Thursday, August 18, 2011

21st Century Universal Bill of Rights

History is only valuable to the extent that it reflects Reality

Science is the study of our place in the Cosmos. Religion is a fanciful diversion of the human and basically only good for recreational purposes

One should remember to cherish people and Use things, rather than the other way around.

If moralization feeds your own ego more than it ends up helping the other person, then truely it is vanity.

It is more blessed to be a Benefactor rather than a Petitioner

Christian theology should be a lot more “expendable” than the People whom it claims to Serve.

To protect and serve is better than to salute and swagger.

True Forgiveness is not granted at the point of a gun

Love is an emotion and not some duty that can be extracted under compulsion. Certain things by their very nature become inherently Tainted if not freely rendered

For man forgiveness is a sacrifice. For God what we refer to as forgiveness is but a "blood for indulgence" business transaction

Success in Football is determined by getting to the goal before you in the alloted time, and not by how many people you put in the hospital en rout

Fruitfullness depends on the karma of the deed done rather than the rationalization employed by the person doing the deed.

A favorable environment increases responsability on the person there in, and it raises the karmic bar that much higher.

Fear is like a fire alarm. It has it’s proper function, but if it goes off all the time it is more of a hinderance than any real help.

People who have nothing but Fear to offer other people - - have nothing to offer.

Manipulation of the lives of others causes many of the sins they may have committed to accrew to your own account.

Love is only a virtue if directed at the right things

Anger is only a vice if directed at the wrong things

People who earn their living by the sweat of their brow should not be compelled to pay a higher tax rate than those idle people who sit around the swimming pool waiting for the dividend check to arrive

If marriages were meant to last eternally, then heaven would be filled with married people.

Inailable Human Rights are not negotiable nor are they subject to the machinations of either a government beaurocrat, or a theological conclave.

People are worth more than money, and lives more than Profits

He who has profit from anything receives God's blessings on loan. And if they refuse to "pay it forward" they put a monkey wrench in God's good work.

People should fight the hardest to defend the things that are truely of the greatest Value.

People are better judges of other people than "artificial persons" even if that person turns out to be God Himself.

True repentence is a change of fundamental goals in life, not an alternate, more devious means of achieving your original goals.

Good deeds will atone for a less than pure heart. But bad deeds cannot be rationalized by saying "I had a good motive".

Life is in the doing. Trust movement.

Human beings are citizens of Planet Earth, but we would be regarded as aliens in Heaven.

If man is made in the image of God. But if God becomes corrupted with a program virus then God needs to find an uncorrupted program disk he got from the manufacturer, and if he can’t find one, take it up with them, and not with us.

U S Economy to Soon Improve Dramatically

Even people like this woman want to know that the U S economy is sound

Inflation for the month of July was .5% This is close to the figures we were seeing in the late sixties, and amounts to when compounded to over six percent per year. This is way above what the media has been telling us. Gold is not over $1,800 an ounce, and I don’t need to tell you that I was wrong about the direction of the price of gold. What this information does is shed a whole new light on the economy and indicates that inflation is back in a major way. This figure is also in the face of a retreat in energy prices that was occurring in July. The leading indicators are headed in an upward direction. It’s easy to cherry pick any economic statistics to make your case. But the case here is for a major reversal in the securities markets and a new move to the up side. I have little doubt we will be setting new highs at the end of the year to levels not seen the past three years. I would not want to miss this move. This improvement in the economy will shut the mouths of all those counting on the chaos the tea baggers have in mind for all of us. And when it becomes evident that the world isn’t coming to an end soon, gold and silver prices will collapse overnight, and we’ll see who is laughing then.

You know, a lot of people are sure possessive about that which is not their own. We all know about Joe the Plumber and the “sacrifice” he will have to make under President Obama when he pays taxes on his $250,000 income. Some will even say “ff I pay more taxes well you know something? - - - I’ll have to reduce my cherity giving”. You know, President Obama was grandstanding when he said “If you don’t raise the debt ceiling people on Social Security won’t get their monthly checks of just over a thousand dollars, and veterans won’t get paid. One might think if he really wanted to hit the Republican congress where they lived he’d have YOU won’t get YOUR salaries, and see what that does to spur them. Probably not much. For we know they get most of their money from lobbyists and speaking engagements and book tours. But it was pointed out that it wouldn’t really be fair to slate for the first defaults the poorest and the most destitute among us, whereas the rich would be scarcely unaffected. Of course Christians are possessive with that which is not theirs when they make a statement, usually from a high podium and pointing finger, that “You owe God EVERYTHING- - every breath you take”. Of course were they telling the whole truth they would be saying “Me” instead of God. But perhaps the holy grain of self indicting statements of Neil of KFI saying “Believe you me, living righteously your whole life is no picnic”. In other words he just said “Christianity sucks” even if executed perfectly. Someone said that cigarettes were the only thing that results in death when taken as directed. Rather, I say, no Christianity is the only thing that results in Death when taken as directed. Some of list of particulars against Obama are that he “conspired” to bail out GM and Chrysler “In order to make the Labor Unions stronger and wield more power”. And of course Obama is fighting so hard for liberalized immigration laws so that there will be more democratic voters. (Is he?) And of course Obama is conspiring to make Puerto Rico the 51st state because it will yield two more democratic senators. People on the right claim they love the founding fathers and the Constitution, though I doubt not that many have actually read it, and they sure don’t understand it. Yet they seem to lay claim to “Owning” this portion of American History, as though nobody is qualified to even reference it. On the other hand in areas where we all SHOULD feel a little sense of corporate stewardship, like Planet Earth- - these rich will suddenly get the notion that somehow “It’s YOUR planet- - but don’t bother ME about it”.

In late breaking news it seems that the Obama administration has come off the dime and decided to take a stand on Syria. Today Hillary Clinton condemned Syria and stated that U S citizens will now be barred from traveling to Syria. With the US on board, it would seems the chances of establishing freedom and liberty in Syria are greatly enhanced.

The stock market went down 419 points today. But the only people who really LOST anything were people who owned securities BEFORE today. I advised people in my latest posting to BUY stocks. But you’d really would have had to work at it to have lost money from buying today since the market was down 300 points or so in less than a half hour. Throughout the rest of the day the market went down a little but generally was relatively flat. Nobody could look at the chart of last week and deny that an uptrend was in the works. Of course we had our “day’s worth” of bad news thatr will be forgotten tomorrow. New unemployment claims statistics weren’t good, and housing sales are still down. And there is “the continuing debt crisis in Europe”. It’s funny how if we go up five hundred points tomorrow that none of this will matter. Of course one would presume the running volume figure that yahoo gives you is volume to point on that day, which it most assuredly is not. You have to put up the monthly chart to get that one. But they won’t tell you at what interval the volume is being tallied. They expect you somehow to know that.

So far Larry had borrowed two cigarettes and Mike has borrowed one and Joe has borrowed one and all of them promised to pay me back later today. Just in case Neil of KFI is reading this, the thing with forgiveness is that it pertains to Relationships more so than deed tallying. It’s not what I think of the offending person that damages the relationship but what thoughts go inside THEIR mind about me that damages the relationship, and that I have no control over. I guess my thing is why jeopardize a relationship “just so you can get away with something?” I just bought a pack an hour or so before lunch and it’s already half gone now. And the past week I’ve been handing out cigarettes and not getting them back. If I were down to my last penny I wouldn’t be doing this.

