Thursday, August 22, 2013

San Diego Mayor Philman To Resign

I guess the stuff expressed in this posting wouldn't exactly work as a 144 character tweet on Twitter, would it?
This is at two o clock on Thursday August 22, 2013 and today will be remembered as the day that San Diego Phillner finally announced that he would resign tomorrow, as soon as the City Council makes it official tomorrow.  I was having grave apprehensions whether this day would ever come.  There was talk that Phillner was waiting for some “deal” to be struck where he was immune from all criminal and civil charges any of these sixteen (or higher) women might bring against him.  It seems as though it’s feast or famine in the news cycle.  But it seems less to me that we are like pawns or proxies in some cosmic wars in the heavens out there, and more as though there is some master script writer, like the writer for a really bad soap opera, writing out the script of world events.  My whole problem with us all being pawns or proxies in some cosmic war or wars- - as alluded to in the Book of Daniel- - is that it’s a highly egocentric view.  One must rationally ask himself “Why the hell would any higher Power regard us as that important?”   The whole idea behind the “single writer concept” is that the writer is all powerful and can do anything with the text of the script he damn well pleases.  Take today on Days of our Lives.  Obviously the soap opera writers decided that they needed to “take down” Vargis over the past two days, which pisses me off something fierce.  It wasn’t that long ago when fighting was the manly thing to do.  I’m not even going to ask how Vargis’ apartment wasn’t even locked and Teresa could waltz right in there and steal hand fulls of cash in large bills.  We then come to the little stand off between Kate Roberts and Stephano Di Mira.  Kate Roberts is a powerful woman, but not that powerful.  She says “Stephano, I know what you did, and why you did it, and believe you me this time you’re not going to get away with it” and Stephano glibly responds, “Do you know how MANY people have said that to me in the past?”  And the thing is- - he’s absolutely right.  I wouldn’t place five bucks on Kate at this point.  E J Di Mira is more of a contender- - but there have been times when even if you break the rules- - you still managed to come up the Loser when Stephano is involved.  Still I wish him God’s speed- - and if EJ wants me to stand guard in the room and blow an air horn at him whenever he begins to dose off, I’m up for it.  If I were only better at back-dating computerized bank accounts I’d do the work myself.  I just have this sinking feeling “The best laid plans of mice and men - -“ and all.  Commander Data attempted in “Next Generation” to re-set the ship’s time and date chronometer in one episode- in a cover-up - and it not even He was able to get away with it.

Our next broad subject has to do with the racism that still remains in Society today even after the cancer surgery.  As you know there is a highly praised movie called “The Buttler” about a buttler who served in multiple terms of presidents.  Apparently George HW and “Bar” loved the movie.  Oprah Winfrey has a starring role in the movie some say “playing herself”.  But it’s amazing how these nay sayers crawl out of the woodwork like the termites they are- - when they smell a racial issue they can exploit.  And they get on the radio and say “You know I’ve always been a fan of Oprah- - but when she began talking about Trayvon Martin being just like Emmit Till or - - that movie- - well, for me Oprah just stepped over the line and now I predict that she had lost all of her Credibility and will soon be seen as the nobody she is”.  Stuff like that.  One person who was actually constructively advance the argument that the Right makes- - about race, was Rush Limbaugh today saying that one of the Black teenagers that killed that Austrailian visiting college student- - that he had racist tweets posted.  OK, that WOULD make him to be just like George Zimmerman.  But with a couple of exceptions.  For one thing George Zimmerman is a lot older and “ought to know better”.  And the other of course is that when a Black man kills a white individual- - he is apprehended and sent to prison, as he ought to be.  But when a George Zimmerman just “does what he does” - - - “the system” protects him, and he’s held up as some kind of right wing hero icon.  In case you are wondering- - the Federation came down on these three perpetrators like a ton of bricks- - and highlighted this is the sort of crime that occurs in a violent, gun crazed country like America.  And then we have Moe Kelly in his never ending slander campaign against Hanna Anderson.  You talk about using Joe Mc Carthy tacticts- that’s exactly what Moe Kelly is doing on this one.  At some point, which has become a recurring pattern, I have turned off of KTLK and switched to Rush Limbaugh on KFI because his rantings are personally easier to listen to- - then suffering some Judas on KTLK.

