A Circuit Court in
Washington CD invalided a vast portion of the Affordable Care act today, which
last week I said there was a distinct possibility of. It seems that the ACA specifically states
that it must be Start boards that people go to to get Obama Care, and the
Federal Government alone is never mentioned in the bill. Rush Limbaugh has a theory that since this
bill was entirely scripted and voted for by liberal democrats, that the
Democrats WANTED this “stress on the system” and Pressure Red States to go on
and adopt Obama Care in their state, knowing if they didn’t that leagally their
citizens could not receive any ACA subsedies.
I can’t argue with that logic.
This is a major setback for the Affordable Care Act. There is another appealate court where there
are more democratic Justices on it, and the liberals may at the time that case
is heard, get a more favorable ruling.
But as of now- - the tea party is looking mighty vindicated because they
have scored a major knock-out blog against Obama Care. Conservatives have claimed that there have
been 41 changes, unauthorized or otherwise- - in the Affordable Care Act. The media has been strangely silent these
past few months on just how successful the Affordable Care Act has been, except
most of those forty million are STILL uninsured, which of course was the rationale
for even pushing for the Affordable Care Act to begin with.
The news is unhappy on
the Gaza front. As of now over five
hundred Palestinians have died in this current conflict, and 29 Israeli
soldiers have been killed. Israel
launched another bombing raid just today and they said that five Mosques were
hit. There seems to be no hope at the UN
for any cease fire accords. I do not
like where this is headed. Gaza appears
to be going for broke and maybe it’s as Israel says that “These dead bodies and
constant ER hospital scenes of the wounded coming in in Gaza- - aren’t playing
well in the media, and that Gaza will use this adverse coverage on the “drive by
media” to garner the leverage to cut a more favorable deal. Given things Putin had said, and the very
shakey basis of the Iranian accords- - I would say that the possibilities of a
nuclear exchange in the world right now have never been higher.
Long time blog
followers will want to note what I’m about to say. As you know for most of the past five years I’ve
been full throttle bullish on the stock market.
Now I’m saying that I am a bit less confident of at least the short term
future of the market for the next two or three months and now might be a good
time to sell some stocks and “take your profits” and go out and have a good
time. The fact that the market is at its
almost all time high is only a better reason to sell. Why wait for a dip when you can maximize your
maximum profits right now? Talk to me
after Yom Kippur and we’ll reassess then.
I’m been thinking about the “bubble theory” followed from such diverse
people as Thom Hartman and Glen Beck. I’m
still not sold on this theory that we are in a bubble, however I do know that
the jobs situation still isn’t good and a lot of spending capital flowing
through the system is not there. They
said that the long term unemployment period - - is the worst its ever
been. More people are long time
unemployed right now than ever before.
Rush Limbaugh said this morning that “There is a survey that proves when
the government stops supporting unemployed people they go out and find jobs”. To that I’d only say “There in things in life
we want and even need, and that fact that we desperately need them doesn’t make
them happen any faster. Even Fred Price
will admit “If counts for nothing to God that you are really desperate to
obtain something. This is not going to
influence God one bit to answer the prayer more quickly. In answer to this “bubble”: theory- - I point
to all of the great Empires of the past like Egypt with the chain gang slaves
building the Pyramids. Many a great
empire has fared just fine without a prosperous working class. But I am also aware that in the twenties,
ninety years ago- - History books I’ve read indicate that capitalization was
unstable without “broad participation” and that prices are on much shakier
ground. If you are wondering what the
stars are like in late September “The moon will again be at the feet of the
Virgin”. Only due to the precession of
the equinoxes, this would have occurred a whole month earlier in Roman
times. On the Venus cycle- - there is an
indication that we’ll have troubles for the next two and a half month- - and
then the Bull Market should reign supreme once more.
Bill Clinton is back to
his old ways. Bill Clinton has a new,
busty blonde mistress who goes by the handle of “The Energizer” and Clinton’s secret
service know when they see the energizer driving up in her SUV (?) to go on and
let her through the gates. I’m
personally a little disappointed with the President. I thought that due to his advancing age or
whatever, or just moral reflection, that he had changed his ways, but
apparently not. And Clinton has his men
trained to warn him when Hillary is coming home. And stranger Hillary’s staff is even in on
this conspiracy- - and sometimes her staff will tip off Clinton’s staff Hillary
is on her way home and for Bill to get “The Energizer” out of the house. But this blonde mistress does not travel to
Arkansas when he goes there, and sources say he has a different mistress there,
and he’s bought her a house there. There
are at least two new biographies on the Clintons. Meanwhile, Hillary’s book, “Hard Choices” is
not faring well at all on the best sellers list.
Like I said in the last
posting “Facts Are Funny Things”. For
instance- - Rush Limbaugh has pointed out that we’ll never be able to fuel a
commercial or military jet on “wind power”.
When you get THAT image in your head you see the absurdity that wind or
solar power could ever really solve our nation’s energy policies. I have heard rumors that the Energy crisis of
1974 at least was totally bogus just to get gasoline prices up, and “There was
never a time when there was any lack of oil in the pipeline supplies ready to
go”. Think about this. I have not one time heard the government say ‘Well
I don’t know if we can wage the next war or even do that planned military
exercise due to a fuel shortage”. I know
the government of course had off limit reserves, but even so what about these
big transport ships that travel the seas.
Are you telling me you can power one of those with - - a solar
panel. Clearly when you think about it
for a sober minute - - the amount of energy we consumers use is a drop in the
bucket compared to what the military and businesses use on a regular
basis. You take your tidal power, your
wind, your solar, and throw in geothermal- - I don’t see- - and neither does
Rush- - how these “renewable energy supplies” can ever compete with old
fashioned fossil fuels. Can you?
Well, I guess it was
just another day. This is Monday July
21, 2014 and Prince George celebrates his first birthday tomorrow. The computer crashed right at the stroke of
nine right after Stephanie Miller signed off.
I turned it off and turned on Bill Handel till ten. Then I went out for coffee break in the
courtyard and had two cups. Lishia kept
saying that Dr Levy was coming today. He
didn’t come yesterday. Then I listened
to Rush Limbaugh. Most of what Rush said
was incoherent babbling. However he did
quote Coach Dansa or something as saying “Well I’m not against gays or anything
being football players, however I would not have hired the guy the St Louis
Rams did because he’s gay and would generate unneeded media controversy”. Rush kept going on and on about “controversy”
that exists only in his own mind. So
what else is new. I was a minute late
for lunch and I had to ask Augustine for what turned out to be spinach soup. A moment later I received my grilled ham and
cheese sandwich with macaroni salad with raisons in it. I managed to get two bananas for desert. I had fifteen minutes
of Thom Hartman on, and then David Cameron or whoever the prime minister guy
speaking in the parliament with the green chairs. After a while with that I turned it off and
just watched the KNBNC noon news. Then
it was the soap opera. Today Teresa just
talked so much and was so paranoid- - I’m very surprised she hasn’t undergone
more questioning. You come in a room
with two unconscious men and Teresa- - but nobody thinks Teresa, with a track
record as long as your arm, is somehow culpable.
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