Looking stupid is no crime any more. Michelle Bachman said that Tuesday was Elvis’ birthday and “Let’s all sing happy birthday” or whatever. Bachman and Palin must have between the two of them set some kind of guiness book or records for number of idiotic statements in a short time, with no repercussions. Right wingers aren’t looking for a leader or statesman so much as they are looking for a convenient pawn- - so the corporations and lobbyists can draft the legislation they specifically want passed, and expect it’ll get run through congress without debate. Of course we know Rick Perry is rich or Karl Rove would not have hand picked him as the next Texas governor. And of course every piece of legislation Perry has suggested over the years has been tailor crafter to serve his clientele, the rich.

Of course I just got one of these Stupid anti Obama mailings from you-know-who. There was a guy who perported to be a fellow student with the President while he was attending Columbia University. Unfortunately the mailing had nothing to do with the curriculum at Columbia or the relationship between the mailer and the President. Instead it was just the usual grab bag laundry list of “offences” which they insist that the President has either committed or intends to commit. There is all this talk about some “plan” or agenda, utterly without any foundation. If there were a classmate who actually knew Obama I would like to hear what he had to say. And , yes, why they waited till the 2012 President Campaign to mention it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Massive HS Shooting in Tampa is Averted

There is an unsung hero tipster who tipped the cops off to the actions of one Jered Cano today. He is a seventeen year old who planed to plant a series of bombs with the hope of taking out thirty students and two administrators. This was no hoax. Cano admitted his plans to the police. At his home were all the parts such as accelerants and tubing to make pipe bombs. And his Facebook page had a lot of cryptic sayings. His favorite quote are “lessons not learned in blood are soon forgotten”. This would have easily been the worst mass murder on a campus since Virginia Tech, and the worst high school killing since Columbine in April of 1999. So really we do have to be vigilant in our war against all forms of terror and not just from one source. (Selah) In California the number of lifers in prison being paroled has hit record levels due to a California Supreme Court decision in 2008. This, of course, is idiocy. They aren’t even allowed now to investigate the nature of the actual crime in determining eligibility for parole, but only their behavior behind bars, and their ability to hire professions to falsify a report.

Apparently they are handing down stiff terms for rioters in Britain now, such as jail time for somebody stealing two scoops of mocha ice cream. For the first time they are making the names of juvenile offenders public. Some have to wear orange jump suits top clean up the mess, which isn’t bad. But David Cameron, perhaps rightly from his point of view, believes we need to throw the fear of God into these rioters and fairness is of secondary consideration. Obviously if you are of the Pat Buchannon strain of politically philosophy you believe that “We conservative oligarks gotta stick together” so people from Cameron, to Assad of Syria to Quadafi of Libya have a common interest in remaining in power to “insure stability”. Obviously those who predicted Quadafi would be gone soon last April on the Mc Laughlin group were wrong. Now Hillary Clinton has refused to come out and comdemn Assad or say he should step down. She says she’s just waiting for the “right time to do it”. I wonder whether Pat Buchannon has been whispering in her ear. Rather than an era of new found freedom andpopular sovereignty, I think the world, including the US is in for a major era of repression.

I was thinking perhaps I should scale the introspective stuff way back in my blogs, but that stuff’s important. For instance, I do have biases. I have biases against idiots, especially those in power. And I have a bias against “enabelers” of idiots, as Dr. Phil might say. I may not be referring to what you think I am. Interperate the remark in your own way. I think this “perperual state of penalty” is idiotic for U S C to have to go to seemingly endlessly, for one guy who screwed up in the 2004 season. Now the Miami hurricanes are in big trouble and their team may be de-comissioned or whatever, all because a former coach threw swinging parties. Penalize the coach, penalize the players back when it happened, but don’t penalize the whole University of Miami today.

Stephanie Miller today defended Obama’s not releasing his college papers saying “We all wrote a lot of bullshit on college”. I didn’t I read a lot of bullshit in the ‘seventies (both on the left and on the right) but I doubt there is one paper that I submitted in college I’d be ashamed of today. Presumably the President brought a lot of accademic knowledge to his work, and hopefully his ideas would be intellectually respectable. Even the quotes from the book “Dreams of my father” are a little embarrassing to the President now, I suspect, when quoted by the right, and the President would just as soon this book was buried. Someone suggested a slogan for the upcoming campaign of “Jesus Christ “Community Organizer” – “Pontius Pilate – Governor. Think about it. That will only backfire because the President has been belittled time and time again of “Just being a community organizer”. The charge could be also easily made that “President Obama does not have a record to run ON – but only a record to run FROM”

I just discovered I had another “alias malfunction” in a blog posting. It’s the same posting and the same alias. But it’s not an alias I anticipate using soon again anyhow. I was going to write a piece on “leadership” today, but decided that would not “add” anything significant for my readers. I assume my viewers are careful readers and the majority may well not be, or they don’t think it matters. And they’re probably right. I need to read what “George Washington” is talking about now. I’ve made all of the “observations” I can think of. People don’t need to read now, they need to act. Some people may say to me "It's too late for that", to which I say, "Well that may be true, but you'll never find out unless you at least try it". Perhaps we have taken that road to a police state too far already. If that turns out to be true then we'll have to come up with another plan. But first things first. The folliwing was written Sunday.

I watched the Mc Laughlin report and of course they had to talk about the bad economy even though it’s old news because I think the indicators are pointing to a turn-around in the economy soon. Pat Buchannon talked about the British riots caused by a lack of proper racial assimilation, and in England in the rest of Europe that is a valid problem. Then it was Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. I did get back on computer last evening to do another posting. The big news of the evening was that Tim Pawlente came in third in the Iowa straw poll at 13% and this morning Pawlente dropped out of the race. One might say however that this “early exit” was a rather unnatural thing based on the false meme that it was somehow a head to head contest between himself and Michelle Bachman in Iowa. Naturally in a case like that the biggest nut case will win the day.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

