Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Massive HS Shooting in Tampa is Averted

There is an unsung hero tipster who tipped the cops off to the actions of one Jered Cano today. He is a seventeen year old who planed to plant a series of bombs with the hope of taking out thirty students and two administrators. This was no hoax. Cano admitted his plans to the police. At his home were all the parts such as accelerants and tubing to make pipe bombs. And his Facebook page had a lot of cryptic sayings. His favorite quote are “lessons not learned in blood are soon forgotten”. This would have easily been the worst mass murder on a campus since Virginia Tech, and the worst high school killing since Columbine in April of 1999. So really we do have to be vigilant in our war against all forms of terror and not just from one source. (Selah) In California the number of lifers in prison being paroled has hit record levels due to a California Supreme Court decision in 2008. This, of course, is idiocy. They aren’t even allowed now to investigate the nature of the actual crime in determining eligibility for parole, but only their behavior behind bars, and their ability to hire professions to falsify a report.

Apparently they are handing down stiff terms for rioters in Britain now, such as jail time for somebody stealing two scoops of mocha ice cream. For the first time they are making the names of juvenile offenders public. Some have to wear orange jump suits top clean up the mess, which isn’t bad. But David Cameron, perhaps rightly from his point of view, believes we need to throw the fear of God into these rioters and fairness is of secondary consideration. Obviously if you are of the Pat Buchannon strain of politically philosophy you believe that “We conservative oligarks gotta stick together” so people from Cameron, to Assad of Syria to Quadafi of Libya have a common interest in remaining in power to “insure stability”. Obviously those who predicted Quadafi would be gone soon last April on the Mc Laughlin group were wrong. Now Hillary Clinton has refused to come out and comdemn Assad or say he should step down. She says she’s just waiting for the “right time to do it”. I wonder whether Pat Buchannon has been whispering in her ear. Rather than an era of new found freedom andpopular sovereignty, I think the world, including the US is in for a major era of repression.

I was thinking perhaps I should scale the introspective stuff way back in my blogs, but that stuff’s important. For instance, I do have biases. I have biases against idiots, especially those in power. And I have a bias against “enabelers” of idiots, as Dr. Phil might say. I may not be referring to what you think I am. Interperate the remark in your own way. I think this “perperual state of penalty” is idiotic for U S C to have to go to seemingly endlessly, for one guy who screwed up in the 2004 season. Now the Miami hurricanes are in big trouble and their team may be de-comissioned or whatever, all because a former coach threw swinging parties. Penalize the coach, penalize the players back when it happened, but don’t penalize the whole University of Miami today.

Stephanie Miller today defended Obama’s not releasing his college papers saying “We all wrote a lot of bullshit on college”. I didn’t I read a lot of bullshit in the ‘seventies (both on the left and on the right) but I doubt there is one paper that I submitted in college I’d be ashamed of today. Presumably the President brought a lot of accademic knowledge to his work, and hopefully his ideas would be intellectually respectable. Even the quotes from the book “Dreams of my father” are a little embarrassing to the President now, I suspect, when quoted by the right, and the President would just as soon this book was buried. Someone suggested a slogan for the upcoming campaign of “Jesus Christ “Community Organizer” – “Pontius Pilate – Governor. Think about it. That will only backfire because the President has been belittled time and time again of “Just being a community organizer”. The charge could be also easily made that “President Obama does not have a record to run ON – but only a record to run FROM”

I just discovered I had another “alias malfunction” in a blog posting. It’s the same posting and the same alias. But it’s not an alias I anticipate using soon again anyhow. I was going to write a piece on “leadership” today, but decided that would not “add” anything significant for my readers. I assume my viewers are careful readers and the majority may well not be, or they don’t think it matters. And they’re probably right. I need to read what “George Washington” is talking about now. I’ve made all of the “observations” I can think of. People don’t need to read now, they need to act. Some people may say to me "It's too late for that", to which I say, "Well that may be true, but you'll never find out unless you at least try it". Perhaps we have taken that road to a police state too far already. If that turns out to be true then we'll have to come up with another plan. But first things first. The folliwing was written Sunday.

I watched the Mc Laughlin report and of course they had to talk about the bad economy even though it’s old news because I think the indicators are pointing to a turn-around in the economy soon. Pat Buchannon talked about the British riots caused by a lack of proper racial assimilation, and in England in the rest of Europe that is a valid problem. Then it was Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. I did get back on computer last evening to do another posting. The big news of the evening was that Tim Pawlente came in third in the Iowa straw poll at 13% and this morning Pawlente dropped out of the race. One might say however that this “early exit” was a rather unnatural thing based on the false meme that it was somehow a head to head contest between himself and Michelle Bachman in Iowa. Naturally in a case like that the biggest nut case will win the day.

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