As you can see I decided to go with our rainbow sherbet décor in the Word file.  Of course I’m not sure how the rainbow became associated with gay pride.  It used to be associated with the long haired hippy culture.  ZAC fans know Zachery is associated with the rainbow from the “Dark Side of the Moon” cover with its “clues” and “She’s A Rainbow” by the Stones, is alledgedly about Zachery’s mother.  So now we come to Bradley Manning, who is the next person to go transsexual.  “He shaved his legs now he is a She”.    Talk about an “unmanly way” to face your punishment- - this takes the cake.  Moe rightly sated that Manning knew full well what the various punishments were for the crimes he committed while he was doing them.  So now he can’t say “I don’t want to go to Levenworth because it’s a men’s prison”.  Hell, that line didn’t even work for Joan of Arc and she WAS a woman!   So from now on he’s calling himself Chelsea Manning.  It was pointed out to me that in Romulan - - “Chelsea” is considered a rather obscene word.  It’s another of those obscene words they picked up from the Lanians when they were subjugated- - and not used in mixed company- - or even otherwise, if you don’t want to start a fight.  Some Romulan translations are interesting.  For instance “Viragosa” translates out in English to “Breaking forth of conceit”.  Good thing the ex LA Mayor isn’t Romulan.

And the stories keep on coming.  In Syria on the news last night they came across the bodies of a whole lot of dead children, who had been gassed with Seran or some other neuro toxin.  And they had videos of people in the throws of the toxin.  It’s a real eye opener.  As such I’d like to award the sage saying of the day to John Mc Cain who said recently “When the President makes a threat or gives an ultimatum- - he had better well follow through with that threat or he loses all credibility around the world”.  President Obama is a weenie.  We all heard him talk about that Red Line that positively could not be crossed without dire consequences.  In other news- - apparently they pulled the plug on a Soviet news reporter for saying positive things about gay people- - and they took him off the air seconds later and right now he’s probably doing time in some gulag.  I don’t think it can repeated too much that the problem with this President is that he’s RE-active rather than PRO-active.  He never seems to get out in front of an issue but thinks it’s politically smart to ignore the big issues till the pressure is just too great-  and then he acts.  People have described President Obama as a “Blank Canvas” where you can imagine painted on it anything you want.  This is how the president has been able to get so far politically while accomplishing so little.  Of course Pete Richards also has a tendancy to do this.  And Pete Richards has also said of President Obama (over my objections) that President Obama is a good speech maker.  Of course then they come back constantly having to say “I never said that” and you go through his words with a fine tooth comb- - and amazingly so much of the time- - he really Didn’t ever say that specific thing, but a “reasonable” man would infer that he had.

Maybe KFI is turning just a little bit “Blue’ after all.  They have been running these adds for Al-gezera news on KFI in the past few days.  People are praising Al-gezera as perhaps one of the few news outlets now where they have actual reporters, and where you can get hard news, instead of all this fluff they put out there on the TV network news shows.  Yesterday I promised myself I would look up all of the lies on line that FOX news has put out over the years.  I still haven’t done that.   I’ve told you that these days when a station goes into a commercial break, don’t even THINK about “waiting it out”.  Because you’ll wait and wait and wait, only to discover that you have to wait some more.  Seven minutes seems about the AVERAGE now.

