Monday, October 02, 2006

Damage Control

I hope everyone had a nice Yom Kippur. It is now seven o five and the holiday is passed. For breakfast this morning we actually had bagels with creame cheese, as well as applesauce. I suppose the applesauce stands for the spiritual fall of man or something. I also had rice krispies (if those monks eat it it must be a spiritual food) and orange juice and coffee and assorted medication.

I have previous to now never included a photograph in a blog on the belief that I might somehow be comitting some copyright violation. I attempted a photograph just a few minutes ago and it wouldn't print, so most likely I have to put it in some h t t p format or something.

The Bush Adminestration is in full fledged damage control by now. Of course Bob Woodward's book comes out officially today. In it Andy Card and Laura Bush told the President that Donald Rumsfeld had to go. Of course he never will. It's generally agreed that the President has some sort of Messiah complex when it comes to the Iraq war. Of course the criticisum of the President is that he ignored the advice of both the C I A and the military generals to conduct the war. In the first two books of Woodward he highlighted the unity of the inner Bush core team whereas in this one he highlighted the differences. Of course many of us knew that the President was lying to us about the progress of the War; this book just made it official. I just hope all the people who have listened to the news reports actually go out and buy the book. They had an exerpt of it on Google one evening but the next day it wasn't there.

There is also news that hasn't been herolded about Abramoff. He was that Republican who got into trouble a couple of months ago and to listen to Rush Limbaugh, you'd have thought he was a democrat. They say that he met with Karl Rove nine different times and met with White House officials over a hundred times. It shouldn't surprise anyone how corrupt this adminestration is. It remains to be seen whether any of the Perks that Abramoff got were illegal. Susan somebody used to work for Abramoff but then transferred to the White House.

Last Friday Bush signed into the law something involving the right to have U S citizens declaired "enemy combattents" to withdraw the right of Habious Corpus- - meaning they no longer have the right to see the body of evedence against them or confront the facts of the case.

Of course Mark Fowley has probably done more damage to the Republican Party with his internet sexual flirtations (and undoubtedly more than that) with teenage boys working at Pages. For one thing psychologists say that if you yourself are sexually molested it's more likely you'll grow up to be a sexual pervert. I've never fully understood the science behind this statement but I'll take it on face value. Of course the Republican congressmen have been doing a cover up job on Mark for at least five years since the class of 2001 was warned about Mark Fowley's activities. Randy Rhodes says the denocrats were too nice to use these charges against him choosing to believe the man was merely a homosexual, and not a pervert.

Of course they have medication for everything and I have no doubt that one day they'll find the "gay" gene. They've analyzed brain size and activity in homosexuals and seen that homosexual brains opperate differently. Now they have a new electrode stimulation of "Area 25" in the brain of a woman on Sixty Minutes. The opperation on her was only partially successful, but they've had more success with others. Of course with that story about people watching and making videos of people beating up homeless people I happened to think of rogue cops.

Some things fall of their own weight. As Mr. Spock says on Startrek, "I do not have to see the hammer hit the ground to know that it in fact fell" once he drops it. Who can explain the rise in violence we've been seeing on our TV lately? We've had at least three of these school shootings lately and crimes of violence are no showing a rise after a long declining trend since 1993. Who can explain it? People have the feeling our governmental processes have broken down.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Death Of The Anti War Protestor

"Things aren't like they used to be" is a comon saying these days. But in a lot of cases the changes aren't for the better or more healthy for society at large. Randy Rhodes points out that war coverage is not what it was forty years ago with Walter Cronkite as "The most trusted man in America" doing the news. Back then they showed troups slogging through the mud. They showed shells exploding and men dying, and they showed the caskets being loaded up. Apparently now if a photographer so much as photographs caskets being loaded up he is immediately fired. They used to say "War is Hell", but today they say "War is a yawner". Perhaps it's no coincidence that it's the democrats who are the ones pushing to reinstate the draft, even if there reasoning is a little backwards. Today's war protestors aren't emotional or fanatic or insistant. This is because the average American has no stake in the outcome in the war. If the eighties was the Me generation, then this "I Me Mine" philosophy has transferred on into adulthood. People say "It's not my kid on the front" and they go on and vote for Bush and sleep well at night. Of course the news isn't even covering war protestors and if they do it's often with a more symical slant. But there are protests going on all the time. I'll say it again. If the Roman Empire had our press the Christians would never have come to power because nobody would ever know about the martyred deaths of thousands. But people stage small protests of offices of politicians and stuff all the time and they think they are acting for posterity when in all probably the only one who sees them is God, because God sees everything.

Now there is news about the war itself. The Iraqi citizens want the US to leave their country. But the Iraqis also believe other things. They hate the nut case leader of Iran, and they don't trust the Talliban and have little or no regard for Osama Bin Laden. The choice here seems obvious. We should get out like Bush told the American people. He said, "When the Iraqis stand up we will stand down". Instead all we are hearing now is that the army is stretched thin and we just might have to make a choice between extending the Iraq war five more years and reinstituting the draft. Were I the president I would have given this Draft ultamatum before this. Experts have told us that the Armed Forces just can't keep on the way they are going, delaying leaves and extending tours of duty. If the Iraqis say they are willing and able to pick up the fighting themselves why don't we just let them? I suspect the answer to that question is that the US is not in Iraq to win, but to run up war profits for Haliburten and other Bush controled corporations. Larry Elder used to always talk about how we are "At War". But if this were the equivelant of World War II we would be about up to Christmas of 1946 by now, when the War was long over and people were moving on to other activities like getting married. Let the Iraqis do what we trained them to do. It takes twelve weeks to train a raw recruit into an efficient, square head, fast talking killing machine. Certainly there is time to have trained an entire young generation by now in Iraq to pick up arms and defend their own country. Bush will find that the Iraq War is no longer a winning political issue for him.

Certain laws as you know can get out of hand. You know how I dislike these broad smoking bans that seem to apply everywhere. In terms of environmental laws I think we have to distinguish between laws that are for the welfare of humans and those that are pot forth by nut jobs, or nearly so. They say you cant ride motorcycles in the desert because you might disturb an Indian petrogliff that's been there thousands of years. You can't go ahead with a real estate development because it might harm the kangeroo rat. Now they are taking their laws into the kitchen. In New York they want to ban all trans-fatty acids. A few years ago they wanted to ban butter and use only margerine. Now they want to ban margerin because it's a trans-fatty acid and as such is unhealthy. They now say trans-fats are worse than saturated fats. Of course I don't know if they'd be saying that if all the chefs hadn't switched from saturated fat to trans-fat to begin with. Such a trans-fat ban would cause chaos in the cooking industry. I think there are child welfare laws that probably go too far. Have they outlawed spanking yet? If we go too far with this children's rights business we will destroy the American family, and I guess that's kind of the point, isn't it. To turn your kids into empowered monsters that tattle on their parents for the vaguest of infractions, such as smoking in their presence. Sometimes it's not our own government that holds the whip but an alien religion, like the Moslems. This Van Gogh guy in Holland that was murdered by "islamo-fasciests" (there, I used the word) was an Artist who used his art to protest Islamic and women's issues. Nowdays you can't even draw an Arab with a turbin with a bomb in it without getting yourself in trouble with these Islamo-fasciests. Now there is apparently some Mozart opera they want to ban because it puts Islam and other religions in a bad light. My message to the Moslems is "Exercise your freedom of religion, but don't give restrictions on my civil liberties or freedom of action". I guess libertarians like Larry Elder have long been concernet about all the EEOC laws or whatever that agency is that insures "safe" working conditions. I'm for safe working conditions of course, but sometimes government beaurocrats can be obtrusive to employers, and I appreciate that. In terms of the environment I guess my philosophy is "If it's going to end up affecting me personally, then I want something done about it". Wetlands in Louisiana can affect the climate and buffer storms, so they are a good thing. Clear cutting forrests erodes the soil and basically detracts from my view as well as wipes out the source of what you're "harvesting". Clear cutting: BAD. I am against chemical pollution because they cause deseases and cancer and such. But I guess if you were enacting laws to preserve the monarch butterfly or the spotted moth or whatever, I guess I'd be a little less concerned. Environmental impact studies cut two ways. There is the natural environment but there is also the business environment and people to people concerns. If you're going to ban my Saturday night barbecue, you better have a pretty darn good reason.

