Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Big Come-uppance

The name of this blog is karmic suicide. People want to believe that bad things happen to bad people and good things unexpectedly happen to good people. I think a lot of times with Karma there's a "bill" or perhaps credit done in a previous life that is influencing the events in this one. It's the only thing I can see that makes any sense. There is an addage of "Life's not fair", and the Bible tells us in this life we are ruled by "The Lord of this World", which is Satan. He's basically the one you need to petition. I thought the soap opera character Samantha was going to get her comeuppance on Thursday but as I had previous predicted on a posting, she spit the hook once again. By refusing to come clean with the truth she was able to bluff her way out of another deception of people. You can't tell a soap opera character, "Come clean and it will go easier for you". President Clinton took polls that showed if he lied about his actions he'd be better off than if he came clean. Nobody seems to believe in a god of justice to whom we are accountable, if not in this life then in the next. It just means there's another ticking timebomb for later (when it will do even more damage) That's how soap operas work. People never come clean unless they absolutely have to and sometimes, not even then. (Selah)

I myself had a boomerang monitery expense come up to bite me in the ass last Wednesday. Someone didn't cash a check that was in excess of six months old. The bank refused to cash it so they came after me. At a time when you instantly need over three hundred dollars in cash as of "yesterday" you fast find out who your friends are, and who aren't. It seems as if I am held to a higher standard than most other people on a lot of issues. Some people like seeing you down in a hole. It's what they've been waiting and even hoping for, and now that you're there, they're going to waste no oppertunity to gloat. That's karma for you. In my prophecy book one of my lines was that "NOW comes sooner than you think" ie. the moment of accountability. The thing is for certain people it never seems to come. Not in this life.

It's Been six days since I've done any blog posting at all and I suppose you readers are a bit confused as to where to find me at any given moment since I've been jumping around from blog to blog adding postings. Today is July lst. A lot has happened in the news lately. We got the state budget passed on time for the first time in six years and the Governater is obviously proud of himself and the new "bi-partisen spirit" of the state legeslature. We have learned that the outgoing Prime Minester of Japan is an Elvis fanatic. He's even selling a CD in his own country of his favorite Elvis hits. He visited Graceland with the President and even likes to sing Elvis songs once he's had a little sake. We're learned that the Space Adminestration is not above taking a little risks with the lives of astronauts. Considering how President Bush has cut NASA's budget, I guess I can't blame them for wanting to take every oppertunity for a launch. We have learned that the Supreme Court is poised for a gigantic lurch to the right if they just get one more hard-right justice confirmed. This could happen before Bush leaves office. One of the five remaining liberals could retire or die and Bush would have his rubber stamp conservative Court that would approve anything any conservative Bush or any successor does, in terms of setting up whatever unconstitutional govt. program he cares to. I think it's time for the Democrats to put the wagons in a circle in a do or die effort to defend the camp against attack. With Roberts and Allito the democrats basically rolled over and played dead. This sort of attitude cannot be allowed to continue in the future.

Now doctors and lawyers are leaving Iran because they think there’s going to be trouble. That’s a bad sign. The elite of their society don’t trust our troops. That’s another reason to be against the war. Also it was revealed that our government was tracing bank accounts from Europe that terrorists might use. The New York Times broke the story and now George Bush is madder at the New York Times than whoever in his administration leaked the story. It’s like the Times was being “set up”. General Casey met with the President and they will be drawing down troops to 50,000 by the end of next year. This is a “leak” but a “planned leak”. Nobody is complaining.

Rush Limbaugh is in trouble for taking Viagra and not having his name on the prescription bottle but instead that of his doctor. This is a violation of his drug probation and he just made that deal two months ago. People say now Rush may do some actual prison time. I’ll believe it when I see it. If he’s obeist and has high blood pressure he’d a logical candidate for erectile dysfunction. I guess the blogosphere is running with it.

In soap land Lexi was called over to the apartment by Lucas to lay it on everybody. Philip is now mad at Sean for saying he knows first hand what it’s like to lose a love. Mimi fell apart. I have absolutely no sympathy for her. I have little sympathy for Bo as far as Hope is concerned. As for Philip, one of these days he’ll have to wake up and smell the coffee. He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance, but the truth will hurt. He didn’t so much win Belle as he stole her from Sean. Allester Crane appears to be on his last legs. His security force is breaking down and the wrong people are getting in. Now Luis knows Beth and probably Marty are alive. Evil may be close to being vanquished. Rebecca offered Julian a divorce, I think. T. C. got into a car wreck. Teresa is inching ever closer to her long coveted victory.

Isrial is attacking Gaza. It’s 1967 all over again. Isrial is engaging in a preemptive war. They have been doing that sonic boom air flight terror campaign over the Palistinian families for months. They’ve been looking forward to this. Personally I don't think Isrial needs the bad P R they're going to get out of this incursion, and it makes them look like Indian givers.

They’ve had seven or more inches of rain in the Middle Atlantic States and Washington DC in the past day. Govt. buildings are flooded. More rain is predicted. Who is to say whether global warming is involved.

The Flag burning amendment went down to defeat by one vote. It failed with sixty six senators voting Yes. If it had just passed there they say that it would have easily passed ¾ of the state legislatures. That’s an eye opener.

Now they really do want to ban smoking in cars when children are inside, and they also recommend your not smoking inside your home with children present. Yesterday’s political spoof is becoming today’s reality.

Lexi still hasn’t told Sammy the truth about she and Sammy. Only that Sammy was blackmailing her. Kate and Will came in at the last minute and the group broke up into all these conversations. Bo still thinks it could be his baby. Hope said something about how she’s been “spotting for months” whatever that means. Jack spent the day arguing with his family about leaving. Passions was kind of a wild free-for-all. Miguel and Kay were in bed. That Norma sure adds spice to the conversation. I guess the whole Vendetta thing is coming to a giant climax, but they’re taking their time about it. Right now it looks as if a May Sweeps promo will be headed on into July.

There was a fill in host for Larry Elder. I actually tuned in at two thinking it was three then it dawned on me. The host talked about our all-encompassing anti smoking regulations. He and his callers were saying we should allow smoking in restaurants and especially bars, and that 2nd. smoke is a crock; it’s “Junk science”. I’m inclined to agree. Like Global Warming, once the P C bandwagon gets going funding dries up for any scientist who doesn’t go along with the pack. He had global warming on at four. He says Greenland and Antarctica as far as their land mass is concerned are actually getting colder, and it’s only the surface area that’s warming, and that’s because of some hurricane cycle in the Atlantic. The latest “warm cycle” started in 1995. Sea ice is no threat to raise the sea level if it melts. He admits CO2 is up 30% or something and that the temperature of the planet has gone up one degree in the last century.

The stock market is way up today and housing sales are up and not down. The Feds hiked the interest rate to 5.25 percent. Apparently they are about to say they are on the verge of making this the last interest rate hike.

The rain and flooding in the Middle Atlantic isn’t so much of a problem now.

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