To Be Perfectly Honest- - -

Mendacity is always a problem. People want to give false, glowing impressions about themselves. It's always nice to have other people doing your lying for you. People made a big thing out of Bob Dylan's being Born Again in the late 1970's. So, supposedly Dylan has now discovered the virtues of stable Christian life and a solid, monogamus relation with a woman. No. Dylan actually during this period got a divorce from his long time wife Sarah, with whom he'd been married for over eleven years. There apparently was a lot of bad blood between Dylan and Sarah for years after this. It's too bad this "isn't something he could work on as a Born Again Christian". It's so easy to commit a defacto lie of omission. We all live by subtle signals and implied contracts and mutual unspoken agreements. If you give someone clearly "false signals" and a problem develops, it's the same as a lie. Then we have Governor Rick Perry. Dr. Levy sang his praises saying that Texas cut taxes and the jobs in that state began pouring in and they call it the "Texas meracle" with all these new jobs, alledgedly "showing the rest of the nation how it should be done". Apparently Texas is 24th in unemployment rate now, or just about in the middle. Most of those "created jobs" are as burger flippers at a minimum wage fast food place. And apparently Perry vastly increased both state expenditures and taxes. Also Texas is singularly blessed with the influx of all that oil revenue now that oil prices have risen sky high. A lot of Texas jobs were created due to military contracts. Also Rick Perry profitted more than many other states such as California because Texas was one of those red states that ran a revenue surplus with the Federal government because of the Bush administration. Not only has Rick Perry talked openly about Texas secession from the Union, but apparently he is into Dominion theology. This dominion theology is regarded as a cult even by other main stream evangelicals. This kind of theology is an offshot of Calvinism. I have never found the things in John Calvin's teaching that Thom Hartman claims are there. I've read Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. I haven't read it all. It's a big book. But I have read large portions of it. I remember reading something about if you are in the will of the Almighty, he will reward you with blessings, and that includes material blessings. And these are a "natural consequence of doing God's will". I think that's the wording. But as to this bit about "Well we need a method of determining who will rule the world. And the best way is to pick rich pluticrats because obviously they have God's annointing", - no I haven't read that. It may be there. I just have never seen it in the text. Nonetheless there are people who believe that. In November of 1980 I remember Dick Llyle saying to Pete Richards when I was over at their house, "Pete, I perceive that you have the Favor of the Lord". I took that to mean that Pete had a job. He had a new job working as a loyal assistent to Pastor Mark at a decent wage. Pete didn't prove all that loyal in the end. I'll have more to say about this later in this posting. But Calvary Chapel engage in some of this "Calvinistic Darwinism". In fact when I heard the tone of the early Bible Studies as a Christian I felt a little bewildered at the tone of much of the talk. And so I coined the term "Calvinistic Darwinism" in my writings. Of course you have heard the term "Social Darwinism" saying that the "fittest people naturally rise to the top in business. Well the Calvary people just extend that a little to say "It was God who did it" when in reality it was just blind luck. That's the basic theory behind evolution after all. It's based on the idea of the "hopeful mutation" that works out in a big way. But you can't impute to the species any special attribute of karmic deeds that somehow "earned it" this new power, any more than you could if somebody suddenly gave me the power instantly to become invisable at will. You know if Rick Perry is such a good governor what is he doing for all these farmers in Texas who are suffering from such a bad drought right now? What is his position on global warming? And it's beyond me why a profession Jew would ever be for a person whose platform plank is "to turn America into a Christian nation". And also I think his record on Capital Punishment might be attackable, just as George Bush's was. I keep hearing persistent roomers that both governors routinely spend only about fifteen minutes in total reviewing each case before signing off on the prisoner being put to death. Certainly if you could find an innocent man who could be proven even NOT beyond a reasonable doubt to be innocent- - then this is an issue that would catch on. Many northern states such as Michigan haven't had capital punishment in their state in many decades. I'm not sure how someone with the air of a swaggering Texas gun slinger would play there. And of course perhaps the dream scenario from the point of view of a liberal Democrat is for Rick Perry and Mitt Romney to get into some kind of all out religious shoot-out at the OK Carral, on some doctrine or another. In that case I'd be routing for Romney. Fundamentalist Christians have little regard for Mormonism, and I think Mormons, probably justly, think a lot of Christians are just shallow and don't practice what they preach anyhow. And I guess the bottom line on Perry is that you know the leading bumper the Democratic campaign will be selling will be "Not Another Texas Governor!" I haven't even scratched the surface on Governor Perry. I'm sure there's lots more about him that we could find objectionable. We haven't even had to open the closet door yet to see if he has skeletons there. Some statements of Governor Perry are so blatently "off the wall" they need to be made better known. Perry said that it would be "treason" for the Fed Chairman to again begin buying its own US treasury bonds. Many people, the Glen Beck people, are "still waiting" for that "master switch to be thrown" that will make money difficult to get and drive interest and inflation rates sky high. Also Perry's record is attackable on things like 25% childhood poverty in Texas. In response to this Perry has cut funding. Texas has about the lowest graduation rate for High School among adults over 25.

Of course President Obama is not off the hook in all of this. The conservatives aren't the only ones who think Obama may be hiding a thing or two. I mentioned to someone on the phone yesterday saying if she was so concerned about the adverse consequences of Obama's health care plan once implemented, then after Obama is kicked out of office in 2012 congress can repeal the entire health care bill and the then President can sign off on it. This is when she said that she fears an almost occultic force or "the media" or something is going to "fix it" so that President Obama will stay in office. She is developing an almost obsessive fear that President Obama is destined to get in for another term, and the culture of America will be destroyed, Yesterday I was just looking at this You Tube video from this "disinterested" average American who went to a meeting of the American Communist Party in 1992 and they talked about undermining marriage with liberalized homosexual laws, and "going after industry" with envirnmental laws, and eliminating the Christian religion. And initially the guy thought "Well, all these measures are a long way off. They won't happen in my lifetime". But now he looks at this supposed party checklist and sees them being fulfilled one by one. I only mention this to say that a lot of people on the right are genuinely afraid out there. Then they see this "Manchurian Candidate" President who the Media literally flung at us, and People like Randy Rhodes were saying as far back as February of 2008 was "Obviously the primary winner" just before Hillary Clinton began winning primaries one by one in a lot of the major, populated states. People are worried about this secrecy with all of Obama's college work and his term papers. And how come none of the professors and virtually none of the students remember him from all these Colleges he's supposed to have attended. And how come his "long form" Birth Certificate is obviously a fraudulant, computer generated form. It was done on that Adobe Flash software, and there are videos demonstrating step by step how it was done and the things would NOT be present were it a legitimate document. I am also concerned about the President's ability to "think on his feet" without a teleprompter. I am still troubled by that one statement John Boehner made about how they "almost had a major deal on raising the debt ceiling" back several weeks ago, but then suddenly "President Obama moved the goal posts". Apparently they had agreed to an 800 Billion dollar revenue increase. But then the President insisted on a 1.2 trillion dollar revenue increase and when he didn't get that, he walked out. I'm not entirely sure the President himself was entirely innocent of not grandstanding to the media or somehow "hyping the crisis".

