Two, four, six, eight, time to disintermediate. Yeah, I think I first heard that term when Lisa Simpson had it as a word in a spelling bee or something. Personally, I’ve never had a problem with the word “intransigent”, except that it is one of those qualities I suffer from a lack of. So what is “Disintermediation”? Well, its “taking away the middle man”. Leo Le Port used the word last Saturday in saying that to maintain a “net neutral” internet we need to establish that people have an inherent “right of way” or use of the “Pipes” in the internet, because he who controls the Pipes in the end can put a choke hold on anybody they want. That’s why I signed up with A T & T in 2007 because I knew they controlled the Pipes and there would be no inherent conflicts of interest. Now the guy on KTLK has sounded the alarm in saying that President Obama is thinking of assuming to himself the power to throw some master switch and shut the whole internet down in case of any major cyber-emergency. Personally that kind of Power in one man is not a thing that I find appealing at all. Nevertheless it's not a thought that hasn't popped into my mind on and off for several years now. But I'll tell you a little secret. The biggest peril of enlightenment for society today is not a lack of access to knowledge, but people's own Reactive Minds. (Selah)
If there is indeed one thing appealing about Ron Paul for President is that he would seek to make “Disintermediation” a key plank in his political platform. All of us “would like to get government out of the way” at times. Our President even said he would work on hindering small business regulation. And if there were any taxes that were especially burdensome to small business, the President offered to cut these, too. But of course the biggest bar to successful Disintermediation is this monstrous health care bill with it’s whole new set of costly and absurd regulations in so many areas, guaranteed to jack medical insurance rates way up for most of us, not to mention to what it will do to the national deficit. The impulse of a conservative is Achem’s Razor, or simply, do the most direct and simplest remedy that you can for a problem, because the more complicated the solution, the less valid, so the theory goes. IF there are any people who are NOT insured now and somehow haven’t CHOSEN this rout for themselves, then perhaps a modest program would not be out of order, if it doesn’t affect the rest of us who are insured.
In my life when you hear the word Disintermediate, you immediately think of [Pete Richards]. In late 1981 after a brief period of negativity, certainly by December of 1981 I was finally asserting my own identity and making the friends I wanted to make. My writing was “freed up” and there was an explosion of creativity during this period. Some of you will say to me “Well what happened in mid 1985?” That’s a story unto itself and Pete had nothing to do with that. In a proposed piece I never used, I must have used the word "Last" about ten times. ("The Last Good Six Months") Indeed if ever there was a good time in life to make an “early exit” around July first of 1985 would have been the time. Given the clear choice and knowing the future the next few years that lay ahead, I can’t honestly say that I would opt for life. As you know [Pete Richards] is the person who probably “retarded” my natural evolution into a Born Again Christian by 4 ½ or five years. By the way in that story that took up two postings- - - almost all of the people I mentioned in that narrative, with the exception of Jim Klein, were HIS friends and not really mine. I did not have an “independent” relation with them. As for Jim Klein he was basically an OK fellow, except from time to time the relation would suffer from sudden attacks of Rick Perry sidrone. From late August of 1976 on, I began forming my own relationships independent of [Pete]. But basically every time [Pete] thrust himself in my life, things took a turn for the worse. This occurred in January of 1987 with the cutting down of the trees at the Bosc house. It occurred on Mothers Day of 1994 with Pete actively endeavoring to undermine my own relation with Pastor Mark, and it occurred from Thanksgiving 1998 or more specifically from mid December of 1998 onward, concerning various health issues of mine, and here again I believe [Pete’s] influence actually Retarded, rather than facilitated my getting off alcohol addiction. The next time my brother intervened in my life was in 2006 and in a more significant way, along with Judy, from September 1st 2008 for about the next two years or so. But now I am relatively “intervention free” and I’m happy with the way my life has taken a turn for the better in the past year. My regret is that I haven’t been to visit Dana in his house. I have Dr. Levy’s group, and the whole Mormon option is still open to me. I would like to go back and just comment on one point in that two posting long narrative. I almost bend over backwards to portray myself as some kind of a parental apron strings dependant dope who didn’t want to move out of his parent’s house. This is a somewhat distorted impression. I regarded moving out as Important- - but just not Urgent. There is a difference. I kind of liken it to the economy in mid August of 1971 when Nixon detatched the price of gold and instituted wage and price controls. I regarded neither step as necessary and Both steps as possibly having major negative ramifications down the line. Just as in my life I had come through numerous “personal crises”, which I’ve gone into before- - so the
They talked about the Beatles getting Allan Klein as their manager in 1969. As you know Mal Evans has told me several times (post mortum) that he regarded Allan Klein as a better manager for the Stones than Brian Epstein was for the Beatles. They said the same thing on yesterday’s radio program. Apparently the Beatles, including Paul, and the Stones, all met in some board room one day. Mick and Keith were there and they said they were “intimidated” by all four of the Beatles being there. Mick apparently said “Well, I guess Allan Klein is an OK manager- - if you like that sort of thing”. The words “that sort of thing” were troubling. It’s not smart for John Lennon to say “I don’t like the business end of things”. You better damn well like it for your own welfare. My view of business is “always maintain as much control as possible”. Of course at John’s 1971 birthday party a lot of people were in attendance, but the rift between John and Paul never healed. I don’t think John ever got over the idea that Paul was exalting himself into making himself some sort of leader or something. John has said “you know, obviously breaking up the Beatles was a good thing. Look at the music I wrote before and after. And, more imphatically, look at the music George wrote after he was freed up to write his own songs. There is no comparison. I’ll tell you what my view on relations is. I don’t believe in “blowing off” a relationship for no reason at all. That’s what [Pete Richards] does. That’s not what I do. And now it’s cigarette time.
