Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
How the Federation Lost the War
brought to you by
"Head On". We hate your product
but your commercials are simply Amazing
Amazing in their utter contempt
for ordenary Comon Sense!
.Miguel, you just imagined this: " When Mike shook my hand I noticed how firm his grip was. Of course you “gender identity” people know one way to spot a gender is go go by the size of their hands. That lets Valerie off the hook if she was ever on the hook. The people at
[a different "Valerie" who is under "Deep Cover"]
This is Memorial Day and they are doing rock acts before the Indy 500 on ABC. I had “Forty Years ago Today” and Sgt. Pepper. Of course the title for that Beatles album was Paul’s as a concept of “some other band doing it” therefore they couldn’t be sued if anything was offensive. John has always minimized the notion of Pepper being a concept album. Of course the Federation’s take on it is the album was honoring the two pepper trees that used to adorn the Bosc house. And of course Bones was the incarnation of Stewart Sutcliffe, who was honored on the Pepper album. Bones was the personification of all things Bosc. George Martin of course was in seventh heaven.
I got up at 6:12 this morning and could have slept longer. I never got any coffee last night either from the bakery or from Glen. I had “Cops” on from a little before 8:30 on. There was a reference there to a guy hooked on crystal meth and now if he didn’t have it he would sleep all the time. I don’t want to be hooked on either coffee or cigarettes. I don’t want to be chemically dependant. For breakfast we had waffles and sausage and bacon, and of course coffee. Marcus still appears to be suffering from excessive medication. When he saw Dr. Messina, his medication must have been stepped up.
Last night the Utah Jazz beat the SA Spurrs 109 to 83 or something. The Spurs led at the half but twords the end of the third quarter the Jazz exploded in offence. The game began at 5:30 and continued till about 8:20.
I had NBC network news on and then Chris Matthews. Hillary Clinton was a topic of conversation. I have to restrain myself when I’m discussing her because there are so many reasons not to like her because of her husband, and also that sham of a marriage they have. It’s more of a business relationship. Like my own parents it at times shows indications of being a loveless relationship but at the same time is held together by some cosmic “glue”. I guess there is some kind of love-hate neurotic attraction. [Hillary had to said for the Star Spangled Banner] Anyhow the race is about to begin. But it was said that Bill and Hillary had some deal way back in 1991 that first Bill would be President for eight years and then Hillary would get her chance. It’s hard to know what is apocryphal. There are roomers now that the Bush administration is considering unilaterally withdrawing troops from
Meet the Press was on and Bill Richardson occupied the full hour. He’s too liberal in the immigration but I like his position on troop withdrawal. He wants all the troops out of
“Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines”. OK we just heard it. I thought when they did it they just said “gentlemen” regardless of the sex of the drivers.
This is Monday May 28, 2007 and it was a year ago that I woke to two realizations. First that my watch had stopped having had a battery that was put in September of 2000. The other was that I was financially broke. That I’d spent all my money in my account and would have to modify my ways. As you know things were to get worse later in the month. I’ve discovered that it’s true; you really do sleep better when you don’t have coffee in the evenings as has been the case the past two days. They showed an apparently “old” Simpsons where the TV had a rabbit ears instead of the VCR. Then “King of the Hill” was on. If “Family Guy” had been on I would have watched it but since it wasn’t I went to bed. I slept right through to light in the morning and I got up about 6:19. I had two cigarettes left. Antwenette gave me her coffee because I had completed breakfast without coffee. They’re filling the cold cereal bowls fuller now, thank God. The fried eggs have been cooked more thoroughly, which is fine with me. For the longest time they were the other extreme. I was able to get a second cup. I saw Oscar and he offered me cigarettes before I asked. Upstairs I got a pack of Poker from him and told him I could pay him a week from this Tuesday. He didn’t seem worried.
