Monday, August 19, 2013

Is "Free Association" a Psychotic Condition?

Stephanie Miller is in kind of a "penis mishap" day today.  Apparently there were several cases nation wide where people put a loaded gun down their pants and actually shot themselves in the penis.  Of course you remember Chuck Negron- - whom Howard Stern reports was hospitalized because of an "exploding penis" and there was blood everywhere and all the nurses were horrified.  They'd never seen anything like it.  Speaking of University Hospital- - Dr. Marlena Evans used a new term the other day.  We've all heard about the psychiatrists couch and 'free association" but apparently Christine Di Mira was diagnosed with an epidemic of "pre-association", which I myself have been known to be guilty of from time to time, and it's something I've had to watch.  Pre assiciation is simply that "What the hell are you Talking about?" that this like of prattle evokes in its hearers.   People like Rush Limbaugh and Lindsey Graham are guilty of it in spades.  The problem with "pre association" is that- - - rather than being impressive - - when you're making a speech before congress or Meet the Press or whatever- - like when you babble on about how President Obama is sponsoring bloodshed if he doesn't cancle foreign aid to Egypt - - or how "When you make a threat you need to follow through or you have no credibility".  The only Problem is- - President Obama never made a THREAT to cut off aid to Egypt.  That whole idea was never a topic that was on the table.  The only worry was whether we'd be legally COMPELLED to cut off aid if the change in governments was labeled a Coup.  Today is August 19th and I'm pretty sure it was this night ton August 19th 1974 hat I lay in bed mulling over the events of the next day before nodding off to sleep   Actually the day before I went in for my physical with the Army - - which was April 23rd 1970, unlike Arlo Guthrie I really did want to be at my best so I took three butasol sodium tablets to insure that I got a good night's sleep.  But of course I'm not going to tell you what happened on August 20th 1974.  (Actually I did go into the hospital this day - - to have my syllibus removed)   Actually I'm not going to tell you, in the interest of not "Over sharing" because now the whole bit with "Over sharing" has become an item.  It used to be in Face Book or My Space you just posted a few photographs and mentioned whether or not you were available to date, and that was considered in dept sharing.  Now that Hannah girl takes on any and all questioners about her kidnapping ordeal and that's an extreme form of "Glastnose" I'm not prepared to engage in at this time.  Yes, there was a certain ammount ot "processing' and paper work.  That could refer to any number of things.  I guess there was a Star Trek episode where the Captain was walking the deck late at night alone and that was a "tradition" that a - - - Captain - - would do before a big battle- - and someone added "A bit battle where the odds of your survival were rather slim".  That's OK - - my whole life has been hopeless.  But I will say that I'm one of the lucky ones as far as physical health is concerned.  I've never been to a hospital for the express purpose of having any surgical procedure.   But in the interest of the saying "There but for the grace of God - goes I" is concerned- - - we have to look at people who may be having a change of heart on Obama care when they too discover (or are accused of) that they have a "pre existing condition".  Apparently one Republican got converted when he had diagnosed testicular cancer and went for treatment- - but also said he had sleep apnia- - and the insure people said "Sleep apnia was a pre existant condition" and therefore he was guilty of fraud and they would not even treat him for the testicular cancer, if I have the story right.  Of course Stephanie Miller never shares about her personal life.  There are a lot of things I don't share about my personal life, and sometimes I think I share too much.  Thirty years ago- -  when I wasn't pretending to be dead alltogether- - my letters to the media - - said nothing about my specific living arrangements at the time, because I wanted them to guess- - like was I really living on Reigel VI at the time or something.  But on Stephanie's show today she mentioned THINGS - - terms that have been voided for future use by respectable people- - because the Republicans have misused these terms so much.  One of them is Racism- - which the republicans have taken over the use of - - that particular Word.  Another is any Nazi or Hitler reference.  It's like playing "The Quiet Game"  - - the first person of the morning to employ a Hitler reference - - loses.  Another term you can't use any more is - - Empathy.  That is suddenly a bad thing now- - and something no court justice or no legislator who makes the laws we all must live by- - should ever make use of in his deliberation processes.  And of course "Town Hall" is another of those banned phrases now.   Congressmen have no desire or need at this point to hear from their actual constituency - - i e members of the general public.  I'll continue with this posting after a cigarette break now.

