Monday, November 03, 2014

A Final Look at the News Before the Elections

In terms of the elections tomorrow, this is the tea party’s finest hour.  They are about to experience their third and final term in power in congress, and then they will be out in the cold after 2016.   I imagine the smarter ones among them already know that day will be here before they know it.  Meanwhile Thom Hartman says that national public radio has been heavily influenced by the corporate right wing.   Twice Hartman reports shows where Corrie Gardener has been highly praised - - as the better next senator from Colorado.  And contrary to what he claims, Gardener will be a strong advocate for the far right.  But the tea party right has received a last minute influx of funds these past couple of weeks, and the rise in the polls for republicans is not any coincidence.  Because they don’t have to report any funds after October 15th and so on October 16th a bunch of new right wing political action committees joined the campaign that didn’t exist before, or else they were set up in January and only after the fifteenth became active.  It is said this will be the most thorough manifestation of tea party corporate money we’ve ever seen that surpasses wither 2010 or 2012.   Of course if they win according to the “experts” it will be NOT what they want.  Because things are “Perfect” now for them, if you know what I mean, with constant congressional gridlock and the LAST thing they ever wanted to happen was to cooperate with the President on ANYTHING, so why start now?   The way they have it now is as close to perfect as anyone could wish for.  They control the media, especially all of the powerful AM radio talk show stations.  They control the message and what is considered important and what is not.  They portray the President as “slipping badly” or worse yet “falling apart” or “going into a tail-spin” in the polls, yet those polls have scarcely budge a few percent all year.   They won’t talk about corporate money in congress or how it corrupts campaigns.  They won’t talk about Wall Street corruption and the SEC looking the other way, and they most certainly WON’T talk about the influence of lobbyists in the governmental process.  You WILL hear talk about “professional politicians”, but keep in hind their alternative is a corporate lackey who knows nothing about the proper business of government or about passing laws in any normal procedure, but is good at following directions as laid down by people like Sheldon Adelson.  You know all this.   The next two years will be really bad but it will be the final two years- - EVER - - that the American people even have to worry about them.

  Stephanie Miller right now is saying there is moral inconsistency because they’d never allow Hillary Clinton to stay in the race if she blew up at someone and said “Sit down and shut up” but because Christie is a big, white fat guy he can get away with it.  But if Obama did it he’d be an “angry Black man”.   It seems that Gardener in Colorado and Joni Earnst in Iowa will be the heartbreakers because “something happened” in both races to turn the tide in favor of republicans in a major way in those two races.  There is a list of fourteen things the press is not telling you about the accomplishments of the Obama administration.  We’ve had either 56 or 63 straight months of private sector jobs growth - - and the deficit is not even forty percent of what it was the final months of the Bush administration.  The average tax American citizen’s pay now is the lowest in over fifty years, and elective government spending is the lowest since President Eisenhower.   Seven more people have health insurance.  They should have learned in 2000 from the example of Al Gore running away from Clinton’s good record.  If these were anything approaching normal times, the President would have a good record.  It’s so strange that we have all of this economic good news AND the American people have always regarded jobs and the economy as the number one issue - - and gasoline prices are still falling- - and yet there is all this talk of terror and terrorism whipped up by the “Drive by media”.   The media has been a major boost to the hopes of the Republicans, repeating everything Reinz Previs puts out.   We had corn flakes for breakfast and I got there a minute or so late.  We had two waffles and a big piece of bacon, and Paul Evans gave me more coffee- and I shared about half of that with Gary, and the coffee was decent this morning.  I bookmarked the Rude Pundit blog post on

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