Monday, July 03, 2006

Measuring up to the Impossible

I would like to put forth a proposition. "He who measures up to the Impossible doesn't exist". Or to put it another way "If a character measures up to what is inherently impossible, he must be a fictional character". And you see them in the movies all the time. Last night they had that movie on again about Navy Seals, only they were just called "divers" in this movie. This champion, award winning swimmer earned the dislike of his commanding officer so the officer threw this heavy diver's equipment at him and had him jump in the water with the injunction "If you let go of that before you are relieved you are out of this program". Another black officer asked "Permission to relieve him, sir". To which the C O said "He hasn't been down there but two minutes and he should be able to hold his breath for four". Finally the swimmer emerged gasping for breath at the surface of the water, minus the heavy albitros. In that case you have a case of measuring up to the difficult, but not the impossible. I suppose Superman's motto might be "The difficult I do very quickly. For the impossible you can wait till Hell freezes over before I do it. After all, that's why certain things are called impossible. I guess if you were applying for the job of Messiah you would have to measure up to a very high yard stick. "So you want to be the messiah- - - did you create the world and set the orbits of the galaxies and pre ordain all that takes place in the universe?" Some of the tasks of Messiah are a bit simpler but no less frustrating. Jesus in his last days was massaged with rare spices and perfume by a sensuous prostitute. In order to be a Messiah you have to undergo this without getting the least bit arrowsed either emotionally or physically. It would seem that to be the Messiah you have to have plumbing that doesn't work and in all other emotional aspects be totally frigid and "unmoved" on the "fleshly plane". Not only is this a tall order I say it contradicts the very essence of what a man is- - and that is someone who is attracted to women. If you lack this trait, if you were born without it, one might question whether you are a Real Man.

Many talk about building up "faith muscles". You know, there is a saying "If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" For me there would. There would be a very long "paper trail" so to speak of actions, feelings, personal habbits, that would lead a jury to say that I'm a Christian. Christians have certain ways of thinking and reasoning and talking. Other people see your actions and surmise quickly that you're "one of them", even if at the moment you may have a personal doubt or two. I guess the question is whether God could show the same evidence of responding to me as a Christian. Growing up I endlessly heard that relation with God was an "I and thou" experiance. It was a dialogue. It would seem that we're one person short of a dialogue in this respect. You know that Jesus on the radio hates the beliefs of people such as Fred Price and Kenneth Copland, who believe that God ought to be held to his word. There is a verse in the Bible that statges that God values his word even above his name. If this is so how can Jesus be against taking God at his word for things like healing, prosperity, and personal happiness. Simple. He says that God by denying his word is teaching us earthlings "Humility". He cites Paul's "thorn in the flesh" to deny the dyspensation of all healings and meracles. But I was just thinking. Would it be a good idea in teaching your own children "respect" to say to them "I will do such and such in way of a treat if you meet certain conditions" and the kids happily meet said conditions with bells on, and the parent craps out on them and says by way of defence, "I'm just treating them humility". No. I'd love to see a "work of God" in the Church. The only "works" I've seem for instance in the Calvary Chappels are works of pride and vanity and circumstance. Once there was a pastor named Ed Peacock. He was a pastor of a church that was in distress with varied congragational riffs and divisions such that Ed was about the only glue that was holding the church together. So what does Ed do. He quits the church and joins some marriage and counseling association. His defence was "Well they voted unanamusly to have me so it must be a mericle of God". The Bible says it's vanity to call things a meracle of God that are circumstance, or worse yet, snares of the Devil. If it were me in Ed's place, head of a church that needed me, I would not leave that church upon anything less than being held at gun point. Even if Ed were held at gun point and told "abandon this church" the Christian thing to do would be to say, "No, I won't".

I'd like to continue with this "faith muscles" thought. I could have the muscles of Arnold Swartzenegger in his prime thirty years ago. I could have muscles on my muscles- - but I might go to Africa and be bitten by a misquito with West Nile virus and die. All of those bicepts I had would do me no good if something as small as a misquito felled me. So it is with my Faith. The problem isn't with my Faith, it's the guy at the other end of the line. Jesus said that when it comes to entering the Kingdom of Heaven, "For man it is Impossible". I take the word "Impossible" to mean it can't be done. Not by anyone- - without some dyspensation from God. In other words I can look back on my Christianity and play the would of, could of, should of, game till the cows come home and it won't get me any closser to something I'm not in controle of to begin with, which is being Chosen by God. Jesus on KFI is a flat out liar if he implies or states anything different. He can say "Sure a Jew has as good of chance as anybody else to be a Christian- - a Jew can be a Christian". The second part may be true but the first part is an out and out lie. If only five percent of Jews are "Written in the Book" and hence are predestined to become Christians- - then that's the number that will be Christians. If forty percent of Sweeds are destined to become Christians one might say this is "unfair" but if God does it, nobody has the right to question it. If you or I go into a bar and say we're going to preach to people, a detractor might say "You're going where Jesus wouldn't go". How many times have you heard "I wouldn't go any place Jesus wouldn't go" and "Stay away from temptation". Yet if Jesus himself went to a bar it would suddenly be OK because Jesus is God and by definition can do no wrong. Jesus can be messaged by a prostitute because he's God so that makes it OK. But of course you or I aren't God so for us it would be sin. Jesus didn't become God because he was perfect, rather, Jesus was first deemed to be God, therefore his actions by definition are perfect.

