Thursday, November 15, 2012

Our Rice is Better than Your Rice

Sometimes these Tea Party people can be shameless in their hypocracy.  Mitt Romney would have us all feel sorry for him because he's apparently "too poor to be generous" like his competetors.  And he regards people who pay into their own pension funds and health care by way of payroll deductions as "Freeloaders".  Judy reittered her odious remark to me that "I've never met a really rich person who didn't work hard.  The idea that they don't is just an ugly roomer spread by the socialist left".  And she again repeated that "since the rich are the Job Creaters, if they are taxed until they are poor they will lose all incentive to be productive".  I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't heard it. As you know Hillary Clinton will be leaving her post at secretary of state, which will necessitate the filling of the vacancy.  Therefore the current UN Secretary Rice, as in the case of that other Rice, is up before congress being grilled by the likes of John Mc Cain.  Randy Rhodes points out that Mc Cain was not entire adverse to torture because he supported that General Mc Crystal guy who engeneered the Pat Tillman fraud on the military and the public, to the heartbreak of the berieved family members.  And John Mc Cain turned his back on the Tillman family after Tillman died, because the whole topic was too political and Mc Cain had a run for the presidency to worry about.  Of course many such as this writer believe John Mc Cain lost all credibility with us when he picked Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate.  But Randi was playing clips of Condeliza Rice at a hearing about 9 - 11.  She was really arrogant and cocky as a witness.  She would not answer a question directly and took offence when it was demanded that she do so.  She admitted that she had three months of memos and warnings that Al Qaeda was in the United States and planning an attack soon.  She then lied and denied she just said this.  Contrast this "three months" cover up with the supposed two weeks "cover up" that President Obama is supposedly guilty of with the Bengazi killings.  Secretary Rice went on and on about alluminum tubing which "could only be used to make nuclear bombs".  Someone said that this aluminum "tubing" was to be used as lawn furniture.  Yeah, that sounds like a really dangerous weapon to me!  And Rice went on to say that "we know Saddam Husseins plans to build a Bomb are far along, and we were pretty sure he'd nave an opperating nuclear device inside of six months.  That's been a really long six months.  Then she made her classic remark of, "We didn't want the smoking gun to turn out to be a nuclear mushroom cloud".  Of course now people like Judy are claiming that we are going to get into an all out war with Israel and the PLO "very soon" and "the media is not reporting the story".  It was news to me.  The election has not stopped Judy from saying strange things.  Now she is claiming voter fraud and that many people in the ghetto voted twice.  She then related this story about going into a "bad part of New Orleans they warned not to go" and having to be escorted out by a grinning Black cop.  The funny thing is I heard the identical story from Dr. Levy.  It seems this day they were holding an election and people were blatent about voting twice.  Judy said "The were letting people vote this time who aren't even registered".  And then we have Glen Beck's flights of fantasy about how this whole David Petrayas thing is "a set up" of course engineered by the Democrats "to make the military look bad" so in that way "If we do have to get into a war the American people will have been made so suspicious they won't trust the military".  Randy Rhodes went on to defend people far from home having sexual affairs because "In a war time situation - - you just aren't the same person you would otherwise be".  I suppose that's how General Eisenhower explained it.

"Fellow recruits.  How come the Army football team doesn't have ice for the players on the sidelines?  Answer:  Because the player who had the recipee graduated"

A little boy was by the curb playing with a pile of shit with his bare hands.  A woman saw him and asked the little boy "What are you doing?"  The boy answered, "I'm building an N C O".  The woman went away distressed and found a police officer, and the officer came up and approached the young tot.  He asked the little boy "What are you doing".  The little boy answered him, "I'm building an N C O".  The officer asked him, "But why are you doing that?"  The little boy answered "Sir!  Because I don't have enough CRAP bu build a comissioned officer"

A Sunday school teacher taught her class, "Nobody knows God's name".  One little boy said, "Oh I know His name.  Don't you know?  It's Andy".  "Andy???"  "That's right.  Because it says in the church hymn, "I come to the garden alone, Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me, Andy tells me I'm his Own"..

