It is said many people are prisoners of our own minds. There is that Peter and Gorden song "Please Lock me Away, and don't allow the Day inside, where I sit with my loneliness". You know, I thought these tea party people would slink away like a whipped dog with their tails between their legs. Instead they one and all are acting as though they had won the election on the sixth, rather than having lost. And personally I am not one bit happy about the narrowness of our margins. But you have people like Senator Lindsey Graham today of South Carolina coming on the Meet the Press show, and in just a few minutes - makes more fantastic statements than you can shake a stick at. First of all the Senator stated that Susan Rice has to lie to the American people because to tell the truth she then knew would "Destroy the narritive that the Obama has been working on for months that Al Qaeda was destroyed by the death of Bin Laden and other events where we got ahead of the game- like nabbing the Christmas underwear bomber. Lindsey says that Obama directly leaked all sorts of classified information to make his administration appear more macho and brag about how many of the enemy is destroyed. Of course the President particularly wanted to keep "The Truth" under wraps before the election. This raises the question of "If that is the case- - how come the Obama administration came forth in mid October and told us the actual truth"? Lindsey raised this other point that people in Libya have been asking for increased security for months now and repeatedly denied it. But those on liberal talk radio point out that the Republican congress themselves- - defunded a lot of security measures that the administration wanted. And as to who Susan Rice would say what she did, there IS the matter of classified information. Now in a bout of inconsistency, Lindsey Graham WANTS this administration to divulge classified information, even, apparently if it hurts the efforts to find out which terrorist group really did it.
In terms of this whole fiscal cliff thing let me make what my position as President of the United States perfectly clear on the matter. I would be perfectly happy is NOTHING were done, and the provisions agreed on in a Bi-Partisan agreement (that word they love to use) a year ago August- - if all those fall-back provisions go into effect that will be fine with me. But since I am the President I'll be a nice guy. I would tell the Republicans that almost ANY position is negotiable except for ONE. And the key provision hell would freeze over before I'd ever bend on- - is letting the Bush tax cuts expire for those earning over $250.000 or that rarified top five percent of the income earners. I'd never give on this issue. After all as President I campaigned Twice on this issue making it a key point in my campaign speeches. The American people have spoken and I have a mandate on this issue. Besides in polls in excess of sixty percent of the American people agree with me on this issue. The rich have to do their part to help America in this time of need. As to the idea of increasing the Defense budget as the Republicans want to do - - I would argue that the military themseleves do not want these hikes- - and it's all to make a few fat cat military contractors rich. We don't need that. I would remind the people that Harry Truman was appointed to a special comittee during world war II dedicated to the proposition that "Nobody shall profit from this present distress we are in". Other people have pointed out that Republican did not always mean big business. Because big business LIKES big government because of all the goodies THEY get from government. This is why I made that little joke about Mitt Romney musing "Zero percent tax rate. I don't know. That seems a little high". Big business is used to better. Many Republicans have come out and condemned Romney's remarks both before and after the election as far as the government's relation to the "under-side of society" so to speak. If Karl Rove and Sheldon Addelson continue to press this issue- - they will render the Republicans on the losing end of a lot of subsequent elections. (Selah) And now here are a bunch of other remarks made Saturday.
Most of the material in this paragraph is about politics. Right now it’s the
University of Oregon verses Stanford are playing in Eugene, under sporadic rainy
skies. It became clear I would go nuts
looking for a cigarette and so decided to “end the drought” by taking my last
two silver dollars and spending them on a pack of cigarettes. If saving that money was for a “rainy day”
today it is. I went to the liquor store
and bought a pack of John Black grape.
Then I watched the entire Friday show of Chris Matthews and then
straddling after dinner was Willy Brown and that lady talking about the real
reasons why Romney lost. There are three
different explanations. Either the votes
were stolen being voter fraud like Judy says.
Romney says the votes were bought.
Paul Ryan says we just didn’t try enough in the Urban areas that turned
out heavily. Governor Christy and also
Haley Barber of Mississippi and Bobby Gendle, and Marco Rubio have all come out
against Governor Romney. But there is
one transcendant sobering fact and that is that Romney got too damn close to
winning the popular vote on a national basis, for any liberal to feel
comfortable. Matthews had one guest that
stated that the average working class stiff is being systematically looted by
corporations. Because there was that
memo of Supreme Court Justice Louis Powell, that said business was getting
screwed in the ‘seventies by the Unionists, the women, and the racial
minorities. So they even the playing
field beginning in the latter part of the Carter Administration. They put their people into 401 K’s rather
than have a regular pension system because it saved corporations enormous
amounts of money. If George Bush had
gotten his way with privatizing social security a lot of older people would be
in the poor house now.
Mike Deletore says he
pan handled in front of the Bakery and got money for a cup of coffee and
cigarettes, and offered me one, thinking I was still desperate. Mike in Dr. Levy’s class had stated that
today was his last day here and he was leaving for good in a few hours with
friends. We had that tomato based beef
and pasta casserole, with carrots and a green salad. We had tapioca pudding for desert and Laura
made it around the room with seconds on the casserole that I was sure glad to
see. It meant I wouldn’t starve
tonight. However if Paul and Judy had
picked tonight to invite me to dinner at their house I would have accepted in a
heart beat. Eye Witness News gets just
that brief interlude before five. I
haven’t decided whether I’ll post tonight but as of now I’m leaning in favor of
not doing it. Perswading the masses out
there depends on more influential people besides me, such as Chris Matthews,
and that guest, who wrote that book he had on.
This is later and now we’ve got duck weather here, too, because it has
begun sprinkling. Donnie had peanut
butter and jelly sandwiches for us and I got mine down the hall. KNBC would rather have “Extra” than NBC
Nightly News, apparently.
The President spoke at
7:06 but the Republicans at 8:06 did not seem entirely adverse to a
compromise. However I wish both sides
wouldn’t use the term “fiscal cliff”.
It’s inaccurate. Dr. Levy convened the
class at ten after eight. He did not
have coffee for me as he had implied, and he left his wallet at home. Neither did he have any breakfast bars. He had promised both. Neither did he have any sort of lesson
plan. We talked about the Gaza and
Israel situation and that issue is clarified for me a little. I never knew that the port of Heifa was to
the north. In my mind I mixed it up with
Joppa in the Bible. This class session
was a bigger bunch of nothing than usual.
He joked about people having multiple Jewish birthdays and multiple
Chinese birthdays. He confirmed that
when you’re born in China you’re already considered one year old. This should give them a disadvantage in the
Olympics or more specifically, age related athletic competition. We found out that the Vince guy and Joe
Drisco and Dr. Levy all lived in Chicago.
He asked about other teachers here “hired by the college district”. Dr. Levy did not even have any change in his
car, he says. And he spent what he had
on a cup of coffee. It was the CO Q 10 and resveritrol thing on
KTLK, trotted around the block once more.
I was looking forward to Melinda Lee and the Thanksgiving segment, but I
fell asleep and missed most of it.
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