President Obama is the living embodiment of my personal philosophy that “Following everything to the letter in a Christian sermon is the fastest way to lose ALL of your so called “Faith” very quickly. For instance what are you told in these Sermons? You are told to ignore people who call you names, and never be dissuaded by negative people giving you all kinds of dire warnings about the course you have set for yourself. You are told endlessly that patience is a virtue and there is an always a “happy ending” at the end of the journey. (unless of course you are at a message parolor) And most of all you are told that “Things that look bad today will turn around if you “stay the course” and suddenly the fruits of your deeds (or the laws you’ve gotten enacted) will come to fruition and pay big dividends in votes of confidence from others, and your detractors will all flee. How many predictions at the end of the Mc Laughlin group would be laughable one year later- if only you had had the presence of mind to write them down as they were being spewed out. ABC news says there was a rumor that a millionaire wanted to reunite Led Zeppelin but Robert plant didn’t believe it. Sesame Street has been on the air 45 years as of today. I was reading various things from Washington’s blog. You can’t have a risk free proposition in a world of risk. This is another way of saying either that “actions have consequences” or there are “unintended consequences” to any given act. Also sometimes the element of risk in an action will be in an area you thought had little or no risk. Many people thought, for instance, that real estate was a sure thing because we had never had such a wholesale collapse in real estate prices in my lifetime. Of course my beef against the very rich is that they truly DON’T take any risks in the behavior they engage in. Mitt Romney’s “vulture capital” was pretty risk free “taken by a person averse to risk”. People like Gene Scott who say “I never bet except on a sure thing” are telling you they are immune to the rules the rest of us live by, and we ordinary peons resent that like hell. It was pointed out for instance that is Obama were at all serious about repeating the record of Franklin Roosevelt, he would have Nationalized the Banks in January of 2009 and then held on to them for two or three years just like Sweden did successfully, and then once they were on their feet again- given their autonomy back. But the President was too stupid to figure out how much this would have won him favor with the vast majority of the American people. This Lynch lady, who President wants to replace departing AG Eric Holder, is just another stooge of Wall Street like Holder was, according to that article I downloaded yesterday in Word. I don’t care if she is Black. I don’t care if she’s purple. With all the good people out there who wouldn’t mind “public service” in the best sense of the word, do people like Obama seem to have almost RADAR like ability in selecting the crooks? Of course now there is the buzz that Obama is the one fighting for a small (rather than large) stimulus because basically President Obama was not a Kaynsian - - and is rumored to have said privately that “Banks should not lend to businesses is there is a chance they won’t get it back” and also said that “Unemployment running high is a good thing because it shows that businesses are becoming more efficient”. In short this article portrays President Obama as a stealth republican. I have a saying I’d like to modify from Patriot Radio. “It isn’t Free if you have to Pay for it”. This is true for these “You May Have Already Won - - - “ ads you used to see in the mail, and it’s also true of these bullshit artists I never believed even as a teenager who said that “Borrowing money to get a higher education is a sure fire bet because “statistics show” that over your lifetime you’ll make a whole lot more money than whatever the loan is”. Another saying comes to mind, “If it seems to good to be true, it probably isn’t”. More specifically stated “Christian Salvation isn’t free, if you have to pay for it”. I know of no church organization that offers truly “Free” salvation, with no strings or price to pay but is merely “there for the taking”.
Then I returned to
Norman Goldman who talked about Ferguson, Missouri where the grand jury is
rumored to be returning for a final verdict in a few days and at that time they
plan to announce that no charges whatsoever will be fired against Officer
Wilson. Wilson testified for four hours
giving up his fifth amendment rights.
I’d like to see a transcript of that testimony to see how many lies it
contains. In the first hour Goldman was
talking about how sparsely various western and plains states are populated, and
yet they still get two senators representing them. But you can win with two hundred thousand
votes- - whereas the losing candidate may get 1.5 million, for instance, in
even a moderately large state. We said
years ago that ten percent of the population and less can be represented in
forty filibustering US Senate seats. I
only say this to indicate that when the democratic senators filibuster in the
upcoming session- - the percentages of senators may be the same, but the
populations represented by those senators will be vastly larger. Yet as with the deficit under George Bush- -
you know they are going to holler a lot louder than the democrats ever did- -
if so much as one filibuster occurs next year screaming how “the democratic
process has been thwarted”. Keep in
mind democratic messaging has been really poor.
