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"Head On". We hate your product
but your commercials are simply Amazing
Amazing in their utter contempt
for ordenary Comon Sense!
.Miguel, you just imagined this: " When Mike shook my hand I noticed how firm his grip was. Of course you “gender identity” people know one way to spot a gender is go go by the size of their hands. That lets Valerie off the hook if she was ever on the hook. The people at
[a different "Valerie" who is under "Deep Cover"]
This is Memorial Day and they are doing rock acts before the Indy 500 on ABC. I had “Forty Years ago Today” and Sgt. Pepper. Of course the title for that Beatles album was Paul’s as a concept of “some other band doing it” therefore they couldn’t be sued if anything was offensive. John has always minimized the notion of Pepper being a concept album. Of course the Federation’s take on it is the album was honoring the two pepper trees that used to adorn the Bosc house. And of course Bones was the incarnation of Stewart Sutcliffe, who was honored on the Pepper album. Bones was the personification of all things Bosc. George Martin of course was in seventh heaven.
I got up at 6:12 this morning and could have slept longer. I never got any coffee last night either from the bakery or from Glen. I had “Cops” on from a little before 8:30 on. There was a reference there to a guy hooked on crystal meth and now if he didn’t have it he would sleep all the time. I don’t want to be hooked on either coffee or cigarettes. I don’t want to be chemically dependant. For breakfast we had waffles and sausage and bacon, and of course coffee. Marcus still appears to be suffering from excessive medication. When he saw Dr. Messina, his medication must have been stepped up.
Last night the Utah Jazz beat the SA Spurrs 109 to 83 or something. The Spurs led at the half but twords the end of the third quarter the Jazz exploded in offence. The game began at 5:30 and continued till about 8:20.
I had NBC network news on and then Chris Matthews. Hillary Clinton was a topic of conversation. I have to restrain myself when I’m discussing her because there are so many reasons not to like her because of her husband, and also that sham of a marriage they have. It’s more of a business relationship. Like my own parents it at times shows indications of being a loveless relationship but at the same time is held together by some cosmic “glue”. I guess there is some kind of love-hate neurotic attraction. [Hillary had to said for the Star Spangled Banner] Anyhow the race is about to begin. But it was said that Bill and Hillary had some deal way back in 1991 that first Bill would be President for eight years and then Hillary would get her chance. It’s hard to know what is apocryphal. There are roomers now that the Bush administration is considering unilaterally withdrawing troops from
Meet the Press was on and Bill Richardson occupied the full hour. He’s too liberal in the immigration but I like his position on troop withdrawal. He wants all the troops out of
“Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines”. OK we just heard it. I thought when they did it they just said “gentlemen” regardless of the sex of the drivers.
This is Monday May 28, 2007 and it was a year ago that I woke to two realizations. First that my watch had stopped having had a battery that was put in September of 2000. The other was that I was financially broke. That I’d spent all my money in my account and would have to modify my ways. As you know things were to get worse later in the month. I’ve discovered that it’s true; you really do sleep better when you don’t have coffee in the evenings as has been the case the past two days. They showed an apparently “old” Simpsons where the TV had a rabbit ears instead of the VCR. Then “King of the Hill” was on. If “Family Guy” had been on I would have watched it but since it wasn’t I went to bed. I slept right through to light in the morning and I got up about 6:19. I had two cigarettes left. Antwenette gave me her coffee because I had completed breakfast without coffee. They’re filling the cold cereal bowls fuller now, thank God. The fried eggs have been cooked more thoroughly, which is fine with me. For the longest time they were the other extreme. I was able to get a second cup. I saw Oscar and he offered me cigarettes before I asked. Upstairs I got a pack of Poker from him and told him I could pay him a week from this Tuesday. He didn’t seem worried.
