Wednesday, September 05, 2012

It's Little Hints That Betray Lies

We see "hints of things" all the time.  Bart Simpson's tracking down who was "the rat in his organization" came via some blue candy that the perpitrator was fond of.  George Bush once was so wrapped up in his concern about 9 - 11 that he remarked to a reporter "I remember looking out and seeing the first plane hit the building".  He was specific to note that it was the first plane.  Nobody saw the first plane because nobody knew it would happen.  You have Paul Ryan changing the President's campaign speech to read "I told the people of that Wisconsin auto plant that they could get their jobs back and this plant would reopen".  That's the line being floated since Ryan knew the plant was slated to be closed.  The trouble is the President himself did not know that- - and that is not what the President said but rather "If I get my way, this plant will remain open for the next fifty years" or something like that.  A lie is exposed.  You have this whole customer about "serving the people" and all and Nordstrums used to have this policy of "the customer is always right".  However Romney treated his clients like shit and had not the SLIGHTEST remorse about selling down the river and squandering every last financial resourse the client had.  This is a MAJOR charactor flaw and no True businessman would have it, for the obvious reason you'd never stay in business.  And then there are people who reassign the John Mc Cain quite about "the fundementals of the economy being sound" as AFTER Lehman brothers failed when it was BEFORE there was a crash.  But John Mc Cain didn't know that and that's the whole point of the folly of his remarks.  The remarks were NOT some after the fact pep talk.  Judy betrays her basic economic ingorance when I informed her "Bond yields DROPPED after the supposed debt ceiling crisis" and she responded, "Well of Course they did.  Because people were less willing to borrow" betraying a fundamental ignorance about a basic fact of bond yields.  You have hints Christianity is bogus in two curious statements of Jesus Christ.  The one is during his prayer in the Garden on Passover eve when he said "And now I am no more in the world".  Clearly he's still there, so how can he say he's no more in the world.  It's in the Good News Bible in John 17 where Jesus also states, "Father, I have finished the work that you gave me to do", which wasn't true because he hadn't even yet been either arrested nor put on trial nor condemned to death. Then there is the line in Luke where he is quoted as saying "These are the things I was alluding to while I was still with you".  "While I was still with you???"  Here's one for you Universalists.  We know that theologically that "God's purposes are never thwarted but everything God intends will come to full furition".  How can you reconcile this line with others such as "It is not God's will that any should perish (or so to Hell)" or the line "Hell was created for the Devil and his Angels".  These HELL theologians would have you believe God intended one thing but circumstances got the better of Him and he felt compelled to change his mind.  People reading my stuff about Howard Richards can figure out from little hints there is something bogus about the whole person of Howard Richards.  For instance, I say that Howard and Pete were brothers.  And yet probably in 35 years of snail mail there is no recorded instance when the two of them were ever in the same room together let alone talk to each other.  Of course it's legondary that there were never any "messages" or appearence of Howard in the after-life.  The whole story of Howard's death was always kept fuzzy, vague, and second hand.  Somehow the "facts" never came to light after 36 years.  Also there are two completely different stories on how me and Howard even met- - and the setting for these stories is eighteen months apart.  Getting back to MITT ROMNEY for a moment, one might wonder where there is a total absence of any talk of Iraq or Afghanistan, or not so much as a tip of the hat to Vetterans, leaving the door wide open for Democrats to rush in on this issue.  One wonders how the Republicans could be so "daft", so stupid.  Not untill you realize the deep seeded cowardess of Mitt Romney to only think of self.  He doesn't want to even believe there WAS a draft.  Forget about the historical evidence of Evolution.  These Republicans don't even believe in the historical existance of George W Bush, Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Chaney.