I would like to talk about myself just a little. In The Ten Commandments blog, there is a June 2006 posting called "My History as a Bosc" or something. Fortunately Google Desktop hit pay dirt this time. Often it doesn't. This writing preceeded "Moonshot" both in the originall July 2004 word files and also in my blog postings. This file is reliable. However other references to "Laura" are blatently false. For instance one document states "Me and Laura had sex three times in the space of a week and then she turned cold and I went to Chicago". Me and Laura never had sex in September of 1980. Other documents state that when I got back from Chicago that "Laura heard I had money and came to me asking for money to pay for an abortion, because she had committed in indecretion while I was gone". This never happened. In the first place I never got the money hoped for. I also owed a thousand dollars or so for printings of my book "God's Winepress". I got the money from my parents with a lot of argument. But don't worry, I paid back every penny I got from them within a few months. As to "Laura suddenly turning cold" that part is true. But I also changed. There is a line in a Dylan song that goes "Don't want to defeate nobody- - if they've already been defeated". The times I saw Laura later that fall I had "lost my picnic spirit" to use another Dylan phrase. There was one time in Irvine park when the leaves were falling and we were on the teter-totter. And there was that Halloween potluck where she gave me the book "The Peek to Peak principle" to read. And there was another time at the Bosc house when we held a "Make your own pizza" party. At all three of these I felt completely estranged from Laura. I got the money for my book about December first of 1980. It was then I bought a Who album "Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy". The last Who album i had bought "Who's Next" Wallace got shot a few days later. I thought, "There's not much chance of That happening again." I remember Chuck Smith gave a morning sermon that Sunday, December 7th. He talked about the sudden deaths of his father and brother flying in an airplane, I thought "OK, God doesn't descriminate on who he sticks it to". I remember it was an overcast, almost foggy morning. The previous Saturday night Laura was ignoring me but spent a lot of time talking to Pete. Not Pete Richards, but that other Pete who I mention little, if at all. The last time I talked to him he told me he heard Jeane Hayse had been murdered. Anyway we all know what took place on Monday. No, not my deciding not to pursue a job interview from CETA but instead took a leisurely walk home through tract streets on a pleasent afternoon watching the leaves turn. Then when I got home Pete Richards was playing some instructional tape on how to talk to little kids about Jesus, and there was this little song "How do I know Jesus loves me", and I was thinking to myself "screw that". I don't mean that event- I meant the other one on December 8th. The shooting of John Lennon that night on the steps of the Dakota in New York, that I think was announced near the end of a Monday Night football game- - I believe between the Patriots and the Dolphins. It was the next Saturday that when Laura showed up she looked awful. She had no make-up and she had cut her beautiful long hair off. She looked frankly like she'd just been in hospital surgery or something. I'm relating this based on my total lack of knowledge at that time. From that evening on she fell into a depression. It was in early 1981 I'd have phone conversations with her and sense that she was "slipping away". As you know I relate to the song "I'm Losing You" more than any other song on Double Fantasy. I remember though that Judy had contacted me and says "Laura stridently defended your Book when I spoke critically of it. That must be true love". A lot of people liked my book, believe it or not. Jim Cooper was encouraging. Bill T. liked it. Even Dick Llyle liked it. However Dick Llyle is famous for that tag line "- - but it's just not the way Pastor Chuck does it", referring to prophecy. Relatives that Christmas were open to reading it.

I want to talk just little about lying in the generic. There are certain things the Torah teaches and certain things it emphatically does not. Nowhere was the Torah say you're supposed to turn in Jews you're hiding if Nazis knock on your door. We are all entitled a "personal space" that others may not invade. I know they've done these movies about "what if a person never lied about anything" and we'd have total chaos. Culture is based on a veneer of civility. You don't ask a woman how much they paid for that dress they are wearing, and if you should, you would not expect them to tell you the truth and embarras themselves. What IS in the Bible is NOT bearing "false witness" against your neighbor, either in court, or in things like false gossip. In fact gossip in any form is contra-indicated in the Bible. Honesty also extends to being a person of your word. The reason why you swear an oath in court is that it's "insurance" for the jurors in court that you won't lie to them. It might not always work. In a similar vein, we all "protect' ourselves but not leaving our homes wide open fir burglars to enter at night. Not that it will happen every time but life on earth demands a certain ammount of prudence. In the same way we bind people to taking oaths of affirmation and putting things in writing as a "protection device" lest they fall into temptation. We are certainly to keep promises we make to God as well as business promises we make to our neighbor. Dana had this saying of "You don't screw with your customers and they won't screw with you". In terms of Campaign promises, this is a gray area. But I've found with Christians that the more emphatic they are about stating a certain "truth" of theirs- - - the Bigger Lie it turns out to Be! I think being a man of your word is a good thing. Being better than your word is a better thing. In the end people get along better if they have a reputation for not being a real flake. (Selah)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Time To Disintermetiate

Two, four, six, eight, time to disintermediate. Yeah, I think I first heard that term when Lisa Simpson had it as a word in a spelling bee or something. Personally, I’ve never had a problem with the word “intransigent”, except that it is one of those qualities I suffer from a lack of. So what is “Disintermediation”? Well, its “taking away the middle man”. Leo Le Port used the word last Saturday in saying that to maintain a “net neutral” internet we need to establish that people have an inherent “right of way” or use of the “Pipes” in the internet, because he who controls the Pipes in the end can put a choke hold on anybody they want. That’s why I signed up with A T & T in 2007 because I knew they controlled the Pipes and there would be no inherent conflicts of interest. Now the guy on KTLK has sounded the alarm in saying that President Obama is thinking of assuming to himself the power to throw some master switch and shut the whole internet down in case of any major cyber-emergency. Personally that kind of Power in one man is not a thing that I find appealing at all. Nevertheless it's not a thought that hasn't popped into my mind on and off for several years now. But I'll tell you a little secret. The biggest peril of enlightenment for society today is not a lack of access to knowledge, but people's own Reactive Minds. (Selah)

If there is indeed one thing appealing about Ron Paul for President is that he would seek to make “Disintermediation” a key plank in his political platform. All of us “would like to get government out of the way” at times. Our President even said he would work on hindering small business regulation. And if there were any taxes that were especially burdensome to small business, the President offered to cut these, too. But of course the biggest bar to successful Disintermediation is this monstrous health care bill with it’s whole new set of costly and absurd regulations in so many areas, guaranteed to jack medical insurance rates way up for most of us, not to mention to what it will do to the national deficit. The impulse of a conservative is Achem’s Razor, or simply, do the most direct and simplest remedy that you can for a problem, because the more complicated the solution, the less valid, so the theory goes. IF there are any people who are NOT insured now and somehow haven’t CHOSEN this rout for themselves, then perhaps a modest program would not be out of order, if it doesn’t affect the rest of us who are insured.

In my life when you hear the word Disintermediate, you immediately think of [Pete Richards]. In late 1981 after a brief period of negativity, certainly by December of 1981 I was finally asserting my own identity and making the friends I wanted to make. My writing was “freed up” and there was an explosion of creativity during this period. Some of you will say to me “Well what happened in mid 1985?” That’s a story unto itself and Pete had nothing to do with that. In a proposed piece I never used, I must have used the word "Last" about ten times. ("The Last Good Six Months") Indeed if ever there was a good time in life to make an “early exit” around July first of 1985 would have been the time. Given the clear choice and knowing the future the next few years that lay ahead, I can’t honestly say that I would opt for life. As you know [Pete Richards] is the person who probably “retarded” my natural evolution into a Born Again Christian by 4 ½ or five years. By the way in that story that took up two postings- - - almost all of the people I mentioned in that narrative, with the exception of Jim Klein, were HIS friends and not really mine. I did not have an “independent” relation with them. As for Jim Klein he was basically an OK fellow, except from time to time the relation would suffer from sudden attacks of Rick Perry sidrone. From late August of 1976 on, I began forming my own relationships independent of [Pete]. But basically every time [Pete] thrust himself in my life, things took a turn for the worse. This occurred in January of 1987 with the cutting down of the trees at the Bosc house. It occurred on Mothers Day of 1994 with Pete actively endeavoring to undermine my own relation with Pastor Mark, and it occurred from Thanksgiving 1998 or more specifically from mid December of 1998 onward, concerning various health issues of mine, and here again I believe [Pete’s] influence actually Retarded, rather than facilitated my getting off alcohol addiction. The next time my brother intervened in my life was in 2006 and in a more significant way, along with Judy, from September 1st 2008 for about the next two years or so. But now I am relatively “intervention free” and I’m happy with the way my life has taken a turn for the better in the past year. My regret is that I haven’t been to visit Dana in his house. I have Dr. Levy’s group, and the whole Mormon option is still open to me. I would like to go back and just comment on one point in that two posting long narrative. I almost bend over backwards to portray myself as some kind of a parental apron strings dependant dope who didn’t want to move out of his parent’s house. This is a somewhat distorted impression. I regarded moving out as Important- - but just not Urgent. There is a difference. I kind of liken it to the economy in mid August of 1971 when Nixon detatched the price of gold and instituted wage and price controls. I regarded neither step as necessary and Both steps as possibly having major negative ramifications down the line. Just as in my life I had come through numerous “personal crises”, which I’ve gone into before- - so the US economy had weathered the recession of 1970 and now inflation rates were actually down. So I guess my view of the whole thing is “If it ain’t broken- - - don’t fix it”.

