Sunday, November 09, 2014

Hillary Clinton Could Lose in 2016

This photo is a blast from the past - - late 2009
This is Sunday November 9, 2014 and they say it’s the 25th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down, and Google had a video on that today.  It was a time to celebrate, hopefully, a new era of peace, which lasted for a while.  Ukraine was ready to give up their Nukes in order to consolidate the peace with neighboring Russia.  It’s too bad it didn’t work out that way.  I would rather celebrate either 25 years ago as a day of peace, or else commemorate the hundred year anniversary of the end of World War I.  But instead we have “Veterans Day” one of the countless hail to the concept of armed might in this country- - which is also echoed countlessly in other holidays now such as Memorial Day, the 4th of July and the 9 – 11 anniversary.  You would think a fitting tribute to our veterans would be to swear we’d never get in a meaningless war like Iraq ever again, but alas that won’t happen.  President Obama just agreed to another 1,600 troops in Iraq in what they keep denying is “mission creep” though that’s exactly what it is because we’ve seen it so many times before.  North Korea released two US prisoners of that country but both sides were careful not to signal that it was a sign of any diplomatic thawing.

I read George Washington’s blog, who is still convinced that there is going to be a major economic crash.  That would be a pipe dream for liberals as sort of a divine retribution, but it’s not going to happen.  The logic behind the fear is irrational.  If you have the alternative of getting zero percent they claim you’ll put your money into the riskiest ventures possible.  Given zero inflation and very low accrewed interest tax rates, would you not much more likely opt for a safe investment that paid a modest amount, but it would still be way more than your money is earning right now.   They claim the Federal Reserve wouldn’t “dare” end the monetization of the debt that they’ve been doing all these years.  That’s only more good news for stock holders.   Hillary could lose in 2016.  I was reading The Rude Pundit and clearly- as previously statesd-  the victory was not the result of anything the democrats did wrong.  We don’t have one reason to be ashamed of our record.  And yet with the FOX news deception machine running full bore- - they could at this point about convince anyone of anything.   Just look at how complete the loss was for the democrats.  They lost between seven and nine members of the US Senate.  Democrats lost thirteen house members, and more governorships, and quite a number of state houses newly fell into republican hands.  If they had an unfair advantage before to do the Communications Act of 1996 and FOX news, and more by Citizen’s United and Mc Cutchenson - - then now it’s no reach at all to believe that it will be harder to get any progressive Justices confirmed- - and that increasingly Republican Governors with messiah complexes like Scott Walker and Christie will appoint corrupt judges who will about write any decision they want them too.  So like global warming it may well be “too late”.  We may well have reached that proverbial tipping point where there is no going back, but only look forward to the inevitable disaster.  People say if things get bad enough there will be resolution in the streets but people who have seen Tiemimin Square know spirited protestors can’t possibly compete with government armored forces.  The situation is just plain “bad” and I have no solution.

We are upon the 25th anniversary of a day I was almost run over by a speeding white car making a left turn from Lincoln into Holder Street in Cypress.  But it raises the question of why I'm not dead or how the car even physically managed to miss me entirely.  There is another alternative entirely of course, and that is that I am in fact dead and have been dead for 25 years and nothing that has happened in the past 25 years is at all real but all part of some Star Trek Holideck program or something.  I was talking to an insane guy the other night whom I thought I heard utter an actual same thought.  (I was probably mistaken)  I thought he was agreeing with me about fifth dimensional transfer or leaping- - via a process that defies any known material or physical laws and necessitates that thing nobody likes to talk about called- a Soul.  Normally one would think that the best PROOF there is life after death would be the obvious one, mainly that you are alive and envoking Decarte's "I think therefore I am" conclude that you must have survived death.  But I warned the guy and Joe and Lisha and whoever else was out there that- - "Of course where you are NOW isn't real and nothing of This life is or ever WAR real in your NEW existence.  It's a little too taxing a mental concept for most people to endure.  But how much trickier if your new habitat is so entirely similar to your OLD habitat, you don't know that a change has taken place.  (They have a star trek episode for that, too)  So you slog onward and count your blessings, continuing as before.  We don't know how tricky any "higher powers" can be, but probably (or at least likely) they only GOT to be "higher powers" by being a lot more intelligent and crafty than we are.  It's just something to think about anyway.

