Friday, March 04, 2016

Knife Found At OJ Simpson Mansion

Either Hillary or Trump has the potential of being a very good president, or a very bad president.  There's really no way to tell".    -Jim Webb

In another twist in the long-running O.J. Simpson saga, Los Angeles police are investigating and testing a knife that was reportedly recovered on property once owned by the former football star. The elite Robbery-Homicide Division is investigating a buck knife now in the possession of the Los Angeles Police Department. The knife was apparently turned over to a police officer a number of years ago by a person doing construction work at the property, a law enforcement source said. At a press conference at LAPD headquarters Friday morning, Capt. Andrew Neiman said the officer was a traffic cop and was working on a movie set when he was given the knife. Detectives learned of the knife's existence more recently, and are now investigating where it came from, according to police, who cautioned that the investigation is still in its early stages.  My theory now is that OJ's son actually was the one who got into the knife fight with Ron Goldman and Nicole, but OJ intervened and tried to stop if, and got blood all over him. 

A Thom Hartman caller says there is some new "superconductor' type rocket that will enable inter-planetary travelers to go at extrordenary speeds.  It has something to do with super-magnetic pulses.  On the other hand maybe the guy has been watching too many Star Trek shows.  Thom Hartman speculated that perhaps the guy ought to be working for NASA if he's as smart as he claims to be.  My theory of course- - as far as I've been able to glean by my conversations with "dead people" is that fifth dimensional transfer of "energy" can be effected by "fungable quarks" that leave holes in an energy field that can easily be filled in with other identical appearing quarks, or perhaps hadrons.  Like a children's puzzle there is "Only one way you can get the hadrons to fit.  The energy is transferred over a "standing energy wave through the ether, so there is no actual traveling involved.  The transfer is instantanious.
Last night I got a phone call during the ABC network news that the Republican debate was being carried on KFI.  Bill wasn’t happy about that because he’s heard enough of Trump.  The debate ran from twenty to seven to just a little after eight.  The thing was laden with commercials.  So in all it was less than two hours counting commercials.  If I learned nothing else it’s that none of those four men up there are qualified to be President.  They were ordered by the FOX staff to drink the poison and pledge their undying loyalty to Donald Trump and all three obeyed like lemmings.  And they made Trump pledge too not to jump the party.  One disturbing thins was when Donald Trump responded to someone’s statement that “The military officers will refuse to obey an order to waterboard someone because they’d had it drummed into them that waterboarding is wrong” and Trump said “When I am President these officers will obey me.  And I’ll give these subjects even worse torture”.   Trump had the tendency to be very flip and call someone a liar just for the hell of it, or it excites this out of control crowd or something. Occasional Kasech would say something that sounded “compassionate”.  I was eager to get out of there and joined Bill outside and I happened to think of Ted Cruz’ closing statement.  He said that he “had the back of police officers and those in the military.  He promised to change the “rules of engagement” and make it easier to fire on the enemy.  In my frame of mind I took it to mean that he would “change the rules of engagement” for White officers firing on Black suspects.  And if anything bad happened that the officer would personally “have the President to back him up”.  An inner voice spoke to me (it was Bones) and said “Well, if ever there was a reason not to vote for Ted Cruse right here you have it”.  I was just burnt out on the whole thing and disgusted with all four of the candidates, Trump, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasech.  Judy and Paul called just after I began watching a science fiction thing on channel five.  I was looking to lose myself in some fictional plot and forget about the past hour and a half.  Paul asked me what I thought of the debate and I really didn’t feel like discussing it, or maybe it was the bedtime medication kicking in.  I told him I thought the tone of the entire thing was far too crude and combative.  On the Stephanie Miller show it was rumored that they even got into an argument over penis sizes.  None of the candidates was “Presidential”.  Marco Rubio had a quick wit and attacked Donald Trump on “Trump College” because students thought they learned nothing and wanted their money back but instead they were told “If you want the real “inner” secrets to success you’ll have to pay us more money and get the advanced course”.   Trump is refusing to settle but is dragging the case out five years.  I watched KTLA till nine and then went to bed.  
I like that song “Who is a democratic socialist?” “Just look in the mirror”.  “Your grand dad was a democratic socialist”.  “And you don’t have to wear those black Viet Cong pajamas or clinch your fist- - though you might look tough if you did”.  There’s the WPA and Social Security and Medicare and the good cop on the beet.   “Can I get an Amen?”  It seems that “Party Chairman” Debby Wasserman Schultz is trying to eliminate legislation that cracks down on these “Pay Day” loans that run something in excess of 25% compounded monthly.  We’re getting into Mafia territory.  Is Hillary Connected?  Of course there is this John Dean type subordinate working for Hillary who has turned “state’s evidence” and gotten immunity for himself.  I don’t want to be in the position of supporting a candidate for President charged with a felony.   I watched a seventeen minute Video from Democracy Now called “Hillary’s risky Libya adventure”.   It’s something every Democrat should watch because Hillary tipped the scales in Obama’s mind “51% to 49%” to invade Libya.  Hillary to this day won’t acknowledge it’s a mistake.  Hillary seems impervious to criticism on the subject of Libya and Bengazi.  After Qadafi was killed a few days after he was deposed, Hillary off camera quipped "I came, I conquered- - Qadafi died".  Qadafi was given an "early exit" oppertunity but those negotiations broke down.  The Orion Federation was a fan of Qadafi staying in power. I went to the store at seven and now the sun is up pretty high at that hour.  I spent $3.25 on cigarettes and a large coffee with Ben.  I drank the coffee in my room.  We had sugar frosted Cheerios for breakfast followed by scrambled eggs, toast, butter and jelly.  Robert Gates and Joe Biden advised Obama not to invade Libya.   Police don’t use batons much anymore but use tasers instead.  I didn’t know that.  They’ve gone high tech. 

Stu-baby reminds us that today is the one year anniversary of the take-over of the propaganda apperatus of the Orion Federation by the Taccomans.  Last night right after the debate when I was out on the benches in the dark (the lights weren't working) Mal Evans and Stewart Sutcliffe joined me to inform me that due to Mal Evans' acquiring of political power to to "proper manuvering the chess pieces" that he is now in a power position enough to exercise leverage to help Stu-baby out and get him back some of his former power on Sirius A.  Stewart has been muzzled and hasn't been able to express any pro Ukranian sentaments, because he lived a past life as a Ukranian in the Nazi party.  Now the next question is whether I can free myself sufficiently of Paul and Judy enough to feel free to express my own pro Bernie Sanders sentaments.  

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