Someone asked "What do you think of J W's.  Do you think you can trust them?  The other person said, "Generally you can.  Just don't wave an American Flag in front of them.  It freaks them out for some reason".

One tea party member said after the major loss to President Obama the day after election.  "You know I really can't stand being polled.  I never did".  The other guy said, "Well you can't blame the other side.  You tea party people are such big assholes no wonder they feel tempted to ram a pole up that gaping oriface"

As you may or not know there was anther major theft of my property by the proprietors of this establishment, which is the second time in the past six weeks or so.  One just has to wonder now when the third attack will be.  It's a good thing I haven't had more complaints over the years because their apathy when you actually do encounter a problem is astounding, and everybody else is used to it.  I always try and tell new people when they arrive "Don't nag the staff.  That doesn't work around here' and long time residents know it.  You know some say "It's only property" but in reality it's the relationship of trust between about three people that is now broken down.  One of them did the act, and two others I believe were involved in an elaborate scheme of lying and misleading.  Once theft by staff is considered standard opperating procedure- - there really is little remedy but to move, and moving is such a big hassle and I'd rather not do it, if there is any way to rationalize NOT doing it.  Of course other things bug me like even when the heater is working OK, they just turn it off and let it get cold in here.  Or at meals being the last table served is a real bummer.  And what is most destressing is when there is a long lag just before they get to the last tables, and then they announce that they've run out of coffee or something.

This paragraph is a fresh geography lesson in the Cosmos.  I was informed today that there are a bunch of groups popular in the mid 'seventies, that are all associated with the same planet.  These are Foghat,  Thin Lizzy, ZZ Top,  Golden Earing, and the Doobie Brothers.  It seems their home star is in the constelation of Gemini.  But they call themselves Centaurians- - - the "true centaurians" even they are no where near beta Centaurius.  Mal Evans pointed out to me a number of bold face lies representatives of this group have told me not only in the past 24 hours, but also over the past year.  The analogy is one, as they see it as "The Reorganized Mormon Church" located in Missouri or something.  They claim that the Centaurians' involvement with the Edomites is a phenominon extending only back to the fall of 1965 but Mal Evans says the association has been around for close to two thousand years.  (Just a minor descrepency)  But this particular group is also fifty percent Andromeda E.  This group doesn't have that many name representatives in the Rock world, George Thorogood is perhaps the best example, and Country Joe and the Fish, and Canned Heat are others.  In terms of other races the Andromeda E's are progenators of these include type one and type two of the White Andromedans - - one is Crestorian and the other is Crestorian and Romulan also. Also of the "Del Rio" group, which in term is a progenator of the Lucacites.  Apparently they have the nickname of "the doobies" in the Federation tongue.  Mal Evans doesn't like them and we tend to avoid them in our rock compilations, but they are the staple music of stations such as KLOS.  By the way three "Beatlejuice B" groups J C was NOT into are Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, and Steely Dan.  Now today's "dumb question".  Remember that skit about "Who's on First" and "Guess Who is on second".  Now, does anybody out there want to tell me a group J C was into that was Not a "B"?