At the Movies had “Pirates of the Carebean” reviewed. That runs some two hours & 45 minutes, and the plot is really screwed up, I’ve heard. I’m sure I’d be completely bored watching it. All of the third sequels are doing well, including “Spiderman III” and “Shreck III”. I watched “
The US and
There is a whole DARK SIDE to the ZAC just as so many other fictional scenarios are devided up into good people and bad people. When the Apostle Paul got a hold of Judaisum, he turned THAT into a "dualistic" religion of a "good force" and an "evil force", which it had never been before. The question is how do we identify "good" verses "evil"? On a Star Trek program they had these two half moon faced men who seemingly hated each other and were willing to do battle with each other to the death, or perhaps into Eternity itself. How do we identify pure good or pure Evil? We have made public previously "unreleased material" about the ZAC, which has always been true but does not appear in any ZAC "snail mailings" to the media. You know there are all these movie sequels out now like Pirates of the Carebean III and Spiderman III and Shreck III. People live for fiction as a major componet of their lives. They play all of these RPG's or Role Playing Games such as "World of War Craft". Marcus seems to live in a world of these games. I have never gotten addicted to that. I have my own Fancasys. But I'd like to get back to how you judge pure good or pure evil. They say the Antichrist will start off as a "good man" except for one fatal flaw, that he can't "accept" Christianity. This turns all of his other good into refined evil. So the patter goes. Mafia people kill each other and also innocent people. Killing is their life's profession. Yet they love their family and their church. There is a line in the Godfather about "Be sure and look out for the kids while you're backing out of the driveway". Then there are people whom we think of as good and charitable such as Joan Crawford or Nancy Reagen, yet they have perfectly awful, neurotic relations with their children. Then you have to ask yourself, "Which is worse? A parent hating a kid but now he's gotten his life otherwise together- - or an adult that's still screwed up and dysfunctional Because of his parents but he can't see the forrest for the trees and may defend his family, or else he shows signs of being "screwed up" in other ways? Is Tabitha really a bad witch on Passions as she wants to be or does she have GOOD traits, such as loving her child and caring for the feelings and welfare of children? What about Elvis Junior on "Days". Is he less wicked than brother Tony because he values family relations? I have said the most EVIL person I have met in my whole life is one whom I call "The great Peravaricator". I spoke of him as being so screwed up on so many levels even the Devil has no use for him. In the Screwtape letters Courage is spoken of as a Good trait that the Devil wishes he could produce in his followers. Really??? What about these Islamic suicide bombers? There goes that argument out the window. They have a courage we in the West can only dream about. In fact we count that very contempt for Death as an additional part of their Evil. Like so many parts of the Screwtape Letters by C S Lewis this is just another misbegotten assumption. Some say achnoledging God is a good thing. Oh really? What if a person prospers in their life by sheer cunning and perhaps deception and manipulation and then gives God the credit? Is this person being "humble" or not? And what about Forgiveness? If forgiveness always moral? Suppose we're talking about George Bush and the Iraq war and I say "As to the motives of our President I'll leave the ultimate judgement of his deeds to God". Is this a threat, invoking some holy vengence? If God is so fond of our President as these Christians claim, why should invoking the name of God be counted as a threat? Some would say "Obediance is the ultimate act of goodness". Just last week I was listening to the car radio with Terry and the Preacher was saying how King Saul's failure to carry out total genocide on the Amalichites doomed him into losing God's favor, and his throne. But some say "It's not the deed that was especially evil but his lack of repentance. In the first place if I were King Saul I'd tell Samuel to fuck off. I'm king and not him, and I am the arbitor of what's right or wrong in this Kingdom. And I don't regard failure to commit total genocide as a sin. Yet preachers are so fond of quoting this passage as analogus to "Putting to death completely the Flesh". My saying is, "If you make no provision for the Flesh then both Body and Soul will end up dead". But some would still say, "There is no excuse for lack of obediance to God". There was a man named Achin who was told after he sinned by having contraband materials in his tent, "Repent and give glory to God. He repented and was promptly put to death along with his entire family. People see good and evil differently.
A Bit Of Recent History of the Orion Federation
The Federation launched a bomb shell today saying it’s their belief that Brian Jones vacated the body of Zachery in February of 1984. Do you people remember the album “Down to the Water Line” which came out in early February 1984? On the cover was Zachery wearing a blue and yellow striped shirt, out of focus looking down into a toilet bowl. The bowl had just been flushed and everything inside the bowl was crystal clear but everything beyond it was fuzzy. Elsewhere on the album was a bunch of black holes (like “Yellow Submarine”) and Bones, our cat, was looking at one hole that was blue-green. In those days Mal Evans spoke of a “Key song”, usually the fifth song on side three (when they still had vinyl for us) The Federation normally uses a twi-sided “Romulan” 89 milimeter CD, which contains more on one side than the traditional LP record here. I think the key song was “What Can Be Done?” by Soft Cell. The officials today would not allow me to reexamine the album. For the curious the cover of “1984” by Van Halen with the baby on it refers to Peter, the son of Frances Goldsmith (remem-ber her?) on May 13th. 1984. In very early 1984 there was a lot of Federation stuff about “shitters”, borrowing from the movie “Christen” which was out. A “shitter” is a person who picks on you or gives you a hard time or just “shits’ on you. In the Federation vers-ion of the movie the scenes are re-edited so that the audience routs for the car. The whole emphasis of the latter part of the movie isn’t there. It is the Federation’s contention that “for years there had been a struggle between Brian Jones and another alien spirit, and the alien spirit won, and sent the soul of Brian Jones back into the
In the spring of 1989 the Centaurians invaded the Romulan home planet of Regelus V, causing massive deaths and massive ecological damage. In this case the damage was worse than originally reported. There was a mass Romulan exidus, mainly to Sirius A. Greg is that guitar player who is from Denelus IV, which was not affected by the catastrophy. Greg has a calm cool exterior and he strikes many people as a cold fish the first time they meet him. But he has an anger against centaurians. Christians are seen by the Federation as centaurians. They have methods of warfare both the Romulans and the Federation deem as unfair. It was sometime earlier in 1999 that the Federation figured that whoever took Zachery’s (or Brian Jones’s) place, needed to meet the Orion Federation. This is when that altercation between Greg and the “alien spirit” occurred. Greg made that now famous remark, “You’re going down!” That may be litteral. Later on the real Brian Jones and Greg happened to meet, and they didn’t get along either, per-haps because they both saw themselves as competing Bees in the same hive. Just for a bit of history on Greg, he joined Ron’s band in early fall of 1972. Right about that time the first drummer left. Henry the bass player stayed. They got a new drummer who lasted just over a year till Black Bart came, and was also the Black Gremlins first drummer in the fall of 1975. Greg kind of took over as leader of the band. He was the one who brought in Regie for lead guitarist because he was a friend of his, even though his playing was a little weird. (some say without him the band would have been better) Of course the name of that band- - if you say it aloud it’s suppose to result in instant death if you’re not “worthy”. No heavy metal band since has used it.