Rush Limbaugh has pointed out that certain forms of pollution nature offends a lot worse than any human could. If you watched Nova the other night you know that there was a spike in the level of sulphur dioxide that was twenty times worse than the worst smoggy day in the most smoggy city in the world. Yes, there are things called "super valcanoes" and these things are more "super" than you can imagine. They are a thousand times more deadly than valcanoes we see today. I guess Mt. Pinotubo was one of these. Three sets of researchers each came to the independant conclusion that a gigantic valcano exploded in Southeast Asia 75 thousand years ago, and drove down the temperature of sea water world wide ten degrees and increased the incidence of Oxygen 18, an isotope of normal oxygen that occurs in colder waters. Now they say that Yellowstone National Park is a powder keg ready to blow at any moment, like say the next forty thousand years. (In palentological time that isn't much) It could be that the eruption of the whole valley of Yellowstone National park could inilate the inhabitants of this Country and have world wide consequences. They say there are fine silicate particles in the valcanic ash that have the effect of finely ground glass on your lungs, should you breathe it. I only tell you this because Rush does have a point. Nature has the potential of being more violent than man with all of his devices yet invented can be. I would tell you to have a little fear of God but whether you are afraid or not that isn't going to affect whether or not it will happen. Sometimes we humans can't see the forrest for the trees. It could be that at times we seek to micro-manage the environment, and in the process screw up a lot of people's lives and routines, when in the end something like the eruption of Yellowstone National Park, blanking the world with ash and creating a new ice age that will last far beyond when the last ash has settled- - will get us. You know the ice age will last a long time because once there's all that snow on the ground and in the air it reflects sunlight and heat back out into space, keeping the Planet super chilled for a long time. Thirty years ago people were saying it was a new ice age that would get us.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Now It's Official

All this time I thought that the net effect of our troops being in Iraq was positive. I thought if we left right now we will have done net good and could be proud of ourselves. I utterly cringed at the notion put forth by John Kerry and other Democrats that things were worse in Iraq now. How could things be worse with a genocidal maniac out of the way? Well it turns out there's an official report that the government tried to keep secret that states clearly that in fact our efforts have actually made things worse in Iraq than they were before and that our presence has stimulated terrorist recruitment. Perhaps some of you Elderados can tell me how Larry Elder handled this upsetting news? After a while it has not to even matter with these people. Now the facts have ceased to mean anything and all that matters now is Not Losing the Argument. (Selah)
Chris Matthews is getting so conservative they're going to have to start putting Rush Limbaugh on their pannel. Their explanation for all the protests and violence in the Mideast now is saying "They really don't hate America. They love America and envy us and want to come here. The people they're really mad at are their own repressive governments but they know they'll be killed if they protest them so they do the next best thing and protest Us". If any of this is true then how come they don't praist their own government in Iraq and praise the United States for getting rid of Saddam Hussein and letting democracy flurish? Congaliza Rice says she believes in the best in human nature and that the world yearns to be free. This piece on Sixty Minutes was another of those stock puff pieces. But Chris Matthews went on to attack Bill Clinton. He attacked him because the people of the world loved him and praised his actions. They went on to say on that show, "Bill Clinton has it easy. He doesn't know what it's like. He's not the President and doesn't have to bear all that responsability. He can take the easy road". These people seem to forget that Bill Clinton actually was president for eight years. Bill Clinton the next morning took on FOX news. He wasn't going to let that interviewer stand his ground. As Randy Rhodes put it- - he knew he was in for a personal attack and stood armed and ready to defend himself. "You people have two sets of questions. One for me and one for the rest of your conservative friends". Clinton soundly and surely laid to rest all this speculation about how his adminestration was soft on terrorism. I would want Bill Clinton defending me if I were ever accused unjustly, as Christians like to do by inference a lot of the time with me.

The Elderados and the rest of the right have undergone a complete credibility melt-down. If you look at the straight facts the democrats stack up better every time. When Clinton was going after Bin Laden in 1998 everyone called it "Monica's War" and "Wag the Dog". When the Cole was bombed in late 2000 Bill Clinton had in place plans to go after Bin Laden. Bush scrapped those plans and didn't want to hear about terrirism. He referred to going after these people as "Swatting flies". As you Woodward fans know, all George Bush cared about from day one is going to war in Iraq. Iraq was a constant obcession of this president. After "Black Hawk Down" it was actually Republicans in the house of representatives that pounded the plodium and demanded that we withdraw our troops from Samalia. Rush referred to the opperation as "Meals on Wheels" and said the only real purpose of the military was to kill people and smash things. Larry Elder has attacked our presence both in Kosevo and Bosnia, and also in Sudan, should we decide to go there to prevent genocide. According to Larry Elder the perpous of war isn't to promote humanitarian goals. (I guess it's to burn villages and rape and kill women and children like we did in Viet Nam) Two prominent people were either fired or demoted who were anti terror experts in the Clinton Adminestration. One of them was formerly knows as the terrorism tzar. The Democrats are reminding us now that if we had stayed in Afghanistan we would have captured Bin Laden within the year. Some have charged that the republicans "space" the release of key news events to when they need a sudden boost in the polls. These people keep saying Bush is up in the polls. With Chris Matthews, Sixty Minutes, and ABC with their movie singing the Republicans praises, stranger things have happened. If they want to pull a massive recessitation job on the Bush adminestration they'll have to live with it.

I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed that in the latest StarTrek movie a bunch of our side went to war against a neighboring planet. But the enemy had some frightful new device that just melted people and ships like wax. But they wanted to keep their weapon secret lest we find out about it and perhaps steal it and investigate it and find out how it works. So what they did was convince the world that Star Fleet's excellent Captains had suddenly screwed up making a lot of stupid and blunderous military decisions thus tarnishing their reputations now that they were dead. In this way the truth was hidden from us. But for some reason I came out of the theater thinking "Maybe that wasn't the REAL Star Trek movie that we came to see but some kind of givernment knock-off, showing us what they wanted us to see".

I don't "Have it in for the Bush Adminestration". I'd like to see them do something smart for once. But at the same time I am "evolving" on other issues. According to a program today- - the middle class has only rarely been a major factor in world civilization history. Those times that the middle class has been a major factor, society had advanced culturally. The goal of conservatives beginning with Reagan is to return the middle class we have had in this country back more to a status of continuing poverty. Allan Greenspan has admitted that his goal is to see the unemployment rate as high as possible. These conservatives "historically" according to Al Frankin, have been against Social Mobility. These people are "undeserving" in the eyes of the rich. Classic conservatives believe in semi rigid classes of rich and poor. Various Democratic Presidents have tried to level the playing field so that the little guy gets a chance but now it's a rigged crap game. The goal of federal money managers is always to keep the worker insecure in his job and drive down the wage base and to maximize corporate profits. On the subject of the City of New Orleans there are people like the mayer who want to keep New Orleans a "chocolate city". It's amazing how whites are intimidated by that phrase. But what do rich whites want to do? They say the storm did everyone a favor and now they can clear out the ghettos and put up fancy developments for the rich to boost the tax base. Meanwhile places like Houston may not be as tollerant of Blacks as was their native crascent city. Changing subjects again, there is some government study that says cars should get forty miles to the gallon on the highway and how this would go a long way to solving our energy problems. As to the vanishing Polar Bear due to a diminished winter hunting season, I imagine Rush Limbaugh might just way "Well, the Polar Bear like the rest of us is just going to have to evolve like the rest of nature- - and adjust its habbits to today's Realities". That's what the American worker needs to do. He has to "adjust" himself to the reality of not affording things that his parents had afforded when they were his age. We'll just see if things can't work out better than that.

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Tripple Witching Hour

. This is Friday September 22, 2006 and fall officially begins at 9:03 our time or 12:03 or something east coast time. As you know it’s kind of a triple witching hour. Today is the start of the holy month Romadon in the Moslem calendar, and tonight at sunset is the start of Rosh Hashana. I imagine it’s also a new moon. Of course Romadon and Rosh Hashana would start together about one twelfth of 33 year cycle. In the news we learn that that Chavez guy from Venezuela was preaching at a church in Harlem yesterday, to many left wing applause. It seems the man actually believes in liberation theology, despite the fact that he is a communist. The President of Iran has continued to make anti U S statements and has met with American news reporters. This is the sort of thing that’s going to happen when a country like the US is dependant on foreign oil. We kind of have to learn to “take it”. Also in the news is the Jewishness of George Allan. His mother before she told him apparently said, “I hope you don’t end up hating me”. We already knew his mother was Tunesian. Allan has been rather defensive since he found out that he was part Jewish. Al Frankin was talking about this on his show today. The weather has been cooling off particularly today. They are starting to show maps of where the fall foliage is around the Great Lakes.

You know those three republican senators, John Mc Cain, John Warner, and Lindsey Graham, are three wooses. They’re the three little girls. “Three Little Maids” like the Gilbert and Sullivan play. Randy Rhodes spoke of Bush’s “Herem”. You know it has to be his personal Herem because there are no men there. Rusty Warren has more balls than this congress. You wonder what the hell the world is going to be like a year from now. A year ago I was still listening to Conservative talk radio and was inclined to defend George Bush about the hurricanes. When I see how far down hill things have slidden, it makes me wonder. When news of Abo Grave broke Bush indignently said he would get to the bottom of it all and how abuse has no place in POW camps. Now a year later thanks to the empty scrotum of the US congress, we are about to pass a law that gives the President the power to interperate the Geneva accords anyway he wants. But the bill still isn’t law yet. Randy Rhodes rightly protests that it’s just forty or so days before the congressional elections and why not let the American People decide what sort of tortore and interrogation rules we want to have, or not have. Apparently this session of congress is virtually out of time but the bill still isn’t law yet. The bill will have to go into conference and the Republican bill is worse. Apparently they gave the President everything he wanted. We need the Democrats to win both houses of congress so we can pass some decent legislation. And among the first bill I’d pass is a bill of centure against the President after a due amount of media spotlighted investigations.

