Monday, July 21, 2014

Half the Distance to the Goal Line

I caught enough of the Mc Laughlin group to hear Pat Buchannon blubbering away at how Putin is so mistreated- - and don’t we all feel sorry for him.  We told you about those two young attractive Russian women who were interviewed what they thought of Vladamir Putin and the current situation, and they spoke so “innocently” and matter of factly what a great leader Putin is.   It used to be that people used psychological tricks and buzzwords to sell Products.  Today they use them to sell IDEAS, and I’ll tell you right now the amount of money and influence at stake is much greater.  College professors always told us what dopes the American people were to be taken in by “buzz words” and “feel good talk”.  Some say like the lady on Dr Oz today say that we can “read other people’s auras and that’s how we know to get close and be friends with one person- - and to pull away from another.  But this one time I’m saying it’s a whole lot less “psychic” as if we actually KNEW something, but rather in a lot of cases we are being PLAYED.  And we are told what we want to hear- - often appealing to a buried “image” ourselves we got from our parents - and the leaders know psychology, and the psychology of our brains and things like engrams or messages we tell ourselves almost on a subconscious level.  These engrams will control our lives if we let them, which is what Scientology is all about.  People are appallingly mentally not that evolved at all and not nearly as removed from the non verbal Ape population as we would fancy ourselves.  So FOX news can get away with having people on who remark about what a “Masterful Leader” Vladimir Putin is- - and a superior chess player and all that.  We are told things by Pat Buchannon about how “Putin wants to restore the Russian Empire and the Russian Orthodox Church to its former glories of the past” and people who are into FOX news get off on that. 


