Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Great Lost Twenty-first Century

Movies are notoriously poor prognosticators of the future.  But nobody expected almost this entire 21st Century to be pretty much wasted.  The Jetson’s predicted we’d all be flying around in our own space saucers by now.  And yet when Real Estate people want to use drones, that you can buy legally, for any money making pursuit then the FAA steps in and says you can’t do it.  Even though it would be of zero distinction whether or not a Drone had a camera in it or that it could be usefully employed to make money – somehow when the government gets their fingers in the pie, irrationality takes over.  2001 A Space Oddessy - - predicted that computers would be able to read lips at a distance with no problem, when they even have trouble with voice recognition.  People assumed we’d be making regular voyages to the moon.  People commonly believed that democracy would increase and consumer safeguards in this country would gradually increase.  People believed we’d be working thirty hour weeks and how to deal with all of our leisure time would be a major concern, but that money would NOT be any concern.  It was assumed that if there were surplus workers then the government would pay people not to work just as they have paid farmers not to plant due to the surplus food.  Same principle.  Nobody would have ever guessed that the first Black president our nation elected would pitch our society back into the worst forms of racism we’ve seen in over a half century.  Nobody guessed that our first Black president would be one of the greatest champions of government snooping and secrecy our nation has ever experienced.  Nobody would have guessed that when it came to pollution and water safety laws, the only question congress would be asking themselves would be “how many of these pesky laws do we want to repeal today?”   Few people would have guessed that routine health care expenses would be a bigger problem than ever.  And my guess is that the concencus in movies about the Future would be that religion as we have known for thousands of years, wouldn’t have been something we finally would outgrow doe to its “highly illogical” nature, as Spock might say.  There are roomers that the Great Pyramid due to some cryptic measuring system of the King’s Chamber- - predicted the end of civilization as we knew it in 2001.  My life can easily be bifurcated into pre and post June first 2001, that’s for sure.  How many Americans would not almost sell their souls (or at least mortgage them) for a chance to go back to pre Sept 11th 2001 back when President Bush was a nobody-  and would be regarded as such by the history books.  Who would have guess that the great Energy production revival we’ve seen in America these past few years- - would be an explosion of the production of the old time fossile fuels- - that we had concluded - - as far back as the sixties- - were destined to become a thing of the past?  I dare say that any President back fifty years ago, who proposed anything like the massive repeal of Wall Street regulations that are today’s reality- - I dare say such a man might well be brought up on impeachment violations.  And any justice department that refused the major Wall Street crimes we have seen- - would DEFINITELY be impeached.

This is Tuesday August 20, 2013, and Rick Edleman wants us to know that our minds by the way they are conditioned can make us make all the wrong investment decisions.  I’m sure if that psychic coach is any good - - he’d be very useful to a lot of people who are attending Christian evangelical rallies.  I want to get this posting out before breakfast.  Of course this time in 1987 back at the Bosc house I’d probably still be in bed- and NOT with a woman, either.  But I did get my medication this morning and “Dutch” didn’t have any cigarettes but Janet did, as well as coffee from Jim Spencer’s room (?) as well as coffee cake for me and Bill.  I don’t have trouble “getting out of bed before I’ve had a cigarette” but I have trouble doing much else until I’ve had a cigarette.  Last night I had a dream.  I dreamed the United States had suffered some sort of nuclear attack and it had messed with our climate- - and the air was very dry and there was no rain- -  and the government controlled everything in terms of food and especially water allocation.  But some areas would be short changed on their irrigation and inspecters from the left would examine the ground after it had been irrigated and say “This ground needs to be more soaked than this because with this amount of water the land will evaporate too soon.  And also the government was proving pure water to drink.  But there was some medical expert that said people weren’t getting enough water even though they thought that they were.  There was some ratio in the body that needed to be six to one, but the government had deemed that a ratio of 2.6 to one would be acceptable, but this was a way inadequate ratio to flush all the radioactivity out of the body- - and it was important for the body now to stay thoroughly hydrated.  But some Yahoos from Oklahoma would be bragging- - that They got sufficient water.

I was thinking of opening with a couple of Elvis jokes.  As you know Elvis began and ended his singing carrier in the Chinese year of the snake.  When he died it was in the year of the fire snake.  So when Elvis overdoses on drugs the next thing he knows is he’s outside some circus tent and inside is an Oracle.  And there is a guy in there who looks at Elvis and tells him what spell he needs to have a good after-life.  So he just cups the crystal ball and keeps saying the word ‘Nahustan - - Nahustan - - “.    Here’s another one.  Elvis is in Sun record studio and he’s singing a song, “Evening shadows make me blue - - when each weary day is through - - if I turn into a Smurf, I’m through - -  -  My Geekiness”.  Then he says “Hold it Marion - - that just don’t Move me.  I think I’ll try another song.  How do you feel about “Tomorrow Night?”.  And Marian says “Well, you might as well do the song now because you’re still paying for the studio time”.   And then Marion says “What the hell is a Smurf anyhow”.  And Elvis, genuinely puzzled says “I don’t know - - .  Actually I think it’s more of an attack of the Blue Meanies.  You know I went to an Oracle today and she told me that sixty years from now on this very day, there would be a regular epidemic of the Blue Meanies in America.    Meanwhile evangelist Gene Scott and singer Jake Hess were exploring this passage of the Great Pyramid.  And Gene calls Jake over “Hey Jake come over here- - I want you to see something.  What is This?”  And Jake says “It just looks like a Wall to me” and Gene says “Well- - that’s what it LOOKS like, but when you’ve been around God as long as I have you learn that nothing is as it seems”.