They talked about the Beatles getting Allan Klein as their manager in 1969. As you know Mal Evans has told me several times (post mortum) that he regarded Allan Klein as a better manager for the Stones than Brian Epstein was for the Beatles. They said the same thing on yesterday’s radio program. Apparently the Beatles, including Paul, and the Stones, all met in some board room one day. Mick and Keith were there and they said they were “intimidated” by all four of the Beatles being there. Mick apparently said “Well, I guess Allan Klein is an OK manager- - if you like that sort of thing”. The words “that sort of thing” were troubling. It’s not smart for John Lennon to say “I don’t like the business end of things”. You better damn well like it for your own welfare. My view of business is “always maintain as much control as possible”. Of course at John’s 1971 birthday party a lot of people were in attendance, but the rift between John and Paul never healed. I don’t think John ever got over the idea that Paul was exalting himself into making himself some sort of leader or something. John has said “you know, obviously breaking up the Beatles was a good thing. Look at the music I wrote before and after. And, more imphatically, look at the music George wrote after he was freed up to write his own songs. There is no comparison. I’ll tell you what my view on relations is. I don’t believe in “blowing off” a relationship for no reason at all. That’s what [Pete Richards] does. That’s not what I do. And now it’s cigarette time.

Of course this whole notion of an “Early Exit” is probably a title of some advocacy book by Jack, the dripper, Kavorkian. The biggest victim of that was Michael Jackson and his untimely death two summers ago. If Conrad Murray doesn’t have his medical license revoked justice will not have been served. If we believe Lucy whats-her-face’s book, Elvis and Lucy were planning to tell the world they were going to get married and the next thing Elvis died. That’s bullshit, of course. Everything in that book after 1958 is bullshit, at a minimum, and perhaps the whole thing. If Elvis had some “rock” in his life like that he’d never be on drugs. My fear is that at my funeral people will say “You know if he’d only had Jesus his whole life would have been different”. My view is that you cant fault a person for never making use of what they never had to begin with. Sometimes people in TV plots do a sudden disappearing act never to be heard from again because their presence on the show is an embarrassment. Take those two children of Venten Harper, Buddy and Sonya, I believe. They were on for two years and then disappeared without a trace and their names were never mentioned again. Then we have Ritchi Cunningham’s older brother “Chuck” who one evening went out to shoot hoops, and was never heard from again. In soap operas people’s presence certainly is an embarrassment after a while. For instance do you remember brother and sister Rex and Cassie? Of course you don’t. These were two twins who were artificially conceived by Kate Roberts and Roman Brady at a time when Neither character was even on the show. Then you had the whole business with Samantha and “Stan” we won’t talk about. I can’t even remember what that was about, but it was something to do with the Iraq war. Then we have Sean D and Belle Black. If you’ll remember Sean was nearly eight years Bell’s senior. But while father Bo was at death’s door in danger of dying from pancreatic cancer, Sean and Bell decide to take a boat trip around the world, and neither has been heard from since. Real life can have worse consequences. I think I was somehow an “embarrassment” to the Rev. Bill Halliday. From that early phone call in July of 1991 he sought desperately to get rid of me and make sure I never darkened the church doors again. To this day I don’t know why. I had no prior prejudices against him. All I knew was that he was an Actor and was converted later in life. If anything this was a positive because it meant that “He hasn’t forgotten what the real world is really like”. He kept speaking of “taking a vacation from religion”. And then we have Jack Ruby, who shot Oswald. There was a tape circulating around in early 1967 just before he died of cancer where I think he alluded to certain things and secrets he knew. But he never lived to tell them. And finally we have William Casey, former CIA director. He was going to testify before some congressional committee in 1987 but just before he was to appear, he developed some crisis and had brain surgery, that rendered him speechless, and he died soon after that. How many people has my brother pushed out of his life over the years? I could write a whole book chapter on that one. And now for my bottom line point. Let’s suppose that either Rick Perry or Michelle Bachman is really destined to become President. How could the rest of us be silenced so that that could happen? I don’t know, since we’re already so sheep like. I’m sure in the early ‘thirties the Germans thought the Nazis were just a party of harmless nuts, too. Of course if you want to get supernatural about it anything could happen. As you can see “authors” of whatever stripe, are a little blatant in exercising their God like powers, sometimes a little too crassly.

I’m wondering whether I may have picked up something from some residue in the plastic of the coffee maker somehow. My “malaise” off and on symptoms seem to have begun just after I got that. And I can "tell" these particular symptoms from a precursor to the garden variety stomach flu. (What I'm referring to is I would have similar attacks of "feeling sick" when I was on alcohol before I started taking those vitamins in the fall of 1997 because I think I had a bad liver) Laurie said Andrew had pancreatitus. I don’t know how she could have known that. But I didn’t think that sort of thing was contagious.

In the morning I got up and made coffee, and just had the one cup because Richard got the rest. I had the “Today” show on. I was intending to make more later in the morning but felt too agitated. We had oatmeal and Loretta gave me pink sugar. We had a fried egg and toast and butter and jelly. I had extra orange juice. I watched “Meet the Press” at eight and Michelle Bachman fielded the questions well, considering how far to the right she is. Of course it took the host a long time to realize that. I guess get the feeling that President Obama has given up. Everyone agrees that the speeches he’s given in his own defense lately have been worse than if he’d said nothing.

At nine they had part two of “The Beatles and the Rolling Stones”. They’d had part one of that last week I listened to. They had the BBC demo song of “It should have been you” the Stones sang. John Lennon mentioned that this was an era of "good feelings" and all the leaders of the major rock groups hung out together. John says he personally spent a lot of time with Brian (Jones). They did play some slickly engeneered song for its day by Pete Best and a new band singing “Rock and Roll Music” and then they played “Three Cool Cats”. But in general the Beatle selections on KLOS were unremarkable today.

We had spaghetti for lunch and garlic bread and a green salad. I didn’t like the soup but then I ruined it with too much soy sauce. Loretta changed her mind and didn’t go to church today. I had Leo Le Port on for a while. They may let you have a Windows disk with a “clean copy” if you pay an additional fifteen dollars. It would be well worth it. Now these virus people even call you up to tell you to check out a web site because “there has been a virus epidemic in your area”. And sometimes it will be computer blackmail. They will wreck your computer and then charge you eighty bucks to get it restored. Of course it won’t really be restored but it will have their spy ware on it.

