Friday, November 16, 2012
Are Israel and the PLO Headed for War?
We know that Hammas and the PLO have been firing rockets into Israel in places like Tel Aviv sixty miles away for months, but that a huge number of the incidents have occurred within the past few days, and ABC news made it sound like we were headed for war any day now. There are complaints about firing in civilians from both sides and thirty Palistinians in Gaza have been killed in the last two days. People like Judy think it's all a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Actually the people in Gaza in particular and the West Bank in general have been slighted and given inferior status in kind of a foreigner Aparteit. The Obama Administration appears to have taken little interest in the war but if we believe people on the Right, they want to intervene on behalf of the PLO to keep Israel from wiping them out. Meanwhile Netenyahoo states that Israel's response has been "restrained" and directed only at "targets". We'll all just have to stay tuned. Mal and Stu say that astrological indicators are more sympathetic to the PLO than one might think just by looking at the evidence.
John Mc Cain and Linesey graham today advocated for a special select Senate comittee to investigate why the Obama administration "lied" about the four deaths in Bengazi two months ago. If they want to organize such a committee naturally I'd be curious to watch. It seems General Petrayas testified behind closed doors today and so the hearing was not carried on C-Span but only the interviews done on it afterwards. Some are saying that Petrayas was "set up" and it's a plot by the Republicans to "make the military look bad" in case the US is needed in another war. Personally I think the whole scandal will blow over- eventually. I used Lindsey Graham's photo rather than the one of Mc Cain taken the same time, because that image looks a little sharper to me.
British Petroleum was fined a lot of money by the federal government in what ammounts to a slap on the wrist because whatever they are fined is pocket change to them since they are so rich. Eleven workers were killed and that makes it at least second degree murder right there in my oppinion because these men had a virtual death sentense imposed on them from the glairing, known unsafe working conditions. They should at least be barred from drilling for a year and be barred from any new federal government leases. Some have suggested the "corporate death plenalty". Of course Corporations have become more blatent in their contempt for their workers. Papa John's pizza wants to fire a lot of workers and cut hours and salaries in some sort of misplaced protest against the Affordable Care act. And now Denny's is getting into the act with cut backs in hours and salaries of their workers. The thing is - corporations are far from languishing considering that common stock prices have doubled since Obama took office. But you don't hear the tea party talking about that. Meanwhile Hostess is going out of business, and I suppose many health freaks would call it good riddance to bad rubbish. Personally I'll miss their fruit pies, and some times i even buy their chocolate cream filled cup cakes. Of course Wonderbread has always been a nutritional disaster. Who would have guess what a trend Chick Filet started last summer with their politicization of commerce?
I'll be routing for USC in tomorrow's crosstown rivelry against UCLA, played at the Rose Bowl. If USC wins they say they go to the Pac Twelve Championship game, which makes little sense to me. So all USC has to do is win a game they've won five times in a row already to get lucky and get to go. Of course the usual Federation friends of mine are routing for USC. Today I thought would be a lucky day for me, Friday November 16th because that item I thought was stolen was returned this afternoon, and even before that happened, a certain ammount of fence mending was going on. I'm glad I don't have to even think about moving now because I would have to give up most of the friends here I've accrewed the past ten or more years. And I've still got my vinyl record collection over at Dr. Levy's house. On this date November 16th of 1973 I bought a certain album- - and you regular readers of mine know which one that is.
We are surprised by the adverse metamorphisus that occurs in real life people like John Mc Cain, so that now they bear little resenblance to the person they once were. But also in soap land they can get even major predictable characters such as John Black. He's willing to let a highly manipulative and dangerous women he was once in love with undermine his marriage, and trusts her words and her judgements over and above those of his own wife, who any other time he would trust inplicitly. We know that the tea party wants you NOT to trust the traditional things, uplifting things, perhaps things you learned in school or from your main stream Protestent church of old, that you have trusted in - - - but now you have developed a sudden amnesia of "who you are" as if your entire higher reasoning centers had been made inopperative - - - to make your mind an "empty vessel" to be filled up with whatever propaganda they choose to fill it with. To use computer lingo, it's as though your very Mind had been "hacked" by some virus writer - - - which many say enters through some "moment of unconcious trauma" through some personal "mental black hole" that you are not even consciously aware of. And you know that a lot of this is dog whistle and subcontious- - and subliminal reinforcements of prejudices you thought were long and burried but now have been fanned anew into a raging inferno. The tea party can't tempt me in this way- - but it seems there are an awful lot of closet biggots out there. I was disconcerted to find out that even though women at large are for Obama that married women 53% or just over half of them, voted for Romney. So somehow they fill the stereotype of the mindless 'stepford wife" that believes whatever her husband TELLS her is true. She is in Pastor Mark's termanology "her covering" that envelops and protects her from the Reality of the World that she might somehow find "upsetting". Kind of like Charles Boyer did to Ingred Bergman in "Gaslight" in a more beneign form. Many married women view themselves as either nor worth or able to think for themselves, and so like a trained parrot- - they repeat every sick prejudice and ignorant belief of their overseer husbands. (Selah)
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