For instance why couldn’t we portray the affordable care act as
“realizing the American Dream” because people trapped in their old jobs for
fear of losing coverage are now - - “liberated to pursue their dream- - their
heart’s desire”. But you’ve never heard
this line from a democrat. Now why do you suppose that is? Not to be blunt but "How come in this age the democrats never make any of their own adept political moves? Is someone telling them not to do it? Is someone telling them to throw the game? Or is it it that maybe democrats make whitty remarks all the time, but the corporate media doesn't report them because they aren't supposed to ever make progressives look good.
President Obama put in
a good plug for Internet Neutrality today with the FCC. Unfortunately companies like A T & T and
Comcast are saying that “the fair thing to do is to give us special privilege
by giving us faster service if we’re willing to pay for it”. Clearly the internet IS a utility just like
our gas or our water or our electricity.
To consider it anything else would be an absurdity. But some court said that the FCC was “madding
regulations against corporations without first labeling the internet as a
common carrier”. Because you have rights
under the FCC, in terms of right to hearings for raising of rates. But what someone like Sean Hannity will
probably say is “Well the courts have been abusing their rights all these years
so now let’s just make it official and declare that you have the right to speed
up or to slow down internet packets depending on how much the person pays. But if I’m driving on a highway in a Ford
Mustang and my neighbor drives up in a BMW, is he to be given special
allowances because he has a “nicer car” and arguably “we want people like him
to be the ones on the roads to class up the joint- - so he gets waved through
in road blockages and he gets a special speed limit of 85 mph but we’re going
to lower people driving cars like yours to 55 miles per hour”.
Hannity on his show talked about being paranoid about Iran seeking Nukes and
made a lot of strident statements. If I
were president just to humor him maybe I’d have Sean write all those things
down, and then ask what the hell I was supposed to do about them. But the whole relation we are "supposed" to have with Israel - puzzles me. What if Israel decides to invade Iran and take out their supposed Nukes. But then something happens and they need the help of the United States to bail them out of a jam, should we just say "You made your bed now lie in it"? It almost seems to me it's like having a pet dog who is vicious, and if the dog does something wrong like bite someone you can always say "That wasn't me it was the dog" or you can reason to yourself "I have the dog do things to my neighbors that I couldn't get away with if I didn't have the dog". It's not like Israel wants to be PART of the United States or anything. There is no way in Hell that Israel would go for our up and coming tea party government. Hannity said "When it comes to the world's leaders- - Benjamin Netenyahoo is the one adult in the room". He seems to be the one and only international leader deemed worthy of Sean Hannity's trust. We insist that Jews in this country give up their "religious rights" and lay their ethnicity aside and embrace this "Christian nation". Yet again though- we hear right wing fundamentalists fawning all over the Jewish nation of Israel- - as though they had some sort of, I don't know, magical powers and if we watched them long enough we could learn their secret.
I downloaded that exposee thing on President
Obama that ran twenty-two pages in Word.
Lisa gave me a white cigarette when I was looking for one and I raised
the subject of establishing a moon colony to Wally and he talked about a gigantic
floating barge for cities and parks and such should all the costal land get
wiped out by global warming. In the
vintage places of Los Angeles there was this one eating establishment where the
Doors, the Mamas and Papas and the Eagles hung out where Drew Barrymore had her
diapers changed as a baby. Another place
was where Guns and Roses met for their first group photo after they just signed
their recording contract in 1985, and it’s also a hang-out of the Red Hot Chili
Papers. As you know my psychic vibes
tell me this group is not only associated with jinxes but also spiritual
darkness. I discuss this in my blog
postings. Then it was America’s Funniest
Home Videos. I fell asleep just before
the end of that and roused just as “Once Upon a Time” was coming on and was too
lazy to change the channel. I caught
about the last minute of the Simpson’s.
It was kind of a Cinderella story where there were these three sisters
but one of them had magic powers their parents were afraid of, and also her
“memories of her childhood” were stolen, and someone told her to go to
Rumplestillskin for advice.
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