  • Gaza (along with the West Bank and East Jerusalem) is occupied Palestinian territory under international law, determined by the vast majority of the world, as well as the highest court in the world, the UN’s International Court of Justice. Gaza cannot commit aggression against Israel, since Israel is in constant and continual commission of illegal aggression against Palestine by occupying it (illegally and sadistically blockading it and frequently committing terrorism against its civilians, including by targeting them with chemical weapons provided by US taxpayers – see “Rain of Fire” by Human Rights Watch). As documented by Amnesty Int’l, Human Rights Watch, and many others,Israel intentionally targets and murders civilians, including children, en masse.
  • Israel also kidnaps and tortures children, including by keeping them in outdoor cages, over night, in winter.   But, even ignoring international law and that Gaza is under illegal Israeli occupation, Gaza did not initiate this current round of violence; Israel did:   Western/US/Israeli propaganda says the violence started with the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli youths on June 12th. That is a lie:   On May 20th, the Israeli government murdered 2 unarmed Palestinian teens, one on video, and wounded a third.    The firing of pathetic scrap metal rockets from impoverished Gaza, which have killed no one, were in fact launched in response to earlier Israeli bombings, killings, assassinations, and arrests of Palestinians, including children.  Since the year 2000, Israel has killed 1,500 Palestinian children, while Palestinians have killed 132 Israeli children. That means Israel has killed over 1,000% percent more Palestinian children than vice versa.  As documented by the Washington DC based non-Profit, The Jerusalem Fund, Israel breaks far more ceasefires than Palestine – this includes firing of the Palestinian scrap metal rockets.  For example, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and many other human rights organizations reported that in Israel’s 2009 Gaza Massacre, Israel killed about 450 children, and it was Israel, they documented, that broke the ceasefire. (In that massacre, Israel killed overall from 1,400 to 7,000 Palestinians, almost all civilians, while 13 Israelis were killed, several from friendly fire.)
  • .Most of the wars in which Israel was involved were the result of deliberate Israeli aggressive design . None of these wars – with the possible exception of the 1948 War of independence – was what Israel refers to as Milhemet Ein Berah (war of necessity). They were all wars of choice . ” – Defending the Holy Land, pg. 35, (bold added)
      • “I review a number of peace-related opportunities ranging from the Zionist-Hashemite collusion in 1947 through the collapse of the Oslo Process in 2000. In all those cases I find that Israeli decision makers – who had been willing to embark upon bold and daring military adventures – were extremely reluctant to make even the smallest concessions for peace . I also find in many cases Israel was engaged in systematic violations of agreements and tacit understandings between itself and its neighbors.” – Defending the Holy Land, pg. 40   Israel has violated more UN resolutions than any other country. That includes Iraq under Hussein.
There hasn’t been any particular “new” news today.  You know how it works.  A few things happen worth talking about and we thrash them around for a few weeks till we get good and tired of them- - but maybe by then something new comes along.  It’s kind of like Days of Our Lives - - nothing ever gets “solved” so you can look at it and say “This is the account of how a certain problem got Solved”.  No- - they get delayed and bantered about- - and no progress is ever actually made, kind of like our political situation.  Then all of a sudden a problem just disappears or gets “deep sixed”, and is never heard from again, almost like it never existed.  We see examples in soap land - - of one guy framing another for murder and destroying or concealing evidence, and is never Prosecuted for this act.  I'ts never even considered.  Or someone gets murdered and six people are involved, and only one of them ends up doing any time at all.   In politics, or in Gaza, we are told, or think ourselves, 'Nothing is ever going to change so why bother.  Many friendships or families - - or "Life of Faith" is destroyed merely because people think "If we ignore the problem and eventually SOMETHING will happen.  And so often that "Something" when it comes- isn't good.  So someone with an addiction problem figures "If I ignore this - - the "problem" will go even away, even if it's "solved" by Death.  I wonder if the Rapture is like this.  In the case of the Dead it just might be because one way in which hospitals with ten times the infection rates of other hospitals "solve' this problem is to just wait till the patient dies, and the problem is taken care of because the malpractice caps being what they are- - there is virtually no incentive to solve the problem because nobody is going to hire a bunch of attorneys to get a Maximum Possible Ammount of $250,000, and for the rich- - they suffer the most because it might be a drop in the bucket of their own capital reserves.  Money isn't the issue- being Punitive is.  We had those clues in purple font for you down further in the same blog- - and now we are “Half Way to the Goal” to bring back football terminology, since we’ll at last be entering football season, seemingly after an eternity of waiting.  Some sports like Basketball and Golf seem to get media time year around.  Not football.  But we may have good news for you.  I’m pushing UP the date of the rapture, because I’m starting to wonder whether John Lennon wasn’t jerking me around with some of those clues.  I have always felt our tagged date was too Late anyhow, and a late September date would be better.  I have always envisioned it as a time when baseball was still being played and also in the Regular Season- - and not the play-offs.  So how would you like Sunday September 28th?   928 is a date I’ve regarded as a little lucky because it’s the sip code of Anaheim, where of course Zachery was born.  (Yeah, I had to drag THAT into the argument)  And you know- - if Dallas is playing that day- - I think the perfect time for the rapture would be at the Two Minute warning of the second half, in conformance to the lyrics of “We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now” by the Dead Kennedies.  That’s my thinking at the moment.  Some people think 'Well we haven't had a Nuclear Holicaust all this time- - so I guess it won't ever happen.  I'm sure the Dinasaurs thought the same thing when it came to global climate change.  Now California has had its hottest first six month period EVER.  I’ll just tell you we CAN’T go on in this continued state of national and state government disfunction much longer.  Because the funny thing is things are constantly getting worse and the tea party is getting more powerful and influencial all the time.  We just don’t talk about THAT any more because we’ve all gotten used to it and accept it as an ongoing reality of everyday life.  But it is NOT NORMAL.   There is a line spoken by Humphrey Bogart in “The Cain Mutiny” where he says “These are things we are going to begin noticing again”.  Things like the constitution, first and fourth amendment rights- - and a congress that actually functions- - and a sitting President who for once is NOT a tool of Wall Street.

Mom’s health was the entire topic in the car with Paul, and also when we arrived.  Judy offered to let me talk to Mom on Scype.  I had never used that before and Mom’s voice was on speaker phone, and her voice was so much richer- - and “different”.  It caught me off guard.  It seems that Mom is giving up driving officially.  She still has to use a walker but ‘If I have to use one for an extended period of time I’m getting one of the nicer ones with a carry basket” and complains that when she’s in the salad bar it’s awkward getting selections.  Mom give up her Christmas project assignment, and also her job of “passing out bulletins” in the morning.  But she’s still going to her exercise and other classes.  She seemed in really good spirits.  They had the elapsed time figure on screen and Mom ended the conversation herself just after ten minutes.  Judy says that Scype is only three dollars a month or $36.00 a year, a deal you cant pass up.

  Stephanie and Chris were also discussing the Gaza crisis.  Stephanie read some of her hilarious hate mail with Sarah Palin non punctuation.   So I guess Stephanie is a Zionist Hammas sympathizer.  There was that story again about the guy who super glued his hand to his penis.  It seems his wife awoke him in the night and wanted sex so the guy reached for what he thought was lubricant, right next to the crazy glue.  Now doctors say to use either paint thinner or nail polish remover- - but due to all the tugging on his hand, there is now an open wound on his penis- - and the pain would be excruciating.  The other alternative is to wait a week for the outer layer of skin to flake off naturally.  His wife seems to want an immediate solution because she’s eager to have sex.  But then they tell us that they are going to continue this saga in tomorrow’s news broadcast.  “Whopee!”

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