We now have more of these cosmic “bits” I’ve been saving.  We can start with misunderstood song lyrics.  In “Happiness is a Warm Gun” Lennon sings “Back to the bits that I left up town” and not “Back to the Bitch that I left up town”.   And also in “High, High, High” Paul sings “Get you ready for my polygon”.  I always thought the word was “Body Gun”, as did others.  And also in the Beatles’ “Come together” it is “Hold you in his arms, yeah, you can feel his disease”.  The word isn’t “armchair” as I had supposed.  Actually I think I remember when me and John were writing that one.  My line was originally “Hold you in his arms so you can feel his disease” and Lennon wanted to change it first to “Yes,” and then “Yeah”.   This next item relates to a conversation I had with “the late” Jim Morrison, that I was half thinking about relating to you people at the time but decided it was just something personal he chose to share with me and it wouldn’t be fitting”.  As you may or may not now – Federation people have pointed to a certain “Snarkiness” about Jim Morrison’s communications with the Federation lately.  And the most logical reason for the change, if there is indeed an actual change, is the death of fellow band member Ray Manzerek, which may have created in Jim a certain hard edged pragmatism that had been lacking before. But we were talking about “what people were saying” realizing I was on awkward ground, and then he said “Do you think there is any difference in the way I am relating to you now?” and I said “No”.   We then come to a couple of cases of people “losing their citizenship”.   I guess Ted Cruise wants to renounce his Canadian citizenship or something.  Well, they now say that Dennis Wilson somehow lost his Reigel Sixer citizenship- or was tricked out of it along the way- - so that Reigel VI was no longer an option for him.  This technically made Dennis Wilson a free agent.  But if you looked at his karmic life back in the ‘eighties it was anything but Free.  He was like Agent 13 on “Get Smart” who would pop up literally anywhere.  But then we have the case of Glen Fry.  Someone pointed out to me that in fact, Glen Fry renounced his Andromedan citizenship somewhere along the way.  I’m sorry to hear that.  Jumping to Mike Meloy last night- - there is a genure of music that can only be called country pot smoking songs.  These are Andromadan, either D or E and more often than not E.  We now move on to our final item which ironically was the first item today that I wanted to be sure and post to my readers about.  It involved a certain music trend I call the “1965 sound” that is kind of – bold and brassy and has kind of a “boom - - ssick - - bomb – bomb - - shick” kind of a beat.  You hear it all over from Stevie Wonder to the Supremes to Martha and the Vandellas to Shirley Ellis to the Newbeats- and perhaps even on ‘Lovers Concerto” by the Toys.  And I was kind of wrangling with a representative guide this morning about it.  I was in kind of an E J Di Mira mood of “I know the evidence is out there- - it’s just up to you to find it”.  Well I persistence paid off.  Well first he begins telling me about certain “Brassy” Reigel Sixer music such songs as “Little Latin Loopy Loo”, “Twist and Shout” and “Watermellon Man” and “Killer Joe” or “El Wahtuci” and even “A Quiet Village”, which is all Reigel VI music.  And I kind of stop him and say “No, no” there is some other cosmic Vibe out there.  I’m sure of it.  Well he did some research and sure enough on Arkturus there is an outfit known as “The New York Group” and they did not originate bands, but were sponsorer and shapers of the way certain bands sounded.  Of course “Boy from New York City” is a prime example.  Shirley Ellis is a Reigel Sixer- - but for “The Name Game” and “3 6 9” they got this “New York Group” touch.  They kind of started this epidemic of a certain “hit sound” out there all the teenyboppers were really going for these days”.    Tom Jones and Nancy Sinatra are “Torinos” and yet they picked up on this sound.  Petula Clark did for a while - - but sometime she switched bands and “Don’t Sleep In the Subway” is strictly a Leonoran production.  Those sneaky Leonorans have this nasty habbit of stealing groups from other people, I’ve noticed.    I would just throw one more completely non related thing in - - the Calvary Chapel baptisms in the ocean at “Pirate’s Cove” in Corona Del Mar.  This is right in Reigel Sixer country- - but they have no problem with these baptisms taking place right under their noses.  In fact the “Feng Chue” of the grounds of Calvary Chapel itself- - is pretty good.  (this is in rather stark contrast to a lot of churches where you notice a certain oppressive vibe right off)  It would seem that the local inhabiting spirits don’t mind that it’s there.  But neither is there apparently any particular effort for a land grab by - - - whoever.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years

All you employees can feel extra secure here in this building now.  I just hired on a new security guard - - Irwin Glasscock.  The Chechnian Medical Examiner down at Army headquarters show me his form and he scored a 79 on his Army physical.

questioner:  That wasn't his IQ was it?

No, it's what cha call that there draft status.  That's a lucky number. That's the year that Apocralipse Now came out.  My favorite movie.   He said they were using some kind of new fangled system called the hexi-decimal system on the forms now.  Youall ever heard of that?  Is it anything like that new socialist library of congress filing system they are converting to in all the public libraries now?