According to Rush Limbaugh the reason why the open air stadium speech was canceled was not because of an oncoming thunder storm but rather that "These democrats knew they would never be able to fill 64,000 seats".  Is Rush kidding?  Obama could do that in a heart beat if he wanted to.  This whole crowd along with the American people are totally energized and fired up.  But the thing is Rush Limbaugh was desperate for an opening line, an opening topic so he didn't come off as a total jackass.  And then Rush comes off with this crazy political bifercation theory where "The party is one way with the cameras on and another way completely when the cameras are turned off".  Once again is Rush kidding?  I can tell you the message of the democratic convention was completely consistent last night.  The only thing is - like Clint Eastwood- - Rush has been having too many imaginary conversations with himself- - like Richard Nixon walking down the white house halls having conversations with pictures of the dead presidents.  As to that line about mainstream network viewership being down.  The answer here is obvious.  TV networks are declining while cable and computer services are taking over for the communacation roles in people's lives.  Certainly Rush Limbaugh isn't so stupid that he doesn't realize this.  Well, the first polls aren't out yet - - but you know I'm waiting for them with baited breath.

There is a scandal come to light just this morning via the state Controler's office - in California involving big institutions such as Cedars Simai and St John's hospital in Ventura.  These large "non profit" hospitals can get by without paying taxes even if they devote as little as two percent of their business to charity cases.  Charles Eidelson was just on the phone to David Cruise.  Keep in mind that medical costs are skyrocketing and this state is desperately short on funds, and these big institutions aren't pulling their weight. People chide liberals for "wanting to turn us into Europe" and yet Europe does not have the sort of adverse health statistics that we are plagued with in this country in such areas as infant mortality.  Some say that this is creeping "cradle to grave insurance".  It used to be that becoming a doctor entailed a necessary ammount of "charity cases" serving people in energencies or people who would never be able to pay you back.  Somewhere along the line the medical profession lost this ethic.  According to Judy, all these doctors are leaving the medical profession in droves because they are scared spitless of Obamacare.  But the thing is we have been wrestling with this health care issue in this country for eighty years and it seems to me it was only a matter of time before some sort of solution was come up with.  Of course it's a known fact that if you want to catch a deadly bacterial infection for which your body has no immunity, go to a hospital.  I say this just as a word to the wise.  Nobody welcomes going to the hospital.  But when you do, it should not wipe you out economically.

THE TWILIGHT OF THE VINYL LP AND KLASSIC ROCK Thirty years ago (1982 – 1983) were the last years of the vinyl LA record.  CD's first were announced in March of 1983 but it really wasn't till 1985 that record companies began in mass converting their stuff to compact disk, and certain groups such as the Moody Blues were even a year after that.  Some groups like Dire Straits offered "bonus playing time" for their CD listeners. Let’s give sort a good workout and sort the following names who were either male solo artists or male lead singers of the leading rock groups.  Actually this was a time when solo singers were highlighted by name, and there is an impressive number from this period thirty years ago.  Actually the other day they featured "Billy Squire" and I had drawn a blank on what he sounded like, till my memory was refreshed.  How many of these artists are you fermiliar with in the twilight years of "Classic Rock"?  I've got enough names listed here to open up my own vynal LP record store.  But I do not own all these artists.
Adam Ant Billy Idol Billy Squire Bob Dylan Bob Marley Bono Brian Adams Bruce Springsteen (1984 reemergence) Cheech Merin (one time 1985 reemergence) Chris Squire David Bowie David Lee Roth Don Hendley Geddy Lee George Thorogood Glen Fry Jackson Brown Jello Biafra Joe Jackson John Cougar Mellencamp John Fogerty (one time 1985 reemergence) Julian Lennon Lou Graham Mark Gnoffler Michael Jackson Mick Jagger Ozzy Osborne Paul Mc Cartney Paul Rogers (1985 reemergence) Pete Townshend Peter Cetera (spelling?) Peter Gabriel Phil Collins Prince Rick James Rick Springfield Robert Plant Stephen Tyler Steve Perry SteveWinwood Tom Petti and Wierd Al Yankivick

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