We look forward to returning at least from our dark foray into yester-year at the Republican convention, back to the Present where we except from the Democrats a whole lot more substance than we got from the Republicans this past week. Two lines that really stand out to me right now is the one about "We won't be dictated to by the fact checkers because everybody approaches things from their own point of view". It's statements like this why I am an Objectivist in the actual sense of that word. That is, that facts are singular things. If you say "Tokyo is the capital of Japan, there IS no "other point of view" as pointed out on the Chris Matthews show last night. Also this party has turned their back on science and the clear and growing evidence of global warming, rising oceans and other climate catastrophies. Clearly the cure to our energy crisis is to REDUCE DEMAND on fossile fules. Even if tomorrow we found twenty percent of the world's supply and were able to drill it IMMEDIATELY it would only reduce the price of gasoline from four dollars a gallon to $3.20 a gallon. It would not reduce the price to two dollars. The only real way to spend LESS on energy is - - to spend less on energy through increased efficiency and green fuels, which Romney at no time even mentioned. It was noted there was a bifercated Mittens Romney. You have the "rehumanized" Romney when he speaks of his family and church life- - then there is Romney the snarky jerk. He put things in his speech about Afghanistan- - and "throwing Israel under the buss" and fomenting a war with Iran - - and snubbing Vladamir Putin- - which were not even advancing an agenda his own crowd there cared to hear. It's as though he were saying "Yeah I'm saying I'm a nice guy but don't forget that I'm Really a Jerk". As to his remark about "I wanted Obama to succeed because I wanted America to succeed" if I were Obama I'd call him out on that and say "Allright then. Tell your goons in the Republican house to vote my jobs program out of comittee and pass that legislation so I can sign it, if you've got the guts, and then we can put it into effect and I won't mind if you even take a little credit for increasing the jobs rate between now and November". And then you'll have that "good feeling" about having, perhaps for the first time in your life, having done the right thing".
Rush Limbaugh once said that super max theater images were "so real it was like three dimensional". Well, we are moving tword the point when even Nolan Ryan will have trouble discerning the real object from the image reproduction. Leo Le Port was saying the whole media was going to move to either “four K or eight K HD”. I think he meant 4 meg or 8 megapixel HD because 4 K wouldn’t look like shit. I used to say for a long time that a 1.5 megapixel image would give you a pretty sharp photograph. Now Apple has double the HD resolution. Leo says that 3 D is responsible from going to two megs to four megs. Two megapixel would be your 1080 P TV picture, if stations didn’t transmit only in 740 P and not 1080 P. First let’s make sure we’re all doing 1080 and many new sets are good at simulating that with extrapolations. But keep in mind to go to four megs for 3 D you keep the same 1080 P flat vision picture. I remember last night I had a dream about looking at some photographs of our national parks in some book or booklet and remarking “These people are behind the times because none of those photographs are in 3 D”. Now if we were to go to four megapixels this would mean that picture resolution would go up by a factor of 1.414 because you must remember total pixels on anything get squared over “optical” or telescope resolution ratings. So now if you were to go to 8 megs, this would bump the resolution up to doublt or 1.414 times the four meg image. For the short explanation then – people like Japan want to double the current 1080 P resolution, and to do this you need four times the pixels. Leo says because of this then, this move twords storing images in the cloud will be slowed because with that much material to download it just makes sense to have some physical source here. Of course eighty inch TV screens will become more common place.
They now have an exciting new Zoo innovation for primates for the benefit of both ape and spectator alike. They are building an elevated network of cosways across the zoo going into the growth so that the chimps can have the sensation of actually “exploring in the wild” and they even feed origantatangs on a pole while in the trees because that’s the way they like it. The children now have the experience of not knowing which ape will be passing by that day or what activities they will be engaged in. Last night was a Blue Moon, but with the Romulans and on Sirius A - - Blue Moons are the second NEW moon of the month, rather than the second full moon. Now they are talking about the most extensive high school football stadium . It’s a professional calabre one with a press box and exercise expanse and concession stands and the whole bit. They say that the price of gasoline will fall with the coming of the winter blend in a month or so. Prices vary wildly from state to state with California and Illinois the highest and Colorado and many Mountain states at the lower end. We are getting eight and nine foot waves off our shores right now, and occasionally higher. This is not a bit unusual for us even with the nearest storm a thousand miles away. Rip tides come from breaks in the sand bars under water, where the water gets sucked out all in one place. They are warning of west Nile virus around here. USC has a real hope of going all the way this year because that dreaded bowl ban that seemed to go on forever is lifted this season and it really shows in the energy of the fans. Hal David, the other half of the Bert Backerack and Hal David song writing team, died today. The experts are predicting that the Obama Administration will add twelve million jobs in the next four years. That would be three million jobs a year or 250,000 jobs a month, which we had actually achieved for a while earlier this year.
