guess we might as well talk about how the Media at large has been taking its
Stupid Pills lately. I think it was an interview with Jello Biafra on the Michael Benner program in June of 1993 that I became familiar with the term "Dumbing Down" as in the dumbing down of our educational system. According to Randi Rhodes, 'Network" was conceived of as a comedy as "something that would never actually happen. But what if the News were part of the entertainment division?" I remember that line from somewhere of "Do you realize everyone in this room is now dumber from having listened to your speech?" Some people say
they are annoyed by people “playing smart” and will say things like “I hate a
know-it-all”. I don’t mind a know it all
if he really DOES know it all because I can learn from someone like that. What I find far more annoying is people who
“play dumb”. Nora around here plays dumb. Any time she wants to avoid a confrontation
she kind of hides behind the fact she doesn’t know English very well, and it’s
been five years at least. But the question is "Since we know that advertisers aren't really idiots- - we know that they really aren't "dumb" but something more dangerous. They're manipulate.
Now this whole Governor Christie thing is absurd. Pat Buchannon of the Mc Laughlin Group is absolutely right. No way are the people really for him and the tea party people will never accept him no matter how much he embraces them. And make no mistake about it- - Christie will never call himself a “moderate” because he knows THAT is a political death sentence. But let’s look at the facts. The turn-out in New Jersey was only 38%, which means that nearly three quarters of those ellagable to Vote in New Jersey did not vote for Christie. They exit polled people- - not just Democrats- - and Hillary was more popular as a presidential candidate than was the guy they just voted for. That tells you volumes. But Christie’s personality hasn’t improved. He’s still just as volatile. I assure you that Blacks and Latinos will not vote for Christie for President any way other having a gun to their head. Christie has gutted the union and pension system, and has gutted education. Calling these measures reforms is less convincing than putting lipstick on a pig. But the media has done this STUPID routine a lot lately. Chris Little said that ‘As the Trayvon Martin case progressed the media got smarter about it, and who was really winning”. In the first place a trial is not a horse race, and to speak of it as such demeans the whole process. But also you know our side was in trouble from the git go when they said that Zimmerman had said on that 911 phone call “Fucking punks”. What he said was “Fucking Koons”, and the distinction is obvious. But there is a strain of so called “friar minded” people who literally want to take race out of everything even when it is clearly present. “Koon” is obviously a racial slur, whereas “Punks” is not. Of course I have come to hate these crocodile tears that some on the right profess to shad for the down and out. They say things like “Poor people can’t get bank loans now because of what the Dodd-Frank act did”. And they will accuse any liberal of being a “racist”. In addition to accusing the President of socialism and Islam, they have also accused him of appealing to racism. And sometimes the media even deceives me. For instance on this whole Health Care roll out- - no, I don’t like the way it’s going. But all the same you can’t judge the outcome of a race only a few seconds and yards into a race. People on the Chris Matthews show, to their credit, have reminded people like me that the Media at large loves to create hysteria and panic and sensationalism. When they see a street on fire their first reflex is to search for a can of gasoline to throw on it. And the Media also loves to build people up only to tear them down later. How many celebreties, too late, have realized this sad fact of life?
Now this whole Governor Christie thing is absurd. Pat Buchannon of the Mc Laughlin Group is absolutely right. No way are the people really for him and the tea party people will never accept him no matter how much he embraces them. And make no mistake about it- - Christie will never call himself a “moderate” because he knows THAT is a political death sentence. But let’s look at the facts. The turn-out in New Jersey was only 38%, which means that nearly three quarters of those ellagable to Vote in New Jersey did not vote for Christie. They exit polled people- - not just Democrats- - and Hillary was more popular as a presidential candidate than was the guy they just voted for. That tells you volumes. But Christie’s personality hasn’t improved. He’s still just as volatile. I assure you that Blacks and Latinos will not vote for Christie for President any way other having a gun to their head. Christie has gutted the union and pension system, and has gutted education. Calling these measures reforms is less convincing than putting lipstick on a pig. But the media has done this STUPID routine a lot lately. Chris Little said that ‘As the Trayvon Martin case progressed the media got smarter about it, and who was really winning”. In the first place a trial is not a horse race, and to speak of it as such demeans the whole process. But also you know our side was in trouble from the git go when they said that Zimmerman had said on that 911 phone call “Fucking punks”. What he said was “Fucking Koons”, and the distinction is obvious. But there is a strain of so called “friar minded” people who literally want to take race out of everything even when it is clearly present. “Koon” is obviously a racial slur, whereas “Punks” is not. Of course I have come to hate these crocodile tears that some on the right profess to shad for the down and out. They say things like “Poor people can’t get bank loans now because of what the Dodd-Frank act did”. And they will accuse any liberal of being a “racist”. In addition to accusing the President of socialism and Islam, they have also accused him of appealing to racism. And sometimes the media even deceives me. For instance on this whole Health Care roll out- - no, I don’t like the way it’s going. But all the same you can’t judge the outcome of a race only a few seconds and yards into a race. People on the Chris Matthews show, to their credit, have reminded people like me that the Media at large loves to create hysteria and panic and sensationalism. When they see a street on fire their first reflex is to search for a can of gasoline to throw on it. And the Media also loves to build people up only to tear them down later. How many celebreties, too late, have realized this sad fact of life?
