Sunday, July 20, 2014

Things Only Slated To Get Worse in Ukraine

With the elapse of three day’s time, it’s become clearer what the facts are now with regard to the shooting down of that Malaysian air liner from Amsterdam to Austrailia, or whatever, where those researchers were attending a seminar on AIDS.   Remember that Ukraine had gained the upper hand, so it seemed, in the battle over the country and the foes of Ukrainian unity seemed to be held at bay.  At the time my cosmic friends from the Other Side were saying (this is about two weeks ago) “Don’t get to confident; this doesn’t mean anything”  But then there were all these flights that were being shot down over the country which initially did not make the news.  Then President Obama on Wednesday issued new sanctions against Putin and his dreams of a restored Soviet Union.  Then the very next day this event occurs. Now we have the situation where the Russian rebels are in control of an otherwise un-secured Crime Scene, and have been noted for drunken orgies and stealing away key evidence, and the carting away of some bodies,  and International inspectors only have very limited access to the area.  It’s also known that they sent twitter videos they show down a plane, when the rebels thought it was a military transport plane.  When they learned it was a commercial flight they said “Well then the plane obviously must have contained spies”.  There was a missile convoy seen leaving the area with one missile missing.  It’s now known that it takes expert military training to handle this type of high altitude missile launcher- - so the event was aided,  if not planned by the Russian government.  We have radar tracking that shows exactly where the missile was fired from.  We have Putin being very uncooperative.  Many think neither President Obama nor John Kerry are strong enough in their wording- - and need to be more explicit in condemning Putin for this action holding him directly responsible, which Putin is having none of.  Putin it seems does not intend to cooperate with Europe or the West at all- - and seems to be very much enjoying the whole scenario the way it is playing out.  Needless to tell you that World War I began exactly a hundred years ago right around this time of year.  The bobsey twins John Mc Cain and Lindsey Graham are advising much stronger actions.   Passivity gains us nothing, in my opinion.

There is another “Police out of control” incident.  This time it’s the NYPD on Staten Island.   This Black guy was being arrested for selling bootleg cigarettes of all things, which crime now apparently carries the death penalty.  A half dozen cops jumped all over this guy and on the ground they administered a choke hold and the man died.  Al Sharpton preached later on this subject, and the guys wife collapsed.  Police have a “License to Kill’ any Blacks they feel like it seems.  We’ve seen this movie before, many times, and it always plays out the same.  They give the offending officers paid leave, and say they’ll investigate, but invariably the officers are cleared no charges.  The thing is cops have this hair trigger response conditioning there- - at some point they just “go nuts” and appear to lose track of everything.  (Selah)

Last night I was reading a lot of Washington’s blogs.  According to that blogger, we don’t know who shot down that Malaysian flight down over Ukraine.  It was a brief entry.  But the other two articles held my attention.  One was on abuses of the NSA.  The other put forth the interesting idea that Republicans won’t impeach President Obama because he’s the best friend they ever had, and they know it.  He made secret promises to protect crooked businessmen.  And he actually has taken actions to obstruct others in the administration from doing their jobs.  He made promises to business when elected, and he has kept those promises, just as he broke promises made to all the people who elected him.  The blogger suggests that it’s Democrats who should bring impeachment charges against President Obama.  At some point we are going to have to break off and form the “Progressive Democratic Party” in order to get honest politicians in there.  The blog chronicles, as I have, all of the many breeches of the faith he’s done with the people who put him in office.  And his poll numbers now reflect it.  He had all of this reservoir of support when he took office, and now where is it?  I downloaded the posting, which is a lengthly entry taking over five pages in Word, and the font is either oversized or undersized, with no in-between.  I also read the summary of the book again “They’re not even close”, in which over the past one hundred years, we fare economically better under the Democrats.

You know that people always say that “customers demand more and more services”.   Not only is my service no better than it was seven years ago, right now it’s not as good, and more pauses and such have been creeping in.  And keep in mind what I pay per month has risen about fifty percent.  Rather than getting more bang for my bucks all the time- - increasingly I am getting less from my internet carrier, yet I am locked into what I have thanks to Judy.  In order to “protect me” from one mistake I made ONCE (and would never make again) she locked me out of my own account causing me to use perhaps DOUBLE that amount - - Every Month- - for months and months now.   If the going rate for internet is $14.95 and I’m paying over forty, something is definitely wrong but all Judy can say is “Well it seems like savings to go with Time-Warner but it really isn’t.  But just to restate the facts- - internet speed as far as I’m concerned is not rising.

This "Breakfast with the Beatles" paragraph was edited from a larger one.  They played the stereo version of “I’ll Cry Instead”, which is 20 sec shorter than the one we heard on the radio.  They played “Rock and Roll People” and somehow I imagine Lennon saying “Peoples”.   Johnny Winter covered a Lennon song meant for “Mind Games” but if Lennon had done it, I’d have said it was a Johnny Winter cover.  Johnny Winter is an M 51 artist incidentally.  They played “Think For Yourself” without the overdubbed fuzz bass and the recording thus sounded a little stark.  They played “I Want to Be Your Boyfriend” by the Ramones, which sounds more like the Smithereens than it does the Ramones.   I had a lot of cosmic crap I was going to lay on you today, which one might call “Fantasy Psycho Therapy” (that sounds like a term Lennon would come up with) but there are too many pressing matters from this world to bother with, rather than the next.   They did a “piano set” including “Remember” a song I like the lyrics of, even if the tune at times can be a little awkward.  But otherwise how would “I Want You to Love Me” every have been written, huh?   They played “Flaming Pie” and “Let It Down” and that song sounds like what you’d get if you mashed up “Us and Them” by Pink Floyd - - with “Deserted Cities of the Heart” by Cream.

