Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Bill Clinton Delivers the Knock-Out Punch

Former President Clinton not only hit tonight's 48 minute speech out of the ball park; he hit it half way accross the parking lot.  My only concern was that deligates might not appreciate the man's sheer brilliance and such brilliance and intellect is sorely needed in American politics today.  He stressed the emense value of cooporation over confrontation and pointed to the examples of cooperation in the past to get needed things done, which is the important thing.  He said one of three things could happen with a Romney budget and perhaps adverse combinations of All Three.  The deficet could balloon under a Romney administration.  Clinton made it clear how the life of medicare would be cut by eight years, if Mitt Romney was true to his promise to undo the Affordable Care Act.  Or the middle class could be saddled with enormous tax hikes averaging two thousand dollars thanks to the loss of needed deductions they have always relied on such as the mortgage interest deductions.  Or the third thing would be that programs for the poor would be gutted.  Remember Jesus said "As you did it not unto the least of these, you did it not unto me", which is a scripture everyone should sit up and take notice of.  Clinton brought up facts that have long been neglected about how President Obama is actually INCREASING the work result requirement by twenty percent.  Not even Franklin Roosevelt could cure a depressing resulting from an economic crash in four years, or really even in eight years.  He coined a parody slogan for the Obama campaign as opposed to his own 1992 slogan.  "It's the Math, Stupid".  Everybody should tell their friends about this speech in the unlikely event they didn't watch it, and tell those friends to tell all of their friends, too.  A President Romney would be a fulfillment of the words of Jude Juaninsky in 1978 to crash the economy and leave it to the next Democrat to clean up the mess, just like President Clinton has to clean up the mess he has left.  In the past 52 years the Republicans have been in power four years longer than the Democrats have, but produced only half the jobs during their time in power.  That one surely oughta get Mitt Romney's attention.  This was the first time that a former President of the United States made the official nominating speech for another candidate.  The speech speaks for itself and needs no further elaboration or summarization by me.

Earlier this evening I listened to Anne Richard's daughter on KOCE, the local PBS station here, but then the comentators got the better of it and I missed Stenny Hoyer's speech. (?)  So I switched to CNN, which Rush Limbaugh referrs to as the Clinton News Network.  There I caught Harry Reid's speech from yesterday, and I also heard them get to through the pro God and Israel plant in their platform, a move Rush Limbaugh will no doubt take exception to by the way it was done.  Also an Attorney General spoke about how Mitt Romney is a man who enjoys "Breaking the Rules".  I listened to a speaker from Colorado for a while.  And then there was that small business woman from either Maine or North Carolina.  (?)  And then a guy from NEXTEL also spoke.  And finally SCott Brown's opponet in the Massachusetts senate race spoke.  Most ANY speaker at our convention is more productive to listen to than just about ANY speaker from the Republican's own convention.  Anyhow now all those general campaign funds are freed up so both sides can really Go To Town in a way that they haven't been able to before.

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