You know a growing theme in my blogs is that it's really Satan who predestined the Universe and not God. We have stated that theologians regard the universe as evil. If that asteroid that came near the earth last night had hit the earth, how could the damage be caused by "origional sin" here on earth since the asteroid wasn't from earth? What predestination does is make the actions of any individual person irrelivent. It makes good people irrelivent and bad people irrelivent. Murderors can be Saints and almost perfect people can go to Hell. But the funny thing is Jesus on KFI is always saying he doesn't want Robots, and yet that's exactly what he has with predestination. You've all seen these sci fi things with computer women saying just want the man wants to hear 24 hours a day. I think of that Twilight Zone episode Peter was so fond of where this author writes up a resume of traits the perfect woman should have and then computer generates her. I think life with a computer program would get real boring after a while. Yet Jesus of KFI with his doctrine of predestination- - would have exactly that sort of relation with his Chosen saints. It would seem to me this is more Satan's device and that God's role should be to break Satan's predestination hold on us. I kind of illestrate this in my book with the analogy of the ball bearings orbeting around the funnel illustrating orbeting planets about the sun. The thing is- - if a computer program goes bad or something happens that was NOT predicted by you- - who do you blame. Do you blame the computer? No. It has no will of its own; it only carries out the will of others. You blame the programmer. This is what scientology does and why scientology is superior to Christianity- - because only it goes after the basic en-gram programming that causes sin. Meditatate on that.

Of course if you are running for Messiah I guess you would have to meet certain scriptural guidelines. Jesus said yesterday "Christianity is not a get out of jail free card". This is exactly what it is if you've read Isaiah 61. We used to sing a song "Opens prison doors; sets those captives free". The messiah must free you from sin and free you from Satan. In the last four verses of Daniel 24 it says "Seventy weeks are decreed- - - among other things, to Make An End To Sin". Sin will be done away with at the time of the Messiah. Jesus can't use this as a cop-out. Isaiah 53 says the messiah must be despized and rejected by men. Jesus really wan't "rejected" by anybody. Maybe the Rich Young Lawyer. Jesus got in arguments with a lot of people. My guess is that you or I know a lot more about Rejection than Jesus did. There were certain situations in life Jesus seemed imune from- - among these is Uncertainty. Jesus never in his life had to face Uncertainty. Jesus wasn't rejected by the world. He was thronged and worshipped by the whole world, as it says in scripture, "See, the whole world has gone after him". Interestingly the Messiah doesn't have to die. It says the Messiah was considered dead, for it says "And as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off from the land of the living". If you "Prolong someone's days", the word "prolong" implies you are adding to something- - like a life- that was already there. Once again the phrase "I will allot him (the Messiah) a portion with the great" speaks volumes. It as much as says the Messiah isn't God because he gets a Portion of something Allotted to him bu a superior, God. As it also says in scripture "The lesser is blessed by the greater". Daniel 24 in fact does say "The messiah will be cut off" if you want to use that verse for death. Do we worship a "cut off" Messiah? No. Or- - perhaps we do. You know, on May3rd. 1972 I attempted suicide. I was in a coma for 2 and 1/2 days. At one time I had a hundred and fifty percent of a lethal dose in my blood stream. I should be dead. (By the way that wasn't even the highest figure) I was about as close to being dead without actually being dead. Also with these blogs I have officially been "Rejected by the world" since nobody reads them. So we have a Catch 22. If this blog ever gets popular my words will no longer be true. But I'm not running for Messiah. I don't recall anywhere in prophecy that it says the Messiah will be "resurrected" from the dead. Only that Jonah was dead for three days. He died while running from God's will. I attempted suicide because I was trying to run away from myself. But Jonah isn't the Messiah.

We have a few other words to share with our readers right now that were written yesterday. My point in this blog is that you have to decide what you are in life; a God or a man. As we have illustrated, you really can't be both.