  I was reviewing my blog.  I was going to include something about how we have mentally withdrawn from science and anything that is at all naturalistic.  In the old days twenty years ago we had shows like Unsolved Mysteries, and the X Files, and Sliders, and Next Generation, Deep Space 9 and Voyager.  But today we have intellectually regressed with all this CW stuff about vampires and spells and witches and hybreds and travelers and duffelgangers.  They also like talking about angels and stuff, too.  They speak in a language all their own, and everybody they meet also seems to be one of these “special people” for lack of a better term.  Even Ichabod Crane was more intellectually stimulating than this.  So let me say again that it’s a total retreat from known academic scientific pursuit.  Twenty years ago they were fascinated with the future but now it’s back to the past and talk of living over centuries past, and nobody bats an eye.  It’s just my opinion it’s a little strange.  Now they are bringing back Harry Potter as a married father of two.  That was the series that started all of this hocus pocus type stuff.

Paul and I both agreed the logical next DVD to watch was the one on the Christmas star, since Paul has been giving the thing a big build-up for months.  I asked if there was something to drink.   Paul poured me a big class of cold herbal tea from the fridge.   It had an interesting flavor.  On the way home he said I was free to take that entire bag of big oranges that was lying there.   The thing is Paul talked this movie to death- - and I have no idea how long the film actually was but we started before seven and we left to go home a little after nine.  This is a really strange guy who has no credentials in astronomy but “looked everything up on line’ and purchased some expensive astronomy retrogression software to go back to any date in history.  Several things he said were frustrating- - including how one guy- - doing a presentation for his Sunday school class- - and out of that grew regional and national - - Fame.  That’s a fantasy everybody has but this guy actually lived it.  He talked about the “three laws of Kepler for planetary orbits”.  I think I know one of them.  But if this guy knows Kepler’s mathematical formula for calculating planetary orbits I wish he’d have told me.  Then I could be smarter, too.  And of course he’s super devout and had to be convinced by God that so-called “Astrology” was OK for a Christian.  He had all of the scripture references lined up.  He had a fantastic scenario I’ll tell you right now but just how he stumbled onto it I’m still wondering.   Now that I think about it- - if just One Guy in ancient times- - had this Sane Scenario- - - maybe a bunch of priests cloistered together- - and says “We have the coincidences; let’s make a religion out of it”.  This “series of fantastic coincidences” rivals anything the ZAC has put out.  (OK not quite- but close)  First he learns King Herod didn’t die in 4 BC but in 1 BC.  So this explains why there are no strange astronomical events prior to four BC, and not in Chinese records or anything are there comets recorded at this time.  (This guy isn’t into comets anyhow)   There were no Supernovas.  There were no meteors.  So you ask, what’s left.  Well I’ll tell you.  Jupiter entered retrograde near the star of Regelus in Leo.  (This guy doesn’t know Regulus is the home star of the Romulans)  So it did a triple pass of two forwards and one back.  And later there was the crescent moon “at the feet of Virgo”, which he claims to be from Revelation 12, contradicting what most Evangelists will tell you that this Woman with Twelve Stars is Israel and the ‘child” is the children of the great tribulation.  That’s “old school” to this guy.  Judy kept talking how this guy has the benefits of modern technology, not to mention a Star of Bethlehem web site.  I’m trying to piece this thing together.  Is he saying that Jesus was born in early September when Virgo would be almost setting and a crescent moon would be seen in the sky.  Jesus was born at sunset?   Then he talks about how Venus and Jupiter formed a conjunction “due south in the heavens”.  This of course is strange because Venus is never SEEN “due south” as any star gazer knows.  Then he talked of another retrograde of Jupiter where “the star stopped” right over Bethlehem.  Of course since stars don’t “stop” he says “Well- Jupiter was pulling out of retrograde” and this was on December 25th of 2 BC.  But keep in mind Keppler thought the figure was four BC, and Keppler tried to research the thing for himself and was unsuccessful.  But “a researcher” without naming him either by time or place- - “came across a secret manuscript of Josephus that nobody else knew about in two thousand years” and this had the correct date of 1 BC for King Herod’s death.  He then as an almost after thought said “There was a blood moon the evening after Jesus’ crucifixion”.  “And once again the blood moon of a life now spent- was at the feet of the Virgin”.  And he says Peter speaking in Acts said “This is a sign you all know about”.  But the date contradicts other sources I’ve seen.  He says Good Friday is April 3rd of 33 AD.  But Chuck Smith says Palms Sunday was April 6th of 32 AD, and if you know anything about the moon’s cycles, you know one of these sources has to be dead wrong.   Well, Paul said the whole thing was a moving experience- - and I was pretty psyched out.  He took me home and for the first time nobody answered the front door to let me in.  Nobody was in sight.  (So naturally I had to use my Romulan cloaking device to gain admission)  Bill was watching “Burn Notice” and that guy was even more macho today than usual- - a regular “Dirty Harry”.   “Oh don’t mind the wall of flames encircling you- - that’s just so we can have a little privacy to talk”.   I went out on the patio and talked to Marsha because she had expressed continuing concern about Mom’s health.

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