Monday, October 02, 2006

Damage Control

I hope everyone had a nice Yom Kippur. It is now seven o five and the holiday is passed. For breakfast this morning we actually had bagels with creame cheese, as well as applesauce. I suppose the applesauce stands for the spiritual fall of man or something. I also had rice krispies (if those monks eat it it must be a spiritual food) and orange juice and coffee and assorted medication.

I have previous to now never included a photograph in a blog on the belief that I might somehow be comitting some copyright violation. I attempted a photograph just a few minutes ago and it wouldn't print, so most likely I have to put it in some h t t p format or something.

The Bush Adminestration is in full fledged damage control by now. Of course Bob Woodward's book comes out officially today. In it Andy Card and Laura Bush told the President that Donald Rumsfeld had to go. Of course he never will. It's generally agreed that the President has some sort of Messiah complex when it comes to the Iraq war. Of course the criticisum of the President is that he ignored the advice of both the C I A and the military generals to conduct the war. In the first two books of Woodward he highlighted the unity of the inner Bush core team whereas in this one he highlighted the differences. Of course many of us knew that the President was lying to us about the progress of the War; this book just made it official. I just hope all the people who have listened to the news reports actually go out and buy the book. They had an exerpt of it on Google one evening but the next day it wasn't there.

There is also news that hasn't been herolded about Abramoff. He was that Republican who got into trouble a couple of months ago and to listen to Rush Limbaugh, you'd have thought he was a democrat. They say that he met with Karl Rove nine different times and met with White House officials over a hundred times. It shouldn't surprise anyone how corrupt this adminestration is. It remains to be seen whether any of the Perks that Abramoff got were illegal. Susan somebody used to work for Abramoff but then transferred to the White House.

Last Friday Bush signed into the law something involving the right to have U S citizens declaired "enemy combattents" to withdraw the right of Habious Corpus- - meaning they no longer have the right to see the body of evedence against them or confront the facts of the case.

Of course Mark Fowley has probably done more damage to the Republican Party with his internet sexual flirtations (and undoubtedly more than that) with teenage boys working at Pages. For one thing psychologists say that if you yourself are sexually molested it's more likely you'll grow up to be a sexual pervert. I've never fully understood the science behind this statement but I'll take it on face value. Of course the Republican congressmen have been doing a cover up job on Mark for at least five years since the class of 2001 was warned about Mark Fowley's activities. Randy Rhodes says the denocrats were too nice to use these charges against him choosing to believe the man was merely a homosexual, and not a pervert.

Of course they have medication for everything and I have no doubt that one day they'll find the "gay" gene. They've analyzed brain size and activity in homosexuals and seen that homosexual brains opperate differently. Now they have a new electrode stimulation of "Area 25" in the brain of a woman on Sixty Minutes. The opperation on her was only partially successful, but they've had more success with others. Of course with that story about people watching and making videos of people beating up homeless people I happened to think of rogue cops.

Some things fall of their own weight. As Mr. Spock says on Startrek, "I do not have to see the hammer hit the ground to know that it in fact fell" once he drops it. Who can explain the rise in violence we've been seeing on our TV lately? We've had at least three of these school shootings lately and crimes of violence are no showing a rise after a long declining trend since 1993. Who can explain it? People have the feeling our governmental processes have broken down.

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