The U S has gone from first to seventh in education among the world’s countries. But while the younger generation is the one getting smarter among most of the worlds emerging nations, it’s the old people, my generation, that has the brains and the college education in this country. They say 51% of the Canadian citizens have a college degree in that country. In this country the figure is 39%. And yet you can bet that figure was a whole lot lower in the thirties when “It’s A Wonderful Life” showed everybody with college degrees in a small town, as though it were the norm. Perhaps they thought it would be but now, seventy years later, only 39% of the people have college degrees. It is said that whereas in former times the govt. would pay for almost all a person’s education now that figure has dropped to below half. And it’s suggested that perhaps the Military stands to gain the most of this lack of education because poor people will have more of an incentive to join the military. Let Paul Simon write that on the wall. Well, a lot of things are going to change, and soon, with a new democratic congress.

When does a Crusade become an obcession? George Bush used to call this “War on Terror” (alias on Islam) a “Crusade” but then dropped the term under pressure. It could be said the Moslems are on a “Crusade” to hate Christianity, and the Pope. This didn’t used to be the case but we declaired War first. Apparently in an attempt to enlist Pakistan in our “Crusade” George Bush threatened “to bomb Pakistan back into the stone age is their leaders didn’t cooperate with our war plans”. I’ve heard roomers that for President Lincoln, winning the Civil War was kind of an obcession with him. Of course sometimes we obcess over things that aren’t rightly ours to obcess over, like with Philip Kiriacus on Days of our Lives. It’s a trite saying but true that those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are bound to repeat the mistakes. I think having a national crusade against an entire religion for this country is a mistake. Those people have already shown that they are more willing to die for their cause than we are for ours. World opinion means something. Even the Christian religion was “tried in the press”. If there were no press, nobody would even know or care about all the martyrs there were. This country could bomb the whole Islamic realm back to the stone age if we wanted to. What we are seeing now among Christians is the “Larry Elderization” of Christianity. Christianity is becoming more cruel and heartless, and yes, more “pragmatic”. It does things now that are “expedient”. Lots of people have commented on the fact that World Oppinion is no longer with the United States. How long can we continue to be one nation taking on the world? Maybe George Bush thinks he is doing what he is doing for the history books, like Abraham Lincoln did. Republicans including Larry Elder are now fond of pitching the Civil War in this country as a crusade to liberate the Black man, which it most certainly was not, as evidenced of what Lincoln himself said. He said “If I could win the war by freeing all of the slaves, I’d do that; If I could win the war by freeing none of the slaves, I ‘d do that. It could be that throughout history, War has been something imposed by the leaders, be they Knights Templar or the Christian Coalition, against the common people. Nobody believes Christianity stands for Peace any more. It never did. It was a Lie and now that Lie is so Exposed, it isn’t even funny. When and if we impeach George Bush we will be in fact impeaching Christianity. It’s the Christian Coalition, or whatever it’s called now, that’s on trial. Chaves says Bush is the devil. I say that God Himself is The Devil. Some say that when you fight your enemy you become like him. I say that when you and your enemy always to be implementing the same measures to accomplish their respective goals, those two enemies are becoming Alike. As a spiritual decendant of Martin Luther, this crusader is still at war with the Devil. But it’s the Devil of the Military Industrial Complex and all those obscene War Profits.


To take a psychic moment “time out” before we continue, I’d like to express my complaints to the Orion Federation that I haven’t been receiving any “News from the Front” lately. I think they want me to make my own karmic discoveries. Perhaps the same thing could be said of the software Sketch-up. My complaint against that is if you try to draw a five pointed star and you aren’t in the right “Dimension” the line goes all over the place even if you should draw it perfectly in your own limited perception realm. In Sketch you have the two dimensions you see and the one you don’t. And that one you don’t travels in an imaginary straight line from your eyes to the page and anything you draw could fall Anywhere along that continuoum and you don’t know where. I say this because this is kind of how it is with the psychic dimension. There are the three dimensions we see, and those two or three that elude our consciousness. Fish eye lenses portray straight lines as curved. But if you projected these images inside a dome and looked all around the dome, those lines would again look straight. In sketch they don’t “do” the curved line bit. Sketch looks at a “projection” of the world based on standing back and looking at a giant picture of Roger Waters. NO! Looking at a giant Wall. Since film is exposed on a flat surface logic dictates that photographs must be flat. When I do the optics, “Flat” is the only way that that it adds up. Sketch must agree. Their pictures assume a flat projection plane. What this means is that you are standing at an assumed distance from the “Wall” or whatever. Here if you see parallel horizontal straight lines, they are straight all the time. They travel out to infinity or when Hell freezes over. Whichever occurs first. But just as flat maps of the world are distorted at the poles- - they’re stretched in all directions. (Selah) When you are 45 degrees off plane either up or down or side to side, the image is stretched in that direction. If you are 45 degrees off plane you’re being stretched by the square root of two or 1.44 (144%) approximately. If you look sixty degrees off plane, you’re being stretched double. This “stretching” that occurs on World Maps and in Google sketches is a “necessary distortion” that occurs on paper to express a bigger truth. The awareness of this distortion, from lack of the psychic dimension- - is the Key to much Enlightenment. What you do in the Psychic dimension counts – whether you want it to or not. (Selah)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Complete Credibility Meltdown

Well today is September 19th. In three days or so we will be entering the fall season. Thankfully the weather still feels like summer. But is it a season where we move out of the Summer of liberalisum into the Winter of conservatisum? Ask Michal Dukakis. He knows all about how polls can shift with the tides and times. They've been having these candidate debates on Meet the Press and after reviewing the Pennsylvania contest with Santaurum, and the Virginia contest with Allan, the contrast between democrat and republican is a little blurred in my mind. It's not all that obvious whom I should vote for. Allan had the "Macacca" statement, but his democratic has a problem with equal rights for women in the military and has made many statements over the years hostile to women. Bush himself did a major melt-down last Friday at the news conference. I don't even know why he has them any more. All he does is get up there in ramble like Captain Queeg or somebody, burrying himself in his own cliches. He long since has stopped responding to the reporters questions. Just call him Mister Tar Heel because his position on everything is intransigent. Torture is good - - and America is under attack. Today in his UN Speech it wasn't twenty seconds into his speech before he brings up the specter of 9 - 11. But rather than contrast those "dark days" with some new spirit of world unity and human enlightenment brought about by American flexibility- - - Bush trots out the same laundry list of issues and salutes all the countries where America has influence over their dictatorships. They say Bush is up over ten points in the polls. That's what the media tells us so I guess it has to be true. I haven't commented on that propaganda piece that ABC had on last week. Some would say it was fiction punctuated by a Presidential speech in the twilight zone. I myself thought it was a pretty good movie. I'm inclined to allow for a little artistic license to make a point, and I believe the point was made. Arabs are nuts and we people in America were woefully unprepared for what befell us. I think we're all much more atune and alert now and have our eyes open to little hints and cues that a person's conduct at the airport just isn't right. We need to learn from our mistakes, and I believe we have.

There's one thing I do hate and that is the rewriting of history. When I was a kid in the early sixties apparently some grammar school kids were being sent home with a copy of the Mayflower Compact, and the opening words are supposidly, "In the name of God". Some of the liberals on the school board thought it was a John Birch conspiracy to indoctrinate our kids or something with religion. The historic fact is that those people were much more God conscious than we are today. Jefferson was a diest, but then again, so is anyone who believes in Predestination. I'm a diest by that standard, and we've talked about that before. Religion is part of the very faboric of our society. To rid history books of its existance is lying to our kids. Of course there is supposidly a statue erected showing Franklin Roosevelt in a wheel chair. The thing "historically inacurate" about this is that throughout his life, Roosevelt scrupulously avoided being photographed in a wheel chair. But he was proud of his cigarette holder. Today they air brush the cigarette holder and draw in a wheel chair that wasn't there. Of course what do you think of this expungeing of all smoking scenes in Hanna Barbera cartoons? From Fred Flintstone to Tom and Jerry to Yogy and Booboo, smoking scenes are being air brushed so as to not offend the kiddies. I suppose there are people who want to put pants on the statue of David. I am also against these "politically correct phrases" such as homophobia. I wonder if the term homophobia is used in children's social study books? If so it's a sad day. There are things we Should be afraid of. I'd be afraid of rat poison if I thought it was in my food. Some history books are saying Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to the Indians, rather than to God. I couldn't believe that when I heard it. God is being expunged from our history books.