Here are some remarks from Washington's blog I actually strongly agree with.  The Democratic Party is at a crisis of its basic values, of its basic reason for existing; it is at an existential crisis regarding what its ideology is. If it does not figure out soon what its ideology is, other than merely ‘not conservative,’ then it will die and it deserves to be replaced, because its opponent, the Republican Party, certainly knows what its ideology is, and they proclaim it with pride, loud and clear: conservatism.   The Democratic Party has become merely Republican-light — not as far to the right as is the Republican Party, but also not progressive, and not even actually liberal — after the NSA scandals, the houndings and constant abuses against whistleblowers, the increasing militarization of the police, the forced-feeding of detainees at Guantanamo, the unanimous support of Israel’s bombings of densely populated civilian areas in Gaza, the bombings in Syria and Iraq (of terrorists that Obama originally supported), Obama’s support for the fascist coup-regime in Honduras (throwing them the lifeline that enabled them to solidify their power), and his instigation of the coup d’etat in Ukraine, which new regime’s ethnic cleansing in Ukraine’s southeast he also endorsed, the ongoing bailouts of Wall Street, and the sufferings on Main Street. If that’s not conservative enough, then what is? The Republican Party, perhaps?  But, above all, the Democratic Party has failed because it supported the President on all of these things: it did not do the only thing that could possibly have prevented the Republican win of the U.S. Senate on November 4th — it did not break away from this very unpopular President, and condemn those far-right actions and introduce against him a bill to impeach this fake ‘Democratic’ President. It has instead kept him as a deadweight to whatever little the Party still stands for; and so it stands for nothing in most voters’ minds. In standing for Obama, the Democratic Party has stood for really nothing at all, certainly nothing that is progressive or even liberal.   And, thus, it fell, because too few voters like or respect Republican-light, enough to go to the polls and vote for it. If they want conservatism, they’ll go for the Party that’s proud to represent it, not the one that claims not to.   And so we shall now have two Republican-controlled houses of Congress passing extremist-right-wing bills into laws which the till-now closeted conservative U.S. President Barack Obama will sign into laws, providing the most-conservative U.S. Government since not only George W. Bush, but perhaps since ever. Deregulation will reign supreme, over our food-safety, our water-safety, our air-safety, our product-safety, our product-labeling laws, our healthcare, the environment, workplace-safety, workers’ rights, and everything else that America’s international corporations want to be deregulated in their international competitive race-to-the-bottom on everything except stockholder-profits and executive compensation. (That’s how our aristocrats can beat their international aristocratic competitors, by winning this race to the bottom, this race against everyone else but our aristocrats themselves, since they don’t bear any of the costs of their war against the public and their competition against each other.) President Obama will continue talking a pretty line of liberal clichés on all of these matters, but the only progressive thing that he will actually fight for is gender-equality, which he really believes in. Other than that, we have an extremely conservative President and an even more extremely conservative Congress; and if any of the Supreme Court’s four Democratic appointees becomes replaced, it will only be with a Democrat who is even more conservative than the ones who are there now, because otherwise the Republican Senate will not confirm the appointee.  So, this country is set for what is likely to be the most extremely right-wing Government that it has ever had. And the Democratic Party failed to do the only thing that it could have done in order to avert this, which was the situation that I’ve been warning about repeatedly, to no effect, for over a year.

Here is a extended "trailer".  Soon after Barack Obama was elected, on a platform of providing every American with a “Public Option, to keep the [health] insurance companies honest” (by providing nonprofit government competition for the health-insurance companies), and of providing accountability for Wall Street and other elite crimes, Obama appointed Bush’s N.Y. Fed chief Timothy Geithner (who had pushed for and organized a 100 cents-on-the-dollar bailout for investors in Wall Street’s toxic assets to come from U.S. taxpayers) as his Treasury Secretary, and appointed Eric Holder (who had wrangled a Presidential pardon for billionaire commodity trader Marc Rich) as his Attorney General, and Obama also told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to block any movement for single-payer health insurance, which the Congressional Progressive Caucus had wanted to introduce as the left-most position for the bargaining and horse-trading that was to come on health care. Once Obama was ensconced in office, he chose the anti-public-option conservative Democratic Senator Max Baucus as the person to write his new health care plan. Baucus’s staff aide, Liz Fowler, formerly the VP of the nation’s biggest health insurance company, Wellpoint, promptly set about drafting the Obama plan. Right out of the starting-gate, Barack Obama was doing everything he possibly could to block any fight from the left against extremist right-wing Republican legislative initiatives in Congress. This drove everything farther to the right. He was thus doing exactly what a secret conservative fake “Democrat” would do to cripple Democratic opposition to Obama’s actuallyconservative legislative initiatives.

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