you could not capture a player until the piece had been moved. We have spoken of Space as a metaphor in karmic space. We didn't even mention the three dimensions of Karma. My only point is that in that arena- - just as in Chess we speak of "space you control" or what one might say "space in your Reach". Different chess players on the board have different reaches. In conformance to Mal Evans' "congruancy" doctrine- - we would know the "reach" of a bishop, so to speak. Normally one chooses to capture a player of a "different reach" from his own. Two "congruant' pieces such as two bishops in "each others space" would see paril for whoever's move it was unless one or both pieces were protected- - or a more pragmatic word is "insured". Now picture two pieces of paper- - with the same Universe drawn on them. It needn't be a limited universe in fact both pieces of paper go on out to Infinity. Space folding won't work. But picture each sheet of paper with the ink images facing each other- - the physical paper could be seen as the "ether" or "aether" however you choose to spell it. Question. Is there Ether between the sheets of paper? No. Hypothetically is there "space" between the two sheets of paper? No. Picture three dimensions. Now picture three more. Now let's clarify this a little. It would be AS THOUGH there were the SAME object, but "Occupying" two different sheets of paper, or in this case ONE object on Two different "Universes" of Ether. Keep in mind out model is based on the notion of a stationary point in time. (You Ether theorists will know why I am stipulating that. It's like in Word you have an auxiliary file and you want to paste or "plop" some block of text down in the middle of another block of text. One could liken the ether as "three dimensional". Hypothetically you could have "six dimensional ether" kind of like High Def TV - - where you can experiance all six dimensions at once. The point is that - - like an object "moved" into the space of another Object in sketch - - the default used to be that each object "had its own space' and was unaware of the other. The thing is that since there is no ether you need to "traverse" between any object on the second sheet and the first- - since distance is reckoned in terms of Ether (we aren't talking Speed now but distance - and that distinction is relevent) therefore since there "is no way to define distance" even though one could argue, for instance that ink from one sheet bled onto the other - - that you don't have to sweat all of that gravity and acceleration problems hassle. (Selah) Now when you play three dimensional chess and your Rook is taken by the others Queen, but the Queen was on some other level you can't claim "You rooked me out of my rook!" Those are the rules in three dimensional chess. Someone can swoop down from Another Level and capture your piece is you are In the others Space. One could (I considered this) slide the sheets of paper to get two objects on each facing sheet of paper to "line up" in proximity. However a better theory is the "piece capture" theory. If someone is "in your space" you can capture them and if they are in Your space, you can capture them. Length of move in a chess piece does not "weaken" the chessman's power. A piece's power is not contingent on how far it has to travel to capture an opposing piece. We know that since there is no SPACE as we know it between the sheets- - or / and - - there is no "Aether" then space as we know it is not a factor. All we know here is that pieces on different levels have a "reach". Since there is neither Space nor Distance between the sheets- - - the area a piece traverses - unlike in three dimensional chess - - is not defined in terms of Space, but it is defined in terms of Reach, or Karmic space. As such travel over great distances instantaniously would be possible.
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