You know- - Senator Danforth or someone said there aren't enough moderates. I would like to step forth as a proud moderates. Rush says he's never seen a book of Famous Moderates in History. My guess if youre a tight rope walker, political ballance is a good thing. In Yoga ballance is seen as a good thing, along with the yin and yang in Taoisum. Moderates see things as they are and act on them, rather than as a slogan shouted accross a political aisle. Ken Galliger was talking about all the Hollywood Celebreties that speak out on political issues. I think people should speak out on political issues. My lament as a Christian was that the denomination I was in wouldn't take a stand on anything using the excause that "Christians are above that sort of thing". People, including actors and preachers have every right to speak out on an issue. What would you say? Do celebreties comprize perhaps 35% of all the voices in the media you hear on politics? What percentage of the population in the world is comprised by Hollywood Celebreties? Perhaps .00004% Perhaps less? Anyhow, Ken Galliger was upset at some statement Rosey O Donald made about the Christian right? I don't agree with anything Rosey says anyhow. If she were still on I'd never watch her. Everything she says annoys me. Of course now they have some movie that I didn't know was a documentary of an actual Cult led by Becky - so & so about some youth movement. I thought the movie was just another hollywood liberal parody they like to do. Believe me as an ex Christian I know the real thing from a fake hollywood production - and this was definitely a fake hollywood production. Of course now the Pope is expressing some of the truth about what Moslems are actually like. The pope quoted some leader from the Middle Ages. The proof of the truth of what the Pope said was demonstrated in the violence the Moslems subsequently showed against Christian churches. If I were the Pope I wouldn't have apologised. I'd have given them the finger. I'd have shaken my fist at them and said Christianity stands for Truth and Goodness, and we are to oppose Evil in all of its forms, and there is a lot of hate in the Islamic World. I don't think it's any stretch to say that Islam is the most hate and violence filled of all the world's religions. We in this country out of fear elected Bush. If you don't like Bush- - - he represents the Hate that you people Created. Just as you people in Iran nominated a right wing nut out of fear. So instead of peace in the world we have two war mongers. I will agree with Randy Rhodes on one thing and that is we can all agree Pope John Paul II was a better pope than Benedict.

Before you conservatives think I've come over to your camp, I'm not done yet. I'd like to talk about this notion of leagelising certain Vices, such as drugs, gambling, and prostitution. The time is coming and may be upon us, when the "norms of society" conservatives are always talking about- - will themselves demand things that may be repugnent to some of us. I saw that internet gambling thing on Sixty Minutes. I think since we already have State Run Lotteries, which I was, and continue to be against, then the elephant is already in the tent. I think the sanest thing we can do now is tax and regulate the gambling, even if it only ends up making American corporations a lot richer. Once the dam bursts on this issue, and I think it's about to, you're going to see a stream of demend for legalization just like they have in Britain and Jamaica and everywhere else. We'll be able to tax the winnings and regulate the way this gambling is transacted. There are already guards against youths gambling. These should be strengthened so that no minor slips through the safty-net. Some famous person said they aren't really laws if nobody respects them, and I think it's time we have laws we can respect. On the matter of drugs and "The king of pot", well I think marijuana is something who's legalization is long past due. The laws against the herb are a real joke, and have been for four decades. If you're a parent with teenagers, this is one thing. Establish whatever rules and procedures you want. But for society in general- - we've "already gone to seed" to make a pun of that seed seller from Canada. Larry Elder says he's a libertarian but he's against U S citizens having the ability to buy prescription drugs in Canada. "It would upset their economy" or something is Larry's rather non-libertarian cop-out. You know what Timothy Leary says, "Better living through chemistry". Drugs of all sorts are becomming more and not less comon. This just another of those "sociatal norms" conservatives will have to get used to. On the matter of stem cell research, Al Frankin raised an interesting point today. He says all these "Snow flake babies" Bush likes to surround himself with, wouldn't have existed were not invetro furtelization practiced to begin with. What does the Pope think of that? Should we kill all those babies just to show we are in earnest against invetro? I speak absurdity, of course. I don't see why it has to be either - Or. Why can't it be both - And. Let's continue research on these embryos or "blasticis" as they are called, on cells that would otherwise only be thrown away, and let deserving couples who want to adopt draw from these same test tube cells that "would otherwise only be thrown away". Society is demanding a cure for these deseases we have, and knowing that a cure is possible out there, only makes us demand louder.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Measuring up to the Impossible

I would like to put forth a proposition. "He who measures up to the Impossible doesn't exist". Or to put it another way "If a character measures up to what is inherently impossible, he must be a fictional character". And you see them in the movies all the time. Last night they had that movie on again about Navy Seals, only they were just called "divers" in this movie. This champion, award winning swimmer earned the dislike of his commanding officer so the officer threw this heavy diver's equipment at him and had him jump in the water with the injunction "If you let go of that before you are relieved you are out of this program". Another black officer asked "Permission to relieve him, sir". To which the C O said "He hasn't been down there but two minutes and he should be able to hold his breath for four". Finally the swimmer emerged gasping for breath at the surface of the water, minus the heavy albitros. In that case you have a case of measuring up to the difficult, but not the impossible. I suppose Superman's motto might be "The difficult I do very quickly. For the impossible you can wait till Hell freezes over before I do it. After all, that's why certain things are called impossible. I guess if you were applying for the job of Messiah you would have to measure up to a very high yard stick. "So you want to be the messiah- - - did you create the world and set the orbits of the galaxies and pre ordain all that takes place in the universe?" Some of the tasks of Messiah are a bit simpler but no less frustrating. Jesus in his last days was massaged with rare spices and perfume by a sensuous prostitute. In order to be a Messiah you have to undergo this without getting the least bit arrowsed either emotionally or physically. It would seem that to be the Messiah you have to have plumbing that doesn't work and in all other emotional aspects be totally frigid and "unmoved" on the "fleshly plane". Not only is this a tall order I say it contradicts the very essence of what a man is- - and that is someone who is attracted to women. If you lack this trait, if you were born without it, one might question whether you are a Real Man.

Many talk about building up "faith muscles". You know, there is a saying "If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" For me there would. There would be a very long "paper trail" so to speak of actions, feelings, personal habbits, that would lead a jury to say that I'm a Christian. Christians have certain ways of thinking and reasoning and talking. Other people see your actions and surmise quickly that you're "one of them", even if at the moment you may have a personal doubt or two. I guess the question is whether God could show the same evidence of responding to me as a Christian. Growing up I endlessly heard that relation with God was an "I and thou" experiance. It was a dialogue. It would seem that we're one person short of a dialogue in this respect. You know that Jesus on the radio hates the beliefs of people such as Fred Price and Kenneth Copland, who believe that God ought to be held to his word. There is a verse in the Bible that statges that God values his word even above his name. If this is so how can Jesus be against taking God at his word for things like healing, prosperity, and personal happiness. Simple. He says that God by denying his word is teaching us earthlings "Humility". He cites Paul's "thorn in the flesh" to deny the dyspensation of all healings and meracles. But I was just thinking. Would it be a good idea in teaching your own children "respect" to say to them "I will do such and such in way of a treat if you meet certain conditions" and the kids happily meet said conditions with bells on, and the parent craps out on them and says by way of defence, "I'm just treating them humility". No. I'd love to see a "work of God" in the Church. The only "works" I've seem for instance in the Calvary Chappels are works of pride and vanity and circumstance. Once there was a pastor named Ed Peacock. He was a pastor of a church that was in distress with varied congragational riffs and divisions such that Ed was about the only glue that was holding the church together. So what does Ed do. He quits the church and joins some marriage and counseling association. His defence was "Well they voted unanamusly to have me so it must be a mericle of God". The Bible says it's vanity to call things a meracle of God that are circumstance, or worse yet, snares of the Devil. If it were me in Ed's place, head of a church that needed me, I would not leave that church upon anything less than being held at gun point. Even if Ed were held at gun point and told "abandon this church" the Christian thing to do would be to say, "No, I won't".

I'd like to continue with this "faith muscles" thought. I could have the muscles of Arnold Swartzenegger in his prime thirty years ago. I could have muscles on my muscles- - but I might go to Africa and be bitten by a misquito with West Nile virus and die. All of those bicepts I had would do me no good if something as small as a misquito felled me. So it is with my Faith. The problem isn't with my Faith, it's the guy at the other end of the line. Jesus said that when it comes to entering the Kingdom of Heaven, "For man it is Impossible". I take the word "Impossible" to mean it can't be done. Not by anyone- - without some dyspensation from God. In other words I can look back on my Christianity and play the would of, could of, should of, game till the cows come home and it won't get me any closser to something I'm not in controle of to begin with, which is being Chosen by God. Jesus on KFI is a flat out liar if he implies or states anything different. He can say "Sure a Jew has as good of chance as anybody else to be a Christian- - a Jew can be a Christian". The second part may be true but the first part is an out and out lie. If only five percent of Jews are "Written in the Book" and hence are predestined to become Christians- - then that's the number that will be Christians. If forty percent of Sweeds are destined to become Christians one might say this is "unfair" but if God does it, nobody has the right to question it. If you or I go into a bar and say we're going to preach to people, a detractor might say "You're going where Jesus wouldn't go". How many times have you heard "I wouldn't go any place Jesus wouldn't go" and "Stay away from temptation". Yet if Jesus himself went to a bar it would suddenly be OK because Jesus is God and by definition can do no wrong. Jesus can be messaged by a prostitute because he's God so that makes it OK. But of course you or I aren't God so for us it would be sin. Jesus didn't become God because he was perfect, rather, Jesus was first deemed to be God, therefore his actions by definition are perfect.