It’s the ten to three break on the Nicole Sandler show and today’s story of obviously the sentencing of Bradley Manning to 35 years by a military court.  As Nicole points out- - Bradley Manning was in the military and subject to their rules of conduct.  As to that gentleman’s fourteen year old daughter being corrupted- - Nicole never said “It’s all right to steal”.  What she was saying is that Bush and Rumsfeld and Chaney have committed countless War Crimes, and yet none of the three of them has seen so much as one day inside a prison.  Bradley Manning was kept in solitary confinement for extended periods, and some say he was tortured in other ways.  They now say he’ll be ellagable for parole in about ten years, and that he’s lucky the sentence wasn’t longer.  Nicole is actually more inclined to give Edward Snowden a pass because he was NOT in the military but a civilian and had access to government Secrets that perhaps he should have had.  And the question lingers as to whether there will be more Edward Snowdens.  But the tea party right will not entertain the thought for a minute that just maybe we should not trust private corporations with our national security.  Yesterday Nicole had stuff on about the John Birch society and how Fred Koch is the father of Charles and David Koch- - and was a founding member of the John Birch society.  But Nicole said something I’ve heard before but always in the most fleeting of terms, and that is that George Bush has ties to the Bin Laden family.  So why don’t we get Victor Kiriacus on the case and probe to see if there was any grounds for impeachment.  It’s a strange accusation to be just left - - hanging out there.  It would have profound implications if true, such as it would explain why President Bush did not after a time even seem that interested in Capturing or killing Bin Laden.  I am truly puzzled why the tea party is more angry with the Obama Administration- - who actually took Bin Laden out- - then they are of the Bush administration- - who only made one excuse after another.  It certainly can’t be repeated often- - and I’m glad Nicole did it again- - that President Obama has not been this “transformational president’ that he billed himself as in his 2008 campaign.  I would at this time like to slip in a little moral lesson from today’s “Days” episode.  You know the adage.  “Those who say – don’t know - - and those who know - - don’t say”.   When you’ve “got the goods on someone” you can sit back and smile and even pretend to “make peace with them” and meanwhile the guilty party is so uptight they don’t know “whether to shit or wind a wrist watch” to quote Jack Nicholson.  If Obama had had the instincts of a Lyndon Johnson - - he would “get the goods” on these Republican congressmen- - or for that matter have his people find out as many governmental secrets as they can.  That way people like Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning would not have to “be the heroes”.  The president could reserve that glory for himself.

Nicole was so chocked with goodies today I had to toggle between the radio and the TV because meaty dialog was transpiring on the soap opera, too.  I am really disappointed with Vargis for going out with “Jeanie” or “Teresa” or whatever she is calling herself these days.  That girl is nothing but a gold digging floozy and frankly I would not even have considered going out with her.  I’d see this young lady eyeing my expensive suit the same way that a cat eyes a piece of tuna.  But when she makes the statement about “Maybe I can sandwich you in between dates” I would be thinking “Who the hell does she think she’s kidding.  This twirp is completely full of herself!”  Hell, the moment some other guy steals her away from you is the best moment of your date.   That’s one load off your mind, and believe you me- - Teresa is a real “Load”.  Nicole was talking about all the lies told by FOX news and it was hard to keep track of them all.  I’ll have to Google that topic as she recommends.  Then I’ll have to employ all of my skills learned in a pirated version of the Evelyn Woodhead Sped Reddin Course”  (late winder and early spring of 1977)  Because that’s what FOX news is.  It’s all lies.  Some people have raised the question whether or not politics should influence the life of a Christian.  Of course it should, but as Rick Perry points out- - it should be by osmosis.  That is the Preacher gives the Sunday message and you use those values taught from the Bible to evaluate your political practices.  For instance- - no real Christian would have voted for the Nazi party in German in 1933.  It would be a case of exercising the “wisdom of the Lord” to sift all the lies you have been told- - and find them all sadly wanting.  (That’s a paraphrase of the book of Daniel)  And when it comes to Pat Robertson - - he’s so old and tired in his appearences these days- - - everything he says is more amusing than anything else.  Then she had on Frank Schaffer, son of Francis Schaffer, whom all the Born Again Christians of my time felt that he walked on water.  He was their icon.  But the son turned on the father and has been writing a series of books saying how he was misled and deceived growing up.  As Nicole puts it ‘it’s the responsibility of every young person to come to a point where they make moral evaluation for themselves”.  I haven’t read any of his books, and am not sure my Mom has either but if she has any of them I’d to borrow them.  I thought it was today that said “The Republicans are in such a bad state, if we get all the minorities registered properly and follow all their laws- - taking over congress next year should be no problem”.  I would like to think that.  But I have been disappointed before.

I went for coffee in the courtyard both in the morning and in the afternoon.  In the morning someone was mopping the floors and I went down early and got a chair.  I got two cups both in the morning and in the afternoon.  Bruce was babbeling away.  He has “lived on the dark side of the moon” for the past forty years.  Maybe someone should record his words and put the tapes right next to Ephrem Zimbelist Jr reciting the entire King James Bible.  Loretta greeted me, and I guess I had a brief “Nick Fallon” moment.   I was thinking “Things were really better when we were a lot closer than we are now around two years ago”.  I threw out Richard Powers name and she said she still has a picture of him in her room.  I miss that Mormon bunch- - because I think we had decent fellowship - - and Seid had excellent instincts as to just what to say to us.

