Monday, February 29, 2016

Do Conspiracies Exist?

Do Conspiracies exist?  It seems like a silly question since they prove people of conspiracies every day in the court room.  Yet there is a crowd of propagandists who claim that not only DON'T conspiracies exist, it a virtual physical impossability for any conspiracy to be successful.   Let's talk about "Dark Legacy" about the Kennedy assasination.  This hour and 43 minute video can be found on Washington's Blog, if they haven't taken it down.  This movie makes a lot of bold charges. But there was a lot of informative documentary footage.  They showed the President lurching backward, and too the left just like the JFK movie and people running toward the grassy knoll, and other stuff I discuss in my letter this morning to Tim, where I do the font in royal blue.   The limozene driver slowed down when the shots began raining down, where one would suppose he'd speed up.  Someone signaled the secret service agents to get off the back of the limozine.  They complied.  The body was surgically altered so as to try and cover up the entrance wound.  People were running toward the grassy knoll and a few people were lying prone on the ground in this area to protect themselves.  Interestingly of course the rout was changed at the last minute and they hadn't done the usual scoping out of buildings.  Also the crowds of people were much thinner in this section of the road so there would be fewer witnesses to compare notes and movies taken.  Former President HW Bush got a silly grin on his face when he was speaking at Jerry Ford's funeral and speaking about a "lone, crazed gunman" and then grins.  Was it a muscle spasm?  Bush said "I trust the Warren Comission report because Jerry Ford's word is good enough for me".  The movie talks about Prescott Bush and his selling secret formulas for fuel and rubber to the Nazi war machine.  The movie then spins an incredible web of conspirators, all of it amazingly well documented with photographs and memos.    That assassination video concludes by saying that George HW Bush is the most evil of all the conspirators, more than Hunt, more than Stergis, more than Allan Dulles.   Vincent Bugliosi disbelieves in conspiracies, except of course for the Manson case.  The general view of those who say as a generality “conspiracies don’t exist” is to say things like “The only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead”.   Vince offers another argument.  He says Oswald was the sole shooter because he had “guilty knowledge” in that when he found out FBI agents were after him he fled the lunch room for the theater.  It seems impossible that the mere finding out that “men with guns are after you” might just scare someone off.  Vince Bugliosi would make a good Christian.  Because here it’s said that it would be “Impossible” for the Twelve Apostles to keep the “dark secret” of their fraud and lies against humanity.  And since it’s impossible to keep a secret- - then obviously there WAS no conspiracy to put forth a lie on anybody because “All liars get exposed” is the mantra of this anti conspiracy crowd.  Do you follow?  I believe often people are forced to deny their own logic such as listening to a Bernie Sanders speech.  The reason "I'd LIKE to believe what he says but I know (from my right wing indoctrination) that I'm not SUPPOSED to believe that, and therefore when I believe, I feel guilty".  (Selah) It sounds cute but does it play out that way in the real world.  There is a “conspiracy” to have nonstop wars in the Mideast these days.  Nobody disbelieves the “Caucus room conspiracy” because the perpetrators have come out and admitted the things that were said about giving President Obama no quarter- - and not allow a single bill to be passed, even on ideals they agree with.  And yet hard core republicans will call such talk of a “caucus room conspiracy” as idle talk and offer an alternate view of history where “We tried to get along with this President.  We had great hopes for the country because of all the President’s rhetoric about unity and going forward.  But in the course of time we became disillusioned with the President”. 

In terms of the JFK assassination thing it became increasingly more far flung and hard to follow the plotline of.  They brought in Richard Nixon and Howard Hunt and Frank Stergus of Watergate fame, but also Prescott Bush and Allan Dulles, whom Kennedy fired as head of the CIA.  George HW Bush named his oil company the Zapeta oil company but they also called the Bay of Pigs operation “Operation Zapeta”, which is a strange coincidence, of which there are many strange coincidences in this video.  But I can still tie all that in together much more easily than the “Socialist plot of Obama”, which combines Bill Ayres, Sol Allinsky, the Rev Wright and Acorn into one grand anti Jewish pro Moslem pro socialist conspiracy.  But I am aware enough to know that somethins you can throw names around with only the barest threads of information. 

The last time I was out back during the power failure was just about six o clock.   Since the power came on before 6:30 I was able to watch the Mc Laughlin group in its entirety.  They had three topics.  The first one was on the Kurds and the Palestinians getting citizenship of a nation of their own.  The concencus was that for the Kurds this would be impossible- - because it would mean part of Iran, Iran, Syria, and worst of all, Turkey.  The second topic was the Church and the Death Penalty.  The third topic was the likelihood of Great Britain leaving the European Union.  That sounds like a good idea.  Then there was a Huwell Houser thing about William Randolph Hurst buying up more land around a small California town.  Then it was the evening basketball game and the Oklahoma Thunder and the GS Warriors played to a tie and then I turned the station a little after eight.  I’m not aware of what program I watched then.

A bunch of Klansmen showed up at a public event at Pearson Park and five people were stabbed.  The brawl took place right in front of police presence.   In terms of the Clinton and Sanders contest it was bad.  It was 47 thousand plus to 13 thousand plus or a 77% to something like 23%.  It couldn’t get much worse than that.   Later numbers make it 97 thousand to thirty thousand.  That looks just about as bad.    Later numbers make it 239 thousand to 82 thousand.  I’ll say this.  They’re consistent.    With 93% of the votes reporting it’s 247 thousand to 86 thousand or about 73% to 25% or three to one.  Any way you look at this Bernie got a major schlacking.  The final percentages were 74% for Hillary to 26% for Bernie.  

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