In January 1990 Mal Evans was “captured” by Alcyone (or Alcion). Around June of 1991 the Federation was temporally taken over by Cassiopeia. They were expelled around the fall equinox of 1992 in an operation called “Operation Mongoose”, and I imagine they owe that name to Gordon Liddy. Mal Evans came back into a pos-ition of influence once again but after January 1995 he fell from favor. The people who have been running the Orion Federation seem to have a different policy about earth people like me. My contacts from 1995 on were mostly “lower level” contacts. This morning a Federation spokesman said I was “non compus mentus” for a while and that’s why communications were so few and far between. Now you’re up to date.
Glen spilled coffee when I said to fill the cup higher. He knows better than that.
Just a bit about the
One thing the Federation didn’t tell me is “Where is Brian Jones now?” They aren’t telling me leaving me to guess. Of course you can guess on this yourself.
Friday, May 25, 2007
The Cosmic Buzz-saw
Greetings to all revolvers of the karmic wheel. 2004 is just around the corner. But first I want to talk about 2008 and the Democrats' prospects for victory. Thom Hartman alluded to some new scandal that had broken but he wouldn’t elaborate being out of time. Johnny Wendell was a local fill-in for Randy Rhodes. He has a theory about why the democrats caved in to Bush. He says they didn’t want to be fingered for being against the war. In their minds the American people are still against a troop withdrawal and they believe the Republicans would have tarred them with that. Wendell believes like I do that Bush will never capitulate, but that in time Republicans will come to Bush and say “Our people are giving us hell when we return home on leaves; do something!” That is an interesting theory. The Democrats are playing “Rope a dope” with the Republicans leading them on into a trap. President Bush is so blind he won’t change his policies for anything.
I had Maurie Povitch on from 12:30 on. In soap land there has been a lot of action. John Black’s hand grasped Belle and wouldn’t let go. This is a sign.
Derek Schleshenger is Laura’s son and is stationed in
I watched the soap operas. Claire can’t be dead because John Black came to Belle while she slept in a dream and told her that being dead himself, he would know if her daughter were among the dead, and she isn’t. Marlena and Bo are somewhat sympathetic to these rantings. Victor is opposed to the idea of Philip and Sean making peace. Tomy Di Mira has reentered the show and now is barking orders to Elvis Jr. and Samantha was kidnapped in a car after getting a bait letter. On Passions, Miguel pretty much has the idea that Kay is not going to divorce Fox and marry him. Whitney was summoned to that gay bar where she saw Vince and husband
Reggie the alligator who has been in that park lake for two years has been captured. Some old lady wasn’t happy about that. He was a tourist attraction. Reggie ventured out on to land and some people grabbed and muzzled him. He’ll be in quarenteen for ninety days and then Reggie will appear at the LA Zoo.
A twenty year old female driver ran down a seventy year old man in the crosswalk at high speed. She’ll be charged with manslaughter and felony hit and run. She was pursed by good Sameritans who tracked him down. There seems to be an increase in the news of “good citizens” collaring criminals. I would imagine people on My Space are more willing to report a sexual predator than before.
You know, Roy Masters talked of the dangers of the spirit of a boy’s mother entering into her son. The “Norman Bates” sidrone. This is what happened to Laura’s son Derek. I think it’s about time he had a name besides “the kid”. Perhaps you could do a horror movie called ironically, “A Mother’s Love”. Love is like oxygen. You get too much and it’s dangerous. Something about the feminine nature of the mother enters into the son and the son “protects” this “feminine nature” with any means, however violent. Derek had a slogan about dishing it out to people whether they deserve it or not.
and let us suck out your brain'
Is it not piety; is it not piety?
He who Surrenders to the Void
commits an act of Karmic Suicide
God himself can't even impose on you
"and ignorance and hate may mourn the dead"
"but I bet you don't know why?"
"Existance is not a game, existance is not a dry run;
It's the Real Thing
Is it Karmic Freefall or are you just
Dead in the water?
A couple of times I’ve had trouble pressing the button and having the computer stay on. This is Sunday morning June 20th. I got back six cigarettes from Frank. When I got up I went out there and Frank sat at the table and I moved and when I was done Frank asked me for a cigarette. Meet the Press had a Bill Clinton debate. Perhaps he was honest about Monica, but what about Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Wanita Brodric, and Kathleen Willy?
June 18th. is Paul’s birthday. They played “Beautiful Boy” for Father’s Day like they said. They played “Valotte” by Julian Lennon. Static on KRTH and KOLA.
[three sensenses deleted] Mike made the “Hotel California” reference to this place. We had pancakes and sausage for breakfast. The lady was clearing away dishes at twenty two minutes to eight. She took away everything, including my coffee cup. They should wait till at least a quarter of to clear away dishes. Overcast weather.