Of course like I say listening to some people on the right- - is more like listening to the ramblings of a patient on the psychiatric couch.  Or as William Holden put it in “Sunset Blvd” – sometimes it’s interesting to find out how bad - - really bad writing can be”.  I was just listening to Rush ramble about the horrors of liberalism and how liberals have taken over the country and completely taken over the media and corrupted a whole generation.  And by the way I am not at all out of sympathy with Rush said about the Milenial Generation - - and their abomidable work ethic and the way the education system now has gone whacko with all of this “You’re special” crap and you deserve a reward for coming in last.  It struck me that is by some miracle (or perhaps one of Endora’s curses) that somehow Rush Limbaugh “turned into” all of these liberal values, as he sees them, he is so horrified by.  You know- - stuff like “success is a sin” and “My feelings are more important than facing up to my own faults” and Obama is my Hero because he is trying as hard as he can to bring about the socialist’s agenda”.   That would be a trip.  If that happened, I would one of the first getting in line to condemn his positions.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Cosmic Geography Review (for Monique)

I wasn't sure what form this posting was going to take when I started typing.  But it's kind of a review but has new material included too that you people have never read before.
Monique claims she isn't saying much about her inner feelings but she has expressed her personal oppinions on a whole lot of things in the time she's been on KTLK.  But apparently she isn't on the permanent payroll yet.  They have so many host at the nine o clock hour on that station they have to juggle them like a circus act.  But there are certain things she's said that flag my attention.  She said she believes "people are reincarnated in groups" and of course this is Federation teaching.  Many people think that after you die you come to know everything and have access to any fact and any location and any person you desire.  They see Death as the ultimate "Facebook experience".  But it doesn't work that way.  Perhaps this is why Mal Evans has as I put it "over emphasised" the fact that so many people stay pretty much on the planet they are placed.  There are exceptions of course.  For instance the Memphis Group is not a part of the Federation but the Houston Group and the planet "Real" is.  But many people in the Houston group spend time on Reigel VI because it is "in the neighborhood" which cosmically speaking could mean hundreds of light years away.  Also many people from the Houston group hang out on the Memphis group planet, which explains where there is a lot of comonality in their music of what I call "The original sixties classic soul".   On the other hand the only time that Carl and Dennis Wilson have talked to each other in the past twenty years was before Carl Wilson died- - and we know Carl had one of those 'contractual obligations".  I have raised the question of  "Can't Dennis make arrangements to see Carl", and I haven't gotten an answer.  Some have stated that there was put a "separation curse" by Alcyonne on the two brothers- - but I don't know how that would work.  But we were talking about Monique- - not a cosmic geography lesson.  Monique says she believes in UFO's.  Believe it or not- - I'm not inclined to put a lot of credence on most so called "first hand" UFO reports.  In terms of Area 51 I must strenuously disagree with Monique.  I was told as far back as the fall of 1975 while Mal Evans was still alive- - that Area 51 had nothing to do with UFO's but was merely a region for experimental air craft.  Which seems to be exactly what it is.  Now Roswell is a different story if for nothing else because the Federation states that area is "militarized" by "The Texas group" as it has been called even prior to Bush 43.  But people like the Bushes and Carl Rove are associated with it.  In fact most likely when someone talks about "Government" secrets- - they are referring to "The Texas group".  People like Michael Benner used to believe that there is a secret group that runs the military no matter who is elected president.  I don't know if he still believes this because this was twenty years ago.  The clossest the Federation is to Roswell is that some of them hang out in the cities of Los Caruces and Demming, New Mexico, but interestingly not Lordsburg, which is the next city over.   In terms of the power that Alcyonne has - - - they have ways of "letting you know" if you have crossed them.  But as far as I can tell Alcyonne has no feelings one way or the other whether Roswell secrets are discovered.  However it has been belief for decades that is there is any UFO involvement, it's with the Pikes.  They were given that name by the Federation perhaps in response to that star trek episode, rather than the Pisces Fish or with Colorado- - even though they are a Pisces people and in fact DO hang out in Colorado.  The name is said to come from that "Captain Pike" guy on the pilot ST episode - - - the idea that they are good at illusion and "weirdness" that the Federation doesn't understand and doesn't really care to.  They are basically a peaceful people.  People that Alcyonne go after are any one who used to have Crestorian connections but is now outside their protection.  (Kind of like those space aliens that went after "Q" when he lost his powers) and also Sirius "O" some of which have Crestorian culture in their past- - and also they don't like Pikes- - which of course has spawned a lot of Stephen King novels because Stephen King is a Pike. By the way that is the letter "O" and not the number Zero - - just like the blood type.