Last night I watched the start of Lilo and Stitch after ABC game shows. That’s the best part with the space stuff. Then I watched “Secrets and Lies” on Dateline. There was an alledged gigantic sex child molesting ring in Bakersfield. While watching this shifty-eyed old man some Romulan agents said “We’re from Bakersfield and we don’t have that kind of stuff going on in our territory”. Apparently the Romulans were right. All the charges and all the people arrested, convicted, and imprisoned for multiple years, were all innocent. The DA and the child services agents told the children to lie and told them want to say and more or less threatened and bribed them go do what they were told to do. It utterly ruined their lives. It ruined their lives with their parents as they were bounced from foster home to foster home. The old man was the last to get out. His last meal out was when Mondale was running for President in 1984. Apparently he would let kids come over and swim in his pool. The old man got out in 2004 after a twenty year sentence and had to learn about cell phones and I pods. He was given a seven hundred thousand award for having been in prison falsely.

Leo Le Port says that normally XP doesn’t feature a DOS window. Mine does, but it must be special order. You know I tried months ago and ran into the same problem and that is bandwidth. They must transmit at 128 kbs. Per second or something. They remembered my station settings, but were playing disco when none of my inputs had disco. That’s another reason to get DSL for $15.95.

Glen came by with coffee and right about that time I felt real heaviness in the chest. I thought I might be having a heart attack. I wanted to get to the computer to write down a few last thoughts. Finally the heaviness went away. Leo says that the record companies don’t even want you recording records before the P copyright laws of 1972. I don’t think it’s possible to copy protect in analog but Dad says he had minor problems copying video VHS tapes. Problems with brightness. I guess the technology is good at getting out even pronounced pops. Leo has been complaining about the people writing in the comments section of his Show Notes. He says there’s too much Spam there. Of course he had to do away with the Wikki. People flock to Leo’s site to “ride his tail winds” if you will to get their own Google ratings up. People put in a lot of pornographic web sites and such. I need to review Leo’s glossery at Leo.AM.

The Beatles were going to one on KLSX. They played little bits from songs such as “Give Me Some Truth” off of the Let It Be sessions where Lennon was trying to come up with lyrics. Earlier on KRTH they featured the music of Ringo.

Of course my blog rating is near the bottom. I had the Jesus Christ show on before seven this morning for one call. How come in the old testament Jehovah punished the Israelites only when they were bad and blessed them when they were good? Jesus’ answer is trippy. He said that it’s like when you are a kid and a parent spanks you when you are bad and, I suppose, protects you from the bad stuff of the world. Apparently the presence of The Curse in our daily lives is sort of a “graduation” to adult hood where we have “outgrown God”. I’d like to see chapter and verse for this new doctrine. Scripture talks about in psalm 23 “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want” and all of that. One gets the impression a relation with God is forever. Also once again Jesus just saying “It’s all the sin caused by original sin in the world that causes misery”. My answer to that is what about when US astronauts went to the moon. What did they prepare for the first two times. They had biological isolation suits on. People were afraid there might be some deadly microbes on the moon to cause disease. There weren’t but the scientists didn’t know that. If there were some AIDS virus on the moon I ask where was all the sodomy being committed on the moon? I thought of writing Jesus a letter but know that would be pointless. Later upon signing off Jesus said something about Heaven being learning about the sort of relationship we actually have with God. I’d like to know about that now, then I could benefit by that and improve my theological standing.

Ken Galliger was raving in his usual insane manner. He says this whole case where soldiers raped a woman and killed her whole family and burned her body is something that should not be discussed in the same breath as the war. It should be virtually dismissed as irrelevant. I get that impression. You could say the same thing about Jesus’ crucifixion. It was just an “isolated act” and had no relevance to the overall morality of the Jewish race. But nobody is making that argument. As we said on a blog from July 2004, if there was a great legal injustice done it should be protested vehimately and the people who did it should be put on notice. They should recall Pilate and de frock Chaiaphus, if you want to go there. Nobody ever talked about that. There was no talk of any political or legal reform in Palestinian politics. Ken Galliger is upset with what he calls the “colored” version of the news. (I could do something with that- - ) This version says “You see. That’s why I’m against the war”. Galliger doesn’t think the number of military atrocities should be relevant in war. The other case Ken talked about was Guantanamo bay. Justice Thomas called it a “plurality” decision because apparently Justice Kennedy had doubts about certain parts of the majority decision. That only underscores the necessity of getting another liberal on the bench. According to Ken of course Bush has dictatorial authority to bypass congress. Though that guy with him said that congress was consulted after W W II. That fact was glossed over. Ken also did a thing on Biola College and no premarital sex regulations. He as a reporter asked a guy about his Ex girlfriend and the guy refused to comment. One might draw the “adverse inference” that there was something about their relation, for instance, that they were having sex, that the guy didn’t want to admit. If so he wasn’t “protecting his virginity” as such regulations imply. If you’ve lost your virginity I don’t see the point.

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