Last night Patch Adams was on. It’s a good movie. I wish I had the courage and rise above my situation and serve humanity like he did. They don’t use patient names because that encourages “transference”. There’s no question we need a little joy and human contact in hospitals. Some times nurses can be jaded.
I watched the Jesus show this morning. Predestination came up as a topic. “Jesus” engaged in that fuzzy brain rationality in which he says “You have Free Will but God exists out of time and knows the future”. I ask “does a rat have Free Will?”. I suppose you could argue that it does, but if it’s been condition its actions are pretty predictable. And I ask you the question: Where is there the greatest contrast of intelligence? Between a human and a rat, or between God and a human? God not only knows a human better than a lab technician knows a rat, but he created every brain call in the rat. “Jesus” can talk about a “Choice” God offers a man. But if he’s really God he wont offer him any choice he can alter his future by. It can thus be said, “God can’t create anything he can alter the destiny of once it’s been set”. Obviously there are things God could do to manifest himself now that he is not doing, on planet earth. It dawned on me that under Calvinism it could be said “Belief in the resurrection of Christ will get you into heaven and lack of belief will send you to hell”, and it dawned on me that the fact of the resurrection needn’t be true, you just have to believe in it. Of course “Jesus” is throwing out scripture like
You know in my “prophecy” against [Pete Richards'] first marriage [edit] written the first few days of August 1971, [Pete] in retrospect didn’t have “free will” to alter it. So it came to pass. This is what I meant when I said that God isn’t going to give you any choice where it’s possible for you to decide something other that that which is predestined. This fuzzy brained thinking of KFI’s “Jesus” is going to tell on Christianity one day. It will be its undoing. Because people are getting smarter and one day the average person will bee what I plainly see. You can’t fight predestination. And with that illusion shattered, all the talk about “salvation” and “redemption” will go by the wayside.
Twenty after eleven and I’m overdue for a smoke break.
The Seventh Day had “Night Moves” by Bob Seeger. I was just thinking if they played the title song in heaven you’d have the response from people, “I remember, too” ”So do I –give us back our youth”. We had roast beef for dinner and it was nice and tender. I had seconds. Chocolate cake. I went to the store for cigarettes, coffee, and two cinnamon rolls. Glen just came by for his eighth cigarette.
“Jesus” this morning was a little nit picky about pre marital sex. A guy asked if he should boycott the wedding because they were already living together. He then said he didn’t think they were right for each other. That’s a very delicate subject to broach. If he turns out to be wrong all they’ll remember is he boycotted the wedding.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Investigating Gonzo-gate
Hartman believes that pressure on the President to withdraw the troops from Iraq will mount despite today's cave in by the Democrats cutting a deal where President Bush gets the funding he wanted for the troops and there is no time table or "bench marks" for troop withdrawal. But Sylvia Browne continues to believe troops will be withdrawn from Iraq beginning in late 2007 the troops will be coming home. To me this seems highly unlikely. Other Presidents have backed down under pressure such as Johnson and Clinton. And Arnold Swartzenegger has undergone a political makeover due to popular demend. But it's not in the President's nature to change. Today he made a speech releasing new evidence about Osama Bin Laden planning this or that massive terrorist action in this country and in Iraq. To me it's completely unrealistic that some general is going to get up before the American Public and say "Our troops were not successful; it's time to fold up out tents and bring our troops home and leave the field of batttle to the enemy". Thom Hartman said that democrats these days have a choice. We can rout for peace on the short rum. I guess this means we are to pray for bad news from the Iraqi front about progress of the Serge, and if the news is bad enough "we win" and we get peace. But if this happens the Republicans will claim victory because of course all those awful things Mc Cain and others claim will happen such as genocide, really won't happen and they know that. So we will have peace for a few months. But then Fred Thompson or someone will be elected next year and Republicans will be laundhing new adventures in Venesuela or in Iran or Syria. More ways for our troops to die. But if Hillary gets elected we will have peace beginning January 20th. 2009. According to Sylvia Browne, Hillary Clinton will be the nominee, and there is little reason to doubt that she will be the standard bearer of the democratic party next year.
