Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Now It Begins - - -

Well, it's Tuesday evening and the Convention has begun.  Happy you decided to join me this evening or whenever you are reading this.  You know I thought that perhaps I would hold off on my thoughts on this Democratic convention so far untill I got word from others more astute than I such as Randy Rhodes, Bill Press and Stephanie Miller.  You know - I wasn't whistling Dixie when I talked about "Standing on the shoulders of giants" in that one posting.  But then I thought, "No, I want to discuss my own unvarnished and unprocessed first impressions".   I began watching the convention just before five on CNN and I listened to that white guy with a real "tan" and didn't know whether he had black blood or what.  You know the rather contentious one, that made one fantastic strong point after another and says sacrifice is something as a nation that we ALL have to participate in, even if you're rich, even if you're poor.  It's called Patriotism.  That's old fashioned, but that's the way Love of Country should be.  (to paraphrase an old Everley Brothers song)  In this time of fighting two simotanious wars and a looming national debt, we can't get notes from the teacher that read "Please excuse me from duty because I am rich".  No.  That's not how it works.  Romney may not want to mention the vetterans but the Democrats were more than happy to step up to the plate.  There were women who talked about control over their bodies and "Freedom to love whomever you want".  That's an artful way of avoiding either the words "abortion" or "homosexual".  Women more than any other sector of the population will be helped by Obama Care if it's implemented, or hurt if it isn't.  Then there was that Castro guy who spoke of Romney's many faults.  Romney is the man of "No", who is titular head of the party of "No".  That's where the words "Yes we can" come into play.  The key here is that we all want to succeed but to do that we need an opportunity.  Someone has to crack open the door so that it doesn't automatically slam shut and lock again.  That Thursday at the Mormon gathering what struck me about Seid's church was this very "opportunity for advancement".  One can be whoever and become qualified to go to the Temple and wear the white robes and get baptized.  One might even earn their way to a higher rank such as Bishop.  But there has to be some kind of structure or ladder there to climb in order to do that.  In order to succeed in life there first has to EXIST - - a Way to make that happen.  The trouble with Pastor Mark is that he shunned the government of the old church when he formed his new church in a private home.  But the people who owned the home made the remark to me "I'm leaving Mark's church because I don't want any Jonestowns happening here".  The trouble is when you join a Calvary Chapel you less join a "religious body" than you do a social clique like something Mitt Romney might join where you have to "click" with your piers in the club.  It's not a government at all but a social clique.  And this, pardon the extrapelation, is what has become wrong with this country.  It's become a nation where to succeed you have to either BE a "good old boy" or be really tight with one.  (no gay allusions here - - )  The idea of Liberty is that "Justice is Blind" and doesn't descriminate but wears a blindfold and weighs people in the balance, so that they can be Proved on their merit rather than kissy-up points.  What struck me about Michelle's remarks was her deep sense of principle, and caring, and dedication, and consistency.  One thing she loved about "Barry" (Barock) is that he was consistent and steadfast to his early Principles.  He turned DOWN high paying lawyer jobs to take up community service and to serve his fellow man.  This is what true Christianity used to be all about and what the original Christian, Jesus of Nazareth, practiced.  I think the most astute remark all evening long was as follows.  "Success is NOT determined by how much money you make in life but how many people your success is able to help".  This beggs the question of Mitt Romney who like desciples of Chuck Smith are too much the opera singers.  You know, "Me - - me - me - me - - meeee".   It's like that kid in church who thinks he escaped the pastor's wrath against sin because "After all, there is no law against Me-ing and Me-ing".  (It's a joke about masturbation)  Unfortunately I've known for a long time the Right Wing partakes too much in verbal auto erroticism- - or more widely known as "the political echo chamber".  And as any vocalist can tell you "Almost anyone can be made to sound good in an echo chamber".  Michelle was very insistentant that we catch the same "vision" of the world that she had.  She echoed my observation of the other day that we liberals need to be more Proactive, because at this point that's the only way we'll get things done.

It's one of those strange paradoxes that often the whole "Creation process" comes not from making something new but "knowing what to take away".  I'm not even sure whether I Myself am sold on this but listen up anyhow.  They say an artist who chizzles out the marble statue of a naked man or whatever just says 'Oh the image is EASY to do.  I just take everything away that doesn't look like David", or whoever he is doing.  I'm sure there is many a Jewish moel, who fancies himself as some kind of "Ar-teest" who is engaged in the "Creation Process".  They have actually invented a form of "Replicator' of 3D physical objects, in the spirit of TNG.  You just use this gray amorphus powder and stick it in this trash compactor thing.  Then you take a 3 D holographic image of the object you want copied and it's replicated in the power, which all melds together.  As such if you copy something with mechanical gears in it and all, they will still work, just like the original object.  In a posting not in this blog recently I talked about the saying about how "All things are Possible with God".  But Neil Savedra or John Calvin will also tell you that NOTHING is possible other than what has been "Predestined".  So how can this paradox be?  One definition of Time might be- - a study of Ontology- - which is the study of necessary cause leading to an inevitable "effect".  Our own timeline is one hundred percent "cause and effect".  And every other time line views Themselves- - - the same way.  But we wouldn't view THEM that way and they wouldn't view US that way.  Capish?  You see originally there was no Time.  There was no "cause and effect" in other words.  As such everything WAS still possible.  The minute you start to make choices you necessarly embrace one course of action - - while excluding and discarding Another, which in its own view might be Just as probable, from a mathematical standpoint.  There is this eternal struggle between causality and mathematical probability.  Once the beads have been strung, you're pretty much stuck with the sequence of colors you have chosen.  But I think what the Democrats want to do is to say that "you may not have had choices in the Past, but the future is still to be written- - at least from our Human vantage point.  If there ARE - - - "other possabilities that open up" - - then their certitude of happening has already been decreed by Destiny.  For instance it's my belief that Destiny has already decreed that we have now seen our LAST public oppinion poll where Mitt Romney and the President are in a dead heat.  The way I see it that henceforth from this moment that the President is going to start pulling away and place an increasingly cavernous distance between himself and also ran Mitt Romney.  The tea party members will only be able to stand there stunned, with their mouths gaping open.  We should rejoice in this- - that Our Time has finally Arrived, and has been a long time in coming.  A train may be a long time in coming - - - but when it finally arrives we need to jump aboard while it is passing because it has too much momentum to stop.  As such this will not only be the start of school for another year, or the opening kick-off week of football, but it will be the week that our Victory became assured and even those on the right see the writing on the wall.

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