Let me get something straight.  Ted Cruise was born in Edmonton Alberta- - and not the housekeeper at Graceland.  And George Romney father of Mittens Romney - - was born in Mexico.  But they were both US Citizens because they were born to US Citizen mothers.  But when Barock Obama also is born to a mother who is a US Citizen - - somehow he's trying to get away with something awful.  Well, since Ted Cruise is a Canadian citizen- - maybe he should go into politics up there?  According to Stephanie and others- - the Courts have never really officially Decided just what a "Natural Born Citizen" of the United States consists of.  "Hummm?"

David Cruise has had his eye on the Anaheim Police Dept.  Now there is another brutality case where a seventeen year old was handcuffed and then thrown hard to the ground and stomped on and kneed.  They claim he was resisting arrest, but even if you cry out in pain you can be deemed by the police as “resisting arrest”.  But it still prompts the question is what was the original cause for said “arrest”.  You can’t be abused for resisting an arrest- - which hasn’t been made and there were no grounds for in the first place.  Personally I don’t know what is up with the Anaheim PD in the past few years.  We then come to Sheriff “Pie Hole” in Arizona.  Now ICE agents are cruising the Car Wash looking for a Car Wash that does “hand washing’ for under six dollars, and when they come across one they raid the place for aliens.  I don’t see why people can’t be left alone just to try and earn a decent living.  It’s not that they are worried about low wages- - they are just “showing off” to impress the ultra conservatives they are really out to get those Mexicans, and score more votes in the next right-wing skewed election.

This paragraph is personal news.  We had meat balls with a tomato base with rice, that I used Tom’s picante sauce on.  We had broccoli with that, and raspberry sherbet for desert.  Not waiting for seconds was a mistake.  I wanted a cigarette but couldn’t find one so went back to the dining room to borrow one from Marsha and she turned me down.  Though much of the room was already cleaned off- - the seconds cart was still on the other side of the room.  It hadn’t gotten to our side yet.  In the intervening three hours I borrowed two cigarettes from Larry and sold my tuna sandwich from Donnie for a Philly.  Just now I negotiated for two packets of Folgiers packets to use this evening.  The coffee maker is actually working much better tonight-  - so maybe some of the sludge was shaken loose.

A man is being put on trial for second degree murder because six of his pit bulls attacked an innocent person resulting in their death.  He used dogs, and Zimmerman used a gun- - with a more obvious connection in intent.  In other popular news, a twelve year old girl escaped the grasp of a black bear.  She was out jogging and saw the bear and turned around and began running the other direction.  She tried different things including even petting the bear.  That didn’t work.  So she played dead and the bear finally slinked away and she was able to escape.  But the park rangers tell you to scream when this happens.  All I can say, it’s a good thing bears aren’t the Anaheim police.

They may have actually developed a cure that works for many forms of cancer.  This elderly patient had bone cancer and he tried chemo therapy and that didn’t work.  So he got a bone marrow transfusion because Mialoma is a form of bone cancer.  I think he got stem cells.  But then got some new immune boosters that reformulate the genetics of the body’s own T cells to attack the cancer, and that worked.  It’s amazing what the wonders of medical science have come up with in our lifetimes.

In terms of life in soap land- - several incidents pushed my buttons on today’s episode.  That Vargis guy came back to thank Father Eric for all of the help he’d given him when he first got out of prison.  Instead of being happy for him,  Eric turns suspicious and wonders where he got the money to buy that expensive suit.  Personally I don’t get it.  How is that any of Father Eric’s business?  But all he kept saying was “I have failed” and Nicole was telling him he was basically green as grass as far as evulating people he doesn’t know to begin with.  To me this is a complaint without a problem.   We then come to the question as to whether Jack Junior will throw a tantrum like a five year old when he sees his mother and Dr Jonas secretly kissing in her office.  I think the best course of action is for neither to say a word- - but just - - stare him down and make Jack decide “what he’s going to do about it” and of course the correct response is “not a thing”.  And we come to E J Di Mira- - and his paranoia about Officer Hernandez laid up in the hospital room barely able to move.  If E J is afraid of him, he really is sexually insecure.  He doesn’t “get it” that Samantha would want to do an act of compassion and put a cool, damp cloth over his fevered forehead.  I don’t know how Elvis expects Samantha to act.  It’s not as thought he can claim “I am astonished.  I didn’t know that my fiancée was either honest and refuses to tell a lie, and worse yet she’s compassionate!”

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