At the Movies had “Pirates of the Carebean” reviewed. That runs some two hours & 45 minutes, and the plot is really screwed up, I’ve heard. I’m sure I’d be completely bored watching it. All of the third sequels are doing well, including “Spiderman III” and “Shreck III”. I watched “
The US and
There is a whole DARK SIDE to the ZAC just as so many other fictional scenarios are devided up into good people and bad people. When the Apostle Paul got a hold of Judaisum, he turned THAT into a "dualistic" religion of a "good force" and an "evil force", which it had never been before. The question is how do we identify "good" verses "evil"? On a Star Trek program they had these two half moon faced men who seemingly hated each other and were willing to do battle with each other to the death, or perhaps into Eternity itself. How do we identify pure good or pure Evil? We have made public previously "unreleased material" about the ZAC, which has always been true but does not appear in any ZAC "snail mailings" to the media. You know there are all these movie sequels out now like Pirates of the Carebean III and Spiderman III and Shreck III. People live for fiction as a major componet of their lives. They play all of these RPG's or Role Playing Games such as "World of War Craft". Marcus seems to live in a world of these games. I have never gotten addicted to that. I have my own Fancasys. But I'd like to get back to how you judge pure good or pure evil. They say the Antichrist will start off as a "good man" except for one fatal flaw, that he can't "accept" Christianity. This turns all of his other good into refined evil. So the patter goes. Mafia people kill each other and also innocent people. Killing is their life's profession. Yet they love their family and their church. There is a line in the Godfather about "Be sure and look out for the kids while you're backing out of the driveway". Then there are people whom we think of as good and charitable such as Joan Crawford or Nancy Reagen, yet they have perfectly awful, neurotic relations with their children. Then you have to ask yourself, "Which is worse? A parent hating a kid but now he's gotten his life otherwise together- - or an adult that's still screwed up and dysfunctional Because of his parents but he can't see the forrest for the trees and may defend his family, or else he shows signs of being "screwed up" in other ways? Is Tabitha really a bad witch on Passions as she wants to be or does she have GOOD traits, such as loving her child and caring for the feelings and welfare of children? What about Elvis Junior on "Days". Is he less wicked than brother Tony because he values family relations? I have said the most EVIL person I have met in my whole life is one whom I call "The great Peravaricator". I spoke of him as being so screwed up on so many levels even the Devil has no use for him. In the Screwtape letters Courage is spoken of as a Good trait that the Devil wishes he could produce in his followers. Really??? What about these Islamic suicide bombers? There goes that argument out the window. They have a courage we in the West can only dream about. In fact we count that very contempt for Death as an additional part of their Evil. Like so many parts of the Screwtape Letters by C S Lewis this is just another misbegotten assumption. Some say achnoledging God is a good thing. Oh really? What if a person prospers in their life by sheer cunning and perhaps deception and manipulation and then gives God the credit? Is this person being "humble" or not? And what about Forgiveness? If forgiveness always moral? Suppose we're talking about George Bush and the Iraq war and I say "As to the motives of our President I'll leave the ultimate judgement of his deeds to God". Is this a threat, invoking some holy vengence? If God is so fond of our President as these Christians claim, why should invoking the name of God be counted as a threat? Some would say "Obediance is the ultimate act of goodness". Just last week I was listening to the car radio with Terry and the Preacher was saying how King Saul's failure to carry out total genocide on the Amalichites doomed him into losing God's favor, and his throne. But some say "It's not the deed that was especially evil but his lack of repentance. In the first place if I were King Saul I'd tell Samuel to fuck off. I'm king and not him, and I am the arbitor of what's right or wrong in this Kingdom. And I don't regard failure to commit total genocide as a sin. Yet preachers are so fond of quoting this passage as analogus to "Putting to death completely the Flesh". My saying is, "If you make no provision for the Flesh then both Body and Soul will end up dead". But some would still say, "There is no excuse for lack of obediance to God". There was a man named Achin who was told after he sinned by having contraband materials in his tent, "Repent and give glory to God. He repented and was promptly put to death along with his entire family. People see good and evil differently.