You know a growing theme in my blogs is that it's really Satan who predestined the Universe and not God. We have stated that theologians regard the universe as evil. If that asteroid that came near the earth last night had hit the earth, how could the damage be caused by "origional sin" here on earth since the asteroid wasn't from earth? What predestination does is make the actions of any individual person irrelivent. It makes good people irrelivent and bad people irrelivent. Murderors can be Saints and almost perfect people can go to Hell. But the funny thing is Jesus on KFI is always saying he doesn't want Robots, and yet that's exactly what he has with predestination. You've all seen these sci fi things with computer women saying just want the man wants to hear 24 hours a day. I think of that Twilight Zone episode Peter was so fond of where this author writes up a resume of traits the perfect woman should have and then computer generates her. I think life with a computer program would get real boring after a while. Yet Jesus of KFI with his doctrine of predestination- - would have exactly that sort of relation with his Chosen saints. It would seem to me this is more Satan's device and that God's role should be to break Satan's predestination hold on us. I kind of illestrate this in my book with the analogy of the ball bearings orbeting around the funnel illustrating orbeting planets about the sun. The thing is- - if a computer program goes bad or something happens that was NOT predicted by you- - who do you blame. Do you blame the computer? No. It has no will of its own; it only carries out the will of others. You blame the programmer. This is what scientology does and why scientology is superior to Christianity- - because only it goes after the basic en-gram programming that causes sin. Meditatate on that.

Of course if you are running for Messiah I guess you would have to meet certain scriptural guidelines. Jesus said yesterday "Christianity is not a get out of jail free card". This is exactly what it is if you've read Isaiah 61. We used to sing a song "Opens prison doors; sets those captives free". The messiah must free you from sin and free you from Satan. In the last four verses of Daniel 24 it says "Seventy weeks are decreed- - - among other things, to Make An End To Sin". Sin will be done away with at the time of the Messiah. Jesus can't use this as a cop-out. Isaiah 53 says the messiah must be despized and rejected by men. Jesus really wan't "rejected" by anybody. Maybe the Rich Young Lawyer. Jesus got in arguments with a lot of people. My guess is that you or I know a lot more about Rejection than Jesus did. There were certain situations in life Jesus seemed imune from- - among these is Uncertainty. Jesus never in his life had to face Uncertainty. Jesus wasn't rejected by the world. He was thronged and worshipped by the whole world, as it says in scripture, "See, the whole world has gone after him". Interestingly the Messiah doesn't have to die. It says the Messiah was considered dead, for it says "And as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off from the land of the living". If you "Prolong someone's days", the word "prolong" implies you are adding to something- - like a life- that was already there. Once again the phrase "I will allot him (the Messiah) a portion with the great" speaks volumes. It as much as says the Messiah isn't God because he gets a Portion of something Allotted to him bu a superior, God. As it also says in scripture "The lesser is blessed by the greater". Daniel 24 in fact does say "The messiah will be cut off" if you want to use that verse for death. Do we worship a "cut off" Messiah? No. Or- - perhaps we do. You know, on May3rd. 1972 I attempted suicide. I was in a coma for 2 and 1/2 days. At one time I had a hundred and fifty percent of a lethal dose in my blood stream. I should be dead. (By the way that wasn't even the highest figure) I was about as close to being dead without actually being dead. Also with these blogs I have officially been "Rejected by the world" since nobody reads them. So we have a Catch 22. If this blog ever gets popular my words will no longer be true. But I'm not running for Messiah. I don't recall anywhere in prophecy that it says the Messiah will be "resurrected" from the dead. Only that Jonah was dead for three days. He died while running from God's will. I attempted suicide because I was trying to run away from myself. But Jonah isn't the Messiah.

We have a few other words to share with our readers right now that were written yesterday. My point in this blog is that you have to decide what you are in life; a God or a man. As we have illustrated, you really can't be both.

Last night I watched the start of Lilo and Stitch after ABC game shows. That’s the best part with the space stuff. Then I watched “Secrets and Lies” on Dateline. There was an alledged gigantic sex child molesting ring in Bakersfield. While watching this shifty-eyed old man some Romulan agents said “We’re from Bakersfield and we don’t have that kind of stuff going on in our territory”. Apparently the Romulans were right. All the charges and all the people arrested, convicted, and imprisoned for multiple years, were all innocent. The DA and the child services agents told the children to lie and told them want to say and more or less threatened and bribed them go do what they were told to do. It utterly ruined their lives. It ruined their lives with their parents as they were bounced from foster home to foster home. The old man was the last to get out. His last meal out was when Mondale was running for President in 1984. Apparently he would let kids come over and swim in his pool. The old man got out in 2004 after a twenty year sentence and had to learn about cell phones and I pods. He was given a seven hundred thousand award for having been in prison falsely.

Leo Le Port says that normally XP doesn’t feature a DOS window. Mine does, but it must be special order. You know I tried months ago and ran into the same problem and that is bandwidth. They must transmit at 128 kbs. Per second or something. They remembered my station settings, but were playing disco when none of my inputs had disco. That’s another reason to get DSL for $15.95.

Glen came by with coffee and right about that time I felt real heaviness in the chest. I thought I might be having a heart attack. I wanted to get to the computer to write down a few last thoughts. Finally the heaviness went away. Leo says that the record companies don’t even want you recording records before the P copyright laws of 1972. I don’t think it’s possible to copy protect in analog but Dad says he had minor problems copying video VHS tapes. Problems with brightness. I guess the technology is good at getting out even pronounced pops. Leo has been complaining about the people writing in the comments section of his Show Notes. He says there’s too much Spam there. Of course he had to do away with the Wikki. People flock to Leo’s site to “ride his tail winds” if you will to get their own Google ratings up. People put in a lot of pornographic web sites and such. I need to review Leo’s glossery at Leo.AM.

The Beatles were going to one on KLSX. They played little bits from songs such as “Give Me Some Truth” off of the Let It Be sessions where Lennon was trying to come up with lyrics. Earlier on KRTH they featured the music of Ringo.

Of course my blog rating is near the bottom. I had the Jesus Christ show on before seven this morning for one call. How come in the old testament Jehovah punished the Israelites only when they were bad and blessed them when they were good? Jesus’ answer is trippy. He said that it’s like when you are a kid and a parent spanks you when you are bad and, I suppose, protects you from the bad stuff of the world. Apparently the presence of The Curse in our daily lives is sort of a “graduation” to adult hood where we have “outgrown God”. I’d like to see chapter and verse for this new doctrine. Scripture talks about in psalm 23 “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want” and all of that. One gets the impression a relation with God is forever. Also once again Jesus just saying “It’s all the sin caused by original sin in the world that causes misery”. My answer to that is what about when US astronauts went to the moon. What did they prepare for the first two times. They had biological isolation suits on. People were afraid there might be some deadly microbes on the moon to cause disease. There weren’t but the scientists didn’t know that. If there were some AIDS virus on the moon I ask where was all the sodomy being committed on the moon? I thought of writing Jesus a letter but know that would be pointless. Later upon signing off Jesus said something about Heaven being learning about the sort of relationship we actually have with God. I’d like to know about that now, then I could benefit by that and improve my theological standing.

Ken Galliger was raving in his usual insane manner. He says this whole case where soldiers raped a woman and killed her whole family and burned her body is something that should not be discussed in the same breath as the war. It should be virtually dismissed as irrelevant. I get that impression. You could say the same thing about Jesus’ crucifixion. It was just an “isolated act” and had no relevance to the overall morality of the Jewish race. But nobody is making that argument. As we said on a blog from July 2004, if there was a great legal injustice done it should be protested vehimately and the people who did it should be put on notice. They should recall Pilate and de frock Chaiaphus, if you want to go there. Nobody ever talked about that. There was no talk of any political or legal reform in Palestinian politics. Ken Galliger is upset with what he calls the “colored” version of the news. (I could do something with that- - ) This version says “You see. That’s why I’m against the war”. Galliger doesn’t think the number of military atrocities should be relevant in war. The other case Ken talked about was Guantanamo bay. Justice Thomas called it a “plurality” decision because apparently Justice Kennedy had doubts about certain parts of the majority decision. That only underscores the necessity of getting another liberal on the bench. According to Ken of course Bush has dictatorial authority to bypass congress. Though that guy with him said that congress was consulted after W W II. That fact was glossed over. Ken also did a thing on Biola College and no premarital sex regulations. He as a reporter asked a guy about his Ex girlfriend and the guy refused to comment. One might draw the “adverse inference” that there was something about their relation, for instance, that they were having sex, that the guy didn’t want to admit. If so he wasn’t “protecting his virginity” as such regulations imply. If you’ve lost your virginity I don’t see the point.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Big Come-uppance

The name of this blog is karmic suicide. People want to believe that bad things happen to bad people and good things unexpectedly happen to good people. I think a lot of times with Karma there's a "bill" or perhaps credit done in a previous life that is influencing the events in this one. It's the only thing I can see that makes any sense. There is an addage of "Life's not fair", and the Bible tells us in this life we are ruled by "The Lord of this World", which is Satan. He's basically the one you need to petition. I thought the soap opera character Samantha was going to get her comeuppance on Thursday but as I had previous predicted on a posting, she spit the hook once again. By refusing to come clean with the truth she was able to bluff her way out of another deception of people. You can't tell a soap opera character, "Come clean and it will go easier for you". President Clinton took polls that showed if he lied about his actions he'd be better off than if he came clean. Nobody seems to believe in a god of justice to whom we are accountable, if not in this life then in the next. It just means there's another ticking timebomb for later (when it will do even more damage) That's how soap operas work. People never come clean unless they absolutely have to and sometimes, not even then. (Selah)

I myself had a boomerang monitery expense come up to bite me in the ass last Wednesday. Someone didn't cash a check that was in excess of six months old. The bank refused to cash it so they came after me. At a time when you instantly need over three hundred dollars in cash as of "yesterday" you fast find out who your friends are, and who aren't. It seems as if I am held to a higher standard than most other people on a lot of issues. Some people like seeing you down in a hole. It's what they've been waiting and even hoping for, and now that you're there, they're going to waste no oppertunity to gloat. That's karma for you. In my prophecy book one of my lines was that "NOW comes sooner than you think" ie. the moment of accountability. The thing is for certain people it never seems to come. Not in this life.