Now we are into the math segment.  I'm not sure how long this paragraph will be.  Basically I just want to impart "a few simple concepts".  First of all - - I'm not some math genious trying to freak anybody else out with what the don't know.  I'm just one bone head talking with other bone heads attempting to impart a little information they may find helpful.  I know what a bear these math articles are to study.  And you might want to check back tomorrow to see if I've tweaked anything I might not have stated right this time around.  As you know there are four "moments" of statistics.  This means with these four things you can know anything there is to know.  The first "moment" is the median.  Some would say it should be the Node or peak but I'll tell you why.  With a small sample there may be a statistical glitch as to where the most frequent occurance is, but in a large sample, logic as well as experiance teaches that the "peak" of the curve is very close to or not exactly the same as the Median.  The Median is a vertical media line  in an area or "center of gravity" between the two halves.  Remember in statistics, picture the space below the data line as a bunch of human faces looking back as you.  The median has just as many faces on one side as on the other.  Now the Mean is another kind of average but this may be Skewed.  Skewing is the second "moment" we want to talk about.  It usually is a positive skew with the stretching out on the right side of the Median.  Most likely a skewed graph has if you will an "uneven kurtosis".  this is another "moment".  That is- - in a positively skewed graph- - the right side will have a higher kurtosis than the left.  Picture random data as pouring sand and you don't know where it's going but you never move the spout.  It will form a cone. Now picture a bunch of ants in the sand having what to them is some powerful leaf blower.  They blow the sand to the right thus extending the point of the right side of the cone.  But the secret is- - they only have the sand on the Right side of the median line to play with, and not the left.  Capish?  I believe an argument can be made that random number data is like pouring some sand on a surface and having it naturally spread out to form a perfect cone?  What say you?  In my data model BASIC program on random IQ score distribution, I have one that forms a concave cone or chocolate candy kiss shape.  Capish?  We're going to revisit this form a bit later.  The other "moment" we'll just say is "standard deviation" and we aren't talking about that one.  This is the "latitude" or sideways spread of the overall data.  Some would say that amplitude should be a measurement.  Amplitude can be adjusted to anything that's necessary like turning up the volume of a weak radio station.  I'd like to talk about projections just a bit.  Images can be identical except for Projection.  You may have pure size increase or decrease- - - or you may stretch it in one direction as in vertical amplitude.  You can also distort (modify) an image by using either a geometric or logarithmic model.  Many say that geometric increase and logarithmic increase is identical.  They aren't.  Logarithmic is more radical than gemometric, and if you're an electrical engineer you better darn well know that.  By the way FM stations have amplitude.  So does digital.  Because without amplitude you couldn't receive the station, and the more amplitude or decible gain - - the better.  Capish?  Now I'd like to talk about how projections can "adjust reality to something more pleasing".  For instance you can change that Hershey's candy kiss back into a pure cone of fallen sand by jerry rigging the latitudinal projections to make the geographic laditudinal space perportional to the incidents of data.  Or stated conversely - - the number has marks would increase inversely perportional to the incidence of the data.  So that this would take the "points' off of the triangle.  That's the practical effect.  On my IQ test thing I have a maximum score possible of 138.  At least I'm honest enough to say that the test won't measure higher than that so presumably 138 is a perfect paper.  So there is nothing above 138 so why bother to show it?  But the numbers in the center would be a lot further apart.  Now picture another "scaling" example.  Take the root formulas for both natural and hyperbolic trig.  There is nothing "mythical" about a positive four in ordenary trig.  It's just an arbitrary formula number to make a point.  And most likely I have placed too much stake in "The number one" in hyperbolic trig.  As it were mystical or something like in Gnosticism or Borg theology.  Because when you plot those two symmetrical hyperbolic curves of the hyperbolic formula- - the size of that curve - - - is wholly contingent of the arbitrary number at the end of the formula.  If you take out the ONE and make it a TEN, then Ten will suddenly become that "mystical" number.  Capish?  So the curve of the hyperbolas are ones of scaling.  Getting back to the candy kisses one- - some would say "Wouldn't people get suspicious seeing the lines farther apart at the center than the edges?  Well, what about your standard map of the world where the opposite occurs.  Why does Greenland look so darned big and yet retain the same basic shape that is posesses on a Globe?  That's one of those mysteries of life.  It all comes back to that thing about "making reality more esthetically pleasing to look at".  The thing is with the hyperbolic curve- - you only get that perfect ninety degree arc- - - by logarithmically incrementing the numbers.  This is the last question I'm going to answer.  "Does it Matter what the Base of the Log is.  Does it have to be Base E?"  Not for the line hashing.  The thing is with logarithmic graph projections, the base "can be anything you want".  Indeed the reason why a slide rule even Works is because "the log base can be anything you want".  Perhaps you should medicate on this truth right now.  I'm done.  And I don't think I screwed up.

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