Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Investigating Gonzo-gate

Today Monica Goodwin testified before congress. I don't know if there was coverage in your area because I've heard cable companies were dropping coverage in some places. Monica is a graduate of Regents law school, which is one of the worst law schools in the country, as well as one of the most right wing. Pat Robertson went to Regents. Monica was given use immunity, which means that she had no choice about testifying and could not invoke the fifth amendment. I imagine that means nothing in today's session can be used in bringing charges against her but charges could be brought using other independant evidence. She is deputy to Attorney General Alberto Gonsolez. Her claim is that she's just a loyal employee loyal to the Bush adminestration. She says if she broke any laws "she didn't mean to". The topic under discussion was "caging". According to the Google definition this means reading and sorting and catigorizing people's doner mail. It also means disenfranchizing Black voters like happened with Ohio in 2004 and in Florida in the year 2000. For a thorough rendition of the 2004 election fraud enter election fraud Ohio in 2004 and you'll get that long article in the Rolling Stone. Some of you may wish to read that right now. As you know its a credible argument that the Supreme Court actually picked the Presidential winner in the year 2000. Back then a lot of us didn't care. We just wanted the issue to go away. Thom Hartman has stated that he's no longer in favor of impeachment but he just wants congress to continue to investigate. I might point out that good media coverage would help and networks have been less than forthcoming. But the other reason why Hartman is now against impeachment of Bush or Chaney is because he now says the whole Republican party ought to be impeached for violation of the Rico statutes, which were used against gangsters. Intimidation seems to be the weapon of choice. Illegal aliens are told if they vote they will be thrown in jail or deported. But even if you're a perfectly legal minority or even a Black, you may be told this by a regestrar of voters according to Hartman.

Hartman believes that pressure on the President to withdraw the troops from Iraq will mount despite today's cave in by the Democrats cutting a deal where President Bush gets the funding he wanted for the troops and there is no time table or "bench marks" for troop withdrawal. But Sylvia Browne continues to believe troops will be withdrawn from Iraq beginning in late 2007 the troops will be coming home. To me this seems highly unlikely. Other Presidents have backed down under pressure such as Johnson and Clinton. And Arnold Swartzenegger has undergone a political makeover due to popular demend. But it's not in the President's nature to change. Today he made a speech releasing new evidence about Osama Bin Laden planning this or that massive terrorist action in this country and in Iraq. To me it's completely unrealistic that some general is going to get up before the American Public and say "Our troops were not successful; it's time to fold up out tents and bring our troops home and leave the field of batttle to the enemy". Thom Hartman said that democrats these days have a choice. We can rout for peace on the short rum. I guess this means we are to pray for bad news from the Iraqi front about progress of the Serge, and if the news is bad enough "we win" and we get peace. But if this happens the Republicans will claim victory because of course all those awful things Mc Cain and others claim will happen such as genocide, really won't happen and they know that. So we will have peace for a few months. But then Fred Thompson or someone will be elected next year and Republicans will be laundhing new adventures in Venesuela or in Iran or Syria. More ways for our troops to die. But if Hillary gets elected we will have peace beginning January 20th. 2009. According to Sylvia Browne, Hillary Clinton will be the nominee, and there is little reason to doubt that she will be the standard bearer of the democratic party next year.

The Anaheim Ducks beat the Detroit Red Wings and will be playing for the Stanley Cup against Ottawa. This is good news for locals. In other news tomorrow is May 24th. which is an Orion Federation holliday which, according to them, is in celebration of an event that is decades in the future. Of course "the 24th. of May" is mentioned both in Lakeside Park by Rush, and it's also in a Blue Oyster Cult song. May 24th. of also Bob Dylan's birthday. If I'm not mistaken it's also the sign of Aracnid, the Spider, in Astrology 13. This is what's referred to as "lunar astrology" and it's based on the idea of measuring the top of a 13 x 12 by 5 right triangle, rather than the "solar method" of measuring the bottom. Having thirteen signs including Arachnid, is considered measuring the psychically in tune. Sylvia Browne is sure convincing on the Montell Williams show. She never appears to be caught off guard but always tells everybody exactly what they need to hear right then. She teaches that "sometimes people don't know they are dead". Some of you may quote to me the proverb "matter and energy can never be created or destroyed". Therefore if life is energy it can't be destroyed. I've known about matter and energy since the fourth grade. But if we see a building on fire we don't say, "That building is changing in to another form" or "that building is passing on to a better place". No. We say that the building is destroyed. So it is with human life. Sylvia Browne says that this life is the only pain we will ever have and that the dead are always in a state of bliss. Let me remind you of what I call "Arlo Guthrie thinking". On March 24th. 1976 I might have been thinking as I confessed Christ as my Lord and Savior, "Well, there aren't but two things that could possibly happen. Either I enter into the Love of the Lord and receive all manner of blessings for my service to God right now. OR - - I could undergo persecution in this life and all the while my faith and character could be being perfected so that I enter into eternal bliss upon my death a perfected being." But there was a third possability I hadn't counted upon. - - - You know. People could play the "either - or" game till the cows come home and rationalize a bunch of good things about President Bush. Why good things HAVE to happen now because all this MOMENTUM is building up putting PRESSURE on George Bush to change his policies. Let me tall you you can't put pressure on this President any more than you can put pressure on God. There is a metal rings puzzle in my drawer that a friend gave me. The secret is to get this metal ring on or off the metal item. The friend did it in my presence, quickly. I know it can be done. There exists therefore a way to do it; I just haven't figured it out yet. So it is with President Bush. We don't see HOW the President will keep the Iraq War going till the last moments of his Presidential term. All we can be pretty sure of is THAT the President will find a way to rationalize what he does. After all is nothing else the President is a professional rationalizer.