The Anaheim Ducks beat the Detroit Red Wings and will be playing for the Stanley Cup against Ottawa. This is good news for locals. In other news tomorrow is May 24th. which is an Orion Federation holliday which, according to them, is in celebration of an event that is decades in the future. Of course "the 24th. of May" is mentioned both in Lakeside Park by Rush, and it's also in a Blue Oyster Cult song. May 24th. of also Bob Dylan's birthday. If I'm not mistaken it's also the sign of Aracnid, the Spider, in Astrology 13. This is what's referred to as "lunar astrology" and it's based on the idea of measuring the top of a 13 x 12 by 5 right triangle, rather than the "solar method" of measuring the bottom. Having thirteen signs including Arachnid, is considered measuring the psychically in tune. Sylvia Browne is sure convincing on the Montell Williams show. She never appears to be caught off guard but always tells everybody exactly what they need to hear right then. She teaches that "sometimes people don't know they are dead". Some of you may quote to me the proverb "matter and energy can never be created or destroyed". Therefore if life is energy it can't be destroyed. I've known about matter and energy since the fourth grade. But if we see a building on fire we don't say, "That building is changing in to another form" or "that building is passing on to a better place". No. We say that the building is destroyed. So it is with human life. Sylvia Browne says that this life is the only pain we will ever have and that the dead are always in a state of bliss. Let me remind you of what I call "Arlo Guthrie thinking". On March 24th. 1976 I might have been thinking as I confessed Christ as my Lord and Savior, "Well, there aren't but two things that could possibly happen. Either I enter into the Love of the Lord and receive all manner of blessings for my service to God right now. OR - - I could undergo persecution in this life and all the while my faith and character could be being perfected so that I enter into eternal bliss upon my death a perfected being." But there was a third possability I hadn't counted upon. - - - You know. People could play the "either - or" game till the cows come home and rationalize a bunch of good things about President Bush. Why good things HAVE to happen now because all this MOMENTUM is building up putting PRESSURE on George Bush to change his policies. Let me tall you you can't put pressure on this President any more than you can put pressure on God. There is a metal rings puzzle in my drawer that a friend gave me. The secret is to get this metal ring on or off the metal item. The friend did it in my presence, quickly. I know it can be done. There exists therefore a way to do it; I just haven't figured it out yet. So it is with President Bush. We don't see HOW the President will keep the Iraq War going till the last moments of his Presidential term. All we can be pretty sure of is THAT the President will find a way to rationalize what he does. After all is nothing else the President is a professional rationalizer.
testing one two three In mid February of 1991 our troops has still not crossed the border into Kueit from Saudi Arabia. People began to speculate that we were afraid of a ground war with the Republican Guard. In those days, Joe Crummy was still a liberal. I myself spent a lot of time at ROP writing letters to people in a neat computer format. I wrote a letter to my pastor, "Mike Bowman". Pete Richards had told me not to mention his firing in any communacations with Pastor Mike, and I respected his wishes. I was also doing these album compilations such as "Psycho Killer" and also a remake of an older album "Through a Beledonic Haze" with the songs listed Z to A. I know in a letter to Tom Leykis I sent new lyrics to "Chimes of Freedom".
Around March first David Stanley received in the mail official notice that his wife Laura had officially filed for divorce. Though he had been expected it "sometime" when the moment actually came it startled him a little. A few weeks later his CD player on his Panasonic boom box just conked out. The last album to successfully be played was "Body and Soul" by Joe Jackson, for you trivia buffs. He knew he'd have to get it fixed but didn't want to take his unit on the bus to Circuit City to have them work on it. He decided to call his Sister in law again to ask if she or you-know-who could provide transportation. At first she said "Yes" but mixed in as part of the deal something about letting her borrow a tape recorder to play tapes of two of her now dead brothers at a younger, happier time. For some reason this didn't happen and an argument ensewed on both sides. (this takes too long to explain) So he took his Stereo down to Circuit City dodging rain clouds only to learn that work would be prohibitively expensive. At about this same time his VCR went on the fritz and was now chewing up tapes. He even feared his copy of Star Wars was a victim but that tape was only chewed a little. Well the short story is that he got a new VCR where the record button actually worked, and got himself a new CD player.
In November of 1990 David Stanley had gotten into BASIC programming at ROP. Often he'd be brimming with enthusiasum when he talked to parents about it, but they only acted bored. This same phenominum occurred just last week with Power Bullet- - and I guess we better drop the David Stanley act. We're not fooling anybody. Actually in early January 1991 David Stanley bought David Stanley. That anticipated book on Elvis that claimed Elvis comitted suicide. David took a trip to Bakersfield, a city over the mountains to the north one day. He was driven by "some fource" and he didn't know what. Only that he'd had some psychic impression of Bakersfield and country music and thought going there might trigger memories of his past karma. But it didn't. On the way back over the mountains he first received news that Opperation Desert Storm had commenced, and he heard the news all over the dial. Then he listened to "88 Lines About 44 Women" on KROQ as day turned to night.
David was pursuing his BASIC programming and by April was doing three dimensional arrays. He named one "Colossus" about the dezign of some E I B building with a lot of offices. It was the 2nd. Friday in April around the 12th. that David went on his final "date" with Debby, a girl he had been kidding himself liked him. But although nothing negative happened during this trip to El Pollo Loco, David just didn't have a good feeling about the way this "date" went. Also in April of 1991 David sent his first letter to the famed Asshole from El Paso. The letter primarily talked about three particularly awful sermons, each worse than the last. After he sent the letter sometime after April 7th. David did a follow-up phone call to the Pastor. David wasn't particularly happy about the way the phone call went. It gave him a rather unsettled feeling and he didn't know why. (See "The Four Horsemen" for a few more detales)
Also in April I compiled the "Paint It Black" rock compilation. The compilation began with a bunch of downer songs such as "Paint it Black", "Nothing to Say" by JT, and "Silver Spoon" by Grace Slick. Perhaps this compilation was prophetic of something. He invisioned an all black album except for the title letters. In early May, I quit going to ROP. Originally it was because I had developed a bad cold, but when the cold had improved I just didn't feel like going any more. I was feeling bored. On Mothers Day I spent eating lunch as the Red Robin with parents. The next evening, a Monday, I called Debby again. This time she said she wouldn't be able to talk to me in the future because she was planning her five year high school reunion. (That shows how much younger she was than I was) Later in June when I would call, her mother said she was vacationing in Puerto Rico for a couple of weeks. Somehow that two weeks got stretched into two months or so. Other people such as Henry and Jack seemed to want to talk to me less. About the last interraction I had with Jack was going to a Bible Study at my parent's old house of all places on July 11th. the day of the partial solar eclipse. Frank was there, which was reason enough never to go back. I felt estranged from this fundamentalist group now.