It's Been six days since I've done any blog posting at all and I suppose you readers are a bit confused as to where to find me at any given moment since I've been jumping around from blog to blog adding postings. Today is July lst. A lot has happened in the news lately. We got the state budget passed on time for the first time in six years and the Governater is obviously proud of himself and the new "bi-partisen spirit" of the state legeslature. We have learned that the outgoing Prime Minester of Japan is an Elvis fanatic. He's even selling a CD in his own country of his favorite Elvis hits. He visited Graceland with the President and even likes to sing Elvis songs once he's had a little sake. We're learned that the Space Adminestration is not above taking a little risks with the lives of astronauts. Considering how President Bush has cut NASA's budget, I guess I can't blame them for wanting to take every oppertunity for a launch. We have learned that the Supreme Court is poised for a gigantic lurch to the right if they just get one more hard-right justice confirmed. This could happen before Bush leaves office. One of the five remaining liberals could retire or die and Bush would have his rubber stamp conservative Court that would approve anything any conservative Bush or any successor does, in terms of setting up whatever unconstitutional govt. program he cares to. I think it's time for the Democrats to put the wagons in a circle in a do or die effort to defend the camp against attack. With Roberts and Allito the democrats basically rolled over and played dead. This sort of attitude cannot be allowed to continue in the future.

Now doctors and lawyers are leaving Iran because they think there’s going to be trouble. That’s a bad sign. The elite of their society don’t trust our troops. That’s another reason to be against the war. Also it was revealed that our government was tracing bank accounts from Europe that terrorists might use. The New York Times broke the story and now George Bush is madder at the New York Times than whoever in his administration leaked the story. It’s like the Times was being “set up”. General Casey met with the President and they will be drawing down troops to 50,000 by the end of next year. This is a “leak” but a “planned leak”. Nobody is complaining.

Rush Limbaugh is in trouble for taking Viagra and not having his name on the prescription bottle but instead that of his doctor. This is a violation of his drug probation and he just made that deal two months ago. People say now Rush may do some actual prison time. I’ll believe it when I see it. If he’s obeist and has high blood pressure he’d a logical candidate for erectile dysfunction. I guess the blogosphere is running with it.

In soap land Lexi was called over to the apartment by Lucas to lay it on everybody. Philip is now mad at Sean for saying he knows first hand what it’s like to lose a love. Mimi fell apart. I have absolutely no sympathy for her. I have little sympathy for Bo as far as Hope is concerned. As for Philip, one of these days he’ll have to wake up and smell the coffee. He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance, but the truth will hurt. He didn’t so much win Belle as he stole her from Sean. Allester Crane appears to be on his last legs. His security force is breaking down and the wrong people are getting in. Now Luis knows Beth and probably Marty are alive. Evil may be close to being vanquished. Rebecca offered Julian a divorce, I think. T. C. got into a car wreck. Teresa is inching ever closer to her long coveted victory.

Isrial is attacking Gaza. It’s 1967 all over again. Isrial is engaging in a preemptive war. They have been doing that sonic boom air flight terror campaign over the Palistinian families for months. They’ve been looking forward to this. Personally I don't think Isrial needs the bad P R they're going to get out of this incursion, and it makes them look like Indian givers.

They’ve had seven or more inches of rain in the Middle Atlantic States and Washington DC in the past day. Govt. buildings are flooded. More rain is predicted. Who is to say whether global warming is involved.

The Flag burning amendment went down to defeat by one vote. It failed with sixty six senators voting Yes. If it had just passed there they say that it would have easily passed ¾ of the state legislatures. That’s an eye opener.

Now they really do want to ban smoking in cars when children are inside, and they also recommend your not smoking inside your home with children present. Yesterday’s political spoof is becoming today’s reality.

Lexi still hasn’t told Sammy the truth about she and Sammy. Only that Sammy was blackmailing her. Kate and Will came in at the last minute and the group broke up into all these conversations. Bo still thinks it could be his baby. Hope said something about how she’s been “spotting for months” whatever that means. Jack spent the day arguing with his family about leaving. Passions was kind of a wild free-for-all. Miguel and Kay were in bed. That Norma sure adds spice to the conversation. I guess the whole Vendetta thing is coming to a giant climax, but they’re taking their time about it. Right now it looks as if a May Sweeps promo will be headed on into July.

There was a fill in host for Larry Elder. I actually tuned in at two thinking it was three then it dawned on me. The host talked about our all-encompassing anti smoking regulations. He and his callers were saying we should allow smoking in restaurants and especially bars, and that 2nd. smoke is a crock; it’s “Junk science”. I’m inclined to agree. Like Global Warming, once the P C bandwagon gets going funding dries up for any scientist who doesn’t go along with the pack. He had global warming on at four. He says Greenland and Antarctica as far as their land mass is concerned are actually getting colder, and it’s only the surface area that’s warming, and that’s because of some hurricane cycle in the Atlantic. The latest “warm cycle” started in 1995. Sea ice is no threat to raise the sea level if it melts. He admits CO2 is up 30% or something and that the temperature of the planet has gone up one degree in the last century.

The stock market is way up today and housing sales are up and not down. The Feds hiked the interest rate to 5.25 percent. Apparently they are about to say they are on the verge of making this the last interest rate hike.

The rain and flooding in the Middle Atlantic isn’t so much of a problem now.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

D O N ' T - F E A R - T H E - W R E E P E R

Allright, you people are in for a real treat today. The story in this blog post was written July of 2004 and in a strange twist turned out to be prophetic. My sister in law (not the one in the story) got hit by a truck and suffered massive injuries and was in an Allester Crane style coma for three weeks, then snapped right out of it miraculously. This is a story of mystery and it's a story of progressive revelation, as it is written, "The waiting is the hardest part, every day see one more card". Knowing the cover of the "Agents of Fortune" album will help understand the story. Some people see one thing in the picture and others see something else.

In the six months from March to September of 1980 David Stanley had gotten to know and get closer to the love of the year, Laura. We covered these six months in a file that is a secret and the name is only known by my sister-in-law, a guy named “Joe” and some people in India, and has something to do with the Door’s. In mid September Laura appeared to dump him and David Stanley grew very depressed. In the mean time Howard, a mutual friend of two people had died and had promised money in an oral agreement to both Jim and Dave. They didn’t get any because “an oral agreement is not worth the paper it’s written on”. But one Friday in late September they made plans to make their way to Chicago. Jim had said, “Dave, you have to come along because Howard always trusted you more than he trusted me”. David wanted to take the dog, Toby, too. Dave wanted to stop at a Motel in San Barnadino because it was getting dark and he needed to “Think things over”. Jim had wanted to keep going further.