Saturday night there was a freak gust of win at Indiana State fair that blew down a stage and injured and killed many people, and caused massive terror. Yeah, I guess it was just one of those flook "acts of God" and all.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Michelle Bachman Number One In Iowa Poll

Well, Michelle Bachman, that woman whom Randy Rhodes wanted to be the republican nominee for President because she is bat crap crazy, won the Iowa straw poll today. She polled an impressive 28% of those who voted. Ron Paul got 27%. But the headline in the news was not that Ron Paul came within one percent of upending the front runner, rather the headline was that Tim Pawlente came in third. The Media has been running its campaign against Pawlente for weeks, and you have to wonder what is going on. The fact that neither Romney nor Perry even "showed" in this poll seems to have escaped the media notice. But by virtue of not coming in third they are still qualified to "still be in the running". This whole bit about "knocking a candidate out of the running" is pretty silly anyhow. The Iowa straw poll isn't known for predicting squat. If it were, John Mc Cain never would have become the Republican nominee four years ago. Of course many whackos on the right such as Dr. Levy like Michelle Bachman. But as Pawlente points out, at least HE has some kind of a track record of accomplishments in an executive position. Bachman has virtually nothing to show for her years in congress save for the "light bulb freedom of choice act". But Bachman has been noted for making a lot of extreme statements. They did a poll in the debate with the following question: "If you were President would you sign a debt ceiling raising bill that was weighted ten to one in favor of government cuts over revenue raising. All of the candidates on stage raised their hands. As Chris Matthews pointed out, "That's wasn't a poll response; that was a Reverand Sung Young Moon wedding." Of course you know these people around them are bat crap crazy from the questions they asked. One question was to Michelle Bachman who was asked "Do you promise to be submissive to your husband?" Rotsa Ruck with that one. Michelle Bachman is so far to the right she voted any debt ceiling increase and indeed has campaigned that the debt ceiling should NOT be increased, with or without a constitutional amendment. She says the S & P 500 people were right when they downgraded US credit to an AA plus, which even Lisa Simpson would be pleased with. Someone said "it takes the average country nine years to get their tripple A credit rating back once they lose it". I have a definite feeling it won't be NEAR that long in our case. Of course the results of a poll done just last week states that 62% of the US population favors a jobs program over concern about the national debt, which is only 22%. Of course people talk about being "given a job" like those people at Founders being given a "make work" job for three dollars an hour limited to ten hours a week. Well, as the Black guy on Chris Matthews points out, there is all sorts of Work, tasks, that need to get done in this country such as roads and bridges being built and water works being up to standard. And there are school buildings throughout the country that are in disrepair. Matthews suggested that "The best defense is a good offence. Why don't you take your message out into enemy territory, like John Boehner country, and in this way you have the potential of making real headway".

Richard Perry officially announced his candidicy for President today, in one of the worst kept secrets. He kind of reminds me of that "Joe Cantwell" guy from the movie "The Best Man" starring Henry Fonda. He has the body language and swagger of a southern Evangelist, which may play well in Texas, but not the rest of the country. Perry has "left the door open" for Texas cecession from the United States, and falsely claims there is some historical precident for this. Of course Perry is known for creating jobs in Texas, but I've heard Texas has the highest percentage of minimum wage jobs anywhere in the country. Many Texans don't know how he got reelected. It seems that Perry only won last time with 39% of the vote because he ran against three Democrats who divided the opposition vote. Of course Perry is still in favor of teaching creationism in the schools. The only other person the news media named in this straw poll was Rick Santaurum, who came in a close fourth place to Pawlente. Dr. Levy has also spoken fondly of Rick Perry. But Perry has one major obsticle in Texas politics in the person of Karl Rove, who is noted to support any candidate who will oppose Perry. I never thought I'd say it but, "Go, Karl". Go sick 'em, and knock him out of the race and nip one bad apple in the bud.

Former LA police chief William Braton has been asked to go to England to serve as a law enforcement advisor to find out a way to quell all these riots they've been having in England in places like London, Birmingham, Bristol, and Liverpool. I wish him my best. Braton was the best LA police chief we've ever had, at least in my lifetime. His community policing techniques have greatly increased cooperation of law enforcement in ghetto neighborhoods. It's a refreshing change from those dark days of sky high crime rates and police relations that sucked, under Mayor Tom Bradley and former police chief Daryl Gates, whom we suffered through for fifteen years. Many say that the problem with Europe, and Pat Buchanon might well be right this one time, is that there has been a lot of rapid racial immigration not allowing sufficient time for cultural assimilation. And others have said that the London police were initially too "soft" allowing the whole thing to get out of hand. Also people in other countries don't have the crime computer data bases we have access to here.

Now they have a simple blood test that women can use barely into their pregnencies that can be employed to determine the sex of their unborn babies with 95% accuracy. This contrasts with ultra sound, which relies on visual information with only 90% accuracy and according to that Dr. Mendelson guy- - fries your baby's brains. Of course knowing the gender can also alert the parents to certain well known sex related malodies such as color blindness. Most people consider it an ethical problem to have the sole reason for termanating a pregnency being based on gender. Still I think it's just the price we pay for progress that one of the great mysteries of life is now gone.

One of the ideas I've been kicking around for a posting is playing the "what if" game with "The Ten Commandments" movie. You know that scene where Moses is pulled out of the mud pits and is on the barge with Nephretiri, and she urges him to go to Seti's jubliee, and he says "But first I have to pay a call on the master builder". When I first heard that line I assumed he was referring to making prayer to God. It turns out however his intent was on killing Baca, alias Vincent Price, the Master Builder. I am thinking "what if some other entity entered his body, mind and will just then". How might history have been altered? Well not to speak ill of the dead but Joshua would not be alive to finger Moses for being Hebrew and not Egyptian. So Ramses would have to find out from somebody else, if he found out at all. While Baca would still be alive and a partisan of Ramses for Pharoah, my view is that I would rather face a live opponet as opposed to a dead Albitros. (Selah) So what would happen when again Seti met up with his one time protogee. Would he still be in chains? Would he perhaps not plead for himself for for his mother, Bithia, who in his eyes made him everything he is today. We will never know that, short of fifth dimensional travel, but what we just might keep in mind is that there may be "walk ins" right now entering people's bodies, that right NOW are altering history. So it might be arguing that the "normal" was preempted by the Impossible, which is the Reality we have now.

We have a little "unfinished business" from a few posts back. The one zinger example I decided not to use goes as follows: I was rolling these things over in my mind on the way to and from the store last night where I bought a pack of John Black cherry, after it was already dark. I have often stated that God is an amoral being. He has no concept of either black or white. Neither does he have any concept of Time. Many people can have a form of "color blindness", which means there is one or more areas, it could be race, it could be gender, that they just "don't notice" or perhaps don't even here all the where-with-all to notice, such is my voting for Bob Dole over Bill Clinton in 1996 with Character as the deciding factor in my mind. It dawned on me that another word for “forgive” is to “suddenly not be aware of”. You remember how screwed up the battleship Cain was in that movie. And Captain Queeg says, correctly in my oppinion, "These are things we are going to start becoming aware of again". Neil of the house if KFI has even stated that "sin begets sin". Often error can have a compounding effect, like a nuclear chain reaction in a reactor. So it’s like all those bad events that reaped untold havoc- - “never happened”. Neil of KFI says that “God can’t really forgive because he’s so inherently Perfect”. It "sounds good" when he puts it that way- - all that "Holiness"and all. ButThat’s not the reason. The truth is that God has no concept of a moral infraction because He doesn’t deal in Morality, and as such has no idea what you’re talking about, at least from a moral standpoint, when you say “I don’t know how God could possibly have permitted this or that event to happen”. God has no inkling of the adverse consequences of his own acts due to their lack of moral consideration. Then we have the concept of Adam and Eve. It has always been said that Adam and Eve wanted to be like God in that they knew Good from Evil. And that somehow the Serpent was trying to appeal to their vanity. The theory here goes "Adam and Eve had a sense of entitlement" and we KNOW how bad "Entitlements" like Social Security are. The reality is that Adam and Eve were a lot more like God before they “fell” than afterwards. So to quote another Bible verse, "Divinity is not some etherial quality they needed to strive for". Curiosity is an inherent quality of the very young. If God had had any experiance with raising Children before he would have known this. But they didn't "fall". It is kind of funny that they never had sex and conceived a child before they "fell". If they had- - then I guess their child would have geneticly inhereted the former "perfection". But to say what happened to them constituted a "fall" is a strange choice of words. Because after the Fall they became moral creatures and people of conscience. As such they were now capable of things like guilt and repentance. But there was now a giant rift between these two and this god with whom they suddenly share a lot less in common with. (Selah) I don't see any way, or for that matter any necessity, to try and bridge this "moral divide" between a moral human being and an A-moral deity.