In the second half of June, Bill Gunderson reappeared after having been gone the previous three weeks or so. We were doing a lot of writings to the media. An oppertunity came to go to Magic Mountain with Pete Richards and a mutual friend of ours named Terry. I invited Bill to come with us but he declined. I also called Debby's mother and invited Debby's little sister to go with us and she said No, that it would be inappropiate for someone under eighteen to go. As June turned into July Bill Gunderson did another disappearing act and wouldn't reappear uintill September. In early July, Kathy was out painting the sign to the apartment in a red, blue, and off white decore. This would be the same decore the sign would have the rest of my tenure.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Howeling at a Comcrete Moon
Al Gore has a new book out called "The Assault on Reason". People think the media is alve and responds to them but yelling at your TV st some commentator you don't like is like howeling at the moon. TV is not a "dialog". We need people to people contact. We need to bring back the old fashioned town meeting. Even in Churches, democracy is dying. They put congragational meetings at noon when people are passing out from starvation and they ramrod all their measures through and vote on them like mindless zombies. I'd like to know how much "debate" in congress is for the CSPN cameras and how much of it is for the other congressmen, to change their minds. One gets the idea politics today is not about changing minds but cutting some "deal" to get your bill through. We need more head to head debates among our politicians, and it has to go on all the times. You don't just "stage" a debate for your TV viewers to hike raitings. Everything is ratings today. We don't get involved in our local PTA or school board or city hall. We need more part time "citizen" politicians. In my opinion we could some "citizen" church pastors too, ones that aren't trained to sugar-bait their words and manipulate people. I have not yet read Al Gore's book but I would imagine it's well worth reading.
They now have a drug approved to eliminate a woman's menstral period. I suppose this is a good thing unless clinical research shows otherwise. The government approved that anti diabetus drug - it starts with an A. But heart attacks increase by 64%. What this means is that of those small number of diabetics who get heart attacks that number is up 64%, but I don't know whether that number is based on a "healthy" population, or based on other identical diabetics. And as drug companies point out sometimes a drug can have meracle working effects on some people who'd be willing to pay good money for it. And to those people they don't want to hear about heart attacks. My own bias is considering the rectal exam drug companies are put through to even get a drug approved for sale, I am reluctant to say that they haven't jumped through enough hoops, but now they have to jump through a few more. That's my take.
Now "My Space" is getting seventy thousand certified sex offenders off their web sites. They say "we have not begun to look for these perverts. We are only just starting". I guess we can look on the bright side. If everyone is as militant against sex perverts as they claim to be, in a short time we ought to wipe out the sexual predator as a species. Of course Dateline is doing all these sting opperations and the Patriot act is even letting the government search people's computers. If nothing else there should be an epidemic of "Clean living" as people fear even the slightest hint of suspicion. It does seem though that fear on this issue seems to opperate inversely to the problem. The more the problem is on the verge of being solved, the more heightened the fear. Oddly you could say the same thing in many cases about international, particularly Islamic terrorism. I think the chances of another 9 - 11 with all our precautions is slim to none. But a fear monger like Guiliani can still generate a lot of votes.
Gasoline prices are now at an all time high with a national average of $3.23, and of course prices here in California are about thirty sense higher. I used to believe we would never in this country see the sort of gasoline prices of four dollars an hour that have been routine in Europe for decades. But demand is still going up. People's "pain thresshold" for high gas prices seems to be getting higher and higher. Larry Elder of course whines that whatever the oil companies are making- - it still isn't enough. There is still too much regulation. They say gas prices are so high now because all the refineries in the whole nation coincidentally made "independant decisions" to close down their refineries for maintenance opperation or something. If you believe that there's some swamp land in Florida I want to sell you. If it's really true that refineries "really want to supply gas" as Larry Elder maintains, then it seems to me at least ONE refinery would buck the trend and sell all the gas he could while the others were closed down. Nobody believes there isn't price collusion. It's like if the price of flour went up bakeries might charge more for donuts and pastries. But if it turns out their profits were five times higher than the year before like 500,000 instead of 50,000 you know people are going to get suspicious. Of course Larry took the oppertunity to say how medical insurance was an overregulated industry. And if oil companies could drill more on Federal lands the price of gasoline would come down. The thing is that gasoline is NOT in short supply. If it were they would not be selling so much of it. Larry Elder also talked about other things like charges that cops in LA deliberately allowed peaceful protesters to mingle with agitators, just so that cops in the end could beat up more people than otherwise would be "necessary".
