Mitt Romney won all
five states, which would be New York, Conneticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, and
Pennsylvania. Mitt Romney has yet to
tell us just what his “vision of America” is.
All he says – his entire vocabulary seems to consist of – “Obama is all
wrong for American and I can do better”.
An alternate rejoinder is “so give somebody else a chance”. They one and all have this “Obama is a failure”
mantra or else ‘Obama made the economy worse”.
Randy Rhodes would agree with me that these people cannot answer any
direct question addressed to them without mention President Obama’s name in the
first words of their response. This
verbal shollowness will quickly show up in any head to head debate, as one lady
caller stated.. It was on the David Cruise show that this guy
from F A I R was interviewed. When asked
about the new immigration statistics showing no net racial influx, he naturally
said “It’s all Obama’s doing” but not in a positive way for aggressive
enforcement. Indeed he said “Obama wants
all the illegals here so they will add to the Democratic voting bloc. No, instead he said that it was the fact that
the President ruined the US economy that all of these aliens are now
leaving. “Give me a break!” These tea party stooges will say literally
anything to prop up the party line. Otherwise at this point it's the same old recycled news
“That’s for the birds”
“Wet Behind the Ears”
“Pyric victory”
“He looked like something the cat dragged in”
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
"Let sleeping dogs lie"
“Leave well enough alone”
“Worm’s eye view of the world” (scandal newspapers)
"What are you driving at?"
“If Life hands you lemons – make lemonade”
“Don’t Dare look at him cross-eyed”
“Off color remark” (off color humor)
“Don’t upset the apple cart”
"Nothing ventured; nothing gained"
“Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade”
“Loaded for bear”
“Non compus Mentus”
“The bloom is off the rose”
“Going for the juggler”
“It’ll grow hair on your chest”
“Scared shitless”
“He’s spineless”
"He threw me a curve ball"
“Let’s table that for now”
“He has cards he isn’t showing”
“Cashing in his chips”
“He went to his reward”
"Pushing up Daises"
“He did a double-take”
“He Hit pay dirt on that one”
"The ball's in your court"
"He never follows through"
"- - so you decided to punt"
"His speech was a little off the mark"
"One taco short of a combo"
"A cup and saucer short of a place setting"
"He took the bait"
"Walk a mile in his shoes"
"I wouldn't say that if I were in your shoes"
"The pidgeons have flown the coup"
"Don't get your bowels in an uproar"
"Don't get your knickers in a twist"
"Pull yourself up by your boot straps"
"Tap dancing around the issue"
"All that glitters isn't gold"
"Close only counts in horse shoes"
"Nip it in the bud"
"That was a real load" (of bullshit)
"Milk it for all it's worth"
"Don't kill the goose that laid the golden eggs"
"Hungry as a bear"
"He has a screw loose"
"He's off his nut"
"Squirreling Away supplies"
"Raid the ice box"
"Gold digger"
"Don't rock the boat"
"He's obviously been smoking something"
"Pipe dream"
"Something out of left field"
"Straw man"
"The north end of a south-bound horse"
"He's full of it"
"Hog wash"
"Up the wazoo"
"Up the ying-yang"
"Right off the bat"
"Chomping at the bit"
"It purrs like a kitten" (car engines)
"The squeaky wheel gets the oil"
"Living in a gold fish bowl"
"Five fingered discount"
"He walks" (or "walked")
"Iron clad case"
"Line up all your ducks in a row"
"Live and let live"
"So heavenly minded your'e no earthly good"
"If you had a brain you'd be dangerous"
"A little knowledge is dangerous"
"He made me an offer I couldn't refuse"
"Sleeping with the fishes"
"Wearing concrete shoes"
"I'll tan his hide"
"Attitude adjustment"
"Texas justice"
"There's a sucker born every minute"
"One eyed trouser trawler"
"One fingered peace sign"
"His two cents worth"
You can tell a politician is lying - - whenever you see his lips move
"Honing his skills"
"No matter how you slice it"
"Dry as a bone"
"Tighter than a drum"
"Works like a charm"
"A slap on the wrist"
"The roof's about to fall in"
"Getting the bugs out"
"Bats in the belfrie"
"Crazy as a loon"
"Mad as a hatter"
"Crooked as a dog's hind leg"
"Loophole you could drive a mac truck through"
"Running interference"
"Stringing him along"
"Make your hair stand on end"
"Left to wither on the vine"
"Getting out all the dead wood"
"Chop shop"
"Hung out to dry"
"The temperature just dropped in here"
"Dine and dash"
"Back-door man"
"Double crossed"
"If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck and - "
"Your ass is grass and I'm a lawnmower"
"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time"
"Talking past the close" (Dr. Phil expression)
"How's that working out for you?"
Trot it around the block one more time"
"He's been around the block a few times"
"I wasn't born yesterday"
"Fresh off the boat" (blacks)
"Going against the grain"
"You're preaching to the choir"
"Do you have a point?"
A speaker who doesn't strike oil within ten minutes should stop boring"
"A rising tide lifts all boats"
"Under-water mortgage"
"Cool as a cucumber"
"Cold as a witch's teat"
"The wheels are coming off the wagon"
"The reins of power"
"Left at the starting gate"
"Going out the gate"
"That cuts two ways"
"That's the way the cookie crumbles"
"No matter how you slice it"
"Half baked" (idea)
"Crocadile tears"
"The lady doth protest too much"
"Collateral damage" (often a euphamism)
"Jumping through hoops"
"The cockroaches come out at night"
"Hitting one out of the park"
"Clean as a whistle"
"He ain't whistling Dixie"
"I'm not doing this for my health"
"May the wind ever be at your back and may you be in heaven a long time before the Devil knows you're gone."
"Albitros around his neck"
"Rome wasn't built in a day"
"His ship came in"
“Don’t spill the beans”
“He dropped the ball on that one”