Here’s a sample of “Captive Boscs”. On Friday September 26th. 1980 me and Jim Cooper were driving in a Dodge Charger and Jim says “It’s your turn to drive”. But after din-ner I didn’t feel like going further so we stayed in a motel near San Bernardino. The next morning we took off with me driving. We were headed up grapevine pass or whatever on an upgrade when we were hit by an out of control speeding semi truck that jumped the highway. We were both instantly killed. The driver complained that the sun was in his eyes from his hospital bed where he was suffering from a few broken bones and some cuts and bruises. Jim Cooper immediately found he was able to leave his body. One Monday evening on July 19th. 2004 I was gazing at the crescent moon when I blacked out and found myself around the block of the tract with the Bosc house. [ BOSC stands for Blue Oyster Secret Cult and Jim Cooper came up with that himself] I turned north and walked down the street looking at the houses and was surprised to see that the Bosc house had looked the way it looked a long time ago. The bay window was gone, and the pepper tree and all the other trees were there. And the house was pea green and not light blue as I last remember seeing it. I went to the door and knocked. Then I decided to see if it was locked. I went in and Genesis was playing on the Stereo, one of their early albums. All our old furniture was there including Pete Richard’s Stereo. Jim had been in the bathroom and said, “I wondered when I was going to be seeing you”. Just then I heard barking. Toby was at the back door and wanted to be let in to greet me. “I forgot we had taken him along”. I said I was a little confused and could he enlighten me. Jim pointed to a tape recorder and said “You were recording a tape last Sunday. Maybe you said something”. I turned on the tape recorder. It was live Rush with “Working Man”. He told me that all the people living now are really dead. He told me, “I was standing by the road trying to hitch a ride the rest of the way when I black out or something and then I noticed the weather had changed somehow, and there were a lot fewer cars on the road”. I asked about Mark Campbell. Jim said “He’s not dead”. I didn’t say what I was thinking but joked, “Well with that black dye he puts in his hair you can’t be sure”. He said this was Monday and he’d been here for two days. I said, “I’m going to call someone. I’m thinking of Mr. Monahan from my old neighborhood. I forget his first name, it’s either John or- - - Jim- - I’m gona go with Jim”. I picked up the phone book and called him. Meanwhile Jim got a glass of water from the Sparklettes tank. “I haven’t seen that here in ages”. I tried to explain to Jim that I was from the future and all this was strange to me. Mr. Monahan said that all or north Orange County was like an isolated island and it had some kind of a barbed wire electric field around it and everyone who had tried to escape was killed in the attempt. He said “I haven’t been getting my VA payments from Washington”. He then made reference to the stuff on TV. It was really strange stuff like Chet Huntley interviewing Elvis, and some horror movie starring Gary Gilmore. I said I might pay him a visit and he said, “The bus service is better now than when I first got here. There’s more drivers”. I hung up and began questioning Jim more. “All this time since at least April 1973 anyway there’s been people arriving here?”. Jim said “Another forty thousand arriving every day” “Huh?” “It’s in the song, “Don’t Fear the Wreeper”. Do you have that album?” I said. “Not now” he said. I said, “What made you think of that?” Jim said, “B O S C, Blue Oyster Secret Cult” “Oh.” “Isn’t there a crescent moon on the cover of that album?” “Yes” he said, and added “Didn’t you say you were gazing at a crescent moon when you were spirited away?” “Yes” I said. And added, “What’s the phase of the moon now?” “Pretty close to full, I think, remember?” “Yes” I said that would mean the light was from the east if that meant anything. Jim said, “If you look at the moon on the album it could be a hole in some roof with the light shining in from the east”. “That would be prophetic”, I said. There was a pause. Then I said “You said the sun was in his eyes? We were going east; he was headed west”. Jim said, “No Dave. The road switches back when it hits the upgrade. He would have been headed south east”. I said, “Well, do you have his number? We’re gona sue him aren’t we?” “We can’t do anything, Dave, we’re dead, and he’s on the other side!” “Well, what’s the guy’s name, did you learn that?” “It was a Mr. Crane”. “Crane!” I said. “What’s the matter?” “Oh nothing, something from my future. Well, can I even drive here?” “Why don’t you look in your pocket?” Jim said. “I’ll look in my room” I said. I went to my room and found it and said ‘It says here I’m able to drive till December 31st. 1984. I guess that’s when the Antichrist takes over”. “You look worried.” Jim said. “Well, to be honest, I cheated on my eye test in October 1979 when I last took the test. These glasses of mine haven’t been changed since 1968”. “I told you those glasses looked old”. I said, “The thing is in October of- - - next year I got in a car accident in late October. I wasn’t injured but the car was pretty messed up. Somebody, and I suspect Pete Richards, raised the question of my eyesight then and they tested me and I failed. I don’t want that happening now.” Jim said, “Do you think Mr. Crain will do that now, which he can’t; he isn’t here”. I said, “Hold it, you’re giving me a bad flashback”. Jim: “Flashback?” “Yeah, I was writing this imaginary story about another Mr. Crane and he was mocking me in Sept-ember of 1983 because I had plans to buy a car and he said I wouldn’t even be able to pass the eye test”. “Well you’ll have to leave your future behind now”. I said, “Hey Jim, I bet you didn’t know Walter Mondale is going to lose the Presidential race in 1984” “Well that’s a no brainer”. I said, “Just what are you people using for money these days?” “I’ve got money in the bank for now”, Jim said. I said, “I do, too- - but it just occurred to me right now that I might run out. I just thought of something I need to do”. “What are you doing?” Jim said. “I’m calling KNI printers to cancel printing on my book” “Are you sure?” “I don’t know who I’ll get but I’m going to try, because it just occurred to me that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”.

Well there you are. There’s your excerpt. Like all good soap operas there are a lot of unanswered questions. We’re here to drivel them out over weeks and months.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Welcome to Bush Impeachment Central. Actually there's a whole new way in which Bush will be impeached by Historians and that's his utterly shoving Global Warming and the whole ecology thing under the table. I think people in as little as five years from now, in 2011 will be scratching their heads wondering how we ever had this guy as President. According to sixty minutes there is this whole thing with nuclear waste near Vancouver, Washington that's making its way tword the Columbia river. There will be a major disaster, Chernoble stile, if that happens, and the threat appears almost certain to. On April 26th. of last week we celebrated the 20th. anniversary of Chernoble in Russia. Of course this adminestration is even worse than we thought. It appears that Valerie Plame (?) was under cover invesstigating Nukes in Iran. I guess that's a topic the adminestration doesn't care about. I think stem cell research is really going to take off in the next presidential adminestration, whoever he or she is. Apparently twenty years ago according to Andy Rooney on his bit last Sunday, showed predictions CBS news had made twenty years ago for now, and among other things was that everyone would have a jacuzzi in their bathroom. Also predicted that every form of center would be abolished due to new discovered drugs. If we cut down too much of the Amazon forrests, the plants the drugs are made out of may become extinct before we get to them. Conservatives delight in saying there is absolutely no future in stem cell research so we should give it up and return to more "conventional" medicine. Yeah, like live leeches. Never let it be said conservatives are not nay-sayers. Some question the morality of using human embryos for the project. These embryos are under a death sentense any how and the Utilitarian in me says we ought to make use of them. My new philosophy is, "If Jesus won't heal you- - use stem cells". I think whoever is president come 2009 will be the one who is really "building a bridge to the 21st. Century. For some people, being President isn't good enough. Teresa on Passions isn't running for President, she's running for "God". If you wonder about a woman President, how about a woman God? I think it would be a refreshing change, myself. I think you'd get someone with more of a "get things done" attitude, but also someone with a lot more human compassion.

Two blogs back we "dropped" the name of Mark Campbell into the mix. Perhaps you people would like to learn a little more about it. Well, I've been looking for any excuse to use something from the archives. The following recounting of mine was done in a July 2004 file:

And now it’s more of “Things you may have forgotten about the ZAC”. In the spring of 1979 we had developed the theology of land was good and the sea was bad. The desert was good for spiritual renewal. Fish and other sea life was good, boats were bad. (who’d guess we’d get our theology from Kenny the Shark) Oysters were good but pearls were bad. The Christians were in the boats trying to catch fish. As you know I sent Bob Howland that letter addressed “The Church of the Holy Mackerel” and theology by “Karl Barf”. We discuss this in the Tombs file. We even invented that story about Howard Richards getting seasick on his way to Catalina in er. June 1970. Actually it was I who made that trip and I did not get sea sick. X’s were good and O’s were bad. X’s stood for openness and the emanation of energy and Life Force. Circles were bad because they excluded, and then denoted rules and regulation, and denoted limitation, and denoted repetition and predictability of action. The Wheel of Fortune tarot card was seen as an unlucky one by us because it was number 16 in our sequence, and sixteen was seen as a dangerous year. Mark also had the thing of the cosmic Rainbow. The colors went from violet to red, and then some. Earth was in realm twelve. There were twenty two realms just as there were twenty two tarot cards. Actually me and Mark decided to give Jim Cooper credit for the tarot card part of it, because this was seen as of lesser import-ance. Realm eleven was The Sea of Green, a la Yellow Submarine. This is basically a negative place. Like being on a bad acid trip all the time. Both Richi Vallenz and Stewart Sutcliffe spent time there and neither considers it worth remembering. Realm ten was a “mirror universe” like the psychics talk about, only this realm has a controlling influence over our world, so they aren’t equal. Realm nine, the Chariot, is psychic travel, equivalent to micro waves that travel through things. Realm eight is the red realm. In this purgatory realm you are asked to solve riddles. Realm seven is Justice. You are given a reward (symbolized by yellow or Gold) for your life, and Realm six is green, which stands for paradise. Grace Slick and Paul Kantner had a child together in 1970 and called it “God”. Mark Campbell was captivated by this “Peace Child” mythology. But other than exist, what Zachery did was unimportant. That is, until X number of decades passed. Only thing is, Tomorrow never Got Here. In this the ZAC contradicted another of its axioms. “It’s not the destination’ it’s the Journey that’s important”. I think people need to think of that. Personally, I like Charles Manson’s expression of “Bringing a person to Now”. That is, suddenly deciding what’s important- - right Now- - not in the bye and bye. I don’t know. Any religion with a Messiah, that Messiah better be fifty years old and in a place of Governmental Power, or he’s useless in these times.

