Tony Blair has stepped down as Prime Minester of Brittain as of last week. He was in office ten years. I thought it was more like fourteen. I thought it got in office right after Clinton did and that people said "He's just like Clinton. He's the new kind of politician". Jimmy Carter spoke his mind today about Tony Blair saying that his worst legasy was his support of the Iraq War. Perhaps his epitaf is that he was George Bush's lap dog. Now that he's gone it seems the Brittish government is getting a little more sense. Tony Blair was from labor but you'd never know it. They say France has elected a pro US leader. We'll have to see how that one pans out.
I'm not sure whether Google's new format is ready for prime time. They have changed all their labelling around and there is stuff in that "Google options" section they don't have any more and there are the Web aids that explained a lot of stuff and features. But if you ring up Desktop you get the old format, which is more conforting and fermiliar to some.
One story not quite ready for Prime Time was this testimony before congress last week from the deputy acting Attorney General during John Ashkroft's illness, when he was in the hospital suffering from pancreatitus as a complication after having his spleen removed. And he and his deputy were both pressed to sign off on some dubious documents that would violate the Civil Liberties of us all. Both of them refused to agree to that. The thing is I'm not sure where this story is headed. Could it somehow be used as more evidence for impeachment? We have been hearing of a growing anti Bush tide in congress both as to the Iraq War and perhaps sentament for impeachment. But it's just too early to say. Wel'll have to wait for more information.
This is Sunday May 20, 2007 mid day on an overcast day. Leo Le Port yesterday was talking about cordless phones and how they try and “cheat” you by “updating” you to a 2.4 gigahertz phone from a 900 mhz phone. The range is only about one third for the transmission power. They say they’ve made the move to 2.4 gigs because that area of the electronic spectrum is not regulated by the federal government. It’s almost out of the UHF band and into SHF or microwave band, which starts at 3.0 gigs if you trust the old electronics books. My phone has great range. I told Bill with my phone you can go out into the hall. Actually you can go all the way down to the end of the hall all the way to the elevator and be talking. I’d like to see a 2.4 gig phone do that. Yesterday and today Leo Le Port opened his show by saying that Microsoft was thinking of suing not only LINUX, but all of LINUX’s users for violating 235 Microsoft patents. Microsoft likes to create a climate of fear. The last time I heard you couldn’t copyright something that was free. I’ve said I wouldn’t mind not copyrighting my material but let others use it. But this would be leagelly unwise. Because if you put it out there “for free” apparently others can grab your material and copyrighting it, so that you are barred from using your own material. If you will remember in “Pictures at an Exposition” by ELP the song “The Nutrocker” was attributed to Bee Bumble & the Stingers c. 1961. What about Tsychosky. He’s the one who wrote the tune in the first place.
On Chris Matthews they were again talking about Michal Bloomberg and Chuck Hagel teaming up for a third party ticket. The one woman was in favor of the idea but the men were against it. Ross Perot was at one time in mid 1992 in first place in the running and Bill Clinton was in third place. I don’t think there’s anything inherently obsacene about merely being rich. It all how you use your wealth. If Michal Bloomberg is against the War, I think he and Hagel would make a powerful independent ticket.
As to this Immigration bill now on “This Week” they are saying the bill has little chance of passage because agreement is too fragile. But I might say a word to give heart to people on the right. It’s no picnic to become a citizen but a process they say will take over a decade. But the thing is it’s kind of like the Nazis registering the Jews. If the government knows about you it has more control over you. And we can have more “control” over all these people that are taking our low wage paying jobs. And if you refuse to “come out of the shadows” then aren’t you STILL an “illeagel”?
Reme wanted to have another “party” tonight, but I mentioned perhaps we should pick an evening that wasn’t so chily. I knocked on Raymond’s door and he gave me a free coffee with the promise I’d let him check out the internet is something came up.
At eight was Dateline. They had a rerun of this murder case where this overbearing husband beats and threatens and intimidates his wife repeatedly and said under no circumstances would he “allow” her to get a divorce. She got one anyhow. He was a famous, well respected man. But according to their middle son Elijah, “Felix” had a dark side. The other two sons, Adam and Gabreal sided with their dead father in the court case. They thought that the mother was having psychotic delusions. If this is so they apparently are not saying she should cop an insanity plea. She wasn’t that psychotic, I guess.. According to the woman, when she came to clear out her stuff after the divorce that he grabbed her and threatened her with a knife and she was thinking “OK this is it; I’m going to lose my life”, so she killed him in what to me seems a clear case of self defence. That’s how I see it. The
I had a dream last night this one Jewish organization with a campus and a bunch of temples around had made the announcement that this rather Indian looking guy was the new messiah and would become known to the world when he came to rule in the year 2021. [Pete Richards] and Mom and I went to one of their evening church services and we saw him sitting over there. I kept saying as the speaker spoke “This is blasphemous” “That’s blasphamus” and “If the world became generally of this guy’s aims, they’d kill him”. Mom had gone there because she was “looking for something new”. [Pete Richards] had come because he was doing some research for a college paper and thought it best to “keep an open mind” and not make quick judgements. I asked Mom why Dad wasn't here and she said, "If he knew I were here 9the knowledge) world kill him". Oddly a lot of people were wearing these ceremonial robes and I was wearing one, but I had no underwear on and naturally felt exposed, and I said “maybe I should go to the car to get my pants” but they said “the service has already started”. At one point I wandered around the building before the service was over and came across a class of young people being taught and I sat down and was thinking if my robe accidently opened all thest twelve year old girls would think I was a pervert. There was another day when we went to some place in
This is an updated version. For you trivia buffs, I clipped off the last sentense of the last paragraph from what was written in Word. Guess what I had for lunch today. I have a theory why that woman denied killing her husband under initial police questioning. In her mind she didn't. In her mind she was a victim of a horrible trauma she only wanted to forget. I have another theory. Whatever jail time she does, it's worth it just to know he's dead.
In the morning I had Joel Olsteen on. He was talking about how God orchestrates behind the scenes and God is acting in our lives even when we don’t think he is. But God can’t act unless we “believe”. They did not open the dining room doors till 7:24, which people weren’t too happy with. We had waffles and bacon for breakfast. I waited till it was going on ten to eight for a second cup of coffee but never got one. Meet the Press was on at eight and they had Chris Dodd and Newt Gingrinch on debating the idea of troop withdrawal. Newt likened this Bush Iraq war to the American Revolution.
I went out to the donut shop before nine for a large coffee. One Beatles station featured Apple Corps in 1968 and the other station had past two of their Wings thing. In 1974 Paul worked on the Mick Mc Gear album. “Junior’s Farm” had “Jeff” a drummer not used in any other studio session. There were four tracks recorded in
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