And now "Probing the wonders of green cheese in Your Diet"

testing one two three In mid February of 1991 our troops has still not crossed the border into Kueit from Saudi Arabia. People began to speculate that we were afraid of a ground war with the Republican Guard. In those days, Joe Crummy was still a liberal. I myself spent a lot of time at ROP writing letters to people in a neat computer format. I wrote a letter to my pastor, "Mike Bowman". Pete Richards had told me not to mention his firing in any communacations with Pastor Mike, and I respected his wishes. I was also doing these album compilations such as "Psycho Killer" and also a remake of an older album "Through a Beledonic Haze" with the songs listed Z to A. I know in a letter to Tom Leykis I sent new lyrics to "Chimes of Freedom".

Around March first David Stanley received in the mail official notice that his wife Laura had officially filed for divorce. Though he had been expected it "sometime" when the moment actually came it startled him a little. A few weeks later his CD player on his Panasonic boom box just conked out. The last album to successfully be played was "Body and Soul" by Joe Jackson, for you trivia buffs. He knew he'd have to get it fixed but didn't want to take his unit on the bus to Circuit City to have them work on it. He decided to call his Sister in law again to ask if she or you-know-who could provide transportation. At first she said "Yes" but mixed in as part of the deal something about letting her borrow a tape recorder to play tapes of two of her now dead brothers at a younger, happier time. For some reason this didn't happen and an argument ensewed on both sides. (this takes too long to explain) So he took his Stereo down to Circuit City dodging rain clouds only to learn that work would be prohibitively expensive. At about this same time his VCR went on the fritz and was now chewing up tapes. He even feared his copy of Star Wars was a victim but that tape was only chewed a little. Well the short story is that he got a new VCR where the record button actually worked, and got himself a new CD player.

In November of 1990 David Stanley had gotten into BASIC programming at ROP. Often he'd be brimming with enthusiasum when he talked to parents about it, but they only acted bored. This same phenominum occurred just last week with Power Bullet- - and I guess we better drop the David Stanley act. We're not fooling anybody. Actually in early January 1991 David Stanley bought David Stanley. That anticipated book on Elvis that claimed Elvis comitted suicide. David took a trip to Bakersfield, a city over the mountains to the north one day. He was driven by "some fource" and he didn't know what. Only that he'd had some psychic impression of Bakersfield and country music and thought going there might trigger memories of his past karma. But it didn't. On the way back over the mountains he first received news that Opperation Desert Storm had commenced, and he heard the news all over the dial. Then he listened to "88 Lines About 44 Women" on KROQ as day turned to night.

David was pursuing his BASIC programming and by April was doing three dimensional arrays. He named one "Colossus" about the dezign of some E I B building with a lot of offices. It was the 2nd. Friday in April around the 12th. that David went on his final "date" with Debby, a girl he had been kidding himself liked him. But although nothing negative happened during this trip to El Pollo Loco, David just didn't have a good feeling about the way this "date" went. Also in April of 1991 David sent his first letter to the famed Asshole from El Paso. The letter primarily talked about three particularly awful sermons, each worse than the last. After he sent the letter sometime after April 7th. David did a follow-up phone call to the Pastor. David wasn't particularly happy about the way the phone call went. It gave him a rather unsettled feeling and he didn't know why. (See "The Four Horsemen" for a few more detales)

Also in April I compiled the "Paint It Black" rock compilation. The compilation began with a bunch of downer songs such as "Paint it Black", "Nothing to Say" by JT, and "Silver Spoon" by Grace Slick. Perhaps this compilation was prophetic of something. He invisioned an all black album except for the title letters. In early May, I quit going to ROP. Originally it was because I had developed a bad cold, but when the cold had improved I just didn't feel like going any more. I was feeling bored. On Mothers Day I spent eating lunch as the Red Robin with parents. The next evening, a Monday, I called Debby again. This time she said she wouldn't be able to talk to me in the future because she was planning her five year high school reunion. (That shows how much younger she was than I was) Later in June when I would call, her mother said she was vacationing in Puerto Rico for a couple of weeks. Somehow that two weeks got stretched into two months or so. Other people such as Henry and Jack seemed to want to talk to me less. About the last interraction I had with Jack was going to a Bible Study at my parent's old house of all places on July 11th. the day of the partial solar eclipse. Frank was there, which was reason enough never to go back. I felt estranged from this fundamentalist group now.

In the second half of June, Bill Gunderson reappeared after having been gone the previous three weeks or so. We were doing a lot of writings to the media. An oppertunity came to go to Magic Mountain with Pete Richards and a mutual friend of ours named Terry. I invited Bill to come with us but he declined. I also called Debby's mother and invited Debby's little sister to go with us and she said No, that it would be inappropiate for someone under eighteen to go. As June turned into July Bill Gunderson did another disappearing act and wouldn't reappear uintill September. In early July, Kathy was out painting the sign to the apartment in a red, blue, and off white decore. This would be the same decore the sign would have the rest of my tenure.

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