Which brings us to Jesus. Some may say of the paragraph, “Are you then shunning the light and fleeing to the darkness”. Look again. Look at the clues. Where do you see a “well lit mirror”? In an actress’s dressing room, of course. When you go on Stage, the light is manipulated so that it puts the actors in their best light. Jesus himself was asked about going to church and how come they always ask for money. Jesus did kind of a Mark Bove answer. Meaning - - "I know what it says in the Bible about giving willingly and not out of either necessity or cooersion - - - but I don't believe in quoting the scripture because the Devil does that. So let me tell you my real answer". Mark Bove will often start a sermon by reading from the Bible, but then spend the next 2/3rd. of the sermon explaining why the first part isn’t true. Where Jesus was really “coming from” today was saying that Organized Churches are a good thing because look at all the effort involved in putting on a good show for you. You have L A’s high parking lot rates, you have the air conditioning, the choir, the rock band, if there’s one, and the whole shebang. And “You pay for what you eat”, as Gene Scott says, just like a restaurant. That’s fine, if all Christianity is is a business transaction. There’s a song Elvis sings in “The Billion Dollar Sessions” that goes, “I’m in a crowd, but I’m all alone”. I’ve felt like that, particularly at church. Often after the service is over I desire to talk and share with others about the message and ways that I might apply it to my own life. You know what happens; I get walled out. And this is the point. The various Beatles can talk about “seeing through each other” but I see “through” the light, and the glare of the Darkness is staring at me. Jesus has likened heaven to being on some permanent Heroin high where you don’t care about anything. I think their whole idea about what the “Light” is is off base. We are the light. I know that sounds a little blasphemous, but if you read the sermon on the mount, that’s what it says. We are the ones who are to have the light and shine, so that we may illuminate the world around us. But what do Christians do? They stare at the light as if to get some fix, like a man on LSD staring at the sun. They stare at the light and it no longer has the same effect on them so they seem to need more and more of it. They have a word for that; it’s called going blind. As Lennon says, “Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see”. To Christians Jesus is a drug that you continually need “more and more” of. A month or so ago someone on educational television talked about a man that had lost his wallet during a power failure and he found it frustrating to search in the dark. Then he noticed that the street light outside his house was still on. So he went out there. Someone asked him what he was doing and he said searching for my wallet. When asked why he wasn’t searching for his wallet in the house he said, “Because the light is out here”. You’ve heard the saying, “It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness”. Christians don’t seem to have gotten that message. One time, and I’d said this before, I was outside and walked by a street light and the Gene Scott saying came to me, “Never doubt in the darkness what God told you in the light”. What did this saying mean? Ab-solutely nothing. Jesus said, “If you don’t like country music for 20 minutes on Sunday morning, you won’t like it for eternity”. The job of the Saint isn’t to “hide” the darkness in his life so he’s not aware of it, but rather to dispel the darkness by shining a light on it. If I test out a flashlight in the day time and am satisfied it works, that doesn’t matter after a power failure and I need the flash light to see and it doesn’t work. Jesus won’t even acknowledge that there are tentacles of darkness at work. But as Dr. Phil says, “You can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge”. In the Lion King (the “Lying King” as some call it) the Lion King tells his son never ever to go into the shadow places. You’ve heard of “homophobia”. This is dark-o-phobia. So many Christians appear to be running away from phantoms. You know in the movie “Dial M For Murder”, Mark Halliday happens to be one of the good guys. He’s practically the hero of the movie even though he is the “other man”. I guess what you have to ask yourself is, “Can you call it a marriage when your husband wants to kill you?” What does “God” want to do to you?
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