We have told you about the Romulan cloaking device and whether anybody else has de coded the technology.  The answer is "Not that we know of".   The Ionians have done things with teleportation that the Federation is rather awed by and they thank their lucky stars that the Ionians don't want to go to war.  Also the Federation was inadvertantly helped out by the Ionians- - when in that war with the Antarians- - the Federation was a beneficiary of the Ionians in their pursuit of driving back the Antarians.  And don't confuse the Antarians with Arkturus or the Arkturians.  Completely different animals.  But Monique was talking about "physical planes" today.  I was thinking of "plane' in a literal sense.  The clossest analogy I can come to that explains Romulan cloaking is the idea of "four non co planear points".  In other words- - in Sketch you don't have a plane.  The Romulans would say "Actually you DO have a plane- - you just can't see it".   In terms of physical laws- - some of you are puzzled why gravity wouldn't just suck people into the center of any planet they were on and never heard from again.  People with a common cloaking incryption code- - therefore solid to each other- - DO experiance the gravity of the planet they are in proximity to.  But - - the analogy generally is that of being in a swimming pool surrounded by water.  You are the consistency of a gas (and no I don't know why) surrounded by other gas- - so even if you were pulled down you would be bowied up.  There are times when I have had an audience with Alcyonne and I have asked them "Would you people be offended if I mentioned this or that - - " and an often surprised when they say "We have no dispute with your doing that."   But when Alcyonne gives you "permission" you better stick faithfully to the perameters of that permission.  So the big secret is that Alcyonne is the OTHER civilization that shares the Romulan technology.  According to the Romulans they didn't steal it from Alcyonne but came up with it independantly, which Alcyonne already had, but they keep it secret.  Alcyonne is big on secrets- - - as are any number of cultures.  The Ashberry Park and Arkturians  (note the - - ) have the reputation as the "friendliest" cosmic people meaning they tend to be less paranoid about sharing secrets.  Their physical appearence is also very human like.  As you know- - and I'll close with this- - Alcyonne is known as "The Axis" and anybody who refers to "The Axis" knows you aren't referring to a historic period of World War II.  Again the whole Sketch analogy plays in strangely to this - - although connecting the dots is something that's still a bit difficult to pin down exactly.  As you know if you control "The Axis" you would almost by definition control the power that gives the Romulans the power to Cloak themselves.  I came up with a really Dumb analogy- - it's like Santa Clause being at the North Pole and kids from all around the world look for him to come at Christmas.  Anyhow I hope some of this helps.   I was going to talk about Princess Dianna and was she murdered by any party?  The answer is I just don't know.  The best I will say is that the circumstances surrounding Princess Dianna's death have always seemed to me a little - - Strange.

