Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years

All you employees can feel extra secure here in this building now.  I just hired on a new security guard - - Irwin Glasscock.  The Chechnian Medical Examiner down at Army headquarters show me his form and he scored a 79 on his Army physical.

questioner:  That wasn't his IQ was it?

No, it's what cha call that there draft status.  That's a lucky number. That's the year that Apocralipse Now came out.  My favorite movie.   He said they were using some kind of new fangled system called the hexi-decimal system on the forms now.  Youall ever heard of that?  Is it anything like that new socialist library of congress filing system they are converting to in all the public libraries now?

It’s the ten to three break on the Nicole Sandler show and today’s story of obviously the sentencing of Bradley Manning to 35 years by a military court.  As Nicole points out- - Bradley Manning was in the military and subject to their rules of conduct.  As to that gentleman’s fourteen year old daughter being corrupted- - Nicole never said “It’s all right to steal”.  What she was saying is that Bush and Rumsfeld and Chaney have committed countless War Crimes, and yet none of the three of them has seen so much as one day inside a prison.  Bradley Manning was kept in solitary confinement for extended periods, and some say he was tortured in other ways.  They now say he’ll be ellagable for parole in about ten years, and that he’s lucky the sentence wasn’t longer.  Nicole is actually more inclined to give Edward Snowden a pass because he was NOT in the military but a civilian and had access to government Secrets that perhaps he should have had.  And the question lingers as to whether there will be more Edward Snowdens.  But the tea party right will not entertain the thought for a minute that just maybe we should not trust private corporations with our national security.  Yesterday Nicole had stuff on about the John Birch society and how Fred Koch is the father of Charles and David Koch- - and was a founding member of the John Birch society.  But Nicole said something I’ve heard before but always in the most fleeting of terms, and that is that George Bush has ties to the Bin Laden family.  So why don’t we get Victor Kiriacus on the case and probe to see if there was any grounds for impeachment.  It’s a strange accusation to be just left - - hanging out there.  It would have profound implications if true, such as it would explain why President Bush did not after a time even seem that interested in Capturing or killing Bin Laden.  I am truly puzzled why the tea party is more angry with the Obama Administration- - who actually took Bin Laden out- - then they are of the Bush administration- - who only made one excuse after another.  It certainly can’t be repeated often- - and I’m glad Nicole did it again- - that President Obama has not been this “transformational president’ that he billed himself as in his 2008 campaign.  I would at this time like to slip in a little moral lesson from today’s “Days” episode.  You know the adage.  “Those who say – don’t know - - and those who know - - don’t say”.   When you’ve “got the goods on someone” you can sit back and smile and even pretend to “make peace with them” and meanwhile the guilty party is so uptight they don’t know “whether to shit or wind a wrist watch” to quote Jack Nicholson.  If Obama had had the instincts of a Lyndon Johnson - - he would “get the goods” on these Republican congressmen- - or for that matter have his people find out as many governmental secrets as they can.  That way people like Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning would not have to “be the heroes”.  The president could reserve that glory for himself.

Nicole was so chocked with goodies today I had to toggle between the radio and the TV because meaty dialog was transpiring on the soap opera, too.  I am really disappointed with Vargis for going out with “Jeanie” or “Teresa” or whatever she is calling herself these days.  That girl is nothing but a gold digging floozy and frankly I would not even have considered going out with her.  I’d see this young lady eyeing my expensive suit the same way that a cat eyes a piece of tuna.  But when she makes the statement about “Maybe I can sandwich you in between dates” I would be thinking “Who the hell does she think she’s kidding.  This twirp is completely full of herself!”  Hell, the moment some other guy steals her away from you is the best moment of your date.   That’s one load off your mind, and believe you me- - Teresa is a real “Load”.  Nicole was talking about all the lies told by FOX news and it was hard to keep track of them all.  I’ll have to Google that topic as she recommends.  Then I’ll have to employ all of my skills learned in a pirated version of the Evelyn Woodhead Sped Reddin Course”  (late winder and early spring of 1977)  Because that’s what FOX news is.  It’s all lies.  Some people have raised the question whether or not politics should influence the life of a Christian.  Of course it should, but as Rick Perry points out- - it should be by osmosis.  That is the Preacher gives the Sunday message and you use those values taught from the Bible to evaluate your political practices.  For instance- - no real Christian would have voted for the Nazi party in German in 1933.  It would be a case of exercising the “wisdom of the Lord” to sift all the lies you have been told- - and find them all sadly wanting.  (That’s a paraphrase of the book of Daniel)  And when it comes to Pat Robertson - - he’s so old and tired in his appearences these days- - - everything he says is more amusing than anything else.  Then she had on Frank Schaffer, son of Francis Schaffer, whom all the Born Again Christians of my time felt that he walked on water.  He was their icon.  But the son turned on the father and has been writing a series of books saying how he was misled and deceived growing up.  As Nicole puts it ‘it’s the responsibility of every young person to come to a point where they make moral evaluation for themselves”.  I haven’t read any of his books, and am not sure my Mom has either but if she has any of them I’d to borrow them.  I thought it was today that said “The Republicans are in such a bad state, if we get all the minorities registered properly and follow all their laws- - taking over congress next year should be no problem”.  I would like to think that.  But I have been disappointed before.

I went for coffee in the courtyard both in the morning and in the afternoon.  In the morning someone was mopping the floors and I went down early and got a chair.  I got two cups both in the morning and in the afternoon.  Bruce was babbeling away.  He has “lived on the dark side of the moon” for the past forty years.  Maybe someone should record his words and put the tapes right next to Ephrem Zimbelist Jr reciting the entire King James Bible.  Loretta greeted me, and I guess I had a brief “Nick Fallon” moment.   I was thinking “Things were really better when we were a lot closer than we are now around two years ago”.  I threw out Richard Powers name and she said she still has a picture of him in her room.  I miss that Mormon bunch- - because I think we had decent fellowship - - and Seid had excellent instincts as to just what to say to us.

Of course like I say listening to some people on the right- - is more like listening to the ramblings of a patient on the psychiatric couch.  Or as William Holden put it in “Sunset Blvd” – sometimes it’s interesting to find out how bad - - really bad writing can be”.  I was just listening to Rush ramble about the horrors of liberalism and how liberals have taken over the country and completely taken over the media and corrupted a whole generation.  And by the way I am not at all out of sympathy with Rush said about the Milenial Generation - - and their abomidable work ethic and the way the education system now has gone whacko with all of this “You’re special” crap and you deserve a reward for coming in last.  It struck me that is by some miracle (or perhaps one of Endora’s curses) that somehow Rush Limbaugh “turned into” all of these liberal values, as he sees them, he is so horrified by.  You know- - stuff like “success is a sin” and “My feelings are more important than facing up to my own faults” and Obama is my Hero because he is trying as hard as he can to bring about the socialist’s agenda”.   That would be a trip.  If that happened, I would one of the first getting in line to condemn his positions.

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