Let's do one of our David Stanley stories. Sometimes people can walk into a jinx force in their lives but the question is what is causing it and once you isolate the cause to your own satisfaction, can you prove it to others. On Larry's show it was stated "Could you trust a juror who rendered a guilty verdict with the statement, "I can't prove he did it with evidence, but I just have a gut feeling". You know, sometimes your guts are right. We pick up our story about October first of 1990. At this time parents had renewed their efforts to look for another newer house to live in, after formerly deciding they would NOT move. This puzzled me slightly at the time why the change in heart. But by mid October they had actually bought a house. They had been flapping their gums for decates but now that they are both long retired, they move. On the radio about this time on Dr. Demento they were actually playing songs AGAINST the coming war in Iraq, such as "Must we be the policemen of the world?" There was also a track about "running out of ozone hole patches". About the first of November a lot of people, neighbors that David was friends with moved out of the apartment complex. He later learned it's because rents had been hiked. David was concerned about the economy with the coming war with the Fourth most power army in the world, the Republican guard. People were predicting our troops would be slaughtered wholesale and ten thousand body bags had been ordered. David was also worried about gasoline prices which he feared under a worst case scenario might rise as high as three dollars a gallon. It was news like this that prompted him to sell his car in late January for a good price. David had been taking an ROP course in Lotus 123 and the day he was to take his final, his car wouldn't start. The battery was dead and he went to Joe and Kathy to borrow jumper cables but they wern't there. In a panic and runing out of time he called his Sister in law for a ride to ROP because it had been sporadically raining this day. She refused and he ended up taking the bus and praying for a break in the storm, which he got. He then learned that he would not be getting the employment from ROP that he had been promised. He saw the hand writing on the wall. He hadn't worked in over six months and he knew his bank account, once large, was now in jeapordy. In late December he called up Jim Cooper, which turned out to be the last time he would ever talk to him. He thought Jim might know someone who wanted to buy his car. He put a for sale sign on it and continued in ROP in Word Perfect but someone there saw the sign. In mid February one overcast day he was feeling low and blue because his church pastor, who was to be installed that afternoon, had given a totally awfully sermon. He called up an old friend named Linda, who had recently gotten married to a guy who turned out to be a religious asshole. But Linda got a bad case of PMS or something talking to David and taking offence to everything David said. A thirteen year relationship was flushed down the toilet and came to an end with that phone call.
OK, we're doing a "bluebird" cut here. This is going to go way too long. I'd like to close however on just this one example. As you know we said that democracy is a good thing. And democracy involves dialog. Jefferson and Madison believed in an informed, involved citizenry. When David's father saw David in late November or so and David mentioned the church letter that stated they had found a Pastor, when David's Dad talked about he got a glint in his eye and a certain lilt in his voice. David had the overwhelming feeling his Dad "knew something". David said, "Oh you don't mean the fat lady, to you?" The Dad was non commital. Well, "The fat lady has song" and it was bed time for democracy at his local church. On December 9th. the Pastoral candidate gave a sermon on the subject of "Doubt". It was the last time he would ever preach on that subject. This man had no tollerance for doubt and just as little for any "dialog" in general on any relivant subject. They had a rather quick discussion afterwards. Then they took a vote. David voted to approve the Pastor, but had he to do it over again, there is no vote with which he would disagree with more. That vote was a mistake. The pastor was elected with only one dissenting Vote in the whole congragation and I don't know who it is, but I'd like to shake his or her hand. After this he went to lunch with his parents to Howard Johnsons and his Dad complained that smoke from the smoking section was wafting over into their area, and David found his Dad's remarks annoying.
We need to cherish the times when we have power like being a juror doing void deor, or whatever. That's a time when you can tell the whole Court System to fuck off if you want to and not only will you not be frowned upon, you will be doing your civic duty. Give your politicians a hard time BEFORE they are elected and harrass them with letters and phone calls and question. They will never be as responsive after the election as before. In like mannor young girls should cherish the time in their lives when they are virgins. The minute they give it away their price goes down. Any leverage you have with a boy you have is Before you consent to having sex. I think more of us need to be political virgins and stop being political whores. (Selah)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Not Quite Ready for Prime Time
Tony Blair has stepped down as Prime Minester of Brittain as of last week. He was in office ten years. I thought it was more like fourteen. I thought it got in office right after Clinton did and that people said "He's just like Clinton. He's the new kind of politician". Jimmy Carter spoke his mind today about Tony Blair saying that his worst legasy was his support of the Iraq War. Perhaps his epitaf is that he was George Bush's lap dog. Now that he's gone it seems the Brittish government is getting a little more sense. Tony Blair was from labor but you'd never know it. They say France has elected a pro US leader. We'll have to see how that one pans out.
I'm not sure whether Google's new format is ready for prime time. They have changed all their labelling around and there is stuff in that "Google options" section they don't have any more and there are the Web aids that explained a lot of stuff and features. But if you ring up Desktop you get the old format, which is more conforting and fermiliar to some.
One story not quite ready for Prime Time was this testimony before congress last week from the deputy acting Attorney General during John Ashkroft's illness, when he was in the hospital suffering from pancreatitus as a complication after having his spleen removed. And he and his deputy were both pressed to sign off on some dubious documents that would violate the Civil Liberties of us all. Both of them refused to agree to that. The thing is I'm not sure where this story is headed. Could it somehow be used as more evidence for impeachment? We have been hearing of a growing anti Bush tide in congress both as to the Iraq War and perhaps sentament for impeachment. But it's just too early to say. Wel'll have to wait for more information.