Actually this blog is very "Old School" where we proceed at a higher level of psychosis free association thinking than you people are used to where virtually everything is a Clue.  Of course Yahoo has a category of music called "Old School" but so many of these are "Delphinian" rather than the category we'll discuss today.  As you know we alluded to one category of Music Groups - - where 1973 was a really big year for them - - and the thing is they were part of the Old Reigelian Federation but were for whatever reason NOT included when the Orion Federation took charge.  But there Reigelians who yearn for a "pan Reigelian Federation" of old kind of like Hitler and other companions reasoned that Austria should be part of a "pan German empire" and to annexed it.  But we at the Federation didn't too that.  Why?  Perhaps there were too many "Negrons".  That's a word for understandable reasons I haven't heard a lot of.  Negrons.  Sounds like some sort of Cyber-Negro or something.  It's actually a singer in a group that is Delanian - (feel free to seek prior elucidation, if you can find it in our stuff) - they never even owned this group- but they wanted to a another of those token White groups along with Helen Reddy and Jim Croce, who are part of this group that also includes groups as diverse as the Grass Roots, the OJ"s and Barry White.  That "fake disco group".  Unlike the Delphinians - - this group was more intent in scoring high in the Top Forty.    Of course - - I was going to talk about rock groups who "Corrupt their roots".  It was alleged by some Andomadans for example that Fleetwood Mac was corrupted when Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks joined up because they were Sirius A people.  I was later admonished by guardians "guides" of Lindsey and Stevie- - that they too were Andromadans.  Perhaps they spent "Time' in an astral "pre desth" state (we've discussed before) hanging out on Sirius A, but they have never bought in to the whole ZAC theology thing - - and indeed there is Zero allusion to the ZAC in any of their music.  Then we have Crosby Stills Nash and Young - - the group- - being corrupted by the "59th Street Gang" we've discussed earlier.  They refer to "Deja Vu" in particular as a "Bastard album".  Some Andromadan D purists say that many Andromadan groups have been "corrupted" by 59th Street Group influence.  Of Course Graham Nash hangs out with three Andromadans but he himself has "Contractual obligations" he cant get out of - - once he dies because Nash is NOT an Andromadan.   Of course - - getting back to the Negrons - - - according to one Radio Station their Ninth of ten hits was really big in the Summer of 1973 and perhaps this is where the name came from.  And those of you who have listened to "Return of the Rocker' by Elvis will note that the Ninth track on that album is "Make Me Know It", which we have discussed.   The Federation will stand by three of Matalica's first four albums with "Master of Puppets" having possible influence from others.  But the Taccomans were in a group acquisition mood in 1991 feeling that flush of Power from taking over Federation communacations.  So they took over Metallica - - - and at some point when Mal Evans returned to power he just said "Let the Taccomans have that group".  (1992)   The Tacccomans also tried to acquire Bruce Springsteen unsuccessfully, and also were eyeing U 2 - - but management of U 2 "guides" responded "Hell No" in a conversation to the Taccomans that was highly laden with explititives.  Actually - - - U 2 was one of three PUNK bands - - one of the three that made it really BIG - - was owned by Alcyonne - - - who did well by them.  Another was the Police- - - where internal tensions and some would argue Federation claims on Sting - - broke the group up.  The third really Big group- - I've been advised not to name but two members of that group ended up dead- - and there was one guitarist who really animated their first two albums - - and their third album is sorely wanting of this form of "energizing".   OK WE STILL HAVE A LITTLE MORE I WAS GOING TO MENTION   The Federation itself has ventured into Black music- - but since Mal Evans is not a fan of Disco, these groups haven't gotten as much hype therefore.  But the Federation has scored a few freak number one hits with songs like 'Disco Duck" and "more, more more, how do you like it" and "Play that Funky Music, White Boy" and "Love Roller Coaster" (playing into the Howard legond because someone was roomered to being actually murdered you can hear in the song, supposedly).  We forgot to mention "War" with or without Eric Burden, because he is Federation too, and of course the Federation has always owned the Bee Gees back before they went Disco - - and also "Disco Toilet" is said to be a Federation track.  We don't talk about that one.

I was just listening to Leo Le Port and apparently Heather is the same Heather that worked with Dr Dean Edell for eleven years so she’s good at fielding calls.  Leo even said “a call screener can make or break a show”.  That’s quite an admission.  There was an extended conversation with one caller- that is after I roused from having dozed off a bit- and Leo was saying that computers still aren’t good at recognizing handwriting or at voice recognition, or worst of all- facial expressions.  Only the thing is that a talented cartoonist can sure accomplish facial expressions with only a few lines.  You had this final caller to Leo’s show that was definitely old school.  He used to watch these 3 D movies in the ‘fifties with the colored glasses.  He still has a pre HDTV.  He invested in lazordisks where you had to turn them over in the middle of the movie to play the other side.  He did not know about DVD-R - - and apparently the DVD player he has now won’t play them, which I find puzzling.   Perhaps he has an early generation player before the –R part of it became standard.  But apparently now - - if you don’t have a Blue Ray player you’re not with it, anyhow.  Leo said you could pick up a DVD player for thirty dollars at your local Cosco.  Was he exagurating?  There was some talk about getting a “free digital copy that is copy protected”.  That sounds like an oxy-moronism.  Actually the show needs more callers like this to get people up to speed occasionally.

   I had breakfast with the Beatles on this morning.  They played “I’ve Had Enough” and my one comment about that track, is I think it would have been better if John had done it, and he was still alive then so he could have.  “Love In Song” is another Wings track that I’m fond of, probably because it reminds me of Led Zeppelin with the guitar playing.   I was sure that the version of “Hey, You Got To - - “ was Mickey Dolan and the Monkees, because they have featured him as a Beatle fan.  But it turned out to be the grass roots.  And I had no idea that the “Rascles” were coming to Chea Stadium in August 1965, which I guess is the featured anniversary of the day.  I have had ideas or revelations or whatever about all that Cosmic stuff- - but the thing is- - what does it have to do with the price of tea in China or with my life?  How is it going to help me fix this coffee maker that has gone downhill really fast?  I think I need to wait for something else to make all or part of this stuff I was going to write down relevant to me or to anybody else.  I had some dream last night that was in this vein of “getting a revelation of the true cosmic source of a lot of things” but of course now I can’t remember it.  I didn’t sleep all that well last night anyhow and woke tired.

The Saudi Arabians don’t trust the Moslem Brotherhood any more than we do, and want them prevented from returning to power.  Since they are both Sunis I’m not completely sure why the Saudis and the Brotherhood are as such odds with each other.  I covered most of the segments in “Face the Nation”.   It’s funny to listen to these republicans like Lindsey Graham rave on because they salivate over the idea of a total collapse of the Egyptian government and a destabilization of the entire Mideast region.   They are just so hell bent on seeing President Obama fail– nothing is off limits for them.

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