Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Super Tuesday Results Leave Murky Picture

Well the buzz is now that you can’t trust Donald Trump because he has small hands.  For obvious reasons I don’t put much stock in the theory about “men with small hands” myself.  It seems that Donald did not do as well as he was perhaps expecting.  Judy’s prayers were answered because when you look at the total delegates, Ted Cruz has about two thirds of Trump’s delegates so he must have gotten them from somewhere  It was Trump at 291 or something and Ted Cruz at 180 something.  Texas was a big delegate prize and Cruz won that.  Cruz also won in Oklahoma and in Alaska of all places.  That’s kind of a burn on Trump considering Sarah Palin’s endorsement.  Marco Rubio has a few delegates because Rubio did well in Virginia even though Trump “won” Virginia.  Trump won the other Southern states as expected.  Actually Stephanie said that Marco took Minnisota, which is surprising.  But trying to get any of these results over Google news is impossible because they don’t have them.  On the democratic side, Bernie Sanders won in Vermont and in Oklahoma of all places.  Kasech was competitive in Vermont.  All the Blacks continued to vote for Hillary in droves.  Not to be racist or anything but what the hell is wrong with Black people voting almost robotically for Hillary.  It seems no matter how many people show up at Bernie’s rallies nothing shows up for it in hard votes.  But Black people must be brainwashed dupes or something thinking Hillary will solve all their problems.  There are five major states voting on the Ides of March.  These are Ohio and Florida but also Missouri, Illinois, and North Carolina.  But an argument can be made that if you want to stop Trump all the other candidates except Ted Cruz should withdraw and rally behind Ted Cruz because Cruz had perhaps 65% of the delegates Trump has.  He’s competitive and if he continues at this pace, he could well bring about a brokered Republican Convention.   Of course Hillary even when she’s in a good mood sounds kind of angry and whiney or something.

Robert Reich, former labor secretary of the Clinton administration, is one of the liberal good guys.  He has endorsed Bernie Sanders for President against his own boss's wife.  He reminds us that whether it's women getting the vote or ending the Viet Nam war- - it was outside protest pressure that did it.  This is just the kind of outside pressure Thom Hartman has been talking about since the Bush Administration.  The trouble is that for all of the enthusiasm in the Sanders campaign rallies- - not that much is showing up in terms of hard votes.  People need to go beyond just "making noise". Sanders does have the media's attention now and this should be a good thing.  Saul Allinsky was good at grab em by the balls protests where you put pressure on people where it hurts to effect change.  Part of the problem is that "incremental change" won't work any more.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich agrees with this saying that Hillary is imprisoned by the Small.  She resists radical forward progress or even progressive asperations such as single payer merical care, which the rest of the world has. This "resistance" can be even seen in liberal talk shows that are 95% pro Bernie Sanders for President in terms of people who watch the show, yet the hosts of these shows feel compelled to somehow "rein these supporters in" in terms of their enthusiasm for progressive causes.  But Jesus felt compelled to rein in the enthusiasm of his disciples who wanted to make him King or some sort of "deliverer of Israel".   Hillary, like Jesus doesn't so much want to "deliver" us but rather oversee or "superintend" the destruction of the American system and our courts and the constitution in the guise of the Trans Pacific Partnership.  I see myself at cross purposes with Hillary.  It used to be that if you demanded only a little you were more likely to get it.  This is what Saul Allinszky taught.  Hillary seems to have acquired the habit of using "Can't" a lot in her responses now.  But in reality today I'm more inclined to believe Sean Hannities analysis about "Having a nine point nine earthquake on the Washington bureaucratic establishment.  Yeah!

Last night the ABC network news was all about the primary races for the first fifteen minutes.  Then I went to Glen’s room and knocked on the door.  But then I went down for medication and the line was almost out the front door.  It’s probably the longest line I’ve chosen to remain in.  Mickey cut in front of me.  Fortunately the line moved fast.  I got my medication from Christian.  Then I knocked on Glen’s door again and Ron said he was at the back table and I went first to the east end then to the west end.  I lit up another cigarette and Glen was in a talkative mood.  I had my coffee cup with me and when I was done we went to Glen’s room and I got instant coffee for four cigarettes.  Then I returned to the room at 7:22 or so.  It turns out that political special show at seven lasted an hour.  I drank my coffee in leisure.  At eight I took inventory of the laundry and made out a list on a fresh piece of paper.  In terms of NCIS I disagree with their verdict.  They seemed content to push all the nasty stuff under the rug and give the officer a pass and say the girl did it in self defense.  If it were me I’d be filing all these charges for lying and cover up and things, and try to negotiate it down in front of a judge.

This is after dinner.  I had pains in my chest just before dinner.  We had barbecued meat balls and rice and lots of sauce.  We had corn with that.  There were no seconds.  We had orange sherbet for dessert.  I went to the liquor store and bought a pack of John Blacks and then talked to Glen on the back benches.  Andrew was still out there.  Sometimes you wonder if there is a plan, a rhyme and reason for God planning the day and moment of your death.  It's all part of that grand "soap opera story" where characters get shuffled around and some are ushered off the stage of Life.  Abigail on Days of our Lives used to have regular conversations with her deceast father for the first year or so after he died.  Therefore she didn’t think it strange that Stephano put in an appearance to Chad after death.  It was pretty realistic.  That Bob Theme fellow on those tapes of Bill T used to talk about “dying grace”.  For instance before you die- - you seem to have a sense of clarity and calm or something like Martin Luther King when he realized (?) that “We as a people will get to the promised land”.   Well, it’s a good thought to hold on to. 

Washington’s blog is having a lapse of objectivity.  They said that Hillary’s war against Syria is the thing responsible for the refugee problem in Europe.  That’s crazy.  These people are largely fleeing Assad and his barrel bombs.  They also say that Serbia wasn’t practicing genocide in the mid nineties when the Clinton administration waged war in Bosnia.  This white washing of Russian misdeeds gets a little much.  I question their judgement about Ukraine, too.   If Washington’s blog is going to turn against Bernie Sanders because he doesn’t toe the line of Moscow foreign policy, then Washington’s blog is useless as a campaign tool.   Clearly Bernie said that a good military mind knows how to use sound judgement and pick your battles.  But no way is Bernie Sanders going to function as an ongoing apologist for Vladimir Putin!

 Eye Witness news is on now and the polls in many states close in a matter of minutes.  OK it’s just after five and they have already declared a number of southern states for Trump and Clinton.  As Hannity predicted- - Marco Rubio is making a good showing in Virginia.  Bernie won Vermont with ninety percent of the vote.  Bernie Sanders won with close to a hundred percent sweep of the votes in Thom Hartman’s telephone poll today just after nine.  Actually in thie survey Trump got more votes than Clinton did.  Kasech is at least putting up decent numbers in Vermont. .  

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