Thursday, August 18, 2011

21st Century Universal Bill of Rights

History is only valuable to the extent that it reflects Reality

Science is the study of our place in the Cosmos. Religion is a fanciful diversion of the human and basically only good for recreational purposes

One should remember to cherish people and Use things, rather than the other way around.

If moralization feeds your own ego more than it ends up helping the other person, then truely it is vanity.

It is more blessed to be a Benefactor rather than a Petitioner

Christian theology should be a lot more “expendable” than the People whom it claims to Serve.

To protect and serve is better than to salute and swagger.

True Forgiveness is not granted at the point of a gun

Love is an emotion and not some duty that can be extracted under compulsion. Certain things by their very nature become inherently Tainted if not freely rendered

For man forgiveness is a sacrifice. For God what we refer to as forgiveness is but a "blood for indulgence" business transaction

Success in Football is determined by getting to the goal before you in the alloted time, and not by how many people you put in the hospital en rout

Fruitfullness depends on the karma of the deed done rather than the rationalization employed by the person doing the deed.

A favorable environment increases responsability on the person there in, and it raises the karmic bar that much higher.

Fear is like a fire alarm. It has it’s proper function, but if it goes off all the time it is more of a hinderance than any real help.

People who have nothing but Fear to offer other people - - have nothing to offer.

Manipulation of the lives of others causes many of the sins they may have committed to accrew to your own account.

Love is only a virtue if directed at the right things

Anger is only a vice if directed at the wrong things

People who earn their living by the sweat of their brow should not be compelled to pay a higher tax rate than those idle people who sit around the swimming pool waiting for the dividend check to arrive

If marriages were meant to last eternally, then heaven would be filled with married people.

Inailable Human Rights are not negotiable nor are they subject to the machinations of either a government beaurocrat, or a theological conclave.

People are worth more than money, and lives more than Profits

He who has profit from anything receives God's blessings on loan. And if they refuse to "pay it forward" they put a monkey wrench in God's good work.

People should fight the hardest to defend the things that are truely of the greatest Value.

People are better judges of other people than "artificial persons" even if that person turns out to be God Himself.

True repentence is a change of fundamental goals in life, not an alternate, more devious means of achieving your original goals.

Good deeds will atone for a less than pure heart. But bad deeds cannot be rationalized by saying "I had a good motive".

Life is in the doing. Trust movement.

Human beings are citizens of Planet Earth, but we would be regarded as aliens in Heaven.

If man is made in the image of God. But if God becomes corrupted with a program virus then God needs to find an uncorrupted program disk he got from the manufacturer, and if he can’t find one, take it up with them, and not with us.

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