The Great Lost Twenty-first Century

Movies are notoriously poor prognosticators of the future.  But nobody expected almost this entire 21st Century to be pretty much wasted.  The Jetson’s predicted we’d all be flying around in our own space saucers by now.  And yet when Real Estate people want to use drones, that you can buy legally, for any money making pursuit then the FAA steps in and says you can’t do it.  Even though it would be of zero distinction whether or not a Drone had a camera in it or that it could be usefully employed to make money – somehow when the government gets their fingers in the pie, irrationality takes over.  2001 A Space Oddessy - - predicted that computers would be able to read lips at a distance with no problem, when they even have trouble with voice recognition.  People assumed we’d be making regular voyages to the moon.  People commonly believed that democracy would increase and consumer safeguards in this country would gradually increase.  People believed we’d be working thirty hour weeks and how to deal with all of our leisure time would be a major concern, but that money would NOT be any concern.  It was assumed that if there were surplus workers then the government would pay people not to work just as they have paid farmers not to plant due to the surplus food.  Same principle.  Nobody would have ever guessed that the first Black president our nation elected would pitch our society back into the worst forms of racism we’ve seen in over a half century.  Nobody guessed that our first Black president would be one of the greatest champions of government snooping and secrecy our nation has ever experienced.  Nobody would have guessed that when it came to pollution and water safety laws, the only question congress would be asking themselves would be “how many of these pesky laws do we want to repeal today?”   Few people would have guessed that routine health care expenses would be a bigger problem than ever.  And my guess is that the concencus in movies about the Future would be that religion as we have known for thousands of years, wouldn’t have been something we finally would outgrow doe to its “highly illogical” nature, as Spock might say.  There are roomers that the Great Pyramid due to some cryptic measuring system of the King’s Chamber- - predicted the end of civilization as we knew it in 2001.  My life can easily be bifurcated into pre and post June first 2001, that’s for sure.  How many Americans would not almost sell their souls (or at least mortgage them) for a chance to go back to pre Sept 11th 2001 back when President Bush was a nobody-  and would be regarded as such by the history books.  Who would have guess that the great Energy production revival we’ve seen in America these past few years- - would be an explosion of the production of the old time fossile fuels- - that we had concluded - - as far back as the sixties- - were destined to become a thing of the past?  I dare say that any President back fifty years ago, who proposed anything like the massive repeal of Wall Street regulations that are today’s reality- - I dare say such a man might well be brought up on impeachment violations.  And any justice department that refused the major Wall Street crimes we have seen- - would DEFINITELY be impeached.

This is Tuesday August 20, 2013, and Rick Edleman wants us to know that our minds by the way they are conditioned can make us make all the wrong investment decisions.  I’m sure if that psychic coach is any good - - he’d be very useful to a lot of people who are attending Christian evangelical rallies.  I want to get this posting out before breakfast.  Of course this time in 1987 back at the Bosc house I’d probably still be in bed- and NOT with a woman, either.  But I did get my medication this morning and “Dutch” didn’t have any cigarettes but Janet did, as well as coffee from Jim Spencer’s room (?) as well as coffee cake for me and Bill.  I don’t have trouble “getting out of bed before I’ve had a cigarette” but I have trouble doing much else until I’ve had a cigarette.  Last night I had a dream.  I dreamed the United States had suffered some sort of nuclear attack and it had messed with our climate- - and the air was very dry and there was no rain- -  and the government controlled everything in terms of food and especially water allocation.  But some areas would be short changed on their irrigation and inspecters from the left would examine the ground after it had been irrigated and say “This ground needs to be more soaked than this because with this amount of water the land will evaporate too soon.  And also the government was proving pure water to drink.  But there was some medical expert that said people weren’t getting enough water even though they thought that they were.  There was some ratio in the body that needed to be six to one, but the government had deemed that a ratio of 2.6 to one would be acceptable, but this was a way inadequate ratio to flush all the radioactivity out of the body- - and it was important for the body now to stay thoroughly hydrated.  But some Yahoos from Oklahoma would be bragging- - that They got sufficient water.

I was thinking of opening with a couple of Elvis jokes.  As you know Elvis began and ended his singing carrier in the Chinese year of the snake.  When he died it was in the year of the fire snake.  So when Elvis overdoses on drugs the next thing he knows is he’s outside some circus tent and inside is an Oracle.  And there is a guy in there who looks at Elvis and tells him what spell he needs to have a good after-life.  So he just cups the crystal ball and keeps saying the word ‘Nahustan - - Nahustan - - “.    Here’s another one.  Elvis is in Sun record studio and he’s singing a song, “Evening shadows make me blue - - when each weary day is through - - if I turn into a Smurf, I’m through - -  -  My Geekiness”.  Then he says “Hold it Marion - - that just don’t Move me.  I think I’ll try another song.  How do you feel about “Tomorrow Night?”.  And Marian says “Well, you might as well do the song now because you’re still paying for the studio time”.   And then Marion says “What the hell is a Smurf anyhow”.  And Elvis, genuinely puzzled says “I don’t know - - .  Actually I think it’s more of an attack of the Blue Meanies.  You know I went to an Oracle today and she told me that sixty years from now on this very day, there would be a regular epidemic of the Blue Meanies in America.    Meanwhile evangelist Gene Scott and singer Jake Hess were exploring this passage of the Great Pyramid.  And Gene calls Jake over “Hey Jake come over here- - I want you to see something.  What is This?”  And Jake says “It just looks like a Wall to me” and Gene says “Well- - that’s what it LOOKS like, but when you’ve been around God as long as I have you learn that nothing is as it seems”.