like to talk a little about myself. Some
people say that I don’t give others enough credit for their input, and that –
particularly when I claim to quote Dead People I never try to make some kind of
a “logical case” for why I believe they said it. To a degree I take my cue from Jesus in the
Bible who says “When you say something- - just let the facts stand on their own
without appealing to rhetoric or citing the authority of others to buttress
your own claims”. As I have said
previously - - the Authority of something comes from the POWER behind it- - and
not any rationalization justifying its existence. Also as I also said- - I’m really not
bothered by Rand Paul stealing from other’s speeches. Because I figure “In the end he’ll stand or
fall on his own merits”. Also there is a
“Marcus code” in my writings. If I DON’T
cite someone as a source, that means I accept whole what they say. I agree with them. It’s kind of like signing the back of a
check. I own it now. If I mention their name- - particularly
frequently- - it man well mean I have doubts as to whether what they are
claiming is really the case. Just think
about it.
to the Mc Laughlin group for a moment- - the other news was this idea that
President Obama needs to give aid to Melikee of Iraq now that his Shiite
beliefs and forces are coming under attack from Al Qaeda and the rest of the
Sunis. As Pat says “Sunni Muslems, who
we have been alied with for years- - are being slaughtered in the
streets”. Personally, this is a great
civil war for the United States to stay completely out of. And Mal Evans agrees with Buchannon saying
“Obviously the President should not send military aid to Melikee. The only question is whether the President
should instead send aid to all of the many Sunnis who are attack from Syria and
Hez Ballah and the Iranians. Pat’s point
is well noted- that Iraq may be coming under the sway of Iran. And frankly if we ARE going to sign any
treaty with Iran on Nukes- - I think we would be wise to keep maximum pressure
on that nation so they don’t get the idea that they can get away with something
or “stall for time” while still working covertly.
Friday night it was NBC
Dateline. I guess that was when we saw
that parachute jump for the whole hour. A mishap befell eleven sky divers diving at
sunset in the desert around six o clock, which makes me think it was either a
couple weeks ago, or else in Arizona where the sun sets earlier. There was a lead plane and a chase plane and
each deployed a complement of sky divers and the lead plane went first, but the
planes were too close and the collided and the lead plane caught fire and parts
of it were flying off making a major hazard for the jumpers in the sky. Everyone in the chase plane deployed except for
the pilot who thought he could bring the plane in safely, but first would have
to right the inverted plane. The
propeller was bent and made an odd noise but it still powered the plane. All eleven sky-divers, ten and the pilot
arroved on the ground safely, and relatively intact. I went to bed soon after this- - and had some
mentally taxing dream I don’t remember.
This morning it was the
usual KNX and I got up around six.
President Obama gave a speech honoring veterans, and at eight the
Republican “response’ concerned all the people who are unhappy with Obama Care
and having to severely alter their insurance coverage and pay more for what
they don’t want. We had oatmeal for
breakfast followed by the usual fried egg and toast and butter and jelly. Then it was a little Purity products and
“creatine” and B 12. I got on computer
and did Blog Review and then watched Chris Matthews. I have no particular comment except to say
that twenty weeks is still way too generous for an abortion law- - and it’s
absurd to think that fetuses don’t feel pain many weeks before that point. It bothers me that these pro abortion
liberals are butchers at heart because to them the savagery of the abortion or
the age of the fetus- - or whether it’s partial birth or even “post birth” as President
Obama has supported- - it matters not one bit to these people. They regard this new unborn life as strictly
a non entity. I went for coffee in the
courtyard both in the morning and in the afternoon. I listened to Melinda Lee, who claimed this
would be the first of the Thanksgiving trilogy.
Of course Chunuka is celebrated on the same day, as early as it ever
comes in nineteen years, and still rarer that it juxtaposes with Thanksgiving
in this way.
I booted up Google Earth. I was pleased to see that the constellation
lines were in evidence at all degree settings.
Lupus is a constellation next to Centaurius, and I have information that
Lupus is one star group that the Federal government has had contact with,
perhaps considerably more contact with than the Pikes. I looked at Mars and the Moon. Mars doesn’t have that much area that comes
in in three D, and the moon has considerably more but mostly around the lunar
equator. I would remind blog readers
that the lunar equator is NOT parrellel to the earth’s equator but rather to
the earth’s “ecliptic”. This is key
knowledge- - and is pretty much a “gravitational necessity” for sending space crafts
around the moon for an orbit. They are
doing Boockbuster’s requiem on NBC news now.