Dirty Disciples Deluded Dirt Cheap

I think "DDDDC" was actually released on April 30th 1976 but I'm not positive. Anyhow, this is part two of the piece I typed yesterday with a couple minor additions.

On Friday April 30th I moved my furniture over to the Palm St. house with the help of my Dad. That evening brother Al gave me a ride back to parents on his motor cycle. Though I had driven motor cycles and been a rider, I had never before used a helmet. We had some kind of fish for dinner and Mom almost apologized for that. But it did have some kind of unusual new white wine sauce on it. The next morning the hot water wasn’t getting hot. Someone had fiddled with the controls. I had insisted people come over and fix the gas leak and this had been done. I went with Pete this day to a recording session. He said maybe I could try this mixing board out to see what it was like. But I didn’t get to use this board either. We spend almost the whole time rehearsing one song with a Mexican girl singing the lead, who would be replaced on the final recording. It was about two and we ate at Mc Donalds. Pete had been invited to some barbecue later on, but I indicated I just didn’t feel like going to anything like that now.

I was still doing these CMK “Romulan” albums. The one just out was called “Other Times and Places” featuring a man sitting alone at an empty bar with just the bartender there. The previous CMK album out in mid April was called “Stoned Free” but actually the picture was more shades of “Band on the Run” with a gang of masked outlaws backed against a brick wall with a spot light on them and police aiming machine guns at them. There was a Stones song on this album called “Empty Heart”. I was in charge of inside the house this first week. That first Monday I vacuumed the place and dusted and polished everything up and even lit the scented candles to set the proper mood for the night’s Bible Study. But Pete announced that we wouldn’t be having it because “people had cancled”. Only two girls were scheduled to come and Pete said “I didn’t want the thing to look like a date”. So instead- - we went out with those two “girls” that ex housemate nerdy brunette, and a fat blonde woman named Cindy, who was very pregnant and overdue - -and she had a husband. We went to Big Calvary and took in a Greg Laurie music concert. That Friday we were going to go to a “Jesus coffee house” in Fullerton. I had heard a lot about these and was quite interested in going. But Dick and Robin called up at the last minute and cancled because the baby had an ear ache or something like that. The next day was Saturday and me and Pete went to a work party at our family church trimming shrubs and stuff. Pete said he was surprised at how hard I worked and how much I got done when I put my mind to it. Perhaps.

The next day was Sunday and I guess it would be Mother’s Day. Pete and I went there for lunch with parents. The cat, Bo, was still at parent’s house. This day we would transport the cat to our place. One thing parents brought up this day was their plans to visit New York City later in the spring. I immediately indicated interest in going with them, as I had done the previous year to Hawaii. Let me say again that money was no object. Of course I would pay my own way. But they both said that my school was more important when it clearly wasn’t. I had quit one class and was limping through another. But for some reason they weren’t at all interested in having me along. The farthest east I had ever been in my life was Niagara Falls and Buffalo.This was from a vacation we had taken when I was a kid when we were still living in Chicago.

Finally on the second Monday of May of 1976, some month and a half after I had become a Christian, I finally went to a Bible Study. It was at that ex housemate’s apartment. But the thing was more like a soap opera from what I remember. Dick Llyle was allotted a lot of time talking about some “existential crisis” he was having that had something to do with it no longer being the ‘sixties. Also Pete talked about his divorce and attacked the leader of the band he was in for “Forcing them to play secular rock and roll in a bar lounge”. Dick and Robin’s baby wasn’t there but there was a baby girl, Jessica, who was the daughter of Dan and Debby. Dan was the unofficial teacher now. Jessica lit up with the place with her smile and all. But once again I ended the night feeling a little bewildered.That Saturday we attended Jim Klein’s graduation from Southern Christian college. Then we went out on that rock jetty thing at the mouth of Newport Bay. Then we ate dinner at a “Snack Shop” that hadn’t ever been turned into a “CoCo’s”. That night we attended a Calvary Chapel music concert. It was in one of the Bible Studies in May that I brought up the fact that there seems to “be no rhyme or reason to where God seems to be leading my life”. Dan decided I needed the laying on of hands for a baptism in the Holy Spirit. I’m not really sure it “took”. But I guess in some way I could kid myself that I had more of God’s presence. The next Saturday, which would by now be May 22nd we went for a scheduled beach party. But Dan said that it was too cold and windy. And when we played volley ball Dan said the ball was so hard it hurt his hands. I was on the side of the net looking into the wind and I didn’t have a problem. It was just a case of putting in a little more muscle into the shots. But we went back to Dan and Debby’s house- - which was an older one- - in northern Huntington Beach.

At my parent’s church there were Wednesday evening prayer meetings. One prominent church member, a married Mexican woman was pregnant and kept having us pray for her baby, because “I really want this baby to be healthy”. I found out later from my parents that she had conceived this child by having an affair. This Bible prayer session soon disbanded- - and wouldn’t again meet for quite a long time. On Monday May 24th I got back from Golden West and Dick Llyle was over at the house. It seems some fortune tellers had wanted us to vacate our house and “move somewhere further back in the tract streets”. They couched the whole thing in spiritual terms.What I find surprising was that Pete Richards would listen to what they had to say for a second. I don’t even remember finishing that semester at Golden West. I don’t think I took the final of the electronics class. I had become strangely apathetic about going there.

Larry Lawsen moved in the Palm St house Memorial Day weekend as the third housemate. Our total rent was only $240.00 a month for all of us. This is because Mormons from Las Vegas owned the house and had no idea what market values were in this area. So we each paid eighty a piece. During this period we made a habit of going to brother Al’s trailer park down the street to go swimming and use the Jacuzzi. It was kind of a way to catch up on socializing with Al. It was the first Saturday in June that we went to another Calvarymusic concert. This would make our third. This time we sat in that auxiliary room and watched the thing on the big screen. Jim Klein was with us and I was praying with Pete and Jim. I was worried about the future. Jim Klein said “You know that God would never do anything contrary to his own interest or own glory”. I felt reassured by his words because in my mind God was “acting stupidly” at times.It was a few days after this when the word came that Charlie,Margie’s older blonde haired “surfer” brother, had overdosed on Reds and died in bed. Dick Llyle made the statement of “Well you know that Charlie, he never had any sense in his head”. I didn’t take kindly to his speaking ill of the dead. Larry lightened the mood by saying “Well- - just look – the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the corn is high”.