Let me get something straight.  Ted Cruise was born in Edmonton Alberta- - and not the housekeeper at Graceland.  And George Romney father of Mittens Romney - - was born in Mexico.  But they were both US Citizens because they were born to US Citizen mothers.  But when Barock Obama also is born to a mother who is a US Citizen - - somehow he's trying to get away with something awful.  Well, since Ted Cruise is a Canadian citizen- - maybe he should go into politics up there?  According to Stephanie and others- - the Courts have never really officially Decided just what a "Natural Born Citizen" of the United States consists of.  "Hummm?"

David Cruise has had his eye on the Anaheim Police Dept.  Now there is another brutality case where a seventeen year old was handcuffed and then thrown hard to the ground and stomped on and kneed.  They claim he was resisting arrest, but even if you cry out in pain you can be deemed by the police as “resisting arrest”.  But it still prompts the question is what was the original cause for said “arrest”.  You can’t be abused for resisting an arrest- - which hasn’t been made and there were no grounds for in the first place.  Personally I don’t know what is up with the Anaheim PD in the past few years.  We then come to Sheriff “Pie Hole” in Arizona.  Now ICE agents are cruising the Car Wash looking for a Car Wash that does “hand washing’ for under six dollars, and when they come across one they raid the place for aliens.  I don’t see why people can’t be left alone just to try and earn a decent living.  It’s not that they are worried about low wages- - they are just “showing off” to impress the ultra conservatives they are really out to get those Mexicans, and score more votes in the next right-wing skewed election.

This paragraph is personal news.  We had meat balls with a tomato base with rice, that I used Tom’s picante sauce on.  We had broccoli with that, and raspberry sherbet for desert.  Not waiting for seconds was a mistake.  I wanted a cigarette but couldn’t find one so went back to the dining room to borrow one from Marsha and she turned me down.  Though much of the room was already cleaned off- - the seconds cart was still on the other side of the room.  It hadn’t gotten to our side yet.  In the intervening three hours I borrowed two cigarettes from Larry and sold my tuna sandwich from Donnie for a Philly.  Just now I negotiated for two packets of Folgiers packets to use this evening.  The coffee maker is actually working much better tonight-  - so maybe some of the sludge was shaken loose.

A man is being put on trial for second degree murder because six of his pit bulls attacked an innocent person resulting in their death.  He used dogs, and Zimmerman used a gun- - with a more obvious connection in intent.  In other popular news, a twelve year old girl escaped the grasp of a black bear.  She was out jogging and saw the bear and turned around and began running the other direction.  She tried different things including even petting the bear.  That didn’t work.  So she played dead and the bear finally slinked away and she was able to escape.  But the park rangers tell you to scream when this happens.  All I can say, it’s a good thing bears aren’t the Anaheim police.

They may have actually developed a cure that works for many forms of cancer.  This elderly patient had bone cancer and he tried chemo therapy and that didn’t work.  So he got a bone marrow transfusion because Mialoma is a form of bone cancer.  I think he got stem cells.  But then got some new immune boosters that reformulate the genetics of the body’s own T cells to attack the cancer, and that worked.  It’s amazing what the wonders of medical science have come up with in our lifetimes.

In terms of life in soap land- - several incidents pushed my buttons on today’s episode.  That Vargis guy came back to thank Father Eric for all of the help he’d given him when he first got out of prison.  Instead of being happy for him,  Eric turns suspicious and wonders where he got the money to buy that expensive suit.  Personally I don’t get it.  How is that any of Father Eric’s business?  But all he kept saying was “I have failed” and Nicole was telling him he was basically green as grass as far as evulating people he doesn’t know to begin with.  To me this is a complaint without a problem.   We then come to the question as to whether Jack Junior will throw a tantrum like a five year old when he sees his mother and Dr Jonas secretly kissing in her office.  I think the best course of action is for neither to say a word- - but just - - stare him down and make Jack decide “what he’s going to do about it” and of course the correct response is “not a thing”.  And we come to E J Di Mira- - and his paranoia about Officer Hernandez laid up in the hospital room barely able to move.  If E J is afraid of him, he really is sexually insecure.  He doesn’t “get it” that Samantha would want to do an act of compassion and put a cool, damp cloth over his fevered forehead.  I don’t know how Elvis expects Samantha to act.  It’s not as thought he can claim “I am astonished.  I didn’t know that my fiancée was either honest and refuses to tell a lie, and worse yet she’s compassionate!”