Inflation for the month of July was .5% This is close to the figures we were seeing in the late sixties, and amounts to when compounded to over six percent per year. This is way above what the media has been telling us. Gold is not over $1,800 an ounce, and I don’t need to tell you that I was wrong about the direction of the price of gold. What this information does is shed a whole new light on the economy and indicates that inflation is back in a major way. This figure is also in the face of a retreat in energy prices that was occurring in July. The leading indicators are headed in an upward direction. It’s easy to cherry pick any economic statistics to make your case. But the case here is for a major reversal in the securities markets and a new move to the up side. I have little doubt we will be setting new highs at the end of the year to levels not seen the past three years. I would not want to miss this move. This improvement in the economy will shut the mouths of all those counting on the chaos the tea baggers have in mind for all of us. And when it becomes evident that the world isn’t coming to an end soon, gold and silver prices will collapse overnight, and we’ll see who is laughing then.
You know, a lot of people are sure possessive about that which is not their own. We all know about Joe the Plumber and the “sacrifice” he will have to make under President Obama when he pays taxes on his $250,000 income. Some will even say “ff I pay more taxes well you know something? - - - I’ll have to reduce my cherity giving”. You know, President Obama was grandstanding when he said “If you don’t raise the debt ceiling people on Social Security won’t get their monthly checks of just over a thousand dollars, and veterans won’t get paid. One might think if he really wanted to hit the Republican congress where they lived he’d have YOU won’t get YOUR salaries, and see what that does to spur them. Probably not much. For we know they get most of their money from lobbyists and speaking engagements and book tours. But it was pointed out that it wouldn’t really be fair to slate for the first defaults the poorest and the most destitute among us, whereas the rich would be scarcely unaffected. Of course Christians are possessive with that which is not theirs when they make a statement, usually from a high podium and pointing finger, that “You owe God EVERYTHING- - every breath you take”. Of course were they telling the whole truth they would be saying “Me” instead of God. But perhaps the holy grain of self indicting statements of Neil of KFI saying “Believe you me, living righteously your whole life is no picnic”. In other words he just said “Christianity sucks” even if executed perfectly. Someone said that cigarettes were the only thing that results in death when taken as directed. Rather, I say, no Christianity is the only thing that results in Death when taken as directed. Some of list of particulars against Obama are that he “conspired” to bail out GM and Chrysler “In order to make the Labor Unions stronger and wield more power”. And of course Obama is fighting so hard for liberalized immigration laws so that there will be more democratic voters. (Is he?) And of course Obama is conspiring to make Puerto Rico the 51st state because it will yield two more democratic senators. People on the right claim they love the founding fathers and the Constitution, though I doubt not that many have actually read it, and they sure don’t understand it. Yet they seem to lay claim to “Owning” this portion of American History, as though nobody is qualified to even reference it. On the other hand in areas where we all SHOULD feel a little sense of corporate stewardship, like Planet Earth- - these rich will suddenly get the notion that somehow “It’s YOUR planet- - but don’t bother ME about it”.
In late breaking news it seems that the Obama administration has come off the dime and decided to take a stand on Syria. Today Hillary Clinton condemned Syria and stated that U S citizens will now be barred from traveling to Syria. With the US on board, it would seems the chances of establishing freedom and liberty in Syria are greatly enhanced.
The stock market went down 419 points today. But the only people who really LOST anything were people who owned securities BEFORE today. I advised people in my latest posting to BUY stocks. But you’d really would have had to work at it to have lost money from buying today since the market was down 300 points or so in less than a half hour. Throughout the rest of the day the market went down a little but generally was relatively flat. Nobody could look at the chart of last week and deny that an uptrend was in the works. Of course we had our “day’s worth” of bad news thatr will be forgotten tomorrow. New unemployment claims statistics weren’t good, and housing sales are still down. And there is “the continuing debt crisis in
So far Larry had borrowed two cigarettes and Mike has borrowed one and Joe has borrowed one and all of them promised to pay me back later today. Just in case Neil of KFI is reading this, the thing with forgiveness is that it pertains to Relationships more so than deed tallying. It’s not what I think of the offending person that damages the relationship but what thoughts go inside THEIR mind about me that damages the relationship, and that I have no control over. I guess my thing is why jeopardize a relationship “just so you can get away with something?” I just bought a pack an hour or so before lunch and it’s already half gone now. And the past week I’ve been handing out cigarettes and not getting them back. If I were down to my last penny I wouldn’t be doing this.
Looking stupid is no crime any more. Michelle Bachman said that Tuesday was Elvis’ birthday and “Let’s all sing happy birthday” or whatever. Bachman and Palin must have between the two of them set some kind of guiness book or records for number of idiotic statements in a short time, with no repercussions. Right wingers aren’t looking for a leader or statesman so much as they are looking for a convenient pawn- - so the corporations and lobbyists can draft the legislation they specifically want passed, and expect it’ll get run through congress without debate. Of course we know Rick Perry is rich or Karl Rove would not have hand picked him as the next
Of course I just got one of these Stupid anti Obama mailings from you-know-who. There was a guy who perported to be a fellow student with the President while he was attending
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