Many people will miss their favorite sales person.
to what the “home star” is of Islam- - we know it would be the planet Abraham
in the Bible was from. I have received
two messages. First that the home star
is in the constellation of Scorpio. Why
I excluded Scorpio before is because I had the impression that it was a star
“High up in the sky”, which Scorpio is not.
Also because I didn’t think any of the Antarians had ever had earth
contact. The rap on them goes that they
were looking for a separation from their associated group. Then I told it was the “L” star. If this is the Sirius A “L” and not the
Greek letter Landa - - it may be a case of misidentification. I’ll get back to you later on this. Of course Landa has a whole lexicon of
applications in the Wickepedia such as in computer programming and altorithms,
and in physical science, and in higher math theory. If we research further- - it is the Sirius A
letter for “F”. Also in Sirius A culture
the symbol can be used for AND. The “V”
is used for the OR. One could here make
a case for in normal English speaking that AND is better than OR. Perhaps it is no accident that OR or V could
be “Verses”, meaning “pick one or the other”.
“And” if not in a computer programming sense- but in ordinary usage is
more inclusive because it’s better to have Vanilla AND chocolate ice cream for
dessert, rather than vanilla OR chocolate ice cream for dessert. Also
there is the mystic semaphore lore for the L that means either “Line” or
“Upward Path” or even “Secret Path”.
Oddly the mirror “L” in Romulan is called “Al Qatar”, which happens to
be a Moslem country. The Qatar is
usually a downward slope- - because like in Excel- - the “short-cut” (another synamom) most often is from the
beginning to the end of a block range.
It is this “Qatar” that is the slash out or negation symbol for a letter
in Sirius. Other semaphore signs of
note are that “U”, alias V formation means either “Victory” or “Yes”. The arms down at 45 degree angles means “No”,
and arms straight out mean “Go quickly”.
That’s more of a baseball than a football sign. They also use the semaphore sign for a "T" for "Time out", by the way.
While we're on a roll lets do some stuff to really bore you. A while back we mentioned we did not know the source of a lot of “Bubble gum” songs from 1970 and 1971. We have carefully enumerated these before- - and the only thing we might add to that list are “Band of Gold” and “Mr. Big Stuff”. The constelation is "The sculptur" and it's kind of a trapazoid thing in the southern skies. These are called “Palagians” by the Sirius A people- - and the A is pronounced Long and the G is “J” like. The word means either “Blocks” or “empty boxes”. It’s less a physical block of wood than an abstract block, like an “engine block” or a “cell block” or a “block of computer code”. The Reigelian government has been after me to plug another batch of songs from a group that got the name right here from Southern California Romulans in early 1969 called "The Crosstowns" and the term is almost always used in English, and most likely comes from the JH song "Crosstown Traffic", which was popular at the time. This is a group that lives on the same planet as "The Memphis group" but these people are pro Reigelian, and their songs have gotten a lot of air play. Here are a fair specific batch of groups from an admittedly narrow time period. The Music Explosion, the Ohio Express, Breton Woods, The Soul Survivors, The Foundations, the Human Beings, the American Breed. the Nineteen Cent Fruit Gum Company, and Boyce and Hart. Kurt Cobain contacted me an hour or so ago saying that "Seattle grunge groups don't have to be associated with anybody, but just found a way of expressing themselves, and drew from a diverse source of musical inspiration", and reminded me that he was inspired from groups as "David Bowie' and "The Meat Puppets".
While we're on a roll lets do some stuff to really bore you. A while back we mentioned we did not know the source of a lot of “Bubble gum” songs from 1970 and 1971. We have carefully enumerated these before- - and the only thing we might add to that list are “Band of Gold” and “Mr. Big Stuff”. The constelation is "The sculptur" and it's kind of a trapazoid thing in the southern skies. These are called “Palagians” by the Sirius A people- - and the A is pronounced Long and the G is “J” like. The word means either “Blocks” or “empty boxes”. It’s less a physical block of wood than an abstract block, like an “engine block” or a “cell block” or a “block of computer code”. The Reigelian government has been after me to plug another batch of songs from a group that got the name right here from Southern California Romulans in early 1969 called "The Crosstowns" and the term is almost always used in English, and most likely comes from the JH song "Crosstown Traffic", which was popular at the time. This is a group that lives on the same planet as "The Memphis group" but these people are pro Reigelian, and their songs have gotten a lot of air play. Here are a fair specific batch of groups from an admittedly narrow time period. The Music Explosion, the Ohio Express, Breton Woods, The Soul Survivors, The Foundations, the Human Beings, the American Breed. the Nineteen Cent Fruit Gum Company, and Boyce and Hart. Kurt Cobain contacted me an hour or so ago saying that "Seattle grunge groups don't have to be associated with anybody, but just found a way of expressing themselves, and drew from a diverse source of musical inspiration", and reminded me that he was inspired from groups as "David Bowie' and "The Meat Puppets".
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