Thursday, May 17, 2007

Out From the Shadows

At long last they finally announced a comprehensive immigration bill that will enable those seeking honist work to come out from the shadows and be counted legally, and at the same time beefing up controls against illegal aliens who choose not to play by our rules. There are reasonable steps involved in becomming citizens of the United States and this bill sets aliens on the right path. Indications seem to be the President will sign this bill. They had a bunch of senaters on ch. 4.2 saying what a great bill this was and how everyone arrived at a concencus. This would be the most productive and major piece of legeslation passed by congress in a long time. It should give the new aliens a respectable sense of pride in the country they hope to become citizens of.

When Google came up it didn't have the usual tags such as image and groups and the like as it usually did and I just had to enter the URL directly into the address bar. Sometimes they don't ask me for my password these days but most of the time they do.

Jerry Folwell died a few days ago as you know, of heart failure or something while working in his office after breakfast. He was discovered hours later and already dead. I guess a salute is in order. "Good night, sweet prince, and may a thousand angels sing thee to thy rest". Of course Folwell formed the Moral Majority in 1979. I remember it as being right after the Howard Jarvis tax revolt here in California. He was instramental in getting Ronald Reagan elected president in 1980, more so than my book. I had that as a prayer and a hope that sales of my prophecy book would help elect Ronald Reagan. Of course by 1984 I felt that Reagan had served his usefullness and switched alligence to Mondale. Thom Hartman believes that Jerry Folwell had a genuine experiance with Christ a long time ago when he formed Thomas Row baptist church in 1956, but that "Folwell ran out of God's words a long time ago. Some people such as Randi Rhodes are so wrapped up in their hatred of Folwell they'll even defend that crook Jim Bakker and his homosexual escapades in the showers with teenage boys. My theory is that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Gene Scott spoke as Randi did in saying that Folwell was treacherous and "stole" the minestry from Bakker. I say that whatever Gene Scott says I 'll believe the opposit. Gene Scott is such a crook I don't want to agree anything he says. I don't agree with a lot of the stuff Folwell said, but I'm not bothered by it the way some people are. I think in general Folwell was a devout man who was a force for good.

I think this program may have encountered a virus but it seems to be lifting now. Sometimes these "slow down" viruses get worse and worst till your computer just freezes alltogether. OK I think we can continue now. Things seem to be working.

There is debate in Isrial these days about the War they conducted last summer against Syria and Lebanon and Hez Ballah, and also in Gaza. I say the good thing about Isrial is that it is a democracy and they do allow dessent unlike most other mideast countries. Considering who our president is there might just be more room for dissent in Isrial than in the good old U S of A. Jimmy Carter wrote a book last year claiming that Isrial practiced atartite against Palestinians in the occupied zone. They are trying to build a wall that will separate Palestinians and make interraction difficult. I was going to borrow that book from my Mom sometime. As I recall she did not regard it as a particularly enjoyable book. If I were President I'd try and maintain closser ties with Isrial than George Bush is. I'm not the kind of guy who is going to let a bunch of Islamic extremists pick whom I have dealings with. What I would also do as president is to get back in touch with the comon people of Iraq, who just want to live their lives peacefully and not be cought in the middle of a Civil War fought by extremists on both sides. In terms of the recent democratic vote to try and withdraw US troops my motto is that in a sense "the worst we can expect" had already happened, so what are we sweating? There are some who say that the Shiites will comit genocide against the Sunis is we leave. I just don't believe that will happen and the dividends of our lowering of hostilities just might please the vast majority.

I would like to announce that I am no longer supporting the psychic Sylvia Browne, because of the things she said on the Montell Williams show the other day. She claimed that she was a believer in Christ consciousness, but Jesus Christ tought that the mortal dead were just that- - dead, and that the only people in that "other realm" are either Angels or demons. If they are angels they won't call attention to themselves but simply set about doing the Lord's work. After all angels have no egoes. As Sylvia herself points out the Angels don't even have names. Jesus said that children have guardian angels but most people don't ever meet them. If the dead are demonic then in Jesus' words they need to be driven out by a superior spiritual energy, whom Jesus analogises as "The strong man of the house". Even Ron Hubbard would agree that you don't dialog with a demon but you give an order and stand your ground. You don't practice "psychology" on them or try to reason with them. If their spiritual energy is greater than yours your best option is to get a spiritual fource that's stronger on your side. Sylvia kept talking about the holy spirit and Christ consciousness. I really don't think the mortal dead are even conscious. It's pretty well established in church doctrine that we can't communacate with them if they were. I really don't think that "The veil between life and death is getting thinner".

I disagree with Thom Hartman on the subject of "Hate crimes". I've read the World Net Daily stuff and basically what they're into is Political Correctness on a leagelly enfourced scale. You in essence can be jailed for, for instance, delivering a church sermon against homosexuality or affirmitive action. We don't need this. But what's bad for the goose is also bad for the gander. I also don't go for these "terrorisum" laws against animal activists or other practicioners in civil disobediance, where the actual laws they have broken are minor to neglegeble. I don't believe you can be prosecuted for "making someone else afraid of what you might do". The fear is their own psychological problem. People have a right to free speech and "endangering the future profits of a corporation" is not a prosecutable crime here. That's the way I see it. In general I believe in going for the outward criminal act and not what you THINK their motive might be.

I heard Thom Hartman talk about his cat, Higgins, and how it was mistreated as a kitten. As you know the Bosc house cat, Bones has always had an agressive personality that likes to bite as well as scratch. Bobby Hayden is fond of saying "Bones was fed gun powder as a kitten to make it mean". The cat was supposidly picked out by Bobby's brother "Pike", but it was Jim Cooper who came up the name Bones, for the seven white spots on a black cat. The cat is "hydro-philic" rather than "hydro-phobiac" the way most cats are, and Bones not only came when you called him but would sometimes follow you walking to the store. But it's funny the way some people are bothered by agressive alpha male cats, that seem to have almost dog like traits. They got the cat on one Saturday evening in late May 1982 after Miniature Golfing. It was either the Saturday before or right after a dance that was held in the Bosc house in late May. I remember it because it was already a chily evening and they had the screen door open and the fan on.

Condeliza Rice is now having talks with Vlatamir Putin of Russia. It seems to me if we're going to use our CIA for anything, we should use it to get this guy out of power. He's growing more dangerous by the day and I don't think he represents the Russian people, the way he's been canceling elections. The old KGB wouldn't have hesitated to use their power against us in the old days, if they had been able. But we all wish Secretary Rice all the luck in her talks. Secretary Rice is an adept, intelligent and articulate woman.

According to KCET, the Nazis wern't pursuing production of an atomic bomb after all. We thought because they wanted to get their hands on heavy water they had an atomic bomb in mind because heavy water slows down newtrons "without absorbing them" which increases their efficiency in a reactor. But in 1942 the US made a decision to go full speed ahead on the Manhatton project whereas the Nazis, thinking the war would be less than two years, thought that research progress wouldn't come fast enough and that it was best to put their energies into other areas, such as the V2 rocket. Brittain thought no cost would be too high to stop the Nazis from getting the bomb and even if lives were lost, it had to be done.

I just wanted to complement our residence on tonight's chicken Alfredo. It was well prepaired and when they brought the seconds tray around our side of the room didn't get up and rush over there like their side did the other day when it came down our row first. And for the first time in a while, the second portion was actually quite generous. In other news I beat Marcus in today's chess game. I came out of the gate strong and agressive and in general kept him on the defencive most of the game. That's my usual style of chess, in games I win.