Of course this whole notion of an “Early Exit” is probably a title of some advocacy book by Jack, the dripper, Kavorkian. The biggest victim of that was Michael Jackson and his untimely death two summers ago. If Conrad Murray doesn’t have his medical license revoked justice will not have been served. If we believe Lucy whats-her-face’s book, Elvis and Lucy were planning to tell the world they were going to get married and the next thing Elvis died. That’s bullshit, of course. Everything in that book after 1958 is bullshit, at a minimum, and perhaps the whole thing. If Elvis had some “rock” in his life like that he’d never be on drugs. My fear is that at my funeral people will say “You know if he’d only had Jesus his whole life would have been different”. My view is that you cant fault a person for never making use of what they never had to begin with. Sometimes people in TV plots do a sudden disappearing act never to be heard from again because their presence on the show is an embarrassment. Take those two children of Venten Harper, Buddy and Sonya, I believe. They were on for two years and then disappeared without a trace and their names were never mentioned again. Then we have Ritchi Cunningham’s older brother “Chuck” who one evening went out to shoot hoops, and was never heard from again. In soap operas people’s presence certainly is an embarrassment after a while. For instance do you remember brother and sister Rex and Cassie? Of course you don’t. These were two twins who were artificially conceived by Kate Roberts and Roman Brady at a time when Neither character was even on the show. Then you had the whole business with Samantha and “Stan” we won’t talk about. I can’t even remember what that was about, but it was something to do with the
I’m wondering whether I may have picked up something from some residue in the plastic of the coffee maker somehow. My “malaise” off and on symptoms seem to have begun just after I got that. And I can "tell" these particular symptoms from a precursor to the garden variety stomach flu. (What I'm referring to is I would have similar attacks of "feeling sick" when I was on alcohol before I started taking those vitamins in the fall of 1997 because I think I had a bad liver) Laurie said Andrew had pancreatitus. I don’t know how she could have known that. But I didn’t think that sort of thing was contagious.
In the morning I got up and made coffee, and just had the one cup because Richard got the rest. I had the “Today” show on. I was intending to make more later in the morning but felt too agitated. We had oatmeal and Loretta gave me pink sugar. We had a fried egg and toast and butter and jelly. I had extra orange juice. I watched “Meet the Press” at eight and Michelle Bachman fielded the questions well, considering how far to the right she is. Of course it took the host a long time to realize that. I guess get the feeling that President Obama has given up. Everyone agrees that the speeches he’s given in his own defense lately have been worse than if he’d said nothing.
At nine they had part two of “The Beatles and the Rolling Stones”. They’d had part one of that last week I listened to. They had the BBC demo song of “It should have been you” the Stones sang. John Lennon mentioned that this was an era of "good feelings" and all the leaders of the major rock groups hung out together. John says he personally spent a lot of time with Brian (Jones). They did play some slickly engeneered song for its day by Pete Best and a new band singing “Rock and Roll Music” and then they played “Three Cool Cats”. But in general the Beatle selections on KLOS were unremarkable today.
We had spaghetti for lunch and garlic bread and a green salad. I didn’t like the soup but then I ruined it with too much soy sauce. Loretta changed her mind and didn’t go to church today. I had Leo Le Port on for a while. They may let you have a Windows disk with a “clean copy” if you pay an additional fifteen dollars. It would be well worth it. Now these virus people even call you up to tell you to check out a web site because “there has been a virus epidemic in your area”. And sometimes it will be computer blackmail. They will wreck your computer and then charge you eighty bucks to get it restored. Of course it won’t really be restored but it will have their spy ware on it.
Saturday night there was a freak gust of win at
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