A Bit Of Recent History of the Orion Federation
The Federation launched a bomb shell today saying it’s their belief that Brian Jones vacated the body of Zachery in February of 1984. Do you people remember the album “Down to the Water Line” which came out in early February 1984? On the cover was Zachery wearing a blue and yellow striped shirt, out of focus looking down into a toilet bowl. The bowl had just been flushed and everything inside the bowl was crystal clear but everything beyond it was fuzzy. Elsewhere on the album was a bunch of black holes (like “Yellow Submarine”) and Bones, our cat, was looking at one hole that was blue-green. In those days Mal Evans spoke of a “Key song”, usually the fifth song on side three (when they still had vinyl for us) The Federation normally uses a twi-sided “Romulan” 89 milimeter CD, which contains more on one side than the traditional LP record here. I think the key song was “What Can Be Done?” by Soft Cell. The officials today would not allow me to reexamine the album. For the curious the cover of “1984” by Van Halen with the baby on it refers to Peter, the son of Frances Goldsmith (remem-ber her?) on May 13th. 1984. In very early 1984 there was a lot of Federation stuff about “shitters”, borrowing from the movie “Christen” which was out. A “shitter” is a person who picks on you or gives you a hard time or just “shits’ on you. In the Federation vers-ion of the movie the scenes are re-edited so that the audience routs for the car. The whole emphasis of the latter part of the movie isn’t there. It is the Federation’s contention that “for years there had been a struggle between Brian Jones and another alien spirit, and the alien spirit won, and sent the soul of Brian Jones back into the
In the spring of 1989 the Centaurians invaded the Romulan home planet of Regelus V, causing massive deaths and massive ecological damage. In this case the damage was worse than originally reported. There was a mass Romulan exidus, mainly to Sirius A. Greg is that guitar player who is from Denelus IV, which was not affected by the catastrophy. Greg has a calm cool exterior and he strikes many people as a cold fish the first time they meet him. But he has an anger against centaurians. Christians are seen by the Federation as centaurians. They have methods of warfare both the Romulans and the Federation deem as unfair. It was sometime earlier in 1999 that the Federation figured that whoever took Zachery’s (or Brian Jones’s) place, needed to meet the Orion Federation. This is when that altercation between Greg and the “alien spirit” occurred. Greg made that now famous remark, “You’re going down!” That may be litteral. Later on the real Brian Jones and Greg happened to meet, and they didn’t get along either, per-haps because they both saw themselves as competing Bees in the same hive. Just for a bit of history on Greg, he joined Ron’s band in early fall of 1972. Right about that time the first drummer left. Henry the bass player stayed. They got a new drummer who lasted just over a year till Black Bart came, and was also the Black Gremlins first drummer in the fall of 1975. Greg kind of took over as leader of the band. He was the one who brought in Regie for lead guitarist because he was a friend of his, even though his playing was a little weird. (some say without him the band would have been better) Of course the name of that band- - if you say it aloud it’s suppose to result in instant death if you’re not “worthy”. No heavy metal band since has used it.
In January 1990 Mal Evans was “captured” by Alcyone (or Alcion). Around June of 1991 the Federation was temporally taken over by Cassiopeia. They were expelled around the fall equinox of 1992 in an operation called “Operation Mongoose”, and I imagine they owe that name to Gordon Liddy. Mal Evans came back into a pos-ition of influence once again but after January 1995 he fell from favor. The people who have been running the Orion Federation seem to have a different policy about earth people like me. My contacts from 1995 on were mostly “lower level” contacts. This morning a Federation spokesman said I was “non compus mentus” for a while and that’s why communications were so few and far between. Now you’re up to date.
Glen spilled coffee when I said to fill the cup higher. He knows better than that.
Just a bit about the
One thing the Federation didn’t tell me is “Where is Brian Jones now?” They aren’t telling me leaving me to guess. Of course you can guess on this yourself.
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