I want to talk about Mark Campbell a little. There are two divergent version of how Mark came in contact with our social circle. One of them is on the next file and I haven’t typed that yet. The other is the one in Sougern, which doesn’t put Mark on the scene till early 1980. When I told Bill Gunderson I was just a little mentally fuzzy on how Mark and I first met he figured he’d better come up with another account. Mark was a guy who was good at “playing possum” amongst Christians. He knew to keep his cool and not express his opinion amongst all the religious rhetoric. It was only with me in private that he said Born Again Christianity was a bunch of bullshit. He talked to [bleeped out. This individual might be traced by his nickname and he might not like that] (alias Jim Cooper) but didn’t entirely trust him. Are you all clear? Mark was interested in film making and photography. He was fascinated by lighting and camera angles and what was in a picture. He was a definite believer in the axiom “Every Picture Tells A Story”. He definitely believed you could tell a story from a photograph.

OK I'd like to do a couple of songs now. I've got a verse from June 1980 and then a verse from "See You in Hell" from August of 1979. There are three more verses in the preceeding posting that follows: C R I stands for Christian Research Institute.

Well I saw you down at C. R. I. and you walked in
Do I have to tell you one more time I think it's a sin
You know he'll string you out, and hang you up
Cause I told you before- - You're All Screwed Up!

My friend, Judas Iscariot
His names means "Praise the Lord"
He got himself elected
Chairman of the board
He says "Palestine is yours to liberate
You just say the Word"
As Jesus places on Judas' plate
A freshly deposited turd
"You ought not to have done that
It will not searve you well
As Judas makes plans with the Priests
To send Jesus off to Hell
Be sure to catch our other blogs at the following addresses:

For those suffering from Political Diaria
Teresa's new product GOONS-BE-GONE
for those who have a "pest" problem around the house

It occurred to me that the Wickipedia is Free. Therefore they won't mind if I "lift" a portion of "The Jesus Myth" to more adequetly illustrate a point or two- -

Star of Bethlehem

Although many explanations have been offered for the Star of Bethlehem, no actual record of any such astronomical phenomenon can be found.


Herodian Massacre of the Innocents

As mentioned above, Matthew 2:16 claims that Herod ordered the slaughter of all the children "in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof," who were two years old or younger. Bethlehem is situated about fifteen miles from the coast of the Dead Sea, and about twice that distance to the coast of the Mediterranean, in the heart of Judea. No mention is made anywhere of any infanticide of any proportion anywhere near that time or region, let alone one of such a horrific magnitude.


Flight to Egypt

Also as mentioned above, Matthew 2:13-16 records the holy family as having fled to Egypt. Though they may well have remained incognito while they lived there, the Bible says nothing on the matter one way or the other. If they did not keep their identities hidden, it is most likely that Philo, who was living in Alexandria at this time, would have recorded the presence of the prophesied and persecuted future King of the Jews.


Public miracles

The Bible records Jesus as having performed some very public miracles, in front of crowds numbering, in some cases, in the thousands. He healed the sick, blind, and lame; he raised the dead; he walked on water; and he fed multitudes with table scraps. History is replete with people doing such deeds, but every other instance is universally assumed to be mythic fiction.


Public ministry

Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount to a crowd of "multitudes," and the Sermon on the Plain to "great multitude of people out of all Judaea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases." This clearly indicates that Jesus must have been a popular figure known throughout the entire region; yet, no mention is made of any preacher giving such a sermon to such crowds.


The trial

Jesus's trial is notable for what it describes as a great many of the most egregious possible violations of Jewish and Roman law and custom by all officials involved. The trial is said to have taken place during Pesach, one of the holiest holidays for Jews then and now, on which such activities are most strictly forbidden. There was no need for the Jews to appeal to Roman authority for assistance in the trial; they had full authority from the Romans to execute anybody for any reason sanctioned by their own laws. There was even less reason for the Romans to agree to intervene in what would have been to them internecine provincial politics. The behavior of the Sanhedrin, such as spitting on Jesus, would have been just as shocking to people then as would similar action by the members of the United States Supreme Court today. If Pilate had agreed to take the case, he would not have permitted an unruly mob to have remained present, let alone have a say in the trial. While the Romans courts, like all courts, surely freed the guilty and executed the innocent, they never would have publicly declared their intention to do so any more than would any modern court; Pilate's acquiescence in granting the mob Barabbas in exchange for Jesus is incomprehensible. Finally, had Pilate actually acted as described, Rome would have had his head on a platter, figuratively if not literally, for letting a mob dictate his actions as well as for general gross misconduct.

In short, if even one aspect of the trial happened as described, it would have caught the attention--and raised the ire--of a great many important people in the region and beyond. If all of it happened as described, it would have been the most scandalous trial of the millennium.


The crucifixion

While there are undoubtedly many people who were crucified who remain unknown to history, various records of countless crucifixions survive. Romans saw crucifixion as a most ignominious way to die, and, as such, crucifixions often caught the attention of local historians. Sometimes Romans would crucify hundreds of people a day, but they also crucified people singly or in small groups. Josephus records many of these, including that of a Jesus who was the son of a man named Stada, but nobody recorded any crucifixion of a charismatic rebel preacher who could be mistaken for Jesus Christ.


Portents at Jesus's death

The Gospels record ominous portents as having occurred at the time of Jesus's death. As recorded in Matthew 27:45-54 and similarly in the other synoptic Gospels, a three-hour darkness was "over all the land"; the veil of the temple was rent; there was an earthquake; and the graves opened and dead saints "appeared unto many" in Jerusalem.

No eclipse would have been astronomically possible at the time; Pesach, according to the lunar calendar, always is celebrated with the start of the full moon, and eclipses can only happen when the moon is new. Further, no eclipse ever lasts for more than a few minutes--let alone three hours. No account of this most remarkable event, visible from "all the land," can be found outside the Gospels.

Records of major earthquakes from the period are rather comprehensive, yet no recorded earthquake happened at a time when the crucifixion could have happened.

The rending of the veil of the temple would have been a most remarkable occurrence, yet it remained intact until the temple was destroyed in 70 CE.

Had presumably all the graves in the area been opened and a corresponding number of dead saints "appeared unto many" in Jerusalem, it is absolutely certain that those many would have reported the fact, yet none did.


The Resurrected Jesus

Acts 1:3 says that, for forty days after his resurrection, Jesus continued his ministry, yet no extra-Biblical record can be found of the most remarkable fact of a man, very publicly executed, continuing to do for over a month that which got him executed in the first place.


The Ascension

According to Acts 1:9, Jesus Ascended to Heaven from atop Mount Olivet, which would have been in full view of all of Jerusalem. Once more, no account of the Ascension can be found outside of the Bible.


They're selling tickets to the crusifiction
They're painting the sign posts red
"This thing should never have happened"
Some Jewish Rabi said
Jesus looks out over the crouds
They're blank faces all to see
As he cries out to his god in anguish
"Hast Thow forsaken me?
And off in the distance
He hears the tolling of a bell
As Jesus closes his eyes to forget it all
And so descends to Hell

Observers of bestial habbit
Who pull sheep out of ruts
Pass the hours merrily
Doing things with each other's butts
The sky is suddenly a blaze
The shepherds are filled with fright
"You can have it all right now
If you just come to the light"
And the three wise men are homeward bound
The shepherds to not tell
Sad tales of genocide
With its origens in Hell

Mary Magdolane is very "easy"
"Seek His salvation", she says
From a delapedated flop-house
Just outside Juarez
In comes the rich young man he's moaning
About the loss of his property
She says, "You must surrender your soul
if you ever want to be free"

I forget the rest of the words. This is from "See You In Hell", which I wrote in August of 1979, nine verses worth, to the tune of "Desolation Row" by Bob Dylan.

"It Takes One To Know One"

If Sixty Minutes is right the "Pierre de Sion" or whatever it's called is a complete fraud that was formed in 1952 or something by a man a "legond in his own mind", who died in 1990 or something. I guess his son, "Jesus" is still around. It would seem there is no real secret to Renes Le Chateau. Biship Soonierre really didn't discover any "treasure" or any secret at all about Jesus to blackmail the church with. It seems he was just guilty of the crime of "selling masses" or "Simony", as it is called. I am not ready to abandon all yet. Perhaps the Di Vinci Code is less than factual, but "The Jesus Story" is less than that, as you can see for yourself reading above. Of course there are still those mysterious "stations of the cross" paintings in that Chapel. One showed Jesus in a Scottish kilt, whereas another showed some desciples taking the body of Jesus out of the tomb under a full moon. As you know Jewish burial custom demands that bodies be burried the same day, and before sun down to avoid ritual uncleanness. This would be particularly important for celebrating a Jewishy holiday. I think the Di Vinci Code still has enough facts to make seeing it worth-while. Christrianity is like a floating ice burg. It's massive; it's dangerous, but it has no roots. When the heat is on people seem to keep sliding off of it finding it harder to maintain their "grip of faith" than they used to. One of these days after a bout of turning up the heat of truth, the ice berg will break up entirely. (Selah)