Well today is September 19th. In three days or so we will be entering the fall season. Thankfully the weather still feels like summer. But is it a season where we move out of the Summer of liberalisum into the Winter of conservatisum? Ask Michal Dukakis. He knows all about how polls can shift with the tides and times. They've been having these candidate debates on Meet the Press and after reviewing the Pennsylvania contest with Santaurum, and the Virginia contest with Allan, the contrast between democrat and republican is a little blurred in my mind. It's not all that obvious whom I should vote for. Allan had the "Macacca" statement, but his democratic has a problem with equal rights for women in the military and has made many statements over the years hostile to women. Bush himself did a major melt-down last Friday at the news conference. I don't even know why he has them any more. All he does is get up there in ramble like Captain Queeg or somebody, burrying himself in his own cliches. He long since has stopped responding to the reporters questions. Just call him Mister Tar Heel because his position on everything is intransigent. Torture is good - - and America is under attack. Today in his UN Speech it wasn't twenty seconds into his speech before he brings up the specter of 9 - 11. But rather than contrast those "dark days" with some new spirit of world unity and human enlightenment brought about by American flexibility- - - Bush trots out the same laundry list of issues and salutes all the countries where America has influence over their dictatorships. They say Bush is up over ten points in the polls. That's what the media tells us so I guess it has to be true. I haven't commented on that propaganda piece that ABC had on last week. Some would say it was fiction punctuated by a Presidential speech in the twilight zone. I myself thought it was a pretty good movie. I'm inclined to allow for a little artistic license to make a point, and I believe the point was made. Arabs are nuts and we people in America were woefully unprepared for what befell us. I think we're all much more atune and alert now and have our eyes open to little hints and cues that a person's conduct at the airport just isn't right. We need to learn from our mistakes, and I believe we have.
There's one thing I do hate and that is the rewriting of history. When I was a kid in the early sixties apparently some grammar school kids were being sent home with a copy of the Mayflower Compact, and the opening words are supposidly, "In the name of God". Some of the liberals on the school board thought it was a John Birch conspiracy to indoctrinate our kids or something with religion. The historic fact is that those people were much more God conscious than we are today. Jefferson was a diest, but then again, so is anyone who believes in Predestination. I'm a diest by that standard, and we've talked about that before. Religion is part of the very faboric of our society. To rid history books of its existance is lying to our kids. Of course there is supposidly a statue erected showing Franklin Roosevelt in a wheel chair. The thing "historically inacurate" about this is that throughout his life, Roosevelt scrupulously avoided being photographed in a wheel chair. But he was proud of his cigarette holder. Today they air brush the cigarette holder and draw in a wheel chair that wasn't there. Of course what do you think of this expungeing of all smoking scenes in Hanna Barbera cartoons? From Fred Flintstone to Tom and Jerry to Yogy and Booboo, smoking scenes are being air brushed so as to not offend the kiddies. I suppose there are people who want to put pants on the statue of David. I am also against these "politically correct phrases" such as homophobia. I wonder if the term homophobia is used in children's social study books? If so it's a sad day. There are things we Should be afraid of. I'd be afraid of rat poison if I thought it was in my food. Some history books are saying Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to the Indians, rather than to God. I couldn't believe that when I heard it. God is being expunged from our history books.
You know- - Senator Danforth or someone said there aren't enough moderates. I would like to step forth as a proud moderates. Rush says he's never seen a book of Famous Moderates in History. My guess if youre a tight rope walker, political ballance is a good thing. In Yoga ballance is seen as a good thing, along with the yin and yang in Taoisum. Moderates see things as they are and act on them, rather than as a slogan shouted accross a political aisle. Ken Galliger was talking about all the Hollywood Celebreties that speak out on political issues. I think people should speak out on political issues. My lament as a Christian was that the denomination I was in wouldn't take a stand on anything using the excause that "Christians are above that sort of thing". People, including actors and preachers have every right to speak out on an issue. What would you say? Do celebreties comprize perhaps 35% of all the voices in the media you hear on politics? What percentage of the population in the world is comprised by Hollywood Celebreties? Perhaps .00004% Perhaps less? Anyhow, Ken Galliger was upset at some statement Rosey O Donald made about the Christian right? I don't agree with anything Rosey says anyhow. If she were still on I'd never watch her. Everything she says annoys me. Of course now they have some movie that I didn't know was a documentary of an actual Cult led by Becky - so & so about some youth movement. I thought the movie was just another hollywood liberal parody they like to do. Believe me as an ex Christian I know the real thing from a fake hollywood production - and this was definitely a fake hollywood production. Of course now the Pope is expressing some of the truth about what Moslems are actually like. The pope quoted some leader from the Middle Ages. The proof of the truth of what the Pope said was demonstrated in the violence the Moslems subsequently showed against Christian churches. If I were the Pope I wouldn't have apologised. I'd have given them the finger. I'd have shaken my fist at them and said Christianity stands for Truth and Goodness, and we are to oppose Evil in all of its forms, and there is a lot of hate in the Islamic World. I don't think it's any stretch to say that Islam is the most hate and violence filled of all the world's religions. We in this country out of fear elected Bush. If you don't like Bush- - - he represents the Hate that you people Created. Just as you people in Iran nominated a right wing nut out of fear. So instead of peace in the world we have two war mongers. I will agree with Randy Rhodes on one thing and that is we can all agree Pope John Paul II was a better pope than Benedict.
Before you conservatives think I've come over to your camp, I'm not done yet. I'd like to talk about this notion of leagelising certain Vices, such as drugs, gambling, and prostitution. The time is coming and may be upon us, when the "norms of society" conservatives are always talking about- - will themselves demand things that may be repugnent to some of us. I saw that internet gambling thing on Sixty Minutes. I think since we already have State Run Lotteries, which I was, and continue to be against, then the elephant is already in the tent. I think the sanest thing we can do now is tax and regulate the gambling, even if it only ends up making American corporations a lot richer. Once the dam bursts on this issue, and I think it's about to, you're going to see a stream of demend for legalization just like they have in Britain and Jamaica and everywhere else. We'll be able to tax the winnings and regulate the way this gambling is transacted. There are already guards against youths gambling. These should be strengthened so that no minor slips through the safty-net. Some famous person said they aren't really laws if nobody respects them, and I think it's time we have laws we can respect. On the matter of drugs and "The king of pot", well I think marijuana is something who's legalization is long past due. The laws against the herb are a real joke, and have been for four decades. If you're a parent with teenagers, this is one thing. Establish whatever rules and procedures you want. But for society in general- - we've "already gone to seed" to make a pun of that seed seller from Canada. Larry Elder says he's a libertarian but he's against U S citizens having the ability to buy prescription drugs in Canada. "It would upset their economy" or something is Larry's rather non-libertarian cop-out. You know what Timothy Leary says, "Better living through chemistry". Drugs of all sorts are becomming more and not less comon. This just another of those "sociatal norms" conservatives will have to get used to. On the matter of stem cell research, Al Frankin raised an interesting point today. He says all these "Snow flake babies" Bush likes to surround himself with, wouldn't have existed were not invetro furtelization practiced to begin with. What does the Pope think of that? Should we kill all those babies just to show we are in earnest against invetro? I speak absurdity, of course. I don't see why it has to be either - Or. Why can't it be both - And. Let's continue research on these embryos or "blasticis" as they are called, on cells that would otherwise only be thrown away, and let deserving couples who want to adopt draw from these same test tube cells that "would otherwise only be thrown away". Society is demanding a cure for these deseases we have, and knowing that a cure is possible out there, only makes us demand louder.
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