This is Sunday May 20, 2007 mid day on an overcast day. Leo Le Port yesterday was talking about cordless phones and how they try and “cheat” you by “updating” you to a 2.4 gigahertz phone from a 900 mhz phone. The range is only about one third for the transmission power. They say they’ve made the move to 2.4 gigs because that area of the electronic spectrum is not regulated by the federal government. It’s almost out of the UHF band and into SHF or microwave band, which starts at 3.0 gigs if you trust the old electronics books. My phone has great range. I told Bill with my phone you can go out into the hall. Actually you can go all the way down to the end of the hall all the way to the elevator and be talking. I’d like to see a 2.4 gig phone do that. Yesterday and today Leo Le Port opened his show by saying that Microsoft was thinking of suing not only LINUX, but all of LINUX’s users for violating 235 Microsoft patents. Microsoft likes to create a climate of fear. The last time I heard you couldn’t copyright something that was free. I’ve said I wouldn’t mind not copyrighting my material but let others use it. But this would be leagelly unwise. Because if you put it out there “for free” apparently others can grab your material and copyrighting it, so that you are barred from using your own material. If you will remember in “Pictures at an Exposition” by ELP the song “The Nutrocker” was attributed to Bee Bumble & the Stingers c. 1961. What about Tsychosky. He’s the one who wrote the tune in the first place.
On Chris Matthews they were again talking about Michal Bloomberg and Chuck Hagel teaming up for a third party ticket. The one woman was in favor of the idea but the men were against it. Ross Perot was at one time in mid 1992 in first place in the running and Bill Clinton was in third place. I don’t think there’s anything inherently obsacene about merely being rich. It all how you use your wealth. If Michal Bloomberg is against the War, I think he and Hagel would make a powerful independent ticket.
As to this Immigration bill now on “This Week” they are saying the bill has little chance of passage because agreement is too fragile. But I might say a word to give heart to people on the right. It’s no picnic to become a citizen but a process they say will take over a decade. But the thing is it’s kind of like the Nazis registering the Jews. If the government knows about you it has more control over you. And we can have more “control” over all these people that are taking our low wage paying jobs. And if you refuse to “come out of the shadows” then aren’t you STILL an “illeagel”?
Reme wanted to have another “party” tonight, but I mentioned perhaps we should pick an evening that wasn’t so chily. I knocked on Raymond’s door and he gave me a free coffee with the promise I’d let him check out the internet is something came up.
At eight was Dateline. They had a rerun of this murder case where this overbearing husband beats and threatens and intimidates his wife repeatedly and said under no circumstances would he “allow” her to get a divorce. She got one anyhow. He was a famous, well respected man. But according to their middle son Elijah, “Felix” had a dark side. The other two sons, Adam and Gabreal sided with their dead father in the court case. They thought that the mother was having psychotic delusions. If this is so they apparently are not saying she should cop an insanity plea. She wasn’t that psychotic, I guess.. According to the woman, when she came to clear out her stuff after the divorce that he grabbed her and threatened her with a knife and she was thinking “OK this is it; I’m going to lose my life”, so she killed him in what to me seems a clear case of self defence. That’s how I see it. The
I had a dream last night this one Jewish organization with a campus and a bunch of temples around had made the announcement that this rather Indian looking guy was the new messiah and would become known to the world when he came to rule in the year 2021. [Pete Richards] and Mom and I went to one of their evening church services and we saw him sitting over there. I kept saying as the speaker spoke “This is blasphemous” “That’s blasphamus” and “If the world became generally of this guy’s aims, they’d kill him”. Mom had gone there because she was “looking for something new”. [Pete Richards] had come because he was doing some research for a college paper and thought it best to “keep an open mind” and not make quick judgements. I asked Mom why Dad wasn't here and she said, "If he knew I were here 9the knowledge) world kill him". Oddly a lot of people were wearing these ceremonial robes and I was wearing one, but I had no underwear on and naturally felt exposed, and I said “maybe I should go to the car to get my pants” but they said “the service has already started”. At one point I wandered around the building before the service was over and came across a class of young people being taught and I sat down and was thinking if my robe accidently opened all thest twelve year old girls would think I was a pervert. There was another day when we went to some place in
This is an updated version. For you trivia buffs, I clipped off the last sentense of the last paragraph from what was written in Word. Guess what I had for lunch today. I have a theory why that woman denied killing her husband under initial police questioning. In her mind she didn't. In her mind she was a victim of a horrible trauma she only wanted to forget. I have another theory. Whatever jail time she does, it's worth it just to know he's dead.
In the morning I had Joel Olsteen on. He was talking about how God orchestrates behind the scenes and God is acting in our lives even when we don’t think he is. But God can’t act unless we “believe”. They did not open the dining room doors till 7:24, which people weren’t too happy with. We had waffles and bacon for breakfast. I waited till it was going on ten to eight for a second cup of coffee but never got one. Meet the Press was on at eight and they had Chris Dodd and Newt Gingrinch on debating the idea of troop withdrawal. Newt likened this Bush Iraq war to the American Revolution.
I went out to the donut shop before nine for a large coffee. One Beatles station featured Apple Corps in 1968 and the other station had past two of their Wings thing. In 1974 Paul worked on the Mick Mc Gear album. “Junior’s Farm” had “Jeff” a drummer not used in any other studio session. There were four tracks recorded in