One night in mid June Pete Richards took me to a Bible Study at a house sponsored by Faith Lutheran church. I really liked the vibes of this place, which in Pete's reverse reasoning meant a reason for never going back. But you had the feeling they really cared in their prayer sessions and weren't just going through the motions. There was a girl named Tracy there who had light brown hair, and she didn't have a boyfriend. I liked her and she seemed to like me, but I never saw her again. However this night I also met Bill T, who was to become a future roommate in 1978. I liked Bill's earnestness and back then he seemed like a really humble person.

We decided to go to Yousemite in mid June of 1976. That would be me, Pete Richards and Jim Klein. When Bob Hertzberg heard that that was where we intended to camp out he said “Why do you want to go there? Yousemite is just a guy and girl pick up spot”. Bob makes the words of Jesus ring true about “You sail the seas to win one convert and when you have won him, you make him twice the child of hell that you yourselves are”. Jesus said these words speaking to the pharicees. While on the trip Jim Klein threw a fit because the morning was getting late and I didn’t want to have our usual morning Bible Study. Jim said “I can go out in my front yard and look at a fucking tree. We aren’t here for the nature- - we are here to praise the Lord”. Pete Richards ruined at least two rolls of film in his camera- - exposing them or something. Unfortunately there was a major heat wave back home and Larry had not kept the crops properly watered and they suffered. Many of the crops never properly developed. Of course this place had screwy water pressure problems, and you had to beware that in the evening the pressure was better and the front generally had better pressure than the back yard.

We were gone seven days and six nights and got back late Friday night. That would have left the feeding of Bo the cat in the hands of Larry. Saturday there was a potluck beach party with the Bible Study group. The weather was nice. From then on, Jim Klein would be a regular at our Bible Study. By now we were meeting at Dan and Debby’s house. It would be a week later and Pete and I took a Biology class together at Cypress College. But there was no animal dissecting in this class. However one time I did grow faint in class when the teacher was talking about blood PH and what a delicate balance on the body it was. At nutrition break I felt dizzy and there was this rushing sound in my head and everything was turning a vivid blue- - like a black light. Fortunately I ate something and it passed. I did not have any official girlfriend this summer but usually I would have a snack with this co ed in the food mall or whatever. It was July 3rd that we had another Bible beach party potluck. Pete and me and Mike and Sue (a married couple) and Robin decided to take a run along the beach right about sunset. By the time we got back, Dick was upset with Robin saying that they were late and the baby sitter will be wondering what happened. This party ended early.

July 4th was no problem at our house because Disneyland shot off their fireworks virtually in our front yard. We had a front row seat every night. Disneyland would play the main street electrical parade theme about nine o clock or so. It was late June when I wrote my first letter to the media using that Burt Lombard alias. It was actually one of my shorter letters. In July the Bible Study had now moved again to Mike and Sue’s apartment. Robin showed me some fresh photos of Zachery, who would have to be about ten months old by now. I guess its OK to use that name. In early July I think - I went to the Melodyland record store and bought “Can It Be?” The Way’s 2ndalbum, and also the Larry Norman album “In Another Land”. Just later in July I went with somebody (?) to Long Beach to the Pine St. HQ of KNAC radio studios to pick up a free copy of the newly minted “Rock and Roll” album by the Beatles, and also a yellow “Fifteen Big Ones” frizbee from the Beach Boys. Of course being good throwing a Frizbee was almost a requirement for being a Christian and those days and I got very good at it. Obviously that's one thing Toby liked to do was catch a Frizbee. I remarked to Al as we played the album in his trailer that it sounds like they have re-mixed and “thinned out” some of the songs, such as “Slow Down” and “Dizzy Miss Lizzy”. It was one Friday night in July that Larry Lawsen perswaded us to see “The Omen” and he said “It’s really a Christian movie. The priest even says “Eat his bread and drink his wine”. So we went to see The Omen and Pete found the thing so “spiritually oppressing” he went and waited in the car. The next day there was the men’s Bible breakfast that met at my parent’s church We discussed the movie there. Pastor Ed Peacock remarked on how sick “The Exorcist” was. There was a lot of talk this Saturday morning about "the future". Someone brought up some "revelation" that Ralph Wilkerson had had in 1974 where he envisioned that people would be able to watch hard core pornography right on their own TV. There was a guy who attended these Saturday morning meetings named Mike Bowman. He was a good guy with good things to say but he just disappeared. This whole group dissolved soon after this meeting. I was starting to observe a little trend going on.

Now the Monday Night bible study was meeting in yet a fourth location. This was the apartment right above where Pete Richards used to live when he was married to Margie. There was a big, high window to the east where the full moon shown in. Pete and Robin would have all these little caucuses. This was the last “specific recollection” of going to a meeting with this bible group. But they may have had a couple more meetings that don’t stand out in my mind. The only time I remember visiting Dick and Robin in their apartment it was on a summer’s evening and I just remember it being hot inside. There was one evening where Pete, Jim Klein and myself went back down to Southern Christian college - -music dept. because there was a guy there who was demonstrating a moog synthizer and all the sounds it could make. One of the dishes Larry Lawsen made was this Spanish sausage and scrambled eggs things. I had never tasted that before- - and it had an interesting new flavor.

It was late in July when I did some page with astrology symbols drawn on it. From time to time I would tell Pete that I thought I had backslid or that I had lost my salvation, and he would insist that I hadn’t. It was about this period that I wrote Chuck Smith a rather long, rambling letter. It concentrated on the years 1971 and 1976 with little mention of the years in-between. For this letter I used my real name. There was some big service at Melodyland and some evangelist was speaking. This was around August first, I’m not sure. I remember he was “calling out” various people in the congregation. And he said “There is one person in here- - one person, who had just given his life to Satan. You don’t know it yet but the Devil is getting ready to destroy you”. I was convinced he was talking about me, because of the astrology thing I had done.

The first week of August was the last week of Biology class. I got a real high B and I think Pete Richards got an A. I remember we stayed after class so that the teacher could grate our final tests right on the spot and tally up our points. I just missed getting an A by a few points but this teacher was into exactness. It was this week that Pete Richard’s divorce papers finally came through. The divorce from Margie was final. All through summer school Pete had worn his wedding ring, to keep the girls away or whatever. Now he took it off.Pete and I got into some argument about going to a “Believers meeting” and I wanted to go but kept sensing he was trying to talk me out of it and finally I got mad and didn’t go. In terms of my record collection, I had brought my record player over in early June along with about one third of my record collection. But as of this period I had not yet gone to a store to buy a new secular record.

These early months of a Christian were not very demanding on me. Holy Roller activity was kept at a minimum. Perhaps “lower” than I would have liked. But one night in August me and Larry were watching the Walton’s on TV and Larry suggested I go get us a beer.So I went to Al’s Party pantry and bought a quart of Burgermeister, which lived up to its name of “light, cool, and refreshing”. It was nice to enjoy a beer after these many long months. Larry also lent me a few cigarettes to smoke during this period but I never took up the cigarette thing at this time. On occasion sometimes Pete would do a bonus meal when it wasn’t his turn to cook yet. There was this one Saturday evening in mid August I remember Pete fixed a really nice dinner and salad and everything when it was technically still my turn.In general these were tranquil, happy days. I know there are details I left out, but if I left out any “major thing” it’s probably because it didn’t happen